229 INDEX © in This Web Service Cambridge

229 INDEX © in This Web Service Cambridge

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05246-8 - The Cambridge Companion to: American Science Fiction Edited by Eric Carl Link and Gerry Canavan Index More information INDEX Aarseth, Espen, 139 agency panic, 49 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (fi lm, Agents of SHIELD (television, 2013–), 55 1948), 113 Alas, Babylon (Frank, 1959), 184 Abbott, Carl, 173 Aldiss, Brian, 32 Abrams, J.J., 48 , 119 Alexie, Sherman, 55 Abyss, The (fi lm, Cameron 1989), 113 Alias (television, 2001–06, 48 Acker, Kathy, 103 Alien (fi lm, Scott 1979), 116 , 175 , 198 Ackerman, Forrest J., 21 alien encounters Adam Strange (comic book), 131 abduction by aliens, 36 Adams, Neal, 132 , 133 Afrofuturism and, 60 Adventures of Superman, The (radio alien abduction narratives, 184 broadcast, 1946), 130 alien invasion narratives, 45–50 , 115 , 184 African American science fi ction. assimilation of human bodies, 115 , 184 See also Afrofuturism ; race assimilation/estrangement dialectic African American utopianism, 59 , 88–90 and, 176 black agency in Hollywood SF, 116 global consciousness and, 1 black genius fi gure in, 59 , 60 , 62 , 64 , indigenous futurism and, 177 65 , 67 internal “Aliens R US” motif, 119 blackness as allegorical SF subtext, 120 natural disasters and, 47 blaxploitation fi lms, 117 post-9/11 reformulation of, 45 1970s revolutionary themes, 118 reverse colonization narratives, 45 , 174 nineteenth century SF and, 60 in space operas, 23 sexuality and, 60 Superman as alien, 128 , 129 Afrofuturism. See also African American sympathetic treatment of aliens, 38 , 39 , science fi ction ; race 50 , 60 overview, 58 War of the Worlds and, 1 , 3 , 143 , 172 , 174 African American utopianism, 59 , 88–90 wars with alien races, 3 , 7 , 23 , 39 , 40 Afrodiasporic magic in, 65 Alien Nation (fi lm, Baker 1988), 119 black racial superiority in, 61 Alien Nation (television, 1989–1990), 120 future race war theme, 62 , 64 , 89 , 95n17 Alien Trespass (fi lm, 2009), 46 near-future focus in, 61 Alien vs. Predator (fi lm series), 122 non-African American authors, 66 Alif the Unseen (Wilson, 2012), 93 post-1960s proponents, 63 Allied Media Conference, 80 race as central theme, 61 Almanac of the Dead (Silko, 1991), 174 technoscientifi c genius fi gure in, 59 , 60 , Almuric (Howard, 1939), 31 62 , 64 , 65 , 67 Alphaville (fi lm, Godard 1965), 28 , 117 Again, Dangerous Visions (Ellison, 1972), 36 Altered States (fi lm, Russell 1980), 119 Age of Miracles, The (Walker, 2012), 216 Alternate Reality Games (ARG), 146 229 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05246-8 - The Cambridge Companion to: American Science Fiction Edited by Eric Carl Link and Gerry Canavan Index More information Index Always Coming Home (Le Guin, 1985), Anthropy, Anna, 142 95n13 , 177 apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic themes. Amadahy, Zainab, 55 , 93 See also dystopianism Amadahy’s Resistance (Wilson, 2013), 94 in Cormac McCarthy, 106 Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, postapocalyptic settings as neoliberal The (Chabon, 2000), 105 reality, 207 Amazing Stories (pulp magazine, post-nuclear future and, 172 , 179 , 184 Gernsback,1926–) post-World War II apocalyptic emergence of American SF in, 5 anxieties, 184 fan community of, 20 , 154 in twenty-fi rst century television, 122 founding of, 8 , 18 , 141 in zombie fi ction, 10 international popularity of, 21 Apperley, Thomas H., 139 literary and scientifi c merits, 20 Aqueduct Press, 80 promotion of SF in, 18 Arendt, Hannah, 180 , 188 social ideology in, 128 Argosy (pulp magazine), 194 Amberstone, Celu, 55 Arkham House, 198 American Flagg! (comic book), 134 Around the Moon (Verne, 1870), 2 American Horror Story (television, 2011-), 202 “Artist of the Beautiful, The” (Hawthorne, American science fi ction (history and 1844), 7 development) Asimov, Isaac overview, 4 Campbell infl uence on, 26 Afrofuturism role in, 58 career, 22 American Vernian fi ction, 9 as Futurian, 154 American weird, 196 , 201 , 202 New Wave writings of, 34 blurring of literary boundaries and, 107 space as frontier in, 9 , 171 “death of SF” period, 27 superhero narratives in, 129 development of, 99 teleportation in, 182 early twentieth century boom, 8 WORKS : European origins of, 4 , 6 Robot stories and novels (1939–93), 34 global spread of, 17 , 27 , 28 Foundation novels (1951–93), 34 , intellectualization of, 26 129 , 182 New Wave infl uence in, 27 Asimov’s (magazine), 63 nineteenth century examples, 6 , 8 Asteroids (video game, 1979), 143 rational individualism in, 127 Astounding Science Fiction (magazine, orig. Reagan-era U.S. decline and, 133 Astounding Stories , 1930), 25 , 129 SF term coining, 5 Astounding She-Monster, The (fi lm, Ashcroft superhero narrative in, 126 1957), 115 technological optimism in, 34 astrofuturism, 170 urgency in contemporary U.S., 10 At the Mountains of Madness (Lovecraft, views of science and, 18 1936), 202 Amerika (television miniseries, 1987), 120 Atlas Comics, 131 Ames, Nathaniel, 6 Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (fi lm, Juran Amis, Kinglsey, 34 1958), 115 Ammonite (Griffi th, 1993), 72 , 95n13 Atterbery, Brian, 129 Amnesia (video game, 2010), 202 Atwood, Margaret Amnesia Moon (Lethem, 1995), 104 dystopian future in, 53 , 106 Analogue: A Hate Story (visual novel, feminist themes in, 39 , 74 2012), 145 on slipstream SF, 108 Anarchy Online (MMORPG, 2001), 146 WORKS : Anderson, Poul, 19 The Handmaid’s Tale (1985), 39 , “Angriest Dog in the World, The” (comic 43n10 , 74 , 95n13 strip, 1983–92), 202 MaddAddam trilogy (2003–2013), 53 Another Earth (fi lm, Cahill 2011), 123 Oryx and Crake (2003), 106 230 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05246-8 - The Cambridge Companion to: American Science Fiction Edited by Eric Carl Link and Gerry Canavan Index More information Index Austen, Jane, 160 Baum, Frank L., 7 Auster, Paul, 51 Baxter, John, 114 Avatar (fi lm, Cameron 2009), 49 , 113 , Bay, Michael, 190 150 , 175 Bear, Greg, 42 , 190–91 Avengers (comic book), 134 , 135 Beast from 20, 000 Fathoms, The (fi lm, Avengers, The (fi lm, Whedon 2012), 46 , 135 Lourié 1953), 114 Avengers, The (television, 1961–69), 50 Beast, The (ARG, 2001), 146 awakening-from-simulacrum stories, 44 Beck, Clyde F., 24 awards Beggars in Spain (fi lm, Kress 1993), 190 Campbell Award, 80 Bel Dame Apocrypha (Hurley, 2011–12), 93 Carl Brandon Parallax