The Danish Xyelidae and Pamphiliidae (Hymenoptera) FRED MIDTGAARD, OLE LOMHOLDT & FRANK KOCH Midtgaard, F., Lomholdt, 0. & Koch, F., 1987, The Danish Xyelidae and Pamphi­ liidae (Hymenoptera). Ent. Meddr. 55, 31-37. Copenhagen, Denmark, 198x. ISSN 0013-8851. The Danish material of Xyelidae and Pamphiliidae is being revised and eight species appear to be new to the fauna: Cephalcia alashanica (Gussakovskij), C. intermedia (Hellen), C. lariciphila (Wachtl), C. pa/lidula Gussakovskij, C. j{dlenii (Dalman), Pamphiliusfumipennis (Curtis), P. a/hop ictus (Thomson) and P. variu.1 (Lcpeleticr). Fred Midtgaard, Norwegian Forest Research Institute, P.O.Box 61, N-1432 A.s-NLH, Norway. Ole Lomholdt, Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen 0, Denmark. Frank Koch, Museum ftir Naturkunde an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, lnvali­ denstr. 43, DDR I 04 Berlin, Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Introduction Agricultural University of Denmark (AU) Since the paper by Nielsen & Henriksen has been revised. ( 1915), only three articles have been Most of the material was identified by F. published about the Danish Pamphiliidae: Midtgaard, but some specimens from Petersens (1966) work on spruce defoliators ZMUC have been determined by Frank and two records of Caeno/yda reticulata Koch. Ole Lomholdt has »interpreted« the (L., 1758) (Overgaard Nielsen 1969, Lom­ often very strongly abbreviated names of the holdt 1978). localities in the faunistic regions. Up to now 20 species of Pamphiliidae and The identifications follow a combination l species of Xyelidae have been reported of the works of Benes (1974, 1976a, 1976b), from Denmark. Shinohara ( 1980, 1985b), Viitasaari ( 1982) During the present investigation 8 additi­ and Achterberg & Aartsen ( 1986 ). onal species were found, bringing the total Only synonyms used by Nielsen & Hen­ number of Danish Pamphiliidae species up riksen ( 1915) are mentioned. to 28. However, several species occurring in the neighbouring countries are to be expected Results and discussion but have not yet been reported from Den­ The distribution of the species in the fau­ mark. nistic regions are listed in Table I. No additional species of Xyelidae were found. Xyelidae Xyela ju/ii (Brebisson, 1818): Probably Material and methods overlooked and is so far only known from Material from the Zoological Museum, Uni­ SJ, LFM, SZ and NEZ. versity of Copenhagen (ZMUC) the Natural The larva developes in male flowers of History Museum of Arhus (NHMA) and the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) (Benson 1954). Ent. Meddr 55.1- 1987 31 '":l '":l ~ N N '":l '":l t-:1 :s: ril li< N :s: ril U) ril :s: z z li< ....:JU) z z J1l XYELIDAE Xyela julii (Brebisson) PAMPHILIIDAE • • • • Caenolyda reticulata (L.) Acantholyda erythrocephala (L.) • • • !e A. hieroglyphica (Christ) • • • A. posticalis Matsumura • Cephalcia abietis (L.) • • • • c. alashanica (Gussakovskij) • • • • • • • c. arvensis Panzer • re c. intermedia (Hellen) • • • • • • • • c. lariciphila (Wachtl) • c. pallidula Gussakovskij • c. erythrogaster (Hartig) • c. fallenii (Dalman) • • Neurotoma sal tuum (L.) • • N. nemoralis (L.) • • • Pamphilius histrio Latreille • • P. gyllenhali (Dahlbom) • P. inani tus (Villers) • • • P. betulae (L.) • • • P. nemo rum (Gmelin) • • • P. sylvaticus (L.) • P. fumipennis (Curtis) • • • • • • • • P. pallipes (Zetterstedt) • • • • P. vafer (L.) • , • P. albopictus (Thomson) • • . • • P. varius (Lepeletier) • P. marginatus (Lepeletier) • • • • P. hortoru:rn (Klug) • • • • • • P. balteatus (Fallen) • • • Tabel I. Distribution of the Danish Xyelidae and Pamphiliidae. Tabe/1. Udbredelse afde danske Xyelidae og Pamphiliidae. Imagines fly relatively early (April-June) Pamphiliidae and are easily collected by sweep-netting the Caenolyda reticulata (L., 1758): Recently vegetation under pine trees or by netting discovered in Denmark (Overgaard Nielsen them when they are flying. 