Slovenský krasokorčuliarsky zväz a KŠK Slovan Bratislava, pod záštitou primátora hl. mesta Bratislavy vás srdečne vítajú Medzinárodná krasokorčuliarska súťaž zaradená v kategórii ISU Challenge Series 1. – 3. október 2015 Zimný štadión O. Nepelu, Bratislava www.nepelatrophy.weebly.com Vážené dámy, vážení páni, milí športoví priatelia Ladies and Gentlemen, Sports Friends, Ladies and Gentleman, dear fi gure skating family, dovoľte mi privítať Vás na už 23. ročníku Memoriálu Ondreja Nepelu, Welcome to the 23rd Ondrej Nepela Memorial Trophy, an event which On behalf of the organizing committee, allow me to welcome you in ktorý si vybudoval rešpekt na medzinárodnej mape krasokorčuliar- has earned its respected place on the international map of fi gure skat- Bratislava at the 23rd International Figure Skating Competition – The skych podujatí. Silné zastúpenie zo zahraničia napovedá, organizáto- ing events. Strong foreign participants’ presence suggests that the Ondrej Nepela Trophy, named after the best known Slovak fi gure skat- rom sa podarilo vytvoriť atraktívne prostredie, ktoré umožňuje vymeniť organizers have been able to create an attractive environment facilitat- er, multiple European and World Champion, Winter Olympic Games si skúsenosti a porovnať kvalitu výchovy jednotlivých krasokorčuliar- ing experience sharing and comparison of education quality delivered Winner. skych škôl. in individual fi gure skating schools. Thanks to the International Skating Union, we are very proud to pre- Organizácia tohto športového podujatia je to dôkaz toho, že Brati- The organization of this sporting event proves that Bratislava is sent another Ondrej Nepela Trophy, as the part of the ISU Challenge slava je dynamickou metropolou, ktorá vytvára podmienky na reali- a dynamic capital offering conditions conducive to amateur and pro- Series. záciu amatérskeho ako aj profesionálneho športu. Jednou z hlavných fessional sports activities. One of the main tasks of a capital city in Although each competition is special for us, this Ondrej Nepela Trophy športovo - kultúrnych úloh hlavného mesta je vytvárať podmienky pre sports and culture is creating conditions for youth to achieve progress is going to be very special, as it will be, for many of you, rehearsal mládež, aby mala možnosť nielen športovo napredovať, ale aj v silnej in sports and to gain experience in strong international competition. before 2016 European Figure Skating Championships in Bratislava. medzinárodnej konkurencii získavať skúsenosti. Bez porovnávania Without comparing and competing in the international sports arena Thus we are greatly pleased to have you - best European and best a súťaženia na medzinárodnej športovej scéne nie je možné sa po- it is impossible to move ahead to new achievements. It is this kind of World skaters in our town. súvať k ďalším úspechom. Takýto druh podujatí vytvára tlak na kvalitu events, which generates pressure on quality, and, therefore, we may a preto nevylučujem, že medzi účastníkmi Memoriálu Ondreja Nepelu not exclude the possibility of seeing a future world or Olympic cham- We appreciate much and would like to express our thanks to all of uvidíme budúcich majstrov sveta, či olympijských víťazov. pion among the participants in Ondrej Nepela Memorial Trophy. you, who participate and help to make this event successful. The Inter- national Skating Union, the Mayor of Bratislava, Mr. Ivo Nesrovnal, the Bratislava je známa vyspelou krasokorčuliarskou školou a opiera sa Bratislava is known for its advanced fi gure skating school and the Slovak Figure Skating Association, to name a few, as well as to all the o mená, ktoré v minulosti rezonovali na svetovej a olympijskej scéne. city builds on names, which left their mark on the world and Olympic sponsors, supporters, volunteers and friends. Mená ako Karol Divín, Ondrej Nepela, Jozef Sabovčík, či športová dvo- scene in the past. Figure skaters like Karol Divín, Ondrej Nepela, Jozef jica Suchánková – Doležal dosiahli významné športové úspechy, kto- Sabovčík and the Suchánková - Doležal pair achieved great success We are looking forward to seeing you, the fi gure skaters/the athletes, rými dôstojne reprezentovali mesto a krajinu v zahraničí. Ich športové in this sport and represented the city and the country abroad with skating and performing to the best of your abilities. We certainly hope, a ľudské kvality sú dodnes inšpiráciou pre ďalšie generácie mladých great distinction. Their sporting and human qualities continue to in- that the long hours you have spent on and off the ice each and every krasokorčuliarov, ktorí sa snažia k ich úspechom priblížiť. Samozrejme spire many generations of young fi gure skaters who try to catch up day, will pay off, and after leaving Bratislava, you will have the fondest pri tom nemožno