internet resources Valerie Lang Waldin Introduction to animal law Resources for online research and study nimal law is the body of statutory and case and legislation that is detrimental to animals. Access: Alaw governing the treatment of nonhuman https://aldf.org/article/animal-law-101/. animals, including wildlife, companion animals, and animals used for research, entertainment, and Animal law repositories food. Emerging rapidly on academic and legal • Animal Law Commons. With more horizons since 2000, entire programs of study at than 900 full-text scholarly articles, book chap- all levels are now dedicated to training students ters, dissertations, working papers, confer- to be effective humane educators, attorneys, law ence proceedings, and other original schol- enforcement officers, and citizens. arly works on worldwide animal law issues, the High-profile court cases, such as SeaWorld Animal Law Commons is made available via v. California Coastal Commission, along with the Digital Commons Network. Access: http:// the proliferation of animal protection docu- network.bepress.com/law/animal-law/?utm mentaries, such as Blackfish, Earthlings, and _campaign=PDFCoverPages&utm_medium Tyke: Elephant Outlaw, have raised profound =PDF&utm_source=engagedscholarship.csuohio. questions about our treatment of other spe- edu%2Fresearchguides%2F16. cies. Animal protection is now a mainstream • Animal Law Resource Center. A program phenomenon, largely due to the Internet and of the National Anti-Vivisection Society, this site pro- social media providing instant visibility to and vides access to legislation and cases pertaining to the awareness of the critical issues of our time. rights and welfare of animals. Links are provided to To effect progress, we must navigate the legal both pending legislation and existing laws, as well system. This compilation of key animal law reposi- as model animal laws, bibliographies, and case law tories, sources of federal and state statutes, case digests. Access: http://www.animallaw.com/. law, open access animal law journals, programs • Michigan State University Animal Legal of study, and LibGuides serves as a basic set of and Historical Center. First opened in 2002, the tools for locating and understanding the exciting center includes a compilation of 1,200 full-text and enduring discipline of animal law. U.S., historical, and U.K. cases; more than 1,400 U.S. statutes; more than 60 topics; legal articles General on a variety of animal issues; and an international • Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF). collection. Provided are current case law and leg- Founded in 1979 by attorneys dedicated to stronger islative initiatives, topical introductions, animal law enforcement of animal protection laws, ALDF’s mission is to advance the protection of animals via the legal system. Recognized for its high profile Valerie Lang Waldin is associate professor/reference librarian, email: [email protected], at Hudson Valley lawsuits nationally and statewide, ALDF is consis- Community College’s Dwight Marvin Library tently instrumental in advancing stronger animal cruelty laws, serving as a resource for law students © 2020 Valerie Lang Waldin. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License (https:// and animal law attorneys, and challenging case law creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). C&RL News January 2020 40 conferences and events, new books in animal law, State animal cruelty statutes and frequently asked questions. Access: https:// • American Society for the Prevention www.animallaw.info/. of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). ASPCA was the first animal protection organization in the Federal statutes United States, originating in 1867. Among the • Congressional Research Service Brief many offerings of this site is a listing of farmed Summaries of Federal Animal Protection animal confinement bans by state. Access: https:// Statutes. Listed alphabetically by statute, www.aspca.org/animal-protection/public-policy this report contains brief summaries of fed- /farm-animal-confinement-bans. eral animal protection statutes, along with • Animal Law Resource Center. A pro- statutes enacted to implement certain treaties. gram of the National Anti-Vivisection Society, the In addition to animal protection legislation, Animal Law Resource Center contains model state these summaries also consist of statutes that laws, bibliographies, legislation, and legal matters involve animals but that are not necessar- pertaining to animals and the law, animal cruelty, ily animal protection statutes (last updated animal control, laboratory animal welfare, and in 2010) Access: http://nationalaglawcenter. wildlife management. Searchable by individual org/wp-content/uploads/assets/crs/94-731.pdf. state. Access: http://www.animallaw.com/. • Hudson