Italian-Canadian Literature: Supplement*

Italian-Canadian Literature: Supplement*

ITALIAN-CANADIAN LITERATURE: SUPPLEMENT* compiled by Cannine Di Michele (Concordia University) Anthony Verna (University of Toronto) 220 * The present bibliography is a supplement to the "Preliminary Survey" published in the June 1993 issue (Volume XI, No. 1) of this journal. 1) Aconito. Luciano. "Diversion Abroad," trans. Anne Marie Caslrilli, Canadian Fiction Magazine 86-87 (1980), 82-5. (fiction) la) Albanese. See 52a. lb) Alessio. vSee 152a. lc) Alfano, Michelle. "Filomena e Famiglia," The Antigonish Review 93- 94 (1993), 243-53. (fiction) 1d) Alfonsi, Ferdinando (ed.). Italian-American and Italian-Canadian Poets. Catanzaro: Antonio Carello Editore, 1994. (poetry) 2) Amabile, George. "Gaspe," "Brackley Beach. P.E.I.," Waves 5, No. 2-3 (1977), 62. (poetry) 3) . "Butterflies," "The Dealer," Contemporary Verse II 3, No. 1 (1977), 5. (poetry) 4) . "Black Bear," Poetry Canada Review 1, No. 1 (1979), 9. (poetry) 5) . "Soap." "Fable in One Colour," Contemporary Verse II 5. No. 1 (1980), 43. (poetry) 6) . "Loose Biography," "Candle End: Russia 1917," Waves 10, No. 1-2 (1981), 90-1. (poetry) 7) . "Anima (1)," "Anima (2)," "Anima (3)," "Deep Language," Poetry Canada Review 3, No. 4 (1982). 8-9. (poetry) 7a) . "Slash." "Churches," The Moosehead Review 6 (1982). 7-9. (poetry) 7b) . "Immortal Convict," "Terram Irradians," Nebula 21-22 (1982), 36-7. (poetry) 8) . "Evening Out," Poetry Canada Review 6, No. 1 (1984), 3. (poetry) 9) . "Misericordia General," Canadian Literature 100 (Spring 1984), 11-18. (poetry) 10) . "Sweet Nothing," "For Kenneth Hughes," Contemporary Verse II 8, No. 3 (1984), 31. (poetry) 11) . "Whiteshell Dawn," "Feeling Human," "Father and Son: Third- Class Bus Oaxaca," "Relics of Power," "Deep Language," "Point of Balance (for Susan)." Contemporary Verse II 7. No. 4 (1984), 52-3. (poetry) 11a) . "7 Poached Grilse," "Bachelor Suite," in More Garden Varieties: An Anthology of Poetry (Stratford: The Mercury Press), 1989, pp. 22-4. (poetry) 12) . "Mary Weha's Gift: A Micro-Novel." Canadian Fiction Magazine 66 (1989), 48-57. (fiction) 221 12a) . "First Light," in More Garden Varieties Two. An Anthology of Poetry (Stratford, Ont.: The Mercury Press, 1990), 21. (poetry) 13) . "Why Some Women Choose to Live Alone," Grain 17. No. 4 (1989), 76-7. (fiction) 14) . "Grief," "Adultery," Poetry Canada Review 11. No. 4 (1990), 13. (poetry) 15) . "Landscape with Snow," Canadian Literature 126 (Autumn 1990), 114. (poetry) 15a) . "Basilico," in V. Begamudré and Judith Krause (eds.). Out of Place: Stories and Poems (Regina: Coteau Books, 1991), 40-2. (poetry) 16) . "Star Chant Against Extinction," Grain 20. No. 1 (1992), 274. (poetry) 16a) . "Staten Island Ferry," The New Quarterly 11. No. 4 (1992), 75-8. (poetry) 17) . See also 70, 223. 18) Amprimoz, Alexandre. "The House," Canadian Fiction Magazine 9 (1973), 9-15. (fiction) 19) . "The Rattle Snake," Canadian Fiction Magazine 10 (1973), 58-71. (fiction) 20) . "Not Only of Words," Waves 4, No. 1 (1975), 64-5. (fiction) 21) . "The Walls Emptied," Waves 4, No. 3 (1976), 31. (poetry) 21a) . "Dedalus," Revue 2 (1976), 76. (poetry) 22) . "Monuments et fleurs," Waves 6, No. 1 (1978), 35. (poetry) 23) . "Notes for a Landscape," The Antigonish Review 10, No. 38 (1979), 58. (poetry) 24) . "Seed Dialogue," The Antigonish Review 11, No. 41 (1980), 45. (poetry) 24a) . "Revolution in the Afternoon." Waves 8. No. 2 (1980). 