United States Patent (19) 11) 4,235,043 Harasawa et al. 45 Nov. 25, 1980 54 METHOD FORCULTIVATING ALGAE AND (56) References Cited A COVERING MATERAL USED THEREFOR U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,043,709 7/1962 Amborski ............................ 47/17 X 75 Inventors: Isamu Harasawa, Kiyose; Yukio 3,403,471 10/1968 Clement et al. ........................ 47/.4 Hariki, Funabashi; Katsuhiko Maeda; 3,542,710 1 1/1970 Glatti ............. 47/17 X Kouichi Nakamura, both of Uozu, all 3,879,890 4/1975 Chen et al. .............................. 47/1.4 of Japan 4,084,346 4/1978 Stengel et al. ..... 47/1.4 4,087,936 5/1978 Savins et al. ............................ 47/1.4 73) Assignee: Nippon Carbide Kogyo Kabashiki Kaisha, Tokyo, Japan OTHER PUBLICATIONS The Algae: A Review, Prescott, 1968, Houghton Miff 21 Appi. No.: 20,507 ton Co., pp. 311-312. Primary Examiner-Robert E. Bagwill 22 Filed: Mar. 14, 1979 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sherman & Shalloway 57 ABSTRACT 30 Foreign Application Priority Data A method for cultivating an aiga, which comprises Oct. 28, 1978 (JP Japan ................................ 53-132116 growing the alga in a light field substantially free from light of wavelengths of not more than 340 nm; and a (51 Int. Cl. ............................................... A01G 7/00 covering material for use in the cultivation of algae, said 52 U.S. C. .......................................... 47/1.4; 47/17; covering material substantially inhibiting the transmis 47/DIG. 6 sion of light of wavelengths of not more than 340 nm. 58) Field of Search ...................... 47/1.4, DIG. 6, 58, 47/17 9 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures OO FILM NO. 2 OH O ---- -- WAVELENGTH (nm) U.S. Patent Nov. 25, 1980 Sheet 1 of 2 4,235,043 8O 8 e C NO se O 2 S O o l f Oc\ || 9.-- 8O gLL 4 is > - "-- - N O S. 9 N l > O 8 & 3 e 8 & 9 S R o o (%) ONWLWSNV LHS) -- U.S. Patent Nov. 25, 1980 Sheet 2 of 2 4,235,043 TME ELAPSE ( DAYS) 4,235,043 2 Cyanophyta, Rhodophyta, Chrysophyta, Phaeophyta, METHOD FOR CULTIVATING ALGAE AND A and Chlorophta. COVERNG MATERIAL USED THEREFOR Examples of typical algae to which the method of this invention can be applied are shown below. In the fol This invention relates to the cultivation of algae. 5 lowing list, typical examples of species are shown in the More specifically, it pertains to a method for cultivating parentheses after the indication of genera. algae which promotes the growth of the algae, and affords the algae of improved quality in increased 1 Division Cyanophyta yields, and to a covering material used in this method. A. Class Cyanophyceae With a worldwide increase in population in recent 10 A-1. years, the problem of food shortage has come to the Order Chroococcales fore. Since cultivation of terrestrial plants is limited, A-1-1. much interest has been aroused in the cultivation of Family Chroococcaceae algae as one means of overcoming the food shortage. Genus Anacystis (A. nidulance), Resources for the algae are abundant, and there is a Genus Aphanocapsa Nägeli (A. pulchra), great possibility of their mass-production by artificial Genus Aphanothece Nageli (A. Sacrum), means. Some algae, such as Chlorella, Spirulina, and Genus Chroococcus Nageli (C. turgidus), Scenedesmus, have already been cultivated on a com Genus Coelosphaerium Nägeli, , mercial basis. These algae are produced by cultivation Genus Glaucocystis Itzigsohn (G. nostochinearum), in outdoor pools, or in tanks. The former outdoor culti 20 Genus Gloeocapsa Kitzing, vation has the defect that it is restricted in place, the Genus Gloeochaete Lagerheim (G. Wittrockiana), output is affected by weather, and the quality of the Genus Gloeothece Nageli (G. linearis), cultivated algae varies according to such conditions as Genus Gomphosphaeria Kitzing (G. aponina), the place of cultivation and weather. The latter method Genus Merismopedia Meyen (M. elegans), of tank cultivation also has the defect that a large-sized 25 Genus Microcystis Kitzning (M. aeruginosa), equipment is required, and since artificial light rays are Genus Synechococcus Nageli (S. aeruginosus), and used, the output is low and the quality of the algae is not Genus Synechocystis Sauvageau (S. aquatilis). entirely satisfactory. A-1-2. Seaweeds such as laver (genus Porphyra such as P. 30 Family Entophysalidaceae tenera), genus Laminaria (e.g., Laminaria japonica) and Genus Chlorogloea Wille, and genus Undaria (e.g., Undaria pinnetifida) are cultivated Genus Entophysalis Kitzing. in some parts of the world for human consumption, but A-2. no sufficient improvement in the yield and quality of Order Chamaesiphonales these seaweeds has been achieved. 