Rock Valley College Board of Trustees Community College District No. 511 September 24, 2013 Dinner, 4:45 p.m. – Student Center Room 1224 Study Session, 5:15 p.m. - Student Center Atrium Budget Hearing, 6:00 p.m. - Student Center Atrium General Session, Immediately Following - Student Center Atrium AGENDA STUDY SESSION – 5:15 p.m. A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Discussion: Advance Now – Audra Cooke D. Recess to Budget Hearing BUDGET HEARING – 6:00 p.m. A. Call to Order B. Open Public Hearing C. Presentation of FY 2014 Budget – Sam Overton D. Public Testimony E. Close Public Hearing GENERAL SESSION (Immediately following Budget Hearing) A. Convene General Session B. Approve Minutes: August 27, 2013; September 11, 2013 C. Communications and Petitions (Public Comment) D. Recognition of Visitors 1. Professor Paulette Gilbert – NAACP Jane Addams Freedom Award Winner 2. Tim Spielman - Phi Theta Kappa Omicron Eta Chapter Advisor 3. Professor Jim Conley – Cisco Networking Academy Award E. General Presentations 1. Annual Audit Report – Fred Lantz, Sikich LLP F. Board Committee Reports and Presentation of Committee Meeting Minutes 1. Human Resources Committee – August 6, 2013 2. Teaching & Learning Committee – August 12, 2013 3. Facilities Committee – August 12, 2013 4. Ad Hoc Committee – August 13, 2013 5. Finance Committee – July 19, 2013 Page 1 of 2 Rock Valley College Board of Trustees 09/24/13 G. Reports 1. Vital Signs a. Payroll, Healthcare Costs, Cash, FY14 Surplus Expenditures List b. Enrollment Report c. KPI Data Briefs: 10th Day Census Report; Student Profile Report d. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report e. College and Community Events Calendar 2. President’s Reports a. BR 7031 – Claims Sheet #695 (Check Register) (Alpha Register) (Checks over $10,000) b. BR 7032 – Purchase Report #673 c. BR 7033 – Personnel Report #669 d. BR 7034 – Adopt the FY 2014 Budget e. BR 7035 – Certificate Attesting to the FY 2014 Budget f. BR 7036 - Adult Education Program Instructors Pay Rate (Current) g. BR 7037 – Request for Proposal for Compensation Study 3. Attorney’s Report 4. ICCTA Report 5. Student Trustee Report H. Unfinished Business 1. BR 7029 – Freedom Field Operation - Tabled August 27, 2013 I. New Business J. Trustee Comments K. President’s Comments 1. Accolades a. Starlight/Studio Theatre wins 2013 Excellence in College/University Theatre Award from Illinois Theatre Association b. RVC featured in National Safety Council highway safety brochure 2. Announcements from President’s Leadership Team L. Adjourn to Closed Session to discuss collective negotiating matters and leasing of real property per Sections 2 (c) (2) and 2 (c) (5) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. M. Reconvene Open Session N. Possible Action Items as a Result of Closed Session O. Date of Next Meeting: October 22, 2013 in the Student Center Atrium: Study Session at 5:15 p.m.; General Session, 6:00 p.m. P. Adjourn Michael P. Dunn, Jr., Board Chair Page 2 of 2 Rock Valley College Board of Trustees 09/24/13 Illinois Community College District #511 Rock Valley College 3301 North Mulford Road Rockford, IL 61114 Board of Trustees Meeting August 27, 2013 Study Session The Study Session of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 511, Winnebago, Boone, DeKalb, McHenry, Ogle, and Stephenson Counties, Illinois, convened in the Woodward Technology Center room 141/142 on the main campus on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 5:15 p.m. Chairperson Michael Dunn, Jr., called the meeting to order. Roll Call The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Michael Dunn, Jr. Mr. Frank Haney Ms. Lynn Kearney Ms. Kathy Kelley Mr. Randy Schaefer Ms. Mary Tuite Mr. Maculson Massenat, student trustee The following trustee was absent: Mr. Patrick Murphy Also in attendance: Dr. Jack Becherer, President; Dr. Brian Sager, Vice President of Academic Affairs/CAO; Mr. Sam Overton, Jr., Vice President of Administrative Services; Dr. Amy Diaz, Vice President of Student Development; Mr. Mike Mastroianni, Vice President of Career & Technical Education; Ms. Pamela Owens, Executive Director of the RVC Foundation and College Advancement; Ms. Susan Busenbark, Vice President of Liberal Arts & Sciences; Ms. Jessica Jones, Executive Director of Human Resources; Dr. Lisa Mehlig, Executive Director of Institutional Research; Ms. Ann Kerwitz, Assistant to the President; College Attorney Joe Perkoski; Ms. Michelle Cruz-Williams, Isaacson, Miller. DISCUSSION: Adding Soccer as an Intercollegiate Sport Dr. Jack Becherer introduced Athletic Director Misty Opat who provided additional information requested by trustees with regard to possibly adding soccer as an intercollegiate sport. Ms. Opat indicated that she supports adding soccer, as RVC is the only conference school without a soccer program, and it will not only add growth to the athletic department, but also bring more people to campus and help support the community. Ms. Opat distributed an academic worksheet by sport showing that 