36. (poetry) 24b) . "Le péricarpe du néant," Waves 8, No. 2 (1980), 23. (poetry) 24c) . "From Vanessa, a work in progress," Nebula 17 (1981), 26-33. (fiction) 25) . "General Delivery," "For the Brilliant Lost," Waves 11, No. 2- 3 (1983), 74. (poetry) 26) . "Foundations," Contemporary Verse II 8, No. 3 (1984). 39. (poetry) 27) . "Algiers," "Lesson in Indifference," Poetry Canada Review 6. No. 2 (1984-5), 7. (poetry) 27a) . "The Nun in Me," The Dinosaur Review 6 (Winter 1985). 15- 16. (poetry) 28) . "D. P.." Contemporary Verse II 9, No. 3-4 (1986). 58-9. (poetry) 222 29) . "Ιf One Could Return to Greece." "Working for Culture," Poetry Canada Review 7, No. 3 (1986), 23. (poetry) 30) . "Solution," Poetry Canada Review 8. No. 4 (1987), 4. (poetry) 31) . "Apterygota," Exile 13, No. 2 (1988), 40-54. (fiction) 32) . See also 33, 68a, 165, 231, 260. 33) Andersen, Marguerite. Review of Alexandre Amprimoz, Bouquet de signe (Sudbury, Ont.: Prise de Parole, 1986), in Poetry Canada Review 8, No. 4 (1987), 23. 33a) Anonymous. Review of Darlene Madott, Bottled Roses (Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1985), in Queen's Quarterly 94, No. 1 (1987), 253. 34) Ardizzi, Maria. "Made in Italy," trans. Anne Marie Castrilli, Canadian Fiction Magazine 86-87 (1980). 77-81. (fiction) 35) . See also 260a. 36) Balestrieri, Elizabeth. "The Thin Country," Canada Poetry Review 11, No. 1 (1990), 27. (poetry) 36a) Balestrili. Marco. "Untitled," "Untitled." Public Works (1987), 14-15. (poetry) 36b) . "Untitled," "Untitled," "Untitled," Public Works(J988), 10-12. (poetry) 36c) Bancheri, Salvatore. "Teatro metastasiano a Toronto?" Italian Canadiana 9 (1993), 78-88. (criticism) 37) Barolini. Helen. "Classic and Good," The Antigonish Review 17, No. 69-70 (1987). 13-21. (fiction) 37a) Barron, Graham. "An Interview with Mary di Michele," Scrivener 14 (1989-90). 4-6. 38) Bastianutti. Diego. Review of John E. Zucchi, Italians in Toronto: Development of a National Identity, 1815-1935, op. cit., in Queen s Quarterly 97, No. 1 (1990), 163-5. See 266. 38a) Beccarelli Saad. See 242. 38b) Bedon, Elettra. "Jean a sept ans aujourd'hui," Imagine 55, Vol. XII, No. 2 (1991), 79-91. (fiction) 39) Berg. Sharon. Review of Pier Giorgio Di Cicco, Women We Never See Again (Ottawa: Boreal is Press, 1984). in Poetry Canada Review 7, No. 1 (1989). 32. 39a) Berto, T. "At the Bird Sanctuary 2," The Fiddlehead 166 (Winter 1990). 13-15. (poetry) 40) Billings, Robert. Review of Antonio D'Alfonso, Black Tongue (Montreal: Guernica, 1983), in Canadian Literature 101 (1984), 109- 11. 41) . Interview with Pier Giorgio Di Cicco on Virgin Science: Hunting Holistic Paradigms (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1986), in Poetry Toronto Review 8, No. 1 (1986), 3-4, 8-9. 41a) Bionda. See 225. 223 42) Bishop, Ted. Review of Caterina Edwards, The Lion's Mouth (Edmonton: NeWest Press. 1982), in Canadian Literature 102 (1984), 118-21. 43) Bonacci, Rachel. "i shrivel," The Antigonish Review 11, No. 42 (1980), 76. (poetry) 44) . "House," "Night Breath," "Religious Experience," Waves 8, No. 3 (1980), 50-1. (poetry) 45) Bouraoui, Heidi. Review of Liliane Welch. Life on the Mountains (Charlottetown: Ragweed Press, 1985), in Poetry Canada Review 7, No. 4 (1986), 57. 