35 A-2-1. In order to cultivate algae which are regarded as Family Dermocarpaceae important food sources, the present inventors have Genus Dermocarpa Grouan. made investigations about the promotion of algal A-2-2. growth, the increase of the yield of the algae and the Family Chamaesiphonaceae improvement of their quality in connection with light 40 Genus Chamaesiphon A. Braun et Grunow (C. in irradiating conditions. These investigations have led to crustans). the surprising discovery that when algae are cultivated A-2-3. in a light field substantially free from light of wave Family Siphononemaceae. lengths of not more than 340 nm, the growth of the algae is promoted, and in some types of algae, their 45 Genus Siphononema Geitler. qualities such as appearance, flavor and softness to the Order Pleurocapsales palate can be markedly improved. A-3-1. Thus, according to this invention, there is provided a Family Pleurocapsaceae method for cultivating algae which comprises growing Genus Pleurocapsa Thuret et Hauck, and the algae in a light field substantially free from light of 50 Genus Xenococcus Thuret. wavelengths of not more than 340 nm. A-3-2. The algae to which the method of this invention can Family Hyellaceae be applied denote a kind of Cryptogamae plants which, Genus Hydrococcus Kitzing, and whether one-celled or complex-structured, produce Genus Hyella Bornet. reproductive organs which, in principle, are always 55 A-4. one-celled, bear chlorophyll, and perform photosynthe Order Nostocales sis. In taxonomy, the algae comprise eight divisions of A-4-1. the plant kingdom: Cyanophyta, or blue-green algae; Family Oscillatoriaceae Rhodophyta, or red algae; Chrysophyta, or yellow Genus Arthrospira Stizenverger (A. juneri), green algae; Pyrrhophyta, or dinoflagellates; Phaeo 60 Genus Gomontiella Teodoresco, phyta, or brown algae; Euglenophyta; Chlorophyta, or Genus Lyngbya Agardh (L. contorta), green algae; and Charophyta. Genus Microcoleus Desmazieres (M. vaginatus), Generally, the method of this invention can be ap Genus Oscillatoria Vaucher (O. formosa), plied to algae of any of these divisions, whether they are Genus Phormidium Kitzing (P. autumnale), unicellular algae or huge algae, to achieve varying de- 65 Genus Porphyrosiphon Kitzing, grees of growth promotion, increased output, and/or Genus Schizothrix Kitzing (S. purpurascens), improved quality. These effects are especially outstand Genus Spirulina Turpin (S. princeps), ing when the method is applied to algae of the divisions Genus Symploca Kitzing (S. muscorum), and 4,235,043 3 4. Genus Trichodesmium Ehrenberg (T. lacustre). Genus Cyanidium Geitler (C. cardarium). A-4-2. A-2. Family Nostocaceae Order Goniotrichales Genus Anabaena Bory (A. spiroides), A-2-1. Genus Anabaenopsis Woloszynska (A. arnordii), 5 Family Goniotrichaceae Genus Aphanizomenon Morren (A. flos-aguae), Genus Asterocystis Gobi, Genus Cylindrospermum Kitzing (C. muscicola), Genus Goniotrichum Kitzing (G. alsidii). Genus Nodularia Martens (N. spumigena), A-2-2. Genus Nostoc Vaucher (N. verr cosum, N. commune, Family Pharagmonemataceae N. commune var. flagelliforme), and 10 Genus Kyliniella Skuja (K. latrica), and Genus Wollea Bornet et Flahault. Genus Pharagmonema Zopf (P Sordidum). A-4-3. A-3. Family Microchaetaceae Order Bangiales Genus Microchaete Thuret. A-3-1. A-4-4. 15 Family Erythropeltidaceae Family Rivulariaceae Genus Erythrocladia Rosenvinge (E. subintegra), Genus Amphithrix Kitzing, Genus Erythropeltis Schmitz, Genus Calothrix Agardh (C. braunii), Genus Erythrotrichia Areschoug (E. carnea), and Genus Dichothrix Zanardini, Genus Porphyropsis Rosenvinge (P. coccinea). Genus Gloeotrichia Agardh, 20 A-3-2. Genus Raphidiopsis Fritsch et Rich, and Family Bangiaceae Genus Rivularia Roth (R. globiceps). Genus Bangia Lyngbye (B. fuscopurpurea), and A-4-5. Genus Porphyra Agardh (P. tenera). Family Scytonemataceae A-4. Genus Plectonema Thuret, 25 Order Compsopogonales Genus Scytonema Agardh, and A-4-1. Genus Tolypothrix Kitzing. Family Compsopogonaceae A-4-6. Genus Compsopogon Montagne (C. olishi). Family Brachytrichiaceae A-5. Order Rhodochaetales Genus Brachytrichia Zanardini. 30 A-5-1. A-5. Family Rhodochaetaceae Order Stigonematales Genus Rhodochaete Thuret. A-5-1. B. Class FLORIDEOPHYCEAE (FLORIDEAE) Family Pulvinulariaceae Genus Pulvinularia Borzi. 35 B-1. Order Nemaliales A-5-2. B-1-1. Family Acrochaetiaceae Family Capsosiraceae Genus Acrochaetium Nägeli, Genus Capsosira (C. brebissonii). Genus Chantransia Fries (C. secundata), and A-5-3. Genus Rhodochorton Nageli (R. howei). Family Nostochopsidaceae B-1-2. Genus Mastigocoleus Lagerheim, Family Batrachospermaceae Genus Nostochopsis Wood (N. wichmannii). Genus Batrachospermum Roth (B. moniliforme), and A-5-4. Genus Sirodotia Kylin (S. huillense). Family Stigonemataceae B-1-3. 45 Family Lennaneaceae Genus Fischerella Gomont (F. major), Genus Lemanea Bory. Genus Hapalosiphon Nägeli
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