97 student athletes have an average 2.6 GPA. Rock Valley College Board of Trustees Minutes of August 27, 2013 Page 1 of 12 Ms. Opat recommended that men’s and women’s teams be added and two fulltime coaches be hired as soon as possible. She distributed a job description of the projected staff positions, and indicated that recruiting for a fall 2014 start could begin as soon as the positions are filled. Discussion followed on the requirements for the coaching positions, proposed salary range and if those positions or others in Fitness, Wellness, Sport could be incorporated into the college’s Wellness Program. Trustee Randy Schaefer added that the Facilities Committee has discussed which field to use for soccer and that the secondary field is ready for use. Ms. Opat distributed and explained a proposed budget of $140,000-$150,000 based on 50 participating students. In response to a question from Chair Dunn, she confirmed that intramural teams would be implemented into the two new coaching job descriptions. Dr. Amy Diaz added that the college doesn’t sponsor clubs, but students could submit an application to establish a soccer club. A student in the audience indicated there is a great deal of interest among students and an application to establish a soccer club has already been submitted. Acknowledging that private soccer clubs are very active in the Rockford area and may be a potential challenge to recruiting for intercollegiate competition, Ms. Opat explained how collegiate recruiting differs from club recruiting. She added that RVC coaches are active in the community, and that having four national championships has brought many more people to the main campus as well as elevated the desire for student athletes to attend RVC. Discussion followed on the cost of tuition for student athletes and various sports budgets. Dr. Diaz confirmed that the cost of tuition for student athletes does not cover the cost of instruction. Ms. Opat added that the proposed soccer budget is in line with other RVC sports. Dr. Jack Becherer complimented Ms. Opat and current coaches for turning around the RVC athletic programs. He added that he would like to have Ms. Opat, Dr. Diaz and Dr. Sager and Ms. Jessica Jones review not only the proposed job descriptions for soccer, but also staffing shortages in other departments such as advising, counseling and disabilities services, and bring their results to the Teaching and Learning Committee. Trustees shared their support for Ms. Opat, praised her enthusiasm and professionalism, and agreed to have the Administration implement a men’s and women’s soccer program as soon as possible, so the College can begin intercollegiate competition in fall 2014. The study session recessed at 6:05 p.m. Rock Valley College Board of Trustees Minutes of August 27, 2013 Page 2 of 12 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 511, Winnebago, Boone, DeKalb, McHenry, Ogle, and Stephenson Counties, Illinois, convened in the Woodward Technology Center room 117-121 on the main campus on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 6:10 p.m. Chairperson Mr. Michael Dunn, Jr., called the meeting to order. Roll Call The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Michael Dunn, Jr. Mr. Frank Haney Ms. Lynn Kearney Ms. Kathy Kelley Mr. Randy Schaefer Ms. Mary Tuite Mr. Maculson Massenat, student trustee The following trustee was absent: Mr. Patrick Murphy Also in attendance: Dr. Jack Becherer, President; Dr. Brian Sager, Vice President of Academic Affairs/CAO; Mr. Sam Overton, Jr., Vice President of Administrative Services; Dr. Amy Diaz, Vice President of Student Development; Mr. Mike Mastroianni, Vice President of Career & Technical Education; Ms. Pamela Owens, Executive Director of the RVC Foundation and College Advancement; Ms. Susan Busenbark, Vice President of Liberal Arts & Sciences; Ms. Jessica Jones, Executive Director of Human Resources; Dr. Lisa Mehlig, Executive Director of Institutional Research; Ms. Ann Kerwitz, Assistant to the President; College Attorney Joe Perkoski; Ms. Michelle Cruz-Williams, Isaacson, Miller. Approve Minutes Ms. Lynn Kearney made a motion, seconded by Mr. Frank Haney to approve the minutes of July 15, 2013; July 18, 2013; and July 23, 2013. Trustee Randy Schaefer explained that due to a scrivener’s error, the July 23, 2013 minutes should be corrected as follows: Board Report 7021 should be corrected to read Personnel Report #665 rather than #664, and Board Report 7022 should be corrected to read Personnel Report #666 rather than #665. The motion was approved by unanimous roll call vote. Communications and Petitions Mr. Einar Forsman, representing the Rockford Chamber of Commerce, addressed trustees regarding the presidential search and encouraged trustees to include groups from the community in the search process. Rock Valley College Board of Trustees Minutes of August 27, 2013 Page 3 of 12 Dr. Rudy Valdez thanked trustees for being good financial stewards and keeping RVC affordable.
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