Po s -~ -J ~ ...... ~ LIBRARY FISHERIES AND OCEANS BIBLJOTHEQUE ricnEs ET oct.\Ns DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEA NS lVV Al9 ·s·N 'H1now HIVO 900 L XC: 9 AHdVll~ONV3:>0 :10 :IJ.OJ.1.LSNI Oll0:10:19 Al1Vll911 :JHJ. PLANT INSPECTION PROCEDURES Plant Services Section Southern Operations Di rectorate Western Region 501 University Crescent Winni peg, Manitoba R3T 2N6 Phone: 949-5096 April , 1984 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS =================== Page List of Figures . ii i List of Tables iv List of Abbreviations v Plant Registration Program l Cold Storage Procedures • 111 Approved Pest Control Program • 114 Plastic Tub and Wood Box Storage • 122 Multi-Purpose Plants • 125 Field Procedures - Water and Ice Sources • • 132 In-Plant Bacteriological Surveys • 138 The Membrane Filter Technique • 144 Water and Ice - Samples and results 1983/84 . 127 ii i LIST OF FIGURES ================ Page Figure 1 - Certificate of Registration . 8 Figure 2 - Team Survey Form . 80 Figure 3 - Fish Plant Report • . 88 Figure 4 - Sanitarians Check Sheet • . 93 iv LIST OF TABLES ======== Page Table 1 - Registered Plants Classification Listing 19 Table 2 - Unregistered Plants Classification Listing • 39 Table 3 - Minimum Compliance Standards for F.I.R. 94 Table 5 - List of Acceptable Materials and Compounds • 113 Table 6 - Geometric Means Calculation - Water and Ice 136 v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED THROUGHOUT THE PLANT INSPECTION PROCEDURES (PIP) MANUAL ========================================== ASAP as soon as possible Department refers to the Department of Fisheries & Oceans FIA Fish Inspection Act FIR Fish Inspection Regulations FFMC Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation FPR Fish Plant Report form HQ (Regional) Headquarters OPMS Operational Performance Measurement System PIP Plant Inspection Procedures manual Reg. registered plant Reg. no. registration number TS team survey UR unregistered fish processing plant II <~ 0::: {.!J 0 0::: 0.. z 0...... I- < 0::: I- ......V) {.!J L1J 0::: I-z <_J 0.. - 1 - PLANT REGISTRATION PROGRAM A) Review Procedures 1) Survey Requisites Section 14 of the FIR states that all processing of fish for export is to be carried out in a registered plant. Plants should not be permitted to process fish for export unless they are in possession of a valid Certification of Registration. NOTE 1: This excludes fisherman-packer operations (where a fisher­ man does his own dressing, packing or icing of fresh fish from his own catch). NOTE 2: Each plant will be reviewed on a management basis so that team surveys will not be carried out if the intention is not to register such a plant. Ability to monitor plant operations and maintenance of sanitation standards at field level are important factors that must be taken into consideration prior to registering any plants. Plants that will be assessed for registration include: a) all processing plants (other than whose which just ice and hold fish) where ownership of the fish changes hands, e.g. where fishermen deliver fish to a plant which takes the fish from the fisherman and the plant then exports the fish directly or delivers to the FFMC. This would include all delivery points and agents of the FFMC. It would not include fishermanpackers or plants that process fish for local sales only. b) those plants whose owners request registration, in writing to the District Office. - 2 - Plants will be considered for team surveys if: a) District and local officers feel that the plant essentially complies to FIR, and that they are able to monitor plant operations and sanitation standards adequately, b) water and ice have been sampled and found to be satisfactory (or water is from an approved municipal source). Plants presently registered will be team surveyed in accordance with Plant Classifications. Fish plants with temporary registration certificates shall be re~-eva l uated prior to the expiry date and wi 11 be team surveyed where extensive renovations have taken place, at District request or Regional request 2) J§!am Survey Procedures Team surveys were initiated to provide a uniform approach to the inspection of fish processing plants and the to implementation of corrective measures. Completed Fish Plant Report (FPR) forms and other reports from the field are used as sources of information for all plants. Any p1ant not team surveyed in a particular year remains subject to continuing vigilance by the local officer who will ensure that such p1ants are reviewed, on a yearly basis, for construction, equipment and operating requirements using the Fish Plant Report form. The team survey form is used in reassessing registered plants for continuance of registration and assessing unregistered plants where it is felt that those plants comply with the FIR and meet the requirements for assessment. Team surveys of fish processing plants will be carried out - 3 - by an inspection team composed of the local inspector and/or district representative and a regional office representative. The field officer will advise on local conditions, plant problems and concerns during the survey. It is also the