www.ukrweekly.com jir-oC Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc J I c. a fraternal non-profit association! rainian Ї Vol. L No. 33 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUSИT 15,1982 25 cents From Ukraine Soviet hunger-striker resumes eating after wife lies about exit visa Ukrainian National Front journal MOSCOW - A Soviet hunger- His condition will remain "critical" striker, Yuri Balovlenkov, ended a 36- for at least two weeks, as he recovers from 1966 reaches the West day fast on August 9 after his American from the effects of his two fasts, said wife told him that Soviet officials would Mrs. Balovlenkov. TORONTO - A copy of a 1966 In all, nine men were arrested and allow him to emigrate if he resumed Soviet officials deny ever promising journal published by the clandestine tried for membership in the front. eating. His wife, a 29-year-old nurse Mr. Balovlenkov an exit visa and have Ukrainiair'National Front has re­ Mr. Kvetsko, now 45, was sentenced from Baltimore, later said she had lied maintained that this application had cently reached the West, reported the in 1967 to a total of 15 years' labor to save his life, reported the Associated been rejected on the basis of "consi­ press service of Zarevo. camp and exile. The same year, Mr. Press. derations of state" because he had The publication, titled Volya у Diak received a 12-year term. "The only thing left for me was to lie access to secret information in his job. Batkivsbchyna, is dated April 1966, The others, Ivan Hubka, an econo­ to him," said Elena Kusmenko, who is Mrs. Balovlenkov, after her meeting (No. 14) and served as the official mics graduate who had previously of Ukrainian and Russian extraction. with Seviet officials, said, "They told publication of the front, a group served a sentence in the 1940s and She said emigration officials told her me that state considerations could be which advocated the peaceful seces­ 50s; Vasyl Kulynyn, a labor; Myron that they would reconsider her hus­ changed." sion of Ukraine from the USSR in Melen, a folk choir conductor; Hry- band's case if he ended his fast and that She said she was feeding her husband the 1960s. horiy Prokopovych, who served a he probably could leave by January small quantities of a diluted nourish­ Aside from the journal, members previous eight-year term in the 1940s 1985. ment compound, and would increase of the front published their literary and 50s; and Mykola Kuchar each She added that she thought officials the dose within several days, depending works in an anthology, "Mesnyk" got 11-year labor-camp and exile were mainly interested in having Mr. oh his reaction. (Avenger). They also submitted a sentences. Balovlenkov end his fast, which was his "There is evidence of liver damage memorandum to the 23rd Commun. The ninth member to be sentenced second this year. He had ended a; 43- and kidney damage, and his psyche is nist Party Congress and to then in 1967 was Yaroslaw Lesiv, a teacher day hunger strike on June 21 after also probably damaged," she said. Ukrainian party chief Petro Shelest and currently a member of the Ukrai­ Soviet officials reportedly promised Mrs. Balovlenkov said she was unable demanding the independence of nian Helsinki group, who also got an him an exit visa. to predict how her husband would react Ukraine. 11-year term. In 1980, he was sen­ "What else could I do?" said Mrs. when he learns of her deception. This Ukrainian National Front tenced to two years in a labor camp Balovlenkov. "He was going to kill She said her husband's mother, should not be confused with a newer for drug possession. himself. I have never lied to him before, Yekaterina, who had been fasting in group by the same name founded in According to Ukrainian samvydav but this was necessary, a lot nicer than support of his protest, also began eating the mid-1970s on the initiative of and various news service, the group, watching him die." again on August 9, taking some fruit Mykola Kraynyk, a school principal during its existence, released 16issues Mrs. Balovlenkov barred reporters juice during the evening. The mother is staying at a friend's house. in the Ivano-Frankivske oblast. of this journal. from seeing her husband, a 33-year-old News of the Ukrainian National The fourteenth one, which has former computer programmer. She said The Balovlenkovs met in a Moscow Front of the 1970s first reached the only recently reached the west, in­ she was afraid one of them would let slip cafe in 1977, when she was visiting as a West in 1980, in the Chronicle of cludes a statement by the Ukrainian the fact that she had deceived him. tourist. They were married in 1978 and Repression in Ukraine, which was National Front signed by its leader­ Mr. -Balovlenkov is one of seven saw each other only on her infrequent published by the External Represen­ ship, and such articles as "Ukraine Soviet citizens who began hunger trips to Moscow. tation of the Ukrainian Helsinki under the heel of its occupier," strikes in May and June seeking per­ The couple has a 2-year-old daughter, Group. "Enough suffering," "Who are you?" mission to join their spouses in the Yekaterina, who saw her father for the The Ukrainian National Front of "Khyylovy and contemporaneity" (a West. Two have already emigrated, and first time last month when she and her the 1960s was founded by Zinoviy reprint from the journal Proboyem, two others have received their visas and mother visited Moscow for 10 days, the Krasivsky, Dmytro Kvetsko, the late 1942) "Ukrainian nation" as well as expect to leave soon. AP reported. Vasyl Diak and others in 1965. On Ukrainian news. March 27,1967 the organization was The following are a few excerpts disbanded by the KGB, and its from the journal that reflect the AHRU petition pushes Helsinki resolution members were arrested on charges of atmosphere prevalent in Ukraine in "anti-Soviet agitation and propa­ the 1960s and the extent of Soviet by Walter Bodnar regarding an important Ukrainian ganda" and "betrayal of the father­ repression and exploitation. issue. This resolution, introduced by New land," Articles 62 and 56, respective­ e The struggle will be tough, many NEWARK, N.J. - A vigorous peti­ Jersey congressmen Bernard J. Dwyer ly, of the Ukrainian Criminal Code. lives will be sacrificied but the Ukrai­ tion campaign regarding House Con­ and Christopher H. Smith, with 74 . Mr. Krasivsky, 53, has been a nian National Front will not stop current Resolution 205, dealing with the other congressmen joining as co- member of the Ukrainian Helsinki fighting until Ukraine is free of all release of the Ukrainian Helsinki moni­ sponsors, was passed by the full House Group since October 1979. He was colonial knaves... toring group, is being waged by Ameri­ on May 4, and by the Senate on June 21. first arrested at age 17 for escaping e Ukrainians! Since 1918, our cans for Human Rights in Ukraine It asks the president to proclaim No­ from internal exile. He was arrested lands have been tread upon by the (AHRU) in conjunction with other vember 9 as a day honoring the Ukrai­ again in Masch 1967 and in Decem­ communist occupier. Ukraine is a organizations and concerned indivi­ nian group, and to use all means at his ber 1971, a new criminal charge was Russian colony. The inexhaustable duals. disposal to effect the release of its initiated against him for his poetry, riches of our land have become the Thousands of petitions are being sent members from imprisonment and exile. and he spent time in psychiatric source of aggresive travail of Soviet to President Ronald Reagan in order to This legislation was originally intro­ hospitals. imperialism. Our nation has become gain his attention for this issue. A mass duced in October 1981 to commemo­ an object of brutal exploitation... - appeal is being extended to the general He was once again released in 1978 rate the fifth anniversary of the found­ ж Economists figure that the Soviet public to continue this nationwide drive in very poor health and expressed his ing of the Ukrainian Helsinki group. government annually takes 4 million for signatures so that the president desire to emigrate from the USSR. The founding group consisted of 10 gold rubles from the Ukrainian might fulfill the wishes expressed by | On March 20, 1980 he was arrested prominent Ukrainians headed by its budget without ever returning it, Congress and the American people. on unknown charges related to his chairman, writer Mykola Rudenko. without any compensation. This is activities in the Ukrainian Helsinki The significance of this group's forma­ almost half of the annual monies The U.S. Congress passed the resolu­ Group and sentenced to serve out the tion displayed for the first time in the allowed to the Ukrainian SSR. It is tion in defense of the Ukrainian Public remainder of his previous sentence, history of the Soviet Union a group of also the same amount used this year Group to Promote the Implementation which was eight months' labor camp stalwarts openly forming a citizens' and five years' exile. (Continued on pate 16) of the Helsinki Accords in one of the most effective and speedy actions No. 33 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 15.1982 Soviet atheist cinema seeks Baptist leader fears for his life; family denied visiting privileges to destroy "religious remnant ZURICH, Switzerland - The an espionage agent. He is there, the ELKHART, Ind.
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