Index Abercrombie, Patrick, 143–9, 156, 165, 168, Bank of China, 15, 257 298, 448 baojia system, 126 Action Group on Protection of Central Police Belilios, Emmanuel R., 12, 44 Station Historical Compound, 320 Bills Advance Promenade of the new Central Mass Transit Railway Corporation Bill 1975, Harbourfront, 314 216 Agenda 21, 429 Town Planning (Amendment) Bill 2003, Agriculture and Fisheries Department, 368 355 Urban Renewal Authority Bill, 335 Agricultural Guidance Office, 134 Bird, H. W., 355 Airport Core Programme, 220, 256–62, 268, Blake Garden, 44, 46 274, 278, 296, 398, 449–50 Blake Pier, 19–21 Airport Core Project, 262 Blake, Henry Arthur, 19, 47, 74, 82, 88, 281, Airport Development Steering Committee, 285 257–8 Block Crown Lease, 281, 285–9, 292, 359 Airport Express Line, 307, 419, 424 Board of Arbitrators, 78 Airport Master Planning Study, 233 Board of Public Health (UK), 61 Airport Railway, 256, 258–60, 262–4, 309, 316, Botanical Gardens, 14, 34, 168 374, 380 Boulton, J. F., 19, 38 Akers-Jones, David, 247, 249, 287, 323 Boundary Street, 4, 7, 70, 75, 87–8, 90–91, 95, Aldrich Bay, 307, 374 103,110, 116, 125, 170, 174, 194, 238, d’Almada e Castro Jr, Leo, 113 359, 446–7 Angus, H. A., 185 Bowring cottages, 177 Annual Departmental Report by the Director Bray, Denis Campbell, 282 of Public Works, 166 Bristow, Roger, 298 Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB), 316 British Civil Aviation Authority, 203 Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO), British Colonial Office (see Colonial Office) 325, 380 British Foreign Office, 101, 446 Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance, British Privy Council, 290, 347 316–18 British Secretary of State for Foreign and Antiquities Authority, 317 Commonwealth Affairs, 285 Application List System, 303 Broadbent, R., 203, 205 Architectural Services Department, 258 Brown, Gordon, 158 Area Assessments of Industrial Land in the Bruce, J. C., 105, Territory, 344 bubonic plague, 40, 46, 62, 64, 68 Ashton-Gwatkin, Frank, 101 Building Department, 113 Asia Pacific Regional Office, 324 Building (Planning) Regulations, 360, 366 Association of Engineering Professionals in Building Reconstruction Advisory Committee, Society, 317 144 Association of Workers, Peasants and Building Rehabilitation Materials Incentive Merchants (also Xinjie gongnong shang Scheme, 338 yanjiuhui), 83 Buildings and Lands Department, 152 Au Tak, 106, 107 Buildings Department, 338, 345, 361 Aviation Advisory Board, 231 Buildings Ordinance, 157, 246, 344, 361–2 Pui-yin Ho - 9781788117951 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/28/2021 02:05:45PM via free access M4593-HO_9781788117944_t.indd 467 20/08/2018 16:48 468 · MAKING HONG KONG Bureau of Medical Statistics (UK), 61 China Ferry Terminal, 381, 404 Butters, Henry Robert, 113 China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone (GDFTZ), 428 C. P. R. Holt’s Co., 102 China Highway Planning and Design Institute Cadastral Survey Report for the New (HPDI), 416 Territories and Outlying Islands (1904), China Light & Power Co., 106 76 China Mail, 60, 74 Caine, Sydney, 101 Chinachem Group, 283 Caine, William, 15, 50–51 Chinese Cooperative Council, 121 Canton-Hankow Railway, 105 Chinese Representative Council, 121 Captain Superintendent of Police, 34, 110 Chinese University of Hong Kong, 223, 434 Census and Statistics Department, 22, 212 Chiu Kwong, 240 Centa-City Leading Index (CCL), 303 Chow Shou-son (also Chou Shou-son), 121 Central and