SK01ST075 INIS-SK--01-008 Atomic Energy Research (AER) Proceedings of the tenth Symposium of AER Moscow >Q Russia 18-22 October 2000 Atomic Energy Research (AER) Proceedings of the tenth Symposium of AER Moscow Russia 18-22 October 2000 Kiadja a KFKI Atomenergia Kutatdintezet Budapest ISBN 963-372-621-2 6 ISBN 963-372-622-0 Foreword The present volume contains 80 papers, presented on the tenth Symposium ofAER, held in Moscow, Russia, 18 - 22 September 2000. The papers are presented in their original form, i.e. no corrections or modifications were carried out. The content of this volume is divided into thematic groups: Core Operation, Fuel Mamagement and Design, Spectral and Core Calculation Methods, Spent Fuel, Transmutations, Core Monitoring, Surveillance and Testing, Reactor Dynamics and Safety Analysis - according to the presentation sequence on the Symposium. At the end of the volume an alphabetical author index is given. Budapest, October 2000 Istvdn Vidovszky PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ALL OF THE MISSING PAGES IN THIS DOCUMENT WERE ORIGINALLY BLANK Contents CORE OPERATION; FUEL MANAGEMENT AND DESIGN P. Darjlek: AER working group B activities in 2000 11 Yu.A. Kukushkin, V.L. Molchanov, V.V. Rozhkov: Improvement of VVER and RBMK reactor fuel state and prospects 15 I. Nemes: Investigation of neutronphysical features of VVER-440 assembly containing differently enriched pins and Gd burnable poison " 21 Tz. Haralampieva, A. Antov, S. Stefanova, G. Passage: Overview on the fuel cycle safety and economy characteristics improvement of the VVER-440/V-230 reactors at the Kozloduy NPP 39 A.N. Nov&ov, A.A. Gagarinski, M.P. Lizorkin, V.N. Proselkov, V.V. Saprykin: Experience of development and implementation of advanced fuel cycle in the WER-440 reactors 63 G.L. Lunin, A.N. Novikov, V.L Pavlov, A.M. Pavlovichev, P.E. Filimonov: Development of four-years fuel cycle based on advanced FA with U-Gd fuel and its implementation to the operating WER-1000 units 75 Gy. Hegyi: The Dukovany load follow benchmark solution 97 Yu.K. Bibilashvily, V.N. Proselkov, A.S. Scheglov, V.F. Kuznetsov: Calculation and experimental substantiation of the VVER fuel ability at high burnups 105 A.S. Dukhovenski, L.L. Kobzar, S.V. Marin, D.A. Oleksuk, M.S. Yudkevich: Concept for VVER-1500 111 P.E. Filimonov, S.P. Averiyanova: Development of methods for control the power and power distribution of VVER-1000 reactor in load follow regimes 127 A.S. Scheglov, V.N. Proselkov, V.D. Sidorenko, G. Passage, S. Stefanova, Tz. Haralampieva, Tz. Peychinov: Comparative calculations of the VVER fuel rod thermo-physical characteristics employing the TOPRA-S and the TRANSURANUS computer codes 133 R. Moukhamadeev, A. Suvorov: Verification of SABINE-3.1 code for calculations of radioactive inventory in reactor shield 147 V.A. Adeev, S.V. Burlov, Y.N. Pytkin), V.V. Saprykin: Features and ways of fuel cycles upgrade at units 1&2 ofKOLANPP 159 SPECTRAL AND CORE CALCULATION J.§varny": Information of AER working group A on improvement, extension and validation of parameterized few-group libraries for VVER-440 and WER-1000 167 S.S. Aleshin, P.A. Bolobov, S.N. Bolshagin, A.P. Lazarenko, A.V. Markov, V.V. Morozov, V.D. Sidorenko, A.A. Suslov, V.M. Tsvetkov: Verification of third generation code package for VVER 169 A.V. Avvakumov, V.M. Malofeev: BARS - a heterogeneous code for 3D pin-by-pin LWR steady-state and transient calculation . 229 Zs. Sz6cs6nyi, L, Korpa"s: Calculation uncertainty of distribution-like parameters in NPP of Paks 249 P.T. Petkov, Tz. Haralampieva, T. Simeonov, I. Stojanova, K. Kamenov: Generation of a library of two-group diffusion parameters for SPPS-1.6 By HELIOS 259 P.T. Petkov: Development of a neutron transport code for many-group two-dimensional heterogeneous calculations by the method of characteristics 271 P. MikoteS: Spectral calculations of VVER-440 FA with Gd burnable absorbers 281 A. Tanskanen: DIMER: A discrete mesh generator for three-dimensional tort radiation transport code 311 N.I. Laletin, A.A. Kovalishin: Application of the SHM and SPCM for calculations of some problems for WER and PWR 317 P. Darjlek, C. Strmensky: HELIOS calculations 331 G. Manturov, B. Bohmer: Neutron flux uncertainty and covariances for spectrum adjustment and estimation of WER-1000 pressure vessel fluences 345 L.P. Abagjan, N.I. Alexeyev, V.I. Bryzgalov, E.A. Gomin, A.E. Glushkov, S.S. Gorodkov, M.I. Gurevich, M.A. Kalugin, S.V. Marin, D.A. Shkarovsky, M.S. Yudkevich: Use of MGU code for Monte-Carlo calculations of WER reactors 353 A.V. Avvakumov, V.M. Malofeev, V.S. Sidorov: Pin-by-pin modeling of fuel cycle and reactivity initiated accidents in LWR 365 V.I. Lebedev: Explicit difference schemes with variable time steps for solving stiff systems of equations 387 G. Hordtfsy, Cs. Mariczy: