State of California Transportation Agency Department of Transportation HISTORIC PROPERTY SURVEY REPORT 1. UNDERTAKING DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION District County Route Post Miles Unit E-FIS Project Number Phase 8 Riv I-10 62.3/63.7 EA45210 Federal Project. Number. District County (Prefix, Agency Code, Project No.) Location 8 Riv PN 08-0000-0721 I-10 at Avenue 50 Project Description: The City of Coachella (City), in cooperation with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), proposes to construct a new interchange at Interstate 10 (I-10) and Avenue 50, from Post Mile (PM) R62.3 to R63.7, within the limits of the City in the County of Riverside (see Attachment 1). The proposed interchange is located approximately 3.4 miles (mi) east of the existing I-10/Dillon Road interchange (PM 58.9) and approximately 12.7 miles west of the existing I-10/Aqueduct Wash interchange (PM 75.0). Within the limits of the project, I-10 is a 4-lane freeway with a median running down the center and no High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) facilities. All lanes are 12 feet (ft) with outside and inside shoulders of 10 ft and 5 ft, respectively. 2. AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECTS In accordance with Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Stipulation VIII.A, the Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project was established in consultation with Mary K. Smith (PQS), Principal Architectural Historian and Meardey S. Tim, Project Manager, on August 11, 2016. The APE maps (Exhibit 3) are located in Attachment 1 in this Historic Property Survey Report. The APE was established from the engineering footprint to include all design alternatives, staging, and storage areas, temporary construction easements, and existing and proposed right-of-way acquisitions, plus a sufficient buffer to allow heavy construction equipment room to maneuver. The APE includes seven discontinuous segments between PM 60 and PM 65.4. The largest portion extends from PM R62.3 to PM R63.7, roughly 1 ½ miles long, and extends approximately ¼ mile north and south of the I-10 median. The other six locations, each measuring approximately 200 feet in diameter, representing potential sign locations. Three of these sign locations are west of the large APE segment, between PM 60 and PM 62.3; three are to the east of the large APE segment, between PM 63.7 and PM 65.4. The vertical APE is 90 feet below present surface, the maximum depth of project excavations. These deeper excavations are occurring at the proposed westbound off-ramp to remove excess sediments to accommodate the proposed interchange. 3. CONSULTING PARTIES / PUBLIC PARTICIPATION X Native American Tribes, Groups and Individuals Initial Section 106 tribal consultation letters were sent on March 4, 2015. The list of tribes includes: Shane Chapparosa, Los Coyotes Band of Mission Indians Diana Chihuahua, Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian Henry Contreras, San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians [HPSR form rev 08/07/15] Caltrans, Division of Environmental Analysis. Copyright © 2014 State of California. All rights reserved. Alteration to the title and section headings is prohibited. Page 1 State of California Transportation Agency Department of Transportation HISTORIC PROPERTY SURVEY REPORT Mary Ann Green, Augustine Band of Mission Indians Joseph Hamilton, Ramona Band of Mission Indians Raymond Huaute, Morongo Band of Mission Indians Karen Kupcha, Augustine Band of Mission Indians John Marcus, Santa Rosa Band of Mission Indians Robert Martin, Morongo Band of Mission Indians Mary Resvaloso, Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians David Roosevelt, Cabazon Band of Mission Indians Luther Salgado, Sr., Cahuilla Band of Indians Earnest Siva, Morongo Band of Mission Indians Judy Stapp, Cabazon Band of Mission Indians Patricia Garcia-Tuck, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Responses were received from Patricia Garcia-Tuck, Mary Ann Green, Yvonne Markel (for Luther Salgado), Judy Stapp, Raymond Huaute (for Robert Martin), Anthony Madrigal, Roland Ferrer (for Diana Chihuahua and Mary Resvaloso). Contacts are summarized in Attachment 2.1. Consultation with tribes by Caltrans District 8 Native American Coordinator Gary Jones included consultation with the Agua Caliente Band of Mission Indians and the Torres- Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians. On November 24th, 2014, and again on January 23rd, 2015, Roland Ferrar requested formal Government-to-Government consultation pursuant to Section 106 on behalf of the Torres-Martinez Band of Desert Cahuilla Indians. Contacts are summarized in Attachment 2.1. Patricia Garcia stated by letter that the project area is not located within the boundaries of the reservation, however it is with the tribe’s traditional Use Area. Therefore the tribe requested (1) Native American monitoring; (2) a cultural resources survey by a qualified archaeologist to be done prior to development; and (3) a copy of the information center records search. On July 7, 2016, a copy of the draft Archaeological Survey Report was provided