1969, Lomholdt 1978), and so far only re­ A key to the European species is given by ported from Jutland. Schedl (1978). Larva on pine (Pinus spp.) Distributed throughout Europe, North (Lorenz & Kraus 1957). Africa and the USSR (Schedl 1978). Distributed throughout northern and ea- 32 Ent. Meddr 55.1 - 1987 stem Europe and the USSR (Viitasaari The specimens would belong to the sub­ 1982). species europaea Benes, 1976. C. alashanica europaea is not regarded to be a valid sub­ Acantholyda erythrocephala (L., 1758): species by Achterberg & Aartsen (1986). Rather abundant, but only known from SJ, Larva on Norway spruce in Europe (Ach­ EJ, NEJ and NEZ. terberg & Aartsen 1986). Larva on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) Known from Nederland, Finland, Swe­ (Kontuniemi 1959) and Weymouth pine (P. den, Czechoslovakia Switzerland, USSR, strobus) (Lorenz & Kraus 1957). Mongolia and North China (Achterberg Distributed throughout the Palaearctic & Aartsen 1986). region and North America (probably intro­ duced) (Viitasaari 1982). C. arvensis Panzer, 1815 (C. signata A. hieroglyphica (Christ, 1791 ): Reported Fabricius, 1781): Very commo!'l in most of as Danish by Nielsen & Henriksen (1915). the country. Some very dark specimens re­ We have not seen any specimens from Den­ semble C. intermedia Hellen, 1948. mark. However, as there is a wide range of varia­ The description of the larval web in tion in the colouration of C. arvensis, see Nielsen & Henriksen ( 1915) fits this species Shinohara ( 1985c), this character is of limi­ very well, and it is very likely that the spe­ ted use. It is difficult to find morpbologically cies does occur in Denmark. Nielsen & Hen­ distinct characters between dark specimens riksen (1915) reported a find from NWZ: (C. intermedia) and pale specimens (C. ar­ Bromme Plantage. vensis). The species is a well known pest on small According to Vikberg (1982) the fully grown Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in Fennoscan­ larva of C. intermedia has infuscated fovea dia. on the anal tergite and differs thus from the Distributed throughout Europe and the larva of C. arvensis, which has no infusca­ USSR (Viitasaari 1982). tion on the anal tergite. The situation in the Cephalcia arvensis complex is further com­ A. posticalis Matsumura, 1912 (stellata plicated by the fact that the larvae of some Christ, I 791): Known from EJ, LFM, NWZ pale females also have infuscated fovea on and NEZ. Rather frequent. the anal tergite. These pale females differ in Larva on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) colour from typical females of C. arvensis (Kontuniemi 1959). (Vikberg 1982). Distributed throughout Europe, USSR, Larva on spruce Picea spp. (Benes 1976a). Japan and China (Viitasaari 1982). Distributed throughout northern and Cen­ tral Europe, eastwards to Ussuri and Sakha­ Cepha/cia abietis (L., 1758): Common in lin (USSR) (Viitasaari 1982). most of the country. Larva on Norway spruce (Picea