DOCUMENT RESUME ED 079 315 SP 006 740 AUTHOR Docherty, Ethel, Ed.; Curry, Nancy.., Ed. TITLE Bovling-Fencing Guide with Official Rules. January 1973 January 1975. INSTITUTION American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, D.C. Div. for Girls and Women's Sports. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 170p. AVAILABLE FROMAmerican Association for Health, Physical .,ucation, and Recreation, 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036 (Stocx t:o. 243-25364 $1.50) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 EC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Athletic Activities; Athletic Equipment;*Athletics; *Physical Activities; *Physical Education;*Womens Education ABSTRACT Rules for women's bowling and fencing fromJanuary 1973 to January 1975 are discussed. Standardsin sports for girls and women are detailed along with the Division for Girls andWomen's Sports (DGWS) statement of beliefs. Specific articlesdealing with bowling skills, norms, and rules forwomen are included. Articles are also included on the techniques, rules, and teachingof fencing. Bibliographies on both bowling and fencingare presented. (BiB) U S DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, RF,,ROUUCE EDUCATION & WELFARE AC RV BY MICRO JPYR1604.f 1)VATEP,A, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FICHE ONLY A` BEEN(,RANITO BY EDUCATION trIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO RECEIVED FROM DUCE° EXACTLY AS ORIGIN THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION CAGAN ZATioNS OPERAT AT ING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR OPINIONS E ,NIT. 711E NA AGREE ME \T STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILYREPRE INSTITUTE OF -NAL INSTITUTE01 EDUCATION SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL OUTS'OF POLICY .4-.ER PEPROC)uCTON EDUCATION POSITION OR ,F F. - SYS'EVREQUIRES PERYIS 'At 0,W.ER Bowling Fencing GUIDE JANUARY 1973 - JANUARY 1975 With Official Rules Editors Ethel Docherty, Bowling Nancy L. Curry, Fencing THE DIVISION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN'S SPORTS American Association for Health, PhysicalEducation, and Recreation :r.....,0;4,,....000: e ...1 0.-..:,' , 0; 0 . S Copyright © 1973 by the Division for Girls and Women's Sports of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Library of Corm, ss Catalog Card No 5,1.4-1,168 Published by the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION A National Affiliate of the National Education Association 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 CONTENTS DIVISION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN'S SPORTS 5 Sports Guides and Official Rules Committee Interest Indicator 6 DGWS Statement of Beliefs 7 Standards in Sports or Girls and Women 11 Sources of Information and Service 12 DGWS Executive Council . 14 Sports Guides and Official Rules Committee 16 Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 19 BOWLING DGWS Bowling Committees 11 23 Bowling and the Individual . .. ... Joyce M. Curtis Teaching Bowling Skills to the Handicapped Clare Albom 26 Behavioral Objectives Estelle Poach 30 Beginning Bowling Made Easy Jeanine Bennett 34 Bowling Timing and Form Lou Bellisinio 38 The Role of Feedback m Buwl.ng Anne Rothstein 47 Visual Feedback for Sport Bowling ..Jacqueline nick 50 and Jeralyn J. Mack See the Spares Geneve lhngst 52 Bowling Norms for College Women Frances Wood 55 and Betty A. Wallace III, Real Thing on the Gym Floor' Marian E. Kneer 65 Collegiate Division of the WIBC 6S National Intercollegiate Postal Ten pin Tournament Geneire lhngst 70 Official Duckpin Rules 78 CONTENTS 3 Scoring the Duckpin Game 88 Tenpin Rules and Regulations 91 AJBC Rules Covering Organization of Leagues 97 Bowling Bibliography 101 Selected Bowling Research 103 Bowling Visual Aids Revised by Joyce Curtis 105 FENCING DGWS Fencing Committees 108 For Fencing Teachers Who Know Little about the Sport Mary Ileinecke 109 Teaching Foil Fencing with Improvised Equipment Eloise Newell Clark 113 What a Fencer Can Do To Help Herself Develop Charles R. Schnutter 116 Fencing Visual Aids Barbara Baxter Mil:tiger 118 List of Qualified Directors for Foil Competitions Lisel K. Judge 123 Technical Rules of Fencing Edited by Nancy L. Curry 146 Fencing Bibliography Geri Km ler 166 4 DGWS BOWLINGFENCING GUIDE DIVISION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN'S SPORTS The DivisionforGirls and Women's Sports isa nonprofit educational organization designed to serve the needs and interests of administrators, teachers, leaders, and participants in sportsprograms for girls and women. It is one of eight divisions of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Active members of the Division are women members of the American Associatior. for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation whoare interested in sports for girls and women and who participate in the work of the Division. These women are professional leaders in schools, colleges, community centers, industrial plants, military services, public and private clubs, and agencies. The purpose of the Division for Girls and Women's Sports is to foster the development of sports programs for the enrichment of the life of the participant. The Division for Girls and Women's Sports attempts to promote desirable sports programs through: 1. Formulating and publicizing guiding principles and standards for the administrator, leader, official, and player. '1. Publishing and i.,terpreting rules governing sports for girls and women. 