Western District Council, 314–15 Chung Yee, 240 Central Government Offices (CGO), 162–3, City and New Territories Administration, 249 318, 321, 326, 372 City District Office, 246 Central Harbourfront, 161, 311, 313–17 City Hall, 14–15, 20, 30, 34, 67, 156, 158, Central Harbourfront Concern Group, 315 161–2, 313 Central Reclamation (CR), 259, 272, 304, City of Victoria (also Victoria City), 2, 6, 7, 307–11, 314, 316 10, 12, 16, 19, 24, 30, 34–5, 44, 49, 52–6, Central-Wan Chai Bypass, 308–9, 311 61–2, 65–7, 90, 102, 116, 169, 318, 445–6 Central-Wan Chai Waterfront, 374 Civil Aviation Department, 231, 235 Chadwick, Edwin, 61, 65 Civil Engineering and Development Chadwick, Osbert, 61–2, 64, 445 Department (CEDD), 385 Chan Chi-kwan, Peter, 249 Civil Engineering Department, 215, 258, 264 Chan Hip-ping, 249–50 Clementi, Cecil, 69, 101–3, 116, 446 Chan Hung, 240 Collison, R. E., 8 Chan Lim-pak, 121 Colonial Development and Welfare Fund, 144, Chan Nam-fat, 240, 244 207 Chan Sub, 244 Colonial Office (UK), 60, 61, 101–3, 116, Chan Sup, 240 143–5 Chan, Bernard, 323 Colony Outline Plan, 220 Chan, Paul, 324 Colony Outline Planning Section, 151 Chapel, L. M. S., 29 Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces Chater, Paul, 30 Overseas Hong Kong, 14 Chatham, William, 105, 170 Commerce and Industry Department, 149 Chau Cham-son, 249 Common Submission, 285–6 Chau Tsun-nin, 121 Communist Party of China (also Chinese Che-cheong, 28 Communist Party), 4, 101, 231, 252, 256 Chek Lap Kok Airport, 232, 259–60 Community Cultural Concern, 317, 327 Chen Shou-lum, 234 Concept Plan for Lantau, 400 Chen Zuoer, 256 Conservancy Association, 317 Cheung Hing, 244 Conservation of the Hong Kong Countryside Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited (also Summary Report and Recommendation, Cheung Kong), 252, 296, 332, 362 355 Cheung Suk-shun, 121 Conservation Strategy for Lantau, 400 Cheung Sum Woo, 107 Consultative Committee on the Core Arts and Cheung Yat-fan, 241 Cultural Facilities of the West Kowloon Chief Executive in Council (CE in C), 156, Cultural District, 377 310, 367, 369, 376, 378, 388 Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Chief Superintendent of Trade of British Territory, 4, 70, 73, 76–7, 82, 87–8, 116, subjects in China, 6 174, 237–8, 252, 281, 285–7, 445–7 Pui-yin Ho - 9781788117951 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/28/2021 02:05:45PM via free access M4593-HO_9781788117944_t.indd 468 20/08/2018 16:48 INDEX · 469 Convention of Peking, 83, 252 Director of Kew Gardens, 14 Cooper, F. A., 44 Director of Public Works, 34, 78, 100, 105, 109, Corps of Royal Engineers, 113 113, 152–3, 158, 166, 185 Council for Sustainable Development, 317, Disraeli, Benjamin (Earl of Beaconsfield), 12 364, 429–30 District Affairs Bureau(s), 122, 124, 126–8, Country Park Ordinance, 356, 358 133–6, 139, 447 Country Parks Board, 356 District Council, 249, 251, 314–15 Court of Appeal, 288, 347, 418 District Magistrate, 73–4, 282, 287, 289 Court of First Instance, 158, 370, 418 District Office(s), New Territories, 149, 239, Creasy, H. T., 100 282, 284, 287, 356 Cross-boundary Travel Survey, 402 Division of Agriculture of the Governor’s Cross-Harbour Tunnel Company (also Cross- Office, 134 Harbour Tunnel Co., Ltd), 208 Division of Forestry and Fisheries, 133–4 Crosslinks Study, 411, 415 Dongguan, 403, 424, 426–7 Crown Lands and Surveys Office (CL&SO), Dongjiang (East River), 24 149, 151, 449 Crown Lands Office, 112 East Asia Sea Transport