Vol. X No. 6 JUNE, 1955 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN 8 FAIRFAX MANSIONS. O/Ticeond CMiultinfHouri: FINCHLEY ROAD (Corner Fairfue Ro>d), Monday to Thurtday 10a.m,—I p.m. 3—6p.m. LONDON. N.W.3 friday 10 t.m.—I p.m. Telephone: MAIdi Vile 90»/7 (Generil Office) MAIda Vale 4449 (Employment Axency) unrelenting effort to make speedy amends GERMANY RESTORED for the crimes committed by the last inde­ The Obligation of Sovereignty pendent German Government. Now that ^EN years after the Hitler war, Germany leaders of the Weimar Republic." Yet from Gennany is once more a sovereign power, has regained her independence. It is so time to time truly disquieting symptoms come equal among equals, an auspicious oppor­ tar only one half that is free, but the prospect to light which must try the most generous tunity offers to reaffirm the solemn resolution 1^ the half securing the whole will henceforth goodwill and the sincerest trust. Some of September 1951. There is an opix)rtunity, "^ constantly present, and so great events characteristic instances are reported else­ too, for the Federal Government to endorse ^re once more in the saddle. It would be where in this issue. They go far to set at the enlightened confession of their new Wrong to pretend that, however reasonable nought the hope that ten years after Hitler's Foreign Secretary' that for liim " politics 'n some waj's, the prospect is entirely fall the hearts have indeed been cleansed. have alwa^'s been, and will always remain, ^assuring. German unity has a tradition of But if it is true that the old spirit has been a matter of morahty." The sure test of such ^lood and Iron, and many memories were exorcised and if the new leaders are strong a policy is a generous treatment of restitution. sadly stirred when, at the Bonn ceremony of and resolute, one token remains which will, And the time is now. Indeed, at this independence, " words of acclamation " were as none other can, win confidence in, as well memorable juncture, it may fitly be asked: spoken by Dr. Hans Globke, the official as add dignity to, the new sovereignty—the If not now, when ? poiTimentator of the Nuremberg Laws, who, Austria's Freedom in spite of protests, retains his power as head of the Federal Chancellery. Much the same considerations must hold Hitler, even years after Hitler had revealed good for Austria, which has been restored to the horror of his regime. It would have been It is probably true that so long as Dr. undivided freedom. The happy day of a genuine Nazi majority perhaps no more Adenauer stays at the helm no extravagance May 15, IQSij, when the Big Four met at than was ever produced in Germany, but it need be expected in major policy. His Vienna to sign the Austrian Treaty, was is no use denying that the slogan " One authority has so far kept old and new Nazis certainly an occasion for universal and People, One Reich, One Fiihrer " was cheer­ securely in check, and the country's pros­ sincere rejoicing. But, as the British Foreign perity from which the authority draws some fully followed by many more than to-day Secretary, Mr. Macmillan, pointed out, for care to remember. strength, is remarkable. But for all that, it Austria itself it was " also a day of f^fms not premature to consider what may challenge." Such a challenge is presented by Austria cannot honestly claim to have "appen when he goes, and how will less the Jewish claim to redress for the wrongs. been a Nazi-occupied country in the sense ^asoned statesmen administer the trust of It is the challenge of the choice between the that, e.g., France was, or Holland or Den­ independence which he won ? Is Gennany letter and the spirit. mark. Hers is a very different case. She passing through another Stresemann period ? It is probably true that according to the has been absolved by the Big Four of all Ten Years after 1918 letter Austria has a specious title to demur. responsibility for the war. But no power can As ten years have lapsed since the end of There is some force in her argument that not blot out her measure of responsibility for the the second war, the mind ahnost automatic­ all the hysteria shown at the Anschluss was cruel injustices inflicted on the Jews. As she ally strolls backs to the tenth year after the spontaneous; much of it was highly organised. is free again, it must be hoped she will iirst war. At that time, Germany was not But he would be bold indeed who were to remember that freedom has little meaning y^t quite free, yet she was full of promise. assert that it was anything less than a except under the law which enjoins that *iost encouraging elections took place—five majority that welcomed the union, even with wrongs shall be righted. years before