The solution of the LEU and MOX WER-1000 calculation benchmark with the KARATE-Multicell code 391 P.T. Petkov: Calculation of accurate albedo boundary conditions for three-dimensional nodal diffusion codes by the method of characteristics 407 N.I. Laletin, N.V. Sultanov: Calculations of VVER cells and assemblies by WIMS-7B code 419 A.N. Novikov: Development of VVER physical calculation codes 433 I.R. Suslov: A preliminary result of calculation of extrapolated-to-zero-mesh-size solution (EZMSS) of the second AER kinetic benchmark by finite difference code MAG 449 S.M. Zaritsky, P.A. Platonov: Problems of VVER vessels irradiation and dosimetry 445 I.N.Aborina, P.A.Bolobov, Yu.A.Krainov: Calculation and experimental studies of power distribution in the vicinity of normal and modernized control rods of VVER-440 reactor 471 SPENT FUEL, TRANSMUTATIONS V. Chrapciak: AER Working group E activities in 2000 501 T. Varjoranta: WER nuclear waste management; regulatory experience in Finland 503 A. Koudriavtseva: Regulating aspects of NPP decommissioning in Russia 511 M. LaScek," V. Necas, P. Dayflek: Risk assessment basis for WER - 440 spent nuclear fuel 517 J. Svanry': On the application of MCNP4 code in nuclear reactor design calculations 523 V. Chrapciak: The numerical benchmark CB2-S 535 f. Mikola*§: A simplified solution of the benchmark problem of fuel burnup and isotopic composition in VVER-440 spent fuel 561 M. R. Gual: The calculational VVER burnup credit benchmark no. 3 Results with the ENDF/B-VI Rev.5(1999) 575 A. Schaberg, H. Spilker: Behaviour of high burn-up fuel rod cladding during long-term dry storage in CASTOR casks 583 V. Lelek: AER working group F "TRANSMUTATIONS" activities in 2000 597, V. Lelek: Establishing the design basis for a molten salt demonstrational transmulter * 599 V. Lelek: Open problems in reprocessing of a molten salt reactor fuel 607 V. Lelek, T. Marek: Generalized perturbation theory and source of information through chemical measurements 615 P.N. Alekseev, A.A. Dudnikov, V.V. Ignatiev, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoy, V.N. Prusakov, S.A. Subbotin: Nuclear power technology system with molten salt reactor for Transuranium nuclides burning in closed fuel cycle 625 A.A. Dudnikov, S.A. Subbotin: Calculational investigations of plutonium and minor actinides burning in VVER-MSR system 645 CORE MONITORING, SURVEILLANCE AND TESTING I. Nemes: AER working group C activities in 2000 665 N.I. Alexeyev, G.Ya. Andrianov, V.I. Baribkin, Yu.A. Iepanechnikov, V.S. Ionov, Yu. I. Kravchenko, Yu.A. Krainov, A.Yu. Nasedkin, V.K. Obukhov, V.V. Sarbukov: Experimental investigations of the VVER physics in RRC Kurchatov Institute 669 V.S. Ionov, V.F. Gorokhov, Yu.A. Krainov, I.V. Saprykin, V.V. Saprykin, Yu.N. Poliakov, I.A. Boev, D.I. Lisicin: Preparing and measuring of the recriticality temperature at the VVER-440 reactor of 4-th unit of NV NPP at the end of 25-th fuel cycle 691 A.S. Kuzil, S.P. Padun, V.l. Bourian: Development of the in-core monitoring system for VVER-440 703 A.M. Tziboula, I.P. Matveenko, A.L. Kotchetkov, G.M. Mikhailov,V.I. Lependin, V.A. Doulin: Experimental investigations of the LWR cores neutron-physical characteristics using IPPE facilities 717 V.F. Shikalov: Practice and tendency of control of local energy release for safety improvement of nuclear power plant with WER units 727 S.S. Gorodkov, S.V. Marin, S.A. Tsimbalov: In-core SPND response calculation with MCU4 and EGS4 codes 735 REACTOR DYNAMICS AND SAFETY ANALYSIS P. Siltanen: AER working group D on WER safety analysis, Minutes of the meeting in Espoo, Finland, 19-21 June 2000 741 S. Kliem, A. Seidel, U. Grundmann: Definition of the 6-th dynamic AER benchmark - MSLB in a NPP with WER-440 749 S. Mittag, S. Kliem, F.P. Weiss, R. Kyrki-Rajamäki, A. Hämäläinen, S. Langenbuch, S. Danilin, J. Hadek, Gy. Hegyi, A. Kuchin, D. Panayotov: Validation of coupled neutron-kinetic / thermal-hydraulic codes for WER 763 V.A. Bolnov, A.V. Budnikov, S.A. Danilin, S.A. Kryukov, M.P. Lizorkin, Yu.G. Nikiporetz, V.l. Pechenkin, D.L. Shishkov: Code package TIGER-1. WER units calculations results 783 V.K. Ivanov, M.P. Lizorkin, MX. Lukashenko, D.L. Shishkov: BIPR8KN and RELAP codes inter- connection for coupled dynamic calculations of a neutron physics and thermo-hydraulics of a WER facility, with three - dimensional core representation 811 J. Svarny", V. Krysl: Rod drop experiment analysis provided in SKODA JS 819 M. Sedlácek, M. Minar5in: Results of rod drop measurements at NPP Mochovce, Unit 1, Cycle 2 853 S.V. Tsyganov, L.K. Shishkov: Once more on the problem of high negative reactivity measurements 869 G. Alekova, T. Apostolov, R. Prodanova: WWER-1000 steady state calculations by HEXAB-3DI-RADMAGRU code system 875 V.
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