3. Providing the means fortraining,evaluating, and rating of officials. 4. Disseminating information on the conduct of girls and women's sports. 5. Stimulating evaluating and disseminating research in the field of girls and women's sports. 6. Cooperating with allied groups interested in girls and women's sports in order to formulate policies and rules that affect the conduct of women's sports. 7. Providing opportunities for the development of leadershipamong girls and women for the conduct of their sports programs. DIVISION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN'S SPORTS 5 SPORTS GUIDES AND OFFICIAL RULES COMMITTEE INTEREST INDICATOR The SGOR Committee is endeavoring to broaden its base of personnel and to strengthen its services to Guide readers. The purpose of this form is to offer readers an opportunity to join us in meeting :his need. Please complete this form and send itto the SGOR Associate Chairman-elect, whose name and address appear on page 16. Name Professional Addres City State Zip Code I. Check the Sport Committee(s)which would be of interest to you: Aquatics Flag football Speedball Archery Golf Squash Badminton Gymnastics Tennis Bask thall I acrosse Track and Field Bowling Outing Activities Volleyball Fencing Soccer _Winter Sports Field llockey_Softball 2 Would you liketo serveasa member of a Sports Guide Committee of your interest?* Yes No 3. Would you consider submitting an article to a Guide Committee as a prospective author? Yes No Possible topic or title 4. Can you suggest topics for articles which you would like to have included in future Guider? (Please indicate sport.) 5. Are there others whom you would recommend fo- consideration as possible corimittee members or authors? Please indicate below. (Use additional paper, it necessary.) Name (Sport(~) Professional Address City Stile Zip Code_ Sports Committee Member L) Prospect we Au thor ) (Check one) You may serve on only one Sport Guide Committee at a tunic. 6 DGWS BOWLING-FENCING GUIDE DGWS STATEMENT OF BELIEFS We behere that opportunities for Instruction andparticipation in sports should be included in the educational experiencesof every girl. Sports are an integral part of the culture inwhich we live. Sportsskillsand sportsparticipationare valuable social and recreational tools which may be used to enrich thelives of women in OWsociety. We believe that snorts opportunities at all levelsof skill should be available to girls and women who wish to take advantageof these experiences. Competition and cooperation may bedemonstrated in ellsports programs althoughthetypeandintensityof the competition will vary with the degree or level ofskill of the participants. An understanding of the relationshipbetween competi- tion and cooperation and of how to utilize bothwithin the accepted framework of our society is one of the desirable outcomesof sports participation. We believeintheimportanceof physical activityInthe maintenance of the general health of theparticipant. We believethatparticipationinsports contributes tothe development of self-confidence and to the establishmentof desirable interpersonal relations. For these reasons, we believe that girls and womenof all ages shouls: be provided with comprehensive school andcommunity programs of sports and recreation.In addition, they should be strongly and actively encouraged to take part in such programs. PROGRAM We believe that sports programs for girls and womenshould be broad, varied, and planned for participants at differinglevels of skill. There should be full awareness of the wide span ofindividual differences so that all types, ages, and skill levels areconsidered in the planning of sports programs. In conductingthe various phases of sports programs, principles must guideactionThese principles should be based on the latest and soundest knowledgeregarding I. Growth and development factors 2. Motor learning 3. Social and individual maturation and adjustment 4. The values of sports participation as recognized in ourculture. Elementary Schools (grades 1.6) We believe in planned, comprehensive, and balanced programsof physical education for every girl in the elementary program.These OGWS STATEMENT OF BELIEFS 7 should provide experiences inbasic movements for example, skipping and simple dance steps, bending, reaching, and climbing and in a wide variety of activities which require basic sport skills such as
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