II Publications, Presentations 1. Refereed Publications Bachelet, E., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2012, A brown dwarf orbiting an M-dwarf: MOA 2009-BLG-411L, A&A, 547, A55. Abramowski, A., et al. including Kino, M., Nagai, H.: 2012, The Bachelet, E., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2012, MOA 2010-BLG- 2010 Very High Energy γ-Ray Flare and 10 Years of Multi- 477Lb: Constraining the Mass of a Microlensing Planet from wavelength Observations of M 87, ApJ, 746, 151. Microlensing Parallax, Orbital Motion, and Detection of Abu-Zayyad, T., et al. Including Oshima, A.: 2012, Search Blended Light, ApJ, 754, 73. for Anisotropy of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays with the Bae, H., Woo, J., Yagi, M., Yoon, S., Yoshida, M.: 2012, A Keck/ Telescope Array Experiment, ApJ, 757, 26. LRIS Spatially Resolved Spectroscopic Study of a LINER Abu-Zayyad, T., et al. Including Oshima, A.: 2012, The surface Galaxy SDSS J091628.05+420818.7, ApJ, 753, 10. detector array of the Telescope Array Experiment, Nucl. Bally, J., Walawender, J., Reipurth, B.: 2012, Deep Imaging Instrum. Meth. A, 689, 87-97. Surveys of Star-forming Clouds. V. New Herbig-Haro Shocks Ackermann, M., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2013, Multiwavelength and Giant Outflows in Taurus, AJ, 144, 143. Observations of GRB 110731A: GeV Emission from Onset to Bekki, K., Shigeyama, T., Tsujimoto, T.: 2013, Feedback effects of Afterglow, ApJ, 763, 71. aspherical supernova explosions on galaxies, MNRAS, 428, L31-L35. Adams, J. H., et al. including Inoue, N., Kajino, T., Mizumoto, Bekki, K., Tsujimoto, T.: 2012, Chemical Evolution of the Large Y., Takami, H., Watanabe, J.: 2013, An Evaluation of the Magellanic Cloud, ApJ, 761, 180. Exposure in Nadir Observation of the JEM-EUSO Mission, Bellot-Rubio, L. R., Orozco-Suárez, D.: 2012, Pervasive Linear Astropart. Phys., 44, 76-90. Polarization Signals in the Quiet Sun, ApJ, 757, 19. Ando, H., Imamura, T., Nabatov, A., Futaana, Y., Iwata, T., Bendek, E., Belikov, R., Pluzhnik, E., Guyon, O.: 2013, Compatibility Hanada, H., Matsumoto, K., Mochizuki, N., Kono, Y., Noda, of a Diffractive Pupil and Coronagraphic Imaging, PASP, 125, H., Liu, Q., Oyama, K.-I., Yamamoto, Z., Saito, A.: 2012, Dual- 204-212. spacecraft radio occultation measurement of the electron density Bennett, D. P., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2012, Planetary and near the lunar surface on the SELENE mission, J. Geophys. Other Short Binary Microlensing Events from the MOA Short- Res., 117, A08313. event Analysis, ApJ, 757, 119. Ando, M.: 2013, DECIGO Pathfinder, Int. J. Modern. Phys. D, 22, Bernard, E. J., Ferguson, A. M. N., Barker, M. K., Irwin, M. J., 1341002. Jablonka, P., Arimoto, N.: 2012, A deep, wide-field study of Aoki, W., Beers, T. C., Lee, Y.