CONTENTS 4 | “AD D’LO YADA” WITHOUT COMPROMISE D’var Malchus / Sichos in English 8 | A BANQUET OF WINE Farbrengen with Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Ginsburg 12 | MOSHIACH: SETTING THE RECORD U.S.A STRAIGHT AGAIN 744 Eastern Parkway Moshiach Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409 Tel: (718) 778-8000 Fax: (718) 778-0800 16 | A GENUINELY BROKEN HEART [email protected] www.beismoshiach.org Biographical Sketches / Rabbi Shimon Neubort ERETZ HA’KODESH 72915 s"cj rpf 102 /s/, 20 | COMPLETE INVOLVEMENT (03) 9607-290 :iupky Farbrengen with Rabbi Tuvia Bolton (03) 9607-289 :xep EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: 22 | ADAR: INCREASING IN JOY (CONT.) M.M. Hendel Farbrengen with Rabbi Dovid Wichnin, z”l ENGLISH EDITOR: Boruch Merkur 24 | THE COMPLETE STORY: AN [email protected] UNPRECEDENTED P’SAK DIN Moshiach Beis Moshiach (USPS 012-542) ISSN 1082-0272 is published weekly, 32 | DAVKA BECAUSE OF THE GLITCHES except Jewish holidays (only once in Purim Story / Ohed Bar Sela April and October) for $130.00 in Crown Heights, $140.00 in the USA 34 | WHAT SORT OF MISHLOACH MANOS WOULD & Canada, all others for $150.00 per year (45 issues), by Beis Moshiach, YOU LIKE TO GIVE/RECEIVE? 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY Purim / C. Ben Dovid 11213-3409. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY and additional offices. 38 | A NEW MEDICATION Postmaster: send address changes to Miracle Story / Daniel Gordon Beis Moshiach 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409. 40 | QUITE COMFORTABLE IN THEIR Beis Moshiach is not responsible for UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS the content of the advertisements. Shleimus HaAretz / Shai Gefen © Copyright 2003 by Beis Moshiach, Inc D’VAR MALCHUS “AD D’LO YADA” WITHOUT COMPROMISE SICHOS IN ENGLISH PURIM, 5749 “more precious” and “more severe” mitzvah of the Torah, they did not The holiday of Purim emphasizes the than the mitzvos of the Torah – in intend to be restrictive, implying that idea of new development. Though addition to fulfilling the Torah just then, one fulfills a Torah new development can also come about command to remember Amalek. commandment. Rather, whenever a through increasing the resources one This is related to another concept Jew recites the passage – for our sages has available, the most complete associated with the remembrance of explained that the remembrance must dimension of new development is Amalek. On the Sabbath before be made verbally – he fulfills the associated with transformation. This is Purim, we read the portion Zachor, mitzvah. For example, when he revealed on Purim which represents “in order to connect the destruction of recites the six remembrances after the the transformation of our people’s Amalek to the destruction of Haman.” prayer service on Shabbos Zachor, he deepest agony to a state of great joy. The Rabbis explain that by reading fulfills the same positive This aspect of new development is the portion Zachor, on the Sabbath commandment that he did when clearly seen in the practices of Purim, before Purim, one fulfills a positive listening to that reading. the reading of the Megilla, Mishloach mitzvah from the Torah. Therefore, A parallel to this concept can be Manos, and presents to the poor and some authorities require even women seen in regard to the mitzvah of also the four mitzvos that our Sages to hear the reading of the portion t’fillin. Even though one fulfills the associated with the verse: “For the Zachor, for the remembrance of mitzvah by putting on t’fillin in the Jews there was light, happiness, Amalek is a positive mitzvah which is morning, if one continues wearing the gladness, and honor.” Our sages not associated with a specific time. t’fillin, one continues fulfilling the commented, “‘Light’ refers to Torah, This concept requires explanation. mitzvah. [In particular, there is a ‘happiness,’ to the festivals, ‘gladness,’ It is Jewish custom to recite six verses difference in this regard between the to circumcision, and ‘honor,’ to of remembrance each day after the t’fillin worn on the arm and those t’fillin.” morning service. One of these worn on the head. The Torah The reading of the Megilla is remembrances concerns Amalek. commands us to “tie them (the t’fillin) associated with wiping out the Indeed, it is customary each day to as a sign on your arm,” i.e., the memory of Amalek, for Haman was recite the entire passage which is read mitzvah is the act of tying and an Agagite, a descendant of Amalek. as the portion Zachor. afterwards, wearing the t’fillin is merely an extension of that activity. In Therefore, by reading the Megilla, one On the surface, by reciting this contrast, the Torah commands that fulfills the positive commandment to passage, a Jew also fulfills the mitzvah the head t’fillin “shall be an “Remember what Amalek did to you.” of remembering Amalek. When the ornament”; i.e., that the mitzvah is Thus, the reading of the Megilla Rabbis stated that by reading the that “the t’fillin shall be” and thus, as represents a new concept, the portion Zachor, on the Sabbath before long as the t’fillin are upon one’s fulfillment of a Rabbinic mitzvah – Purim, a Jew fulfills a positive the latter being, in our sages’ words, head, one fulfills the mitzvah.] 