NON-WOOD\ ON-WOOD FORESTFOREST PRODUCTSPRODUCTS 1616 Rattan glossaryglossary and Compendium glossaryglossary with emphasisemphasis on AfricaAfrica 8k-7 NON-WOOD FOREST PRODUCTS 1616 Rattan glossary by Dennis V. JohnsonJohnson FADFAO Consultant and . I Compendium glossaryglossary i with emphasisemphasis on Africa by Terry C.H. Sunderland African Rattan Research Programme LinnbeLimbe BotanicBotanic Garden Cameroon FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITEDUNITED NATIONSNATIONS Rome, 20042004 The designations employed and the presentation ofof material in this informationinformation product do notnot implyimply thethe expressionexpression ofof anyany opinion whatsoever onon thethe part of thethe FoodFood andand AgricultureAgriculture Organization of thethe UnitedUnited NationsNations concerningconcerning thethe legal oror development status of any country,country, territoryterritory,, citycity oror area or of its authorities, or concerningconcerning thethe delimitationdelimitation ofof its frontiersfrontiers or boundaries.boundaries. ISBN 92-5-105095-3 All rightsrights reserved. ReproductionReproduction and disseminationdissemination ofof material in this informationinformation product forfor educationaleducational oror otherother non-commercialnon-commercial purposespurposes are authorized without anyany priorprior writtenwritten permissionpermission fromfrom thethe copyrightcopyright holdersholders provided the sourcesource isis fullyfully acknowledged.acknowledged. ReproductionReproduction of materialmaterial inin thisthis informationinformation product for resaleresale oror otherother commercialcommercial purposespurposes isis prohibitedprohibited without written permissionpermission of thethe copyrightcopyright holders.holders. ApplicationsApplications for suchsuch permission shouldshould be addressedaddressed to thethe Chief,Chief, Publishing ManagementManagement Service, Information Division, FAD,FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla,Caracalla, 0010000100 Rome, Italy or bybye-mail e-mail to [email protected] © FAOFAD 20042004 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 Explanatory notes GLOSSARY 2 RATTAN RESOURCES 2 Biology and systematics 2 Anatomy and morphology 7 Physiology 10 Management and plantations 11 Harvesting 13 RATTAN AS A RAW MATERIAL 15 Grading, classification and generalgeneral termsterms 15 Post-harvest handling 21 Storage 22 Trade 22 Transport 23 PROCESSING 23 For local artisanal uses 23 Industrial levellevel furniture manufacturingmanufacturing 34 TRADE 26 MISCELLANEOUS 27 VERNACULAR NAMESNAMES 29 Cross-listing: genus/speciesgenus/species toto vernacularvernacular namesnames 40 APPENDIX I - Classification of palm family (Palmae) rattan genera 44 APPENDIX II - Rattan genera,genera, speciesspecies and geographic distribution 45 APPENDIX III - Utilized CalarnusCalamus speciesspecies 46 APPENDIX IVIV - Utilized DaemonoropsDaemonorops speciesspecies 49 APPENDIX V - Other utilizedutilized canecane speciesspecies 50 APPENDIX VI - Philippine standard specificationsspecifications for rattan andand wicker furniture 51 APPENDIX VIIVII -A chronology ofof majormajor rattanrattan meetingsmeetings 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY 57 COMPENDIUM GLOSSARY GLOSSARY ONON RATTAN RATTAN TERMSTERMS ININ AFRICAAFRICA 61 RATTAN RESOURCES 61 Biology and systematics 61 Anatomy and morphology 62 Physiology 63 Management and plantations 63 Harvesting 64 RATTAN AS A RAW MATERIAL 6464 Trade 64 Transport 65 iii PROCESSING 65 At local artisanalartisanallevel level 65 MISCELLANEOUS 65 VERNACULAR NAMESNAMES 65 The rattans ofof AfricaAfrica - summary of taxonomy andand utilization 67 Cross-listing of rattan genus/speciesgenus/species to vernacular names byby countrycountry (language in parentheses) 69 Life form and intermediateintermediate folkfolk classificationclassification ofof rattanrattan canes in selected African languagelanguage groups 72 Selected canecane productsproducts and their nomenclaturenomenclature 73 Summary of the non-canenon-cane usesuses ofof AfricanAfrican rattansrattans 74 Currently recognizedrecognized namesnames andand synonymssynonyms forfor AfricanAfrican rattans 75 BIBLIOGRAPHY 77 iv FOREWORD There areare more than 600600 species of rattans, of whichwhich onlyonly about 10 percentpercent are tradedtraded internationallyinternationally.. A widewide varietyvariety ofof termsterms andand terminologiesterminologies areare usedused inin thethe rattanrattan sectorsector worldwide,worldwide, oftenoften withwith different meanings, or which are not well understoodunderstood by many rattan users. An expert consultation on rattan,rattan, organizedorganized in DecemberDecember 2000 inin RomeRome byby FAO and the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)(INBAR) proposedproposed aa numbernumber of of immediate immediate stepssteps