46) . Review of Liliane Welch, Winter Songs, op. cit., in Waves 6, No. 3 (1978), 69. See 252. 46a) . Review of Liliane Welch, Syntax of Ferment, op. cit., in Waves 8, No. 2 (1980), 62-4. See 253a. 46b) Bressani. See 242d. 46c) Burnet, D., D. Juteau, E. Padolsky, A. Rasporich and A. Sirois (eds.). Migration and the Transformation of Cultures. Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1992. See 206c. 46d) Buzzelli, Anthony. "The Old Man," The Eyetalian 1, No. 1 (1993), 24-6. (fiction) 47) Candelaria, Frederick. "St. Paul at the Window," Contemporary Verse II 2, No. 2 (1976), 27. (poetry) 48) . "Apologia," Poetry Canada Review 1, No. 1 (1979). 10. (poetry) 49) . "Winter Offensive," Poetry Canada Review 1. No. 2 (1979- 80), 5. (poetry) 50) . Chinese Chamber Music. Coquitlam, B. C.: Cacanandada Press. 1989. (poetry) See also 161, 249. 51) . "A Real Fiction," Queens Quarterly 98, No. 4 (1991). 932. (poetry) 51a) . "The Market," The New Quarterly 12, No. 2 (1992), 70. (poetry) 51b) Capek-Habekovic, Romana. Review of Giose Rimanelli, Benedetta in Guysterland, op. cit. in Rivista di Studi Italiani XII, No. 1 (1994), 167-9. See also 228a. 51c) Carbonella Ernesto. La Rava alla Frisco. Poesie in dialetto supinese Mississauga, Ont.: Author's Edition, 1991. (poetry) 52) Carey. Barbara. Review of Dorina Michelutti. Loyalty to the Hunt (Montréal: Guernica, 1986), in Poetry Canada Review 9, No. 2 (1988). 37. 52a) . Review of Vincenzo Albanese, Slow Mist (Dunvegan, Ont.: Cormorant Books, 1985), in Poetry Canada Review 9, No. 2 (1988), 34. 224 53) Caruso, Donna. "His Bowels," Grain 19, No. 3 (1991), 132-5. (fiction) 53a) . "Palumello." in V. Begamudré and Judith Krause (eds.), Out of Place. Stories and Poems (Regina: Coteau Books, 1991), 34-9. (fiction) 53a) Casimiri. See 66. 54) Casto, Robert. Review of Pier Giorgio Di Cicco. The Tough Romance (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1979), in Waves 8, No. 1 (1979), 61-6. 54a) Castrilli. See 1, 34. 55) Caucci, Frank. "Red," Antigonish Review 17, No. 66-7 (1986), 66. (poetry) 56) Cavell, Richard. Review of Antonino Ma/za, The Way I Remember It (Montreal: Trans-Verse Productions, 1988), in Canadian Literature 128 (Spring 1991), 148-9. 56a) Cervo, Nathan. "Difficulties in Dying," "The Wop," The Fiddleltead 164 (Summer 1990), 59-61. (poetry) 57) Chapman. Geoff. "Pungent double bill says a great deal in a short lime." Theatre review of Vittorio Rossi, Little Blood Brother and Backstreets, in The Toronto Star October 4, 1993. 57a) Circelli, M. P. "Cerberus and the Gluttons," "If Only," Public Works (1987). 26-7. (poetry) 58) Colalillo, Giuliana. Review of F. Paci. Black Madonna (Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1982), in Canadian Ethnic Studies 14, No. 3 (1982), 131-2. 58a) Cupido, Robert. "The Sorrows of Young Victor," Rivista di Studi Italiani XI, No. 2 (1993), 95-7. See 226. 58b) Currie, Sheldon. Review of Liliane Welch, Brush and Trunks, op. cit.. in The Antigonish Review 13. No. 49 (1992), 112-13. See 258a. 59) D'Agostino, Saro. "Someday," "I Used," Waves 2, No. 3 (1974), 46. (poetry) 60) . "Saint-Deny s Garneau: 30th Anniversary," Waves 3, No. 1 (1974), 14-16. (fiction) 60a) . "Slow Death," Other Voices 9, No. 1 (1974), n.p. (poetry) 60b) . "Immigrant Songs," Northern Journey No.

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