officer's responsibility to check and ensure that the deficiencies noted during the survey have been corrected and to inform District office of plant progress. The District representative ensures that the local officers are being uniform in their approach during the survey; monitors p·lants in the district and recommends registration or withdrawal to Regional office. The Regional representative is responsible for maintaining a consistent approach to regulatory requirements and to the uniform correction of deficiencies throughout the Region. During the survey the Regional representative will complete the team survey form in conjunction with the district and/or local officers. Where on-site agreement is reached between team members, the Regional representative wi 11 ensure that the pl ant manager receives a copy of the defi ci ,ency list and corrective dates as well as sending a copy of the team survey and a sketch of the plant and equipment layout to the District office. Plant managers are to be advised of the survey intent and procedure prior to commencement of the survey. A team survey will record all plant construction and operational deficiencies as well as noting equipment present, flow of operations and any other details which might be relevant to the decision to issue a registration certificate (e.g. chemical compounds used as disinfectants or pesticides should be included). - 4 - NOTE: Team surveys should be conducted when plants are processing so that operational deficiencies can be recorded. They should be completed as near to the start of the operating season as possible to permit registration to be granted where necessary. Team surveys in a particular area will commence only when the plants are known to be operating since the survey may take considerable time and attention as documentation of construction, equipment, and operational deficiencies must be accurate. It is essential that all deficiencies be noted and recorded so that overlooked deficiencies are not "discovered" at a later date. The observations of team survey personnel are recorded on the Team Survey Form (see Figure 1). Photographs are an integral part of the team survey and follow-up inspections and should be taken of the plant exterior and interior, including the basic processing area, equipment, processing activities and specific deficiencies observed. Photos are labelled to correspond to a diagramatic sketch of the plant in order to show plant layout flow of production and operations. The deficiencies recorded by the team will be discussed among the members prior to any discussions with management or plant owners. Agreement on the nature of deficiencies, suitable methods and suggested deadlines for their correction will be settled among team members. Where agreement is not reached, the discussion between the team members should be continued away from the plant until settlement is reached. The plant manager should be informed that the deficiency list will be sent out to him and that he is to comply with the correction deadlines. (Items agreed upon by a 11 team representatives are discussed with him before the team departs.) - 5 .. The advantages to leaving a copy of the deficiency list with the plant manager are as follows: - The local inspection and/or District officer has time to read over the deficiency list before discussing the 'list with the plant manager. - It prevents discrepancies due to rewriting of the list whereby the original meaning may be inadvertently changed. - There is the opportunity to discuss the list with the plant manager while all the inspectors are present. - The plant manager has the opportunity to question any wording, phrasing or deficiencies at the time. - Specific deficiencies can actually be pointed out to the manager to avoid misinterpretation. - No new deficiencies are discovered that are written to the plant manager which were not mentioned to him while discussing the deficiency list. - Most important is the time factor. The plant manager already has the list and can begin corrections immect·iately. Major deficiencies are those items which are more conspicuous in effecting product contamination. They generally are not ab.le to be corrected within 30 days. Examples of major deficiencies include: Schedule I - Section 1 - floor cracks (that prevent proper cleaning) in working area floor surfaces Section 3 - drains of insufficient capacity Section 4 - wall cracks Section 5 - inadequate ventilation where humidity and odour pose an obvious problem - 6 - Section 8 - no handwash or hand dip facilities Section 9 - unsafe, unsanitary water Section 11 - surfaces of porous material Section 16 - cracked, chipped ceilings with open joints NOTE: Suspected structural defects should immediately be brought to the attention of the plant owner/manager and reported to the District Manager for consultation with the Regional Inspection Engineer. Minor deficiencies can generally be corrected within 30 days. ·All unsanitary operating practices may be major in effect, but can be considered as minor for survey purposes where the deficiencies can be corrected immediately.
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