toto promotepromote the the sustainable sustainable use of rattan. OneOne of of the the conclusions conclusions of of the the meeting meeting was was thatthat there there is is aa needneed toto compile compile and and clarifyclarify terms and definitions used in the management, utilization, processing and tradetrade of rattansrattans and theirtheir products amongamong thethe manymany stakeholdersstakeholders inin thethe variousvarious countries. In follow-up,follow-up, FAOFAO contactedcontacted DennisDennis Johnson,Johnson, aa world-knownworld-known palm palm specialist, specialist, whowho kindlykindly accepted FAO's call to compile a glossary on terms, concepts and definitions related to rattan andand its products. TheThe glossaryglossary isis structuredstructured according according toto thethe followingfollowing majormajor sections: sections :rattan rattan resources resources (biology, management,management, plantations,plantations, harvesting); rattanrattan as aa rawraw materialmaterial (transport, (transport, storage,storage, gradinggrading and post-harvest handling, rattan trade);trade); rattanrattan processingprocessing (for(for locallocal artisanalartisanal uses; for industrial levellevel furniturefurniture manufacturing);manufacturing); andand rattanrattan tradetrade inin raw,raw, furniture furniture and and other other productsproducts.. InIn orderorder toto give specialspecial emphasis emphasis to to thethe emergingemerging rattanrattan sectorsector inin Africa,Africa, FAO FAO subsequentlysubsequently contractedcontracted TerryTerry Sunderland, a well-known rattanrattan specialistspecialist in Africa, who kindly preparedprepared aa separateseparate compilationcompilation of terms specifically focusing on those usedused inin Africa.Africa. FAO .wishes to thank thethe twotwo authorsauthors forfor their their work work and and is is pleasedpleased toto publishpublish and and disseminatedisseminate this rattan glossary in support ofof thethe developmentdevelopment ofof thethe rattanrattan sectorsector worldwide.worldwide. Wulf Killmann Director FAO Forest ProductsProducts andand EconomicsEconomics Division v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Rattan GlossaryGlossary The successful completioncompletion ofof this glossary isis duedue in no smallsmall measure to thethe cooperationcooperation andand assistance of a number ofof individualsindividuals andand theirtheir respectiverespective institutions.institutions. PaulPaul Vantomme Vantomme andand WulfWulf Killmann ofof FAOFAO generously provided guidance and direction to the overall projectproject.. Others who willingly furnished me with adviceadvice and information on variousvarious aspectsaspects of the rattanrattan informationinformation contained hereinherein include:include: RajaRaja Barizan,Barizan, BrianBrian Belcher,Belcher, TomTom Evans, FuFu Jinha,Jinha, Domingo Madulid, Johanis Mogea and Terry Sunderland.Sunderland. I amam indebtedindebted toto JohnJohn Dransfield, Dransfield, WalterWalter LieseLiese andand N. Manokaran,Manokaran, eacheach ofof whomwhom reviewed reviewed thethe manuscript manuscript andand made made valuable valuable suggestionssuggestions forfor improvement. My sincere thanks toto eacheach of thosethose named. I accept responsibility for any remainingremaining errors in this document. Dennis V. JohnsonJohnson The Compendium GlossaryGlossary onon RattanRattan Terms Terms inin AfricaAfrica Particular thanks are extendedextended toto StellaStella AsahaAsaha andand MichaelMichael Balinga forfor their commentscomments and additions to an earlier draft ofof thisthis document.document. Terry C.H. SunderlandSunderland vi INTRODUCTION This document containscontains twotwo sections.sections. TheThe firstfirst sectionsection isis aa glossaryglossary of rattan termsterms mostlymostly fromfrom Southeast Asia (especially Malaysia). It is more than simply aa compilationcompilation ofof overover 500 terms andand definitions relative to rattansrattans andand theirtheir utility;utility; alsoalso includedincluded areare somesome 425 vernacular names,names, and aa listing of miscellaneous termsterms that may be encounteredencountered inin thethe rattanrattan literature.literature. SevenSeven appendixesappendixes provide information onon thethe systematicssystematics andand geographicgeographic distribution of rattans,rattans, datadata onon reportedreported utilization of rattans forfor canescanes andand otherother purposes, purposes, anan exampleexample of standard specificationsspecifications for rattan furniture andand aa chronologicalchronological record record of of technical technical rattanrattan meetings meetings sincesince 1979,1979, when thethe modernmodern eraera of rattan developmentdevelopment can be saidsaid to havehave begun.begun. The bibliography includes
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