zabudnúť na silné trénerské osobnosti, ktoré sa sta- with their achievements. In this context, one should never forget strong memories of a job well done. For that and for the whole season we rali alebo starajú o výkonnostný rast nastupujúcich generácii. Mená coaches who have been responsible for raising future generations. wish you best of luck! ako H. Múdra, Ľ. Lojkovičová, A. Búřilová, K. Tináková, L. Dráhová, V. Names such as H. Múdra Ľ. Lojkovičová, A. Búřilová, K. Tináková, L. Jozef Beständig Fabian - rezonujú v medzinárodnom krasokorčuliarskom prostredí. Aj Dráhová, V. Fabian – are also known in the international fi gure skating director preto sa už dnes môžeme tešiť na to, že o rok bude Bratislava orga- community. This is why we may already now look forward to having nizovať významné športové podujatie a tým sú Majstrovstvá Európy Bratislava organize another major sporting event, namely, the Euro- dospelých v krasokorčuľovaní. pean Figure Skating Championships next year. Vážené dámy, vážení páni, milí športoví hostia Ladies and Gentlemen, Sports Guests, podujatiu a organizátorom želám úspešný priebeh. Verím, že potvrdia I wish the event and the organizers every success. I am confi dent úspešnú tradíciu vysoko profesionálnej organizácie podujatia a od- that once again, they will make this event a success and show you prezentujú Bratislavu ako mesto s dynamickým životom, zaujímavou Bratislava as a vibrant city with an interesting history and pleasant históriu a príjemnou prítomnosťou. Zúčastneným želám úspešné atmosphere today. I wish the participants every success in this com- športové výkony, aby mohli s pozitívnou emóciou spomínať na naše petition so that when recalling their visit to our capital city during their hlavné mesto, kde zavítali v rámci svojej úspešnej športovej kariéry. successful sporting career they will have only the best memories of it. A všetkým členom delegácií zážitky, ktoré v nich podnietia záujem sa I wish all delegation members impressions and experience, which will ešte raz vrátiť do Bratislavy. make you come back to Bratislava. Ivo Nesrovnal Ivo Nesrovnal primátor Mayor of Bratislava Ondrej Nepela List of Winners 1993 – 2014 (January 22, 1951 in Bratislava, Slovakia – February 2, 1989 in Mannheim, Germany) was an Olympic gold medalist and three- Year Men Ladies time World champion Slovak fi gure skater who competed for 1993 Mikhael Shmerkin /RUS/ Mojca Kopac /SLO/ Czechoslovakia in the late 1960s and early 1970s. 1994 Zsolt Kerekes /HUN/ Irena Zemanová /CZE/ 1995 Stanick Jeannette /FRA/ Krisztina Czako /HUN/ Career 1996 Roman Serov /RUS/ Svetlana Eukareva /RUS/ Nepela began skating at age 7. He was coached by Hilda Múdra. 1997 Anthony Liu /AUS/ Sabina Wojtała /POL/ His fi rst major international competition, at age 13, was the 1964 1998 Laurent Tobel /FRA/ Zuzana Paurová /SVK/ Winter Olympics; he fi nished 22nd. He went on to win fi ve the 1999 Thierry Cerez /FRA/ Zuzana Paurová /SVK/ European Figure Skating Championships fi ve times between 1969 2000 Vincent Restencourt /FRA/ Galina Maniachenko /UKR/ to 1973; the World Figure Skating Championships in 1971, 1972, 2001 Stanislav Timchenko /RUS/ Julia Sebestyen /HUN/ and 1973; and the 1972 Winter Olympics. Nepela wanted to retire 2002 Stephane Lambiel /SUI/ Carolina Kostner /ITL/ from competition after the 1972 season, but agreed to continue one 2003 Naiden Borichev /BUL/ Galina Maniachenko /UKR/ more year because the 1973 World Figure Skating Championships 2004 Stefan Lindemann /GER/ Viktoria Pavuk /HUN/ were to be held in his home town of Bratislava. 2005 Scott Smith /USA/ Julia Sebestyen /HUN/ In his second autobiography, Toller Cranston details a sexual tryst 2006 Gregor Urbas /SLO/ Megan Williams-Stewart /USA/ between himself and Nepela at 1973 World Championships.[1] 2007 Kevin van der Perren /BEL/ Julia Sebestyen /HUN/ Cranston was distracted and affected by their sexual affair and 2008 Kensuke Nakaniwa /JAP/ Ivana Reitmayerová /SVK/ placed 5th while Nepela won the event and even earned a 6.0 during 2009 Kensuke Nakaniwa /JAP/ Mutsumi Takayama /JAP/ his free skate. 2010 Akio Sasaki /JAP/ Haruka Imai /JAP/ Following his amateur skating career, Nepela toured for 13 years Competitive highlights 2011 Daisuke Murakami /JAP/ Mae Berenice Meite /FRA/ as a soloist with Holiday on Ice. He then established himself as Winter Olympics 2012 Tatsuki Machida /JAP/ Jenna McCorkell /GBR/ a coach in Germany. He coached Claudia Leistner to her European 1964 22nd Place 2013 Tomáš Verner /CZE/ Haruka Imai /JAP/ title in 1989. 1968 8th Place 2014 Stephen Carriere /USA/ Roberta Rodeghiero /ITA/ Nepela died of AIDS-related complications in 1989, at the age 1972 1st Place of 38. Since 1993, the Slovak Figure Skating Association has
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