to Ms. Garcia. Upon receipt, Katherine Croft stated that Ms. Garcia indicated she did not need to discuss the project further and that consultation is considered complete. Judy Stapp stated by letter that the project is outside the tribe’s current reservation boundaries and the tribe has no specific archival information regarding sacred/religious sites on the project site. Raymond Huaute stated by letter that the project is outside the tribe’s current reservation boundaries and is not in its traditional use area; therefore, he recommended contacting tribes who have a cultural affiliation to the area. Roland Ferrer was contacted via letter on December 8, 2014 and was provided with copies of the draft Archaeological Survey Report and APE map. Mr. Ferrer requested formal government-to-government consultation via email on January 23, 2016. The Caltrans District 8 Native American Coordinator (DNAC) contacted Mr. Mirelez, Cultural Coordinator, Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians via email on May 17, 2016, June 1, 2016, and July 7, 2016. No response has been received to date. Caltrans initiated new tribal consultations pursuant to AB 52 on October 5th, 2015. On October 13th, 2015, Anthony Madrigal responded on behalf of the 29 Palms Band of [HPSR form rev 08/07/15] Caltrans, Division of Environmental Analysis. Copyright © 2014 State of California. All rights reserved. Alteration to the title and section headings is prohibited. Page 2 State of California Transportation Agency Department of Transportation HISTORIC PROPERTY SURVEY REPORT Mission Indians to request continuing consultations under AB 52 and Section 106. On July 20, 2016, project maps were emailed to Mr. Madrigal. No response has been received to date. X Native American Heritage Commission NAHC—requested sacred lands file search; received a reply March 4, 2015—NAHC was unaware of any sacred lands in the project area, but provided list of local tribal contacts for further consultations. X Local Historical Society / Historic Preservation Group (refer to Attachment 2.2) Coachella Valley Archaeological Society. Letter sent 3/05/15; received reply 3/24/15— Society noted that it has no knowledge of the site and thus have no comments other than to state that all Federal, State, and County cultural resources laws should be followed throughout the project. Coachella Valley Historical Society. Letter sent on 3/05/15; No response to date. On 12/1/15 a follow up telephone call was made to the Coachella Valley History Museum which the Society is affiliated with. Left a voicemail with no response to date. General Patton Memorial Museum. Letter sent on 3/05/15; on 12/8/15 a follow up email was sent to Mike Pierson, General Manager of the museum. He responded via email on 12/9/15 that the project is 35 miles from the Museum and therefore has nothing to share. 4. SUMMARY OF IDENTIFICATION EFFORTS X National Register of Historic Places X California Points of Historical Interest X California Register of Historical X California Historical Resources Resources Information System (CHRIS) X California Inventory of Historic X Caltrans Historic Highway Bridge Resources Inventory X California Historical Landmarks X Other Sources consulted Coachella Valley Archaeological Society; March 5, 2015; responded on March 24, 2015 General Patton Memorial Museum; March 5, 2015; responded on December 9, 2015 X Results: The results of the records search indicate that four studies have been conducted within one half mile of the Project APE (see Attachment 3 for complete bibliography). Three (3) archaeological surveys included portions, or approximately 40 percent, of the Project APE. One historic-period resource, P33-14984/CA- RIV-8185H, an abandoned segment of U.S. Highway 60/70 was identified and recorded within the Project APE. [HPSR form rev 08/07/15] Caltrans, Division of Environmental Analysis. Copyright © 2014 State of California. All rights reserved. Alteration to the title and section headings is prohibited. Page 3 State of California Transportation Agency Department of Transportation HISTORIC PROPERTY SURVEY REPORT 5. PROPERTIES IDENTIFIED X Pamela Daly, consulting architectural historian, who meets the Professionally Qualified Staff Standards in Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Attachment 1 as a(n) Architectural Historian, has determined that the only/only other properties present within the APE meet the criteria for Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Attachment 4 (Properties Exempt from Evaluation). Interstate 10 Bridges listed as Category 5 in the Caltrans Historic Highway Bridge Inventory are X present within the APE. Appropriate pages from the Caltrans Historic Bridge Inventory are attached. Echo Ditch (56 0475L and 56 0475R) Smoky Gulch (56 0201L and 56 0201R) X The following cultural resources within the APE are not eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places: P33-14984/CA- RIV-8185H (Segment of U. S. Route 60/70) X The following resources are not significant resources under CEQA: P33-14984/CA-RIV-8185H (Segment of U. S. Route 60/70) 6. HPSR to District File X Not applicable.
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