-S., Honda, S., Ito, H., Takada- Holmberg II with Suprime-Cam: evidence for ram pressure Hidai, M., Frebel, A., Suda, T., Fujimoto, M. Y., Carollo, D., stripping, MNRAS, 426, 3490-3500. Sivarani, T.: 2013, High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Extremely Bernat, D., Martinache, F., Ireland, M., Tuthill, P., Lloyd, J.: 2012, The Metal-Poor Stars from SDSS/SEGUE: I. Atmospheric Use of Spatial Filtering with Aperture Masking Interferometry Parameters and Chemical Compositions, AJ, 145, 13. and Adaptive Optics, ApJ, 756, 8. Aoki, W., Ito, H., Tajitsu, A.: 2012, Examination of the Mass- Boccaletti, A., et al. including Guyon, O., Tamura, M.: 2012, dependent Li Depletion Hypothesis by the Li Abundances of the SPICES: spectro-polarimetric imaging and characterization of Very Metal-poor Double-lined Spectroscopic Binary G166-45, exoplanetary systems. From planetary disks to nearby Super ApJ, 751, L6. Earths, Exp. Astron., 34, 355-384. Aoki, W., Suda, T., Boyd, R. N., Kajino, T., Famiano, M. A.: 2013, Bowler, B. P., Liu, M. C., Shkolnik, E. L., Dupuy, T. J., Cieza, L. A., New Insights into the Astrophysical r-Process, ApJ, 766, L13. Kraus, A. L., Tamura, M.: 2012, Planets around Low-mass Araki, M., Takano, S., Yamabe, H., Tsukiyama, K., Kuze, N.: 2012, Stars (PALMS). I. A Substellar Companion to the Young M Radio Search for H2CCC toward HD 183143 as a Candidate for Dwarf 1RXS J235133.3+312720, ApJ, 753, 142. a Diffuse Interstellar Band Carrier, ApJ, 753, L11. Bowler, B. P., Liu, M. C., Shkolnik, E. L., Tamura, M.: 2012, Asai, A., Kiyohara, J., Takasaki, H., Narukage, N., Yokoyama, T., Planets around Low-mass Stars (PALMS). II. A Low-mass Masuda, S., Shimojo, M., Nakajima, H.: 2013, Temporal and Companion to the Young M Dwarf GJ 3629 Separated by 0.2", Spatial Analyses of Spectral Indices of Nonthermal Emissions ApJ, 756, 69. Derived from Hard X-Rays and Microwaves, ApJ, 763, 87. Bowler, R. A. A., Dunlop, J. S., McLure, R. J., McCracken, H. J., Asayama, S., Nakajima, T.: 2013, Development of a Smooth Taper Milvang-Jensen, B., Furusawa, H., Fynbo, J. P. U., Le Fevre, Double-Ridge Waveguide Orthomode Transducer for a New O., Holt, J., Ideue, Y., Ihara, Y., Rogers, A. B., Taniguchi, Y.: 100 GHz Band Z-Machine Receiver for the NRO 45-m Radio 2012, Discovery of bright z = 7 galaxies in the UltraVISTA Telescope, PASP, 125, 213-217. survey, MNRAS, 426, 2772-2788. Aunai, N., Hesse, M., Zenitani, S., Kuznetsova, M., Black, C., Bozza, V., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2012, OGLE-2008-BLG-510: Evans, R., Smets, R.: 2013, Comparison between hybrid and fully first automated real-time detection of a weak microlensing kinetic models of asymmetric magnetic reconnection: Coplanar anomaly - brown dwarf or stellar binary?, MNRAS, 424, 902. and guide field configurations, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 022902. Brandt, T. D., et al. including Egner, S., Golota, T., Guyon, II Publications, Presentations 065 O., Hashimoto, J., Hayano, Y., Hayashi, M., Hayashi, S., Choudhuri, A. R., Karak, B. B.: 2012, Origin of Grand Minima in Ishii, M., Iye, M., Kandori, R., Kudo, T., Kusakabe, N., Sunspot Cycles, Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 171103. Kuzuhara, M., Kwon, J., Matsuo, T., Miyama, S., Morino, Crossfield, J. M. I., Barman, T., Hansen, M. S. B., Tanaka, J.