E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2011 No. 176 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was She served as the State board of edu- tuous battles over issues such as fund- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- cation’s vice president for 10 years and ing levels in schools, teacher testing, pore (Mr. POE of Texas). presided over meetings in the absence accountability standards for schools, f of the Governor. Dr. Ethel Hall retired and academic standards for students. 10 months ago after serving on the Ala- In making these tough decisions, she DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO bama State Board of Education for 24 also remained principled, putting Ala- TEMPORE years. bama’s children first. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Dr. Ethel Hall was born to Harry and Dr. Ethel Hall wrote about her long fore the House the following commu- Fannie Mae Harris on February 23, career in education in a recently pub- nication from the Speaker: 1928. The Harris family lived in Morgan lished autobiography, ‘‘My Journey: A County, Alabama, and due to the lim- WASHINGTON, DC, Memoir of the first African American November 17, 2011. ited educational opportunities in their to Preside Over the Alabama Board of I hereby appoint the Honorable TED POE to area, they sent their daughter to live Education.’’ act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. with her grandparents in Jefferson I rise today to remember Dr. Ethel JOHN A. BOEHNER, County so she could attend school in Hall on the floor of the United States Speaker of the House of Representatives. north Birmingham. Congress as a trailblazing Alabamian, a f She attended Parker High School in gifted teacher, and a strong advocate Birmingham until she moved back for the education of our Nation’s chil- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE home with her parents to attend Coun- dren. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cil Training School, a laboratory high Dr. Hall was a mentor to so many school of Alabama A&M. She graduated ant to the order of the House of Janu- educators throughout the State of Ala- valedictorian of her high school class ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- bama and this Nation, including my and then attended Alabama A&M Uni- nize Members from lists submitted by own mother, Mrs. Nancy Gardner Se- versity, where she graduated with a the majority and minority leaders for well. Through her numerous mentoring Bachelor of Science degree cum laude morning-hour debate. relationships, Dr. Hall encouraged The Chair will alternate recognition in 1948. Dr. Ethel Hall went on to obtain teachers to use their talents to posi- between the parties, with each party master’s degrees from the University of tively affect the lives of the students limited to 1 hour and each Member Chicago and Atlanta University. She they taught. Not only did she lead by other than the majority and minority taught in the Hale County, Jefferson example; she also trained and mentored leaders and the minority whip limited County, and Birmingham city school the next generation of educational to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall systems, and later became the first Af- leaders. debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. rican American faculty member of the Indeed, my generation owes pioneers f University of Montevallo. Dr. Ethel like Dr. Hall a debt of gratitude. Dr. Hall continued to further her education Ethel Hall sowed the seeds for the op- HONORING THE LIFE OF DR. portunities that now flourish for so ETHEL HARRIS HALL by attending the University of Ala- bama where she earned a Doctorate of many. I know that I stand on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Social Work in 1979. She later taught shoulders of many great giants like Dr. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from in the School of Social Work at the Ethel Hall. Alabama (Ms. SEWELL) for 5 minutes. University of Alabama. On election night, November 2, 2010, Ms. SEWELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise After decades of teaching, Dr. Ethel several trailblazing Alabama women today to honor the life and legacy of Hall entered politics, and she was made the trip to Selma, Alabama, to be Dr. Ethel Harris Hall, who passed away elected the first African American there when I was elected. I will never last Saturday at the age of 83. Dr. member of the Alabama State Board of forget that Dr. Ethel Hall was one of Ethel Hall was one of Alabama’s pre- Education on January 19, 1987. She them. Her presence meant so much to mier educators and one of our Nation’s went on to serve six terms before be- me, more than she will ever know. It strongest advocates for children. She coming vice chair in 1994. Dr. Ethel was her light that guided the path that was the first African American to serve Hall served on the State board of edu- led me to become Alabama’s first Afri- on the Alabama State Board of Edu- cation for 24 years and was named vice can American Congresswoman. cation, and she was the first African president emerita. Dr. Ethel Hall was the epitome of a American and the longest-serving vice Dr. Hall served on the State board of servant leader. She led by example and chairman of the board of education. education during many of its tumul- was motivated by a driving passion b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7717 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:25 Nov 18, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17NO7.000 H17NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2011 that all children deserve a quality edu- equipment leasing company. However, he championed will continue. His leg- cation. Mel’s dedication to his country did not acy will forever be a part of Missouri Dr. Hall was preceded in death by her end with his military service. As a through the Hancock amendment and husband of 55 years, Mr. Alfred Hall. businessman and a voter, Mel was his service to his constituents. Mel She is survived by two children, Donna upset with the way things were being meant the world to me, and I will con- and Alfred, and a host of family and done in the State of Missouri and tinue to champion the ideas that he friends who will miss her dearly. Washington, DC. In 1977, Mel founded dedicated his life fighting for. Today, I ask my colleagues in the the Taxpayer Survival Association—I f United States House of Representatives can still see the bumper sticker today CREATE JOBS AND REDUCE THE to join me in celebrating the life and with a lifesaver on it, like you’d throw DEFICIT THROUGH LARGE-SCALE legacy of this extraordinary Alabam- off of a boat or a ship—a not-for-profit INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENTS ian. Let Dr. Hall’s life stand as a testa- organization dedicated to advancing a ment to the courage and strength of constitutional amendment to limit The SPEAKER pro tempore. The one individual’s ability to shape the taxes. He was a one-man show. He Chair recognizes the gentleman from lives of so many. We should be renewed would go around Missouri getting sig- New York (Mr. HIGGINS) for 5 minutes. by her love of learning and recommit natures. You might see him up in Kan- Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, we are ourselves to providing the resources sas City standing in a parking lot in approaching the deadline for the super- that our Nation’s greatest advocate— front of a mall in a rainstorm getting committee to propose a debt reduction its children—need. I ask that we all people to sign his tax-and-spending plan. Most economists are in agree- pay tribute and homage to Dr. Ethel amendment petition to put on the bal- ment on what we need to do: in the Hall. lot. long term, reduce the debt by at least f Through his hard work, the ‘‘Han- $4 trillion over 10 years through a mix cock amendment’’ was added to the of added revenue and reduced spending. HONORING FORMER Missouri Constitution in 1980. Mel used And in the short term, make imme- CONGRESSMAN MEL HANCOCK its passage to continue his advocacy diate investments to create jobs and to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The for responsible government and for the reduce unemployment. Chair recognizes the gentleman from rights of individuals to be free from I encourage the supercommittee not Missouri (Mr. LONG) for 5 minutes. overburdensome government. to ignore the second of those priorities Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, there once Mel’s convictions took him to Con- because now is the perfect time to cre- was a man named Mel, and when he gress in 1988 where he represented ate jobs by making large-scale invest- stepped to this microphone, he’d give southwest Missouri for 8 years. I al- ments in American infrastructure. ’em Mel. ways called Mel the reluctant Con- Since World War II, every economic I rise today to recognize a former gressman. He didn’t want to be a Con- contraction was followed by a period of Member of this body and a friend and gressman; he didn’t want to come to economic expansion; but although mentor, Congressman Mel Hancock.
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