Hitler's advent. The Reichstag elections of May 1928 showed, says a his- Anniversary Thoughts on the Hitler War corian, that " a new hopefuhiess was begin­ The tenth anniversary of Hitler's fall was widely victors the Morgenthau Plan." ning to pervade the land. Germans were and characteristically discussed in the German Even if the details were correct—actually in the '"^gaining faith in themselves. As their press. Reflections worthy of the occasion appeared year of victory the Morgenthau Plan had been in the Frankfurter Rundschau, where the editor, abandoned—this remarkable example of an inability economic prospects brightened, as Germany's Karl Gerold, recalled " the infinite, immeasurable to shed the figments of Nazi propaganda must be position in the world improved, they became suffering caused by us in the world ": " What we particularly disturbing in a newspaper with a claim ess responsive to chauvinistic and reactionary have to remember on this anniversary (and not to be considered a responsible organ of public propaganda." In the midst of a prosperity only on this day) are the dead that lie strewn along opinion. a 12 years' road of German history. More than six By and large, the Manchester Gtiardian Bonn J^uch like the present, " all Hitler's and million murdered Jewish fellow-men and women lie Correspondent writes, " the papers are full of Goebbels' skill as agitators made little on that road . Likewise, the many millions of accounts of the .Mlies' alleged mistakes. There headway," writes the British author of the dead who perished as a result of political persecution are also plenty of recollections of Hitler's mistakes, recent Hitler biography, Alan BuUock. The and, in historical association witli it, in the war." but comparatively few of his crimes." It is pointed out that all of Germany's present One notable voice was raised in warning against azis were then (cis they have been now) problems are directly due to Hitlerism, which could the current mood of self-satisfaction and anti--\llied oundly defeated. Says an American his- only be overcome " when we begin to realise that recrimination. Professor Gollwitzer, the theologian ^rian; " There was no indication whatever it befits us to search our hearts." of Bonn University, called for remembrance of Very difierent was the tone of an editorial in the Nazi inhumanity as a " duty ": " We must always nat better days were in store for them." Frankfurter Allgemeine, where the writer, Erich be thinking of 1933, too, when we say 1945." .,.1° all appearances there is none now. Dombrowski, used the opportunity of laying about Elsewhere in Europe the anniversary was cele­ ell may Dr. Adenauer assure the British the " shame and disgrace " not of Hitler's crimes brated in a somewhat chastened mood. .\ shadow Pjiblic, as he did the other day, that present but of " the victors' lust for revenge." Glorifying was cast not only by the thought of a possibly defiant the " desperate struggle against a coalition of the Russia, but also by the sight of a fast re-arising ^rs of a revival of militarism and Nazism whole world," he actually wrote: " To the inescap­ Germany. In France, wrote The Times Paris are unjustified," and it was certainly good able defeat was added the shame and disgrace of Correspondent, " many people inevitably reflected, j^ hear from the new Gennan Foreign the victors who were trying, in the teeth of the with a certain sadness, that the tenth anniversary Se^retarj'. , Dr. von Brentano, that " the truth, to fasten upon the German people a collective of the common victory over an aggiessive Germany Polit guilt which was to outlaw them for all time. It was also coincided with the restoration of sovereignty icians of the Federal Repubhc are not this mental aberration, this hatred, this lust for to Germany and the putting into motion of arrange­ avering and hesitant people like the last revenge, which produced among the intoxicated ments which will rearm the Germans." Page 3 AJR INFORMATION June, 195S RESTITUTION NEWS THE AROLSEN ARCHIVES Now in Red Cross Custody CLAIMS AGAINST AUSTRIA STEUERERSTATTUNGEN FUER The archives of the International Tracing Service The Joint Executive Board for Jewish Claims on WIEDERGUTMACHUNGSLEISTUNGEN of Austria, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Nahum at Arolsen, near Kassel, the largest collection Das Bundesministerium der Finanzen gibt records relating to Nazi concentration camps m Goldmann, had a meeting in Paris where it received bekannt: reports of the delegation which it had sent early Europe, will from now on be administered by the Soweit Steuerpflichtige fiir Wiedergutmachungs- International Red Cross.
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