Company, 137 Crown Lands Resumption Ordinance East India Company, 8, 52 (Ordinance No. 10 of 1900), 77 East Lamma Channel, 8, 9 Crown Lands Resumption Amendment East Lantau Metropolis, 398–9 Ordinance, 1922 (Ordinance No. 9 of Economic Services Panel, 321 1922), 82 Education Department, 113 Crown Lands Resumption Ordinance, 282, Eight Guiding Principles for Sustainable 286–7, 289 Development, 430–31 Crown Lands, Surveys and Valuation, and Elliot, Charles, R. N., 6 Resumption Office, 112 Ellis, Walter D., 101 Cultural Facilities: A Study on Their Energizing Kowloon East, 384–5, 435 Requirements and the Formulation of Energizing Kowloon East Office (EKEO), New Planning Standards and Guidelines, 384–5 374 Energy Saving Plan for Hong Kong’s Built Cultural Revolution, 242 Environment 2015–2025+, 438 Customs and Excise Service Ordinance, 415 environmental impact assessment (EIA), 351–2, 397, 400, 418, 421 Davis, John Francis, 51–2 Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, Davy, C. W., 110 351–2, 413 Dawson, J. A., 108 Environmental Improvements to the Kowloon Deep Bay Buffer Zone, 346–7 Walled City (with Recommendations), Deep Bay Link (DBL), 392, 411, 413 246 Deng Xiaoping, 248 Environmental Protection Department, 153, Department of Agriculture and Forestry, 352, 357, 431 135 European District Reservation Ordinance Department of Health, 65 (1888), 62 Department of Justice, 13, 324, 423 Executive Council, 77, 108, 153, 163, 184, Des Voeux, George William, 17, 34, 124 234–5, 262, 266, 287, 299, 329 Development Bureau, 336–7, 346, 385, 400, Expert Group on Hong Kong/Guangdong 426, 434 Town Planning and Development, Development Permission Area Plan(s) (DPA 426 Plan[s]), 291–3, 347, 358, 366–7 Expert Panel Forum on Sustainable Transport Development Permission Areas (DPAs), 157, Planning and Central-Wan Chai Bypass, 291, 366 311 Director of Environmental Protection (DEP), Express Rail Link (XRL), 215, 380, 411, 419, 352, 418 421–5, 438 Pui-yin Ho - 9781788117951 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/28/2021 02:05:45PM via free access M4593-HO_9781788117944_t.indd 469 20/08/2018 16:48 470 · MAKING HONG KONG Fan Ah Wai, 60 Governor in Council, 77, 113, 157, 292, 367 Fanling Golf Course, 393 Governor’s Office of the Occupied Territory of Fanling Highway, 409 Hong Kong, 119, 121–2 ‘Flat-for-Flat’ Pilot Scheme, 342 Grantham, Alexander, 144 Far Eastern Department of the Foreign and Gray, Dolly, 140 Commonwealth Office, 245 Great Eagle Limited, 335 Feasibility Study for Additional Cross-border Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 4, Links, 331, 411, 415 118–19, 121, 140, 447–8 Feasibility Study for the Establishment of Air Greater London Plan 1944, 144, 146 Ventilation Assessment System (the AVA Greater Pearl River Delta (GPRD), 5, 425–7 Study), 363 Green Sense, 361 Finance Committee, 388, 416, 419, 421 Grindle, Gilbert (Grindle), 101–2 Financial Secretary, 213–4, 233–4, 253, 257, Guangdong, 15, 41–2, 47, 52, 79, 86, 107, 133, 302 137, 228, 239, 331, 403, 409, 416, 418, Fire Services Ordinance, 246 425–8, 441–3, 447 First Sustainable Development Strategy for Guangdong Provincial Department of Hong Kong, 363 Construction, 426 Fitch, Alan, 161 Guangxi, 52, 86, 239 Fitzmaurice, Maurice, 21 Guangzhou, 40, 46–7, 105, 215, 226–8, 331, Five-Year Development Plan for 1951–1956, 411, 419, 424, 426–8, 438 158 Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Fletcher, A.
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