MARCH 1. 1965 50 CENTS iiry 34TH YEAR s'1-1. lirroadcasting 0 THE BUSINESSSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION ANO RADIO >. /F, .4k h44,. Advertisers like what they see; buy fall programs. p29 M,ky19s` Baseball rights cost more than $25 million in '65. p44 w < .qp çOf-j m N 9..a Senator Pastore takes FCC over the coals on CATV. p64 f., e, . 1r Pressure mounts to put mobile users into TV's space. p76 w / xm v COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 drama, and suspense are the ingredients of John Ford's "Gideon of Scotland Yard." starring- Jack Hawkins. It's orle of 60 fine movies that make up the Columbia Post-'50 Group I1 feat s from SCREEN GEMS WHAT'S IN THE MIDDLE MAKES THE BIG DIFFERENCE ... and, IN PENNSYLVANIA, it's Aim ,hirwers.Ëty f<a Mou ett kit ;At T \/ A¡ r('? Fitt .k iti- 414 471Qt3Ç&wn- Altoona Market._ the apple of 415,100 TV homes is WJAC-TV! To reach the core of America's 43rd ranked TV market- - you must advertise in Johnstown -Altoona . Pennsylvania's famous million dollar Market in the Middle. CALL HARRINGTON, RIGHTER & PARSONS, Inc. FOR A SPECIAL HARD CORE STUDY PRESENTATION. Represented SERVING MILLIONS FROM ATOP THE ALLEGHENIES Nationally by Harrington, Righter 8 Parsons, Inc. Affiliated with WJAC -AM -FM The Johnstown Tnbane- Democrat Stations We're on our way to another score in that new ball game in St. Louis KTVI's NEW 10 P. M. SPENCER ALLEN NEWS IS OFF AND RUNNING Since it started 2 months ago you'll find: IN AUDIENCE RATINGS KTVI UP 60% NETWORK NETWORK STATION B STATION C DOWN 9% NO GAIN IN TOTAL HOMES KTVI UP 53.2% NETWORK NETWORK STATION B STATION C DOWN 10.1% UP 1.2% And the game's just started! THE EXCITING SOURCE: ARB OCT. 1964 NEW ARB DEC. 1964 ST. LOUIS Z® BROADCASTING, March 1, 1965 3 ... is prime time on Channel 4, Dallas -Fort Worth. And lots of action there is, too - comedy ... drama ... and variety. With a rate card designed to give your clients a most efficient CPM, KRLD -TV delivers 152,000 TV Households per average quarter - hour, 6:30 -10 p.m., Sunday thru Saturday'`- 15% more homes than the nearest competing outlet in the 4- station Dallas -Fort Worth market. That's real action. Get your message to the largest, most loyal prime time audience in the Southwest. See your ADVERTISING TIME SALES representative. °NSI Dec. '64 represented nationally by Advertising Time Sales, Inc. --rS // Clyde W, Rembert, President 611Z411/.09 Oa/a'_ i// MAXIMUM POWER TV -TWIN to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts 4 BROADCASTING, March 1, 1965 Bigger fines? CLOSED CIRCUIT® FCC is considering asking Congress to lift ceiling on amount of fine it can impose on broadcasters. Present top to feel CATV developed to meet de- knowledgeable agency sources, addi- is $10,000; new figure being consid- mand for television, and that demand tional funds necessary to cover Gen- ered is $100,000. Theory is that high- is greatest in markets with fewer than eral Foods' big daytime boost will er figure would give commission great- three stations to carry three networks. come out of advertising it had previ- er flexibility in handing out penalties. ously earmarked for magazines. This, of course, was idea behind grant Outs and (maybe) ins Major TV agencies for General Foods, of present authority by Congress. But White Plains, N. Y., are Benton & commission feels there are cases where Sweepstakes for Republican vacancy Bowles and Young & Rubicam, both on FCC are still on, but authorities S 10,000 fine is not punishment enough; in New York. license revocation too much. indicate nomination of successor to Frederick W. Ford is "imminent." It's Another feature of proposed bill still anybody's guess but presumably CATV on the Hill would provide for full evidentiary eliminated are Seymour Siegel, direc- Ready or not, Congress is about to hearing before examiner on charges tor of communications, New York have its hands full of CATV contro- on which forfeiture is proposed. At City (WNYC- AM- FM -TV), for lack of versy. Representative Walter Rogers present broadcaster can only argue Republican support, and Ruth Jones, (D- Tex.), just re- assigned to chair- case with commission through letter. J. Walter Thompson broadcast execu- manship of House Communications If he wants to contest fine, he can tive, who has plenty of support but Subcommittee (see page 69), expects refuse to pay it and then be hauled into evidently has met resistance because wave of broadcaster-inspired bills to be federal court. Proposed bill would her experience is limited to advertis- offered in House to give FCC regula- eliminate requirement for court trial ing. Still "alive" reportedly are Charles tory authority over CATV. Recog- in cases where FCC hearing was H. King, ex- commissioner and dean nizing tangle of legal issues involved, granted. Proposal, though adopted by of