abies) (Benes 1976a). C. inter media (Hellen, 1948): New to Distributed throughout northern and Cen­ Denmark. tral Europe, eastwards to Siberia, Sakhalin We have only found one specimen dark en­ and China (Viitasaari 1982). ough to be a typical C. intermedia. The identification is made on the basis of a single C. alashanica (Gussakovskij, 1935): New character only: the colouration of abdomen. to Denmark. Only two females from: EJ: The specimen is from NEZ: Ravneh0j, Nee­ Gludsted, I 0. and 24. VII.I980, T.S. Jensen rum, 24.V.l959, B. B. Petersen leg., AU: leg .. One in coli. F. Midtgaard and one in d'.The valvae were partly damaged in an old coil. T.S. Jensen. genitalia preparat. Ent. Meddr 55.1- 1987 33 C. intermedia is a species living on Nor­ ven, Silkeborg, 20.v.1956, ? leg.,NHMA: <;> way spruce (Picea abies) (Vikberg 1982, and SJ: Bommerlund, 4.vi.l955, 20.v.l955, Viitasaari 1982). If C. intermedia should fall 22.v.l956, 23.v.l956 and 24.v.l956 B. B. into synonymy, it should be as a synonym of Petersen leg., AU: 9 <;><;>. The specimens from the spruce feeding C. arvensis and not as Bommerlund were identified by R. B. Ben­ suggested by Achterberg & Aartsen (1986), son, 1966 as members of the arvensis-group. of the larch (Larix ·spp.) feeding C. larici­ The Danish specimens are very variable in phila. colour, whereas Fennoscandian specimens Little is known about the distribution, but are of the colour-form annulata (Hartig). the species has been found in northern Euro­ Larva on Norway spruce Picea abies pe and possibly also in Bulgaria and Ru­ (Benes 1976a). mania (Shinohara 1985c). Distributed throughout northern and Cen­ tral Europe, and northern USSR (Achter­ C. lariciphila (Wachtl, 1898): New to berg & Aartsen 1986). Denmark. Two females (det. F. Koch) label­ led: »2.vii.l977, Dania, coli. Kaj Pedersen« Neurotoma sa/tuum (L., 1758) (N. flavi­ (?EJ) and »Geels Skov, 21. v.l964., leg. 0. ventris Retzius, 1783): Rare and not collec­ Lomholdt« (NEZ), both in ZMUC. ted in Denmark since 1911. Known from Larva on larch (Larix spp.) (Benes 1976a). EJ: Dyrmes, LFM: Reds le and NEZ: Distributed throughout the Central and Strandmollen. northern Palaearctic Region (Achterberg & Larva most commonly reported from pear Aartsen 1986). (Pints communis) but the species has also been reported from hawthorn (Cratae­ C. pallidula Gussakovskij, 1935: New to gus). medlar (Mespilus) Cotoneaster, wild Denmark. One male from Donse, cherry (Prunus avium) apricot (P. armenica) 15.vi.l902, C. R. Larsen leg.,NHMA and and peach (P. persica) (Lorenz & Kraus two males from EJ: Gludsted, 26.VI.I980, 1957). T.S. Jensen leg., in coli. F. Midtgaard (I) Distributed throughout Europe, Asia Mi­ and T.S. Jensen (I). nor, Transcaucasia and Japan (Shinohara The larva is reported to feed on Siberian 1980). spruce (Picca abies ssp. obm•ata), and the biology has been studied by Verzhutskii N. nemora/is (L., 1758): Rare and not (1973). collected since 1887, except a specimen C. Distributed throughout northern Eurasia, R. Larsen leg., 2.v.l918 with no locality. from Fennoscandia across Siberia to Sakha­ Found in LFM: Redsle and NEZ :Strand­ lin (Benes 1976a). mollen. Larva on European bird cherry (Prunus C. erythrogaster (hartig, 1837): Only re­ padus), blackthorn (P. spinosa), apricot (P. ported from SJ: Bommerlund, 28.v.l955: <;>: armeniaca) peach (P. persica), wild cherry 23.v.l956: o'; 25.v.l956: <;>,all B.
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