Valley Community College • Animal Welfare Institute Farmed Ani- Animal Law, Advocacy and Policy: Federal mal Anti-Confinement Legislation. This site Laws. This resource provides a comprehensive lists state legislation prohibiting intensive confine- listing of, and links to, key U.S. federal animal ment crates for calves raised for veal and gestat- laws, codification, and description and dates ing sows, and battery cages for egg-laying hens. amended, including the following statutes: Access: https://awionline.org/content/farm-animal Animal Crush Videos; Animal Fighting Venture -anti-confinement-legislation. Prohibition; Animal Health and Disease Re- • Michigan State University Animal Legal search; Animal Welfare Act; Endangered Species and Historical Center. The Animal Legal and Act; Fishery Conservation and Management Act; Historical Center contains an interactive map with Horse Protection Act; Humane Slaughter Act; links to the animal anti-cruelty laws for all 50 states. Lacey Act; Marine Mammal Protection Act; Ma- Comparative tables include dangerous dog laws, rine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act pet purchaser protection acts, laws concerning dog of 1972; Migratory Bird Treaty Act; Twenty-Eight tethering, pet breeding, strict liability legislation on Hour Law; and the Wild Free-Roaming Horses dog bites, and leash laws. Additional state animal and Burros Act. Access: https://libguides.hvcc. law provisions include reporting animal cruelty edu/animalstudies/fedlaws. and enforcement powers, animals in parked cars, • United States Department of Agriculture animal sexual assault laws, and veterinary reporting National Agricultural Library, Animal Welfare and immunity laws. Access: https://www.animal- Information Center. The Laws and Guidelines law.info/content/state-animal-anti-cruelty-laws and section of this site provides information on federal https://www.animallaw.info/site/comparative-tables. laws and regulations that govern animals used in • National Agriculture Law Center/Uni- research, testing, teaching, and exhibition. Specific versity of Arkansas. The National Agricultural laws are the Animal Welfare Act, the Horse Protec- Law Center serves the U.S. agricultural community tion Act, the Humane Slaughter Act, and the Twen- and is an affiliate of the USDA National Agricul- ty-Eight Hour Law, along with legislative histories, tural Library. The site features an interactive map amendments, Government Accountability Reports, linking to the states’ animal cruelty statutory texts, and testimonies, as well as compliance assistance. as well as dates of possible expiration. Access: This site also features animal welfare guidelines, https://nationalaglawcenter.org/state-compilations/ policies, and codes of practices from around animal-cruelty/. the world. Access: https://www.nal.usda.gov • New York State Humane Association /awic/federal. (NYSHA). NYSHA’s ongoing activities and training January 2020 41 C&RL News programs focus on animal cruelty law, legis- • Animal Legal and Historical Center. lation, and humane education. The NYSHA The center documents animal law cases na- website includes a renowned, freely available tionwide from 2010 to the present, including manual “Investigating Animal Cruelty in NYS,” case citations, plaintiffs/defendants, case complete with the full text of New York’s summaries, and judicial opinions in full text. animal cruelty statutes and legal resources for Organized by year with advanced search law enforcement, veterinarians, and humane options. Access: https://www.animallaw.info agencies in animal cruelty cases. The animal /site/prior-animal-law-cases-month. cruelty investigative principles found on this • Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF). website are applicable across states. Access: ALDF archives animal law case summaries https://www.nyshumane.org/. throughout the country. Search filters include fo- cus area, date, and case status. Cases are distin- State animal law rankings guishable in nature by the following categories: • Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF). advocacy, collaborative efforts, criminal justice, ALDF annually compares the overall strength legal education, legislative initiatives, litigation, and comprehensiveness of laws with regard and regulation. Access: https://aldf.org/cases/. to the definition of an animal, veterinary reporting of animal cruelty, breed-specific Open access animal law journals legislation, sexual assault of animals, court- • Animal Law Review. Dating back to room animal advocate programs, civil 1994, the Animal Law Review is the nation’s nuisance abatement, laws against dogs in oldest law journal devoted entirely to the hot vehicles, court-ordered psychological discussion of legal issues
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