Award, 69n27 Bell, Derrick, 64 Clarke Award, 80 , 107 Bellamy, Edward, 7 , 58 , 85 , 87 Hugo Award, 63 , 80 , 100 , 105 Bender, Aimee, 51 Kindred Award, 63 Benford, Gregory, 42 Locus Award, 104–5 “Benjamin’s Freedom Magic” (Jones, MacArthur Foundation Genius Grant, 2013), 66 69n18 Berg, Paul, 187 NAACP Image Award, 69n18 Berlant, Lauren, 207 , 211 Nebula Award, 63 , 80 , 100 , 103 , 104–5 Bester, Alfred, 32 , 126 , 182 Parallax Award, 63 Beukes, Lauren, 3 , 55 Pulitzer Prize, 105 , 106 Bierce, Ambrose, 8 , 196 , 200 Stonewall Book Award, 69n18 “Big Space Fuck, The” (Vonnegut, 1972), 36 Tiptree Award, 39 , 80 Binder, Eando, 21 Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Bionic Heart (visual novel, 2009), 145 Africa, 69n27 Bionic Woman, The (television, World Fantasy Award, 63 , 69n27 , 105 1976–1978), 119 “Aye, and Gomorrah” (Delany, 1967), 37 BioShock (digital game, 2007), 147 Bioshock Infi nite (digital game, 2013), 145 Babel-17 (Samuel R. Delany, 1966), 63 , 64 “Birthmark, The” (Hawthorne, 1843), 7 Babylon 5 (television, 1994–98), 122 , 159 Black Commandos, The (Moreau, 1967), 90 Bachelder, Chris, 95n10 Black Empire (Schuyler, 1936–38), 60 , Bacigalupi, Paolo, 53 , 208–11 , 216 62 , 89 Back to the Future (fi lm series, 1985–), 119 Black No More (Schuyler, 1932), 60 , 89 Bacon-Smith, Camille, 157 Black to the Future conference, 63 Baer, Ralph, 143 Blackest Night (comic book, Bage, Robert, 84 2009–2010), 136 Ballard, J.G., 27 , 32 , 104 , 199 Blackwood, Algernon, 195 , 200 Bankier, Amanda, 79 Blade Runner (fi lm, Scott 1982), 37 , Banneker, Benjamin, 62 119 , 189 Barnes, Steve, 63 , 64 , 69n18 Blair Witch Project, The (fi lm, 1999), 202 Barron, Louis and Bebe, 113 Blake, or the Huts of America (Delany, Barthelme, Donald, 36 1859), 59 , 60 Batman (comic book), 130 , 132 , 134 Blake’s 7 (television, 1978–81), 160 Batman (fi lm, 1943), 113 Blavatsky, Helena, 196 Batman (fi lm, Burton 1989), 120 Blish, James, 176 Batman Begins (fi lm, 2005), 47 Bloch, Ernst, 83 , 92 Battle: Los Angeles (fi lm, 2011), 150 Bloch, Robert, 195 Battlestar Galactica (television, Blomkamp, Neill, 56 1978–1979), 119 “Bloodchild” (Butler, 1984), 41 , 63 , 64 Battlestar Galactica (television, 2003–09), Blow, Jonathan, 141 46 , 50 , 122 , 160 Boats of “Glen Carrig,” The (Hodgson, Baudelaire, Charles, 203 1907), 201 Baudrillard, Jean, 121 Bodard, Aliette de, 55 231 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05246-8 - The Cambridge Companion to: American Science Fiction Edited by Eric Carl Link and Gerry Canavan Index More information Index Body Snatchers, The (Finney, 1955), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (television, 184 , 189 1997–2003), 159 , 160 Bogost, Ian, 144 Bug Jack Barron (Spinrad, 1969), 32 Book of the New Sun (Wolfe, Bujold, Lois McMaster, 40 , 42 , 75 1980–1983), 42 Burdekin, Katharine (Murray Constantine), Borden, Lizzie, 79 81n10 Born in Flames (fi lm, Borden 1985), 79 Bureau: XCOM Declassifi ed, The (video Bould, Mark, 51 , 53 , 54 , 68n7 game, 2013), 46 Bourdieu, Pierre, 160 Burns, Charles, 202 Bova, Ben, 87 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 8 , 17 , 126 , 169 “Boy and His Dog, A” (Ellison, 1969),

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