4 BEIS MOSHIACH - 10 Adar II 5763 Thus, one can ask: What is the from the recitation of statement before tz’daka. Fulfilling the mitzvah of gifts new dimension which is added to the prayer (as is Chassidic custom): to the poor is also a fulfillment of the mitzvah of remembering Amalek that “Behold, I accept upon myself the mitzvah of tz’daka. Nevertheless, is possessed by the reading of the fulfillment of the positive establishing this practice as one of the portion Zachor, over the recitation of commandment, ‘Love your neighbor mitzvos of Purim endowed it with this passage after the morning service? as yourself.’” Similarly, this mitzvah unique importance as a special This question cannot be answered can be fulfilled by many other Rabbinic command. by drawing a parallel to the difference activities including giving gifts of food As mentioned above, the same between the mitzvah of remembering as in mishloach manos. concept also applies in regard to the the exodus from Egypt daily and the Thus, by fulfilling the Rabbinic four mitzvos, Torah study, festivals, recollection of the exodus on Pesach circumcision, and t’fillin that are night. Though the exodus is recalled associated with the verse: “For the twice daily, that recollection is only This celebration is by Jews there was light, happiness, general, while on Pesach night, the gladness, and honor.” Haman had story of the exodus is retold with all nature, boundless, decreed that these mitzvos should not its particulars. However, such an be observed and after Haman’s explanation cannot be used in regard transcending the downfall, these mitzvos were fulfilled to the remembrance of Amalek, for limits of intellect, ad with more enthusiasm and the very same passage that is read on commitment. Though on one level, Shabbos Zachor is recited each day. d’lo yada. This does there is no difference between the Similarly, the fact that the portion fulfillment of these mitzvos on any is read from a Torah scroll and in not mean merely other day of the year and on Purim, public is not at all related to the nevertheless, the verse’s association of essential mitzvah involved in recalling fulfilling this them with the Purim holiday implies Amalek. These added factors enhance obligation as it states that Purim adds a new dimension to the mitzvah, but they are not their observance. fundamental to its fulfillment. in the Shulchan In particular, it can be explained Similarly, the association of the that a parallel to each of these mitzvos portion with Purim by reading it on Aruch, drinking until exists in the world at large, but, the preceding Shabbos does not, in its nevertheless, G-d’s granting us these own right, establish it as a mitzvah. one falls asleep, but mitzvos introduces a new dimension Rather, the mitzvah is fulfilled by reaching the state of to their performance. reciting the passage every day. For example, the concept of Torah [The Rebbe Shlita did not resolve ad d’lo yada in its study exists among gentiles as well. the above question. However, he They must study the laws governing concluded that:] surely, reading the simplest meaning, the seven mitzvos which they are portion from the Torah adds a new obligated to fulfill. However, it can be emphasis to the fulfillment of this without seeking any explained that their Torah study is mitzvah. Similarly, the reading of the only a preparatory step for fulfilling Megilla on Purim contributes a new special license or those mitzvos and not a desired dimension, the observance of the compromise. activity in its own right. Even Rabbinic commandment of Purim, to according to the opinions that the fulfillment of the mitzvah of maintain that their Torah study is also remembering Amalek. a desired act, it surely cannot be mitzvah of mishloach manos, one also compared to the new development A similar concept applies in regard fulfills the Torah commandment of with which the giving of the Torah to the mitzvos of mishloach manos ahavas Yisroel. Thus, it is also a new endowed the Torah study of the and gifts to the poor: Mishloach development, adding the observance Jewish people. The unique oneness manos expresses the love which a of the Rabbinic commandment to the with G-d that a Jew establishes by person feels for a friend. Thus, it is an performance of the existing Torah Torah study cannot be reached by expression of the mitzvah of ahavas commandment.
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