-I., Nishimura, T., Pyo, T.-S., Suto, H., Suzuki, R., Takami, I., Kodama, T.: 2012, Re-evaluating WASP-12b: Strong M., Takato, N., Terada, H., Tomono, D., Takami, H., Usuda, Emission at 2.315 μm, Deeper Occultations, and an Isothermal T., Tamura, M.: 2013, New Techniques for High-contrast Atmosphere, ApJ, 760, 140. Imaging with ADI: The ACORNS-ADI SEEDS Data Reduction Dawson, J. R., McClure-Griffiths, N. M., Wong, T., Dickey, J. M., Pipeline, ApJ, 764, 183. Hughes, A., Fukui, Y., Kawamura, A.: 2013, Supergiant Shells Brasser, R., Ida, S., Kokubo, E.: 2013, A Dynamical Study on the and Molecular Cloud Formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud, Habitability of Terrestrial Exoplanets -I. Tidally Evolved Planet- ApJ, 763, 56. Satellite Pairs, MNRAS, 428, 1673-1685. Deguchi, S., Tafoya, D., Shino, N.: 2012, Maser Emission toward Briquet, M., et al. including Kambe, E.: 2012, Multisite spectroscopic the Infrared Dark Cloud G359.94+0.17 Seen in Silhouette seismic study of the beta Cep star V2052 Ophiuchi: inhibition against the Galactic Center, PASJ, 64, 28. of mixing by its magnetic field, MNRAS, 427, 483-493. Doeleman, S. S., et al. including Honma, M., Oyama, T.: 2012, Jet- Bufano, F., et al. including Tanaka, M.: 2012, The Fast and Faint Launching Structure Resolved Near the Supermassive Black Hole SN 2010bh Associated with GRB 100316D, ApJ, 753, 67. in M87, Science, 338, 355-358. Carson, J., et al. including Kandori, R., Kuzuhara, M., Kwon, J., Doi, A, Nagira, H., Kawakatu, N., Kino, M., Nagai, H., Asada, K.: Egner, S., Guyon, O., Hashimoto, J., Hayano, Y., Hayashi, 2012, Kiloparsec-scale Radio Structures in Narrow-line Seyfert M., Hayashi, S., Ishii, M., Iye, M., Kudo, T., Kusakabe, N., 1 Galaxies, ApJ, 760, 41. Morino, J., Nishimura, T., Pyo, T., Suto, H., Suzuki, R., Doi, A., Asada, K., Fujisawa, K., Nagai, H., Hagiwara, Y., Wajima, Takato, N., Terada, H., Tomono, D., Takami, H., Usuda, T., K., Inoue, M.: 2013, Very Long Baseline Array Imaging of Tamura, M.: 2013, Direct Imaging Discovery of a "Super- Parsec-scale Radio Emissions in Nearby Radio-quiet Narrow- Jupiter" around the Late B-type Star κ And, ApJ, 763, L32. line Seyfert 1 Galaxies, ApJ, 765, 69. Chau, W., Zhang, Y., Nakashima, J., Deguchi, S., Kwok, S.: 2012, Doi, A., Kohno, K., Nakanishi, K., Kameno, S., Inoue, M., Hada, Molecular Line Observations of the Carbon-Rich Circumstellar K., Sorai, K.: 2013, Nuclear Radio Jet from a Low-luminosity Envelope CIT 6 at 7 mm Wavelengths, ApJ, 760, 66. Active Galactic Nucleus in NGC 4258, ApJ, 765, 63. Chen, Z., Jiang, Z., Wang, Y., Chini, R., Tamura, M., Nagayama, Dong, R., et al. including Hashimoto, J., Kudo, T., Egner, S., T., Nagata, T., Nakajima, Y.: 2012, Near-Infrared Imaging Guyon, O., Hayano, Y., Hayashi, S., Ishii, M., Iye, M., Polarization Study of M 17, PASJ, 64, 110. Kandori, R., Kusakabe, N., Kuzuhara, M., Kwon, J., Morino, Cheoun, M. K., Ha, E., Hayakawa