Detroit School of Law; Kenneth Representative Rogers says he has no commission as part of legislative pack- Bartlett, Syracuse University dean regulatory solution in mind but should age, has not yet been sent to Budget (strongly backed by New York Re- number of bills be referred to his Bureau for clearance to Congress. publican Senator Javits); Richard B. subcommittee -which he expects -he Hull, Ohio State University, and sev- wants to hold hearing promptly. eral "career" aspirants. Flip flop in Richmond On Senate side, John O. Pastore Is TV network affiliation swap in NAB's talent hunt (D-R.1.), chairman of Senate Com- offing in Richmond -Petersburg, Va., munications Subcommittee, began Selection committee to find succes- pressuring market? Neither NBC-TV nor ABC- FCC last week for deci- TV nor their affiliates will talk but it sor to National Association of Broad- sions on CATV (see page 64). casters' interim Wil- has been learned situation is "fluid" board chairman, lard Schroeder, who winds up his and it's indicated that WRVA-TV (now Advertiser's show tenure June 30, will follow informal ABC -TV) and WXEX-TV (now NBC - order of priority, with TV) will exchange networks in Au- emphasis on American Tobacco Co., New York, gust when current two -year affiliation practical broadcaster who can take will share sponsorship with Alberto - agreements expire. year's sabbatical to man Washington Culver Co., Melrose Park, Ill., in front working alongside newly -elected CBS-TV's new Smothers Brothers Affiliation negotiations under FCC president, Vincent T. Wasilewski. First comedy series, tentatively scheduled regulations cannot be undertaken un- preference will go to member of exist- next season for Friday (9:30 -10 p.m. til six months prior to expiration. ing 44 -man board; second, to non- EST). Program is one of relatively WRVA -TV, it's understood, has notified board- member broadcaster and, third, few that are advertiser- originated, ABC -TV that it desires to keep its sit- to outsider. Alberto -Culver in this case having de. uation flexible but has insisted it has Rule of thumb was tacitly under- veloped show through Four Star Pro- not made final deal. On other hand, stood at first meeting of committee in ductions and then submitted it to it's learned that NBC -TV has notified Washington last week (see page 71) CBS. wxEx-TV that it desires to keep affilia- which developed into orientation ses- tion situation open. sion because only four of six members A little short were there. While Mr. Schroeder, who have delayed End of monopolies? returns to Time-Life's WOOD- AM -FM-TV Financial problems Grand Rapids, Mich., is drawing only start of new ch. I I KHMA(TV) Houma, One of key recommendations sub- out -of- pocket and living expenses, his La., slated to become ABC's Baton mitted to FCC for dealing with com- successor will be budgeted for $50,000 Rouge -Houma affiliate. Originally tar- munity antenna television problem a year including expenses. But this geted for Jan. 1, station may not make calls for revamping table of TV allo- figure is flexible, particularly if out- it until spring or early summer, pend- cations as it applies to one- and two - sider is ultimately selected. ing refinancing and closing on trans- station markets. Dr. Martin Seiden. mitter site. Frank Conwell, president - consultant who did CATV study for Out of print general manager and principal stock- FCC, suggests erasing present bound- holder (30 %), it's understood, will aries around such markets and trans- General Foods' move on CBS-TV continue in operating control. In re- forming them into three -station mar- for next season in slightly trimming cent weeks Denver T. Brannen, owner kets. This could be accomplished, he its nighttime sponsorship but more of KCIL Houma, WLtJX Baton Rouge suggests, through use of auxiliary than doubling its money on daytime and WDLP Panama City, Fla., and Mel services (translators, boosters, satel- programing (see page 29) represents Wheeler, president of WMEL Pensa- lite stations) to extend signals beyond something more than re- allocation of cola, each recently acquired 13% in- normal service contours. He is said its network TV budget. According to terest at approximately $30,000. Published every Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in January, by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS Inc., 1735 DeSales Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C., and additional offices. ¡LIV. U " lF. ,:,: "` . r.ê.410 .. -w-.-..r.Y+ . CLEVELAND the "one -buy" market < w.iwthe one to buy! >Tv Another adventure in local programming, WJW-TV's twice award winning "ADVENTURE ROAD" brings the far corners of the earth to arm -chair adventures...holds general acclaim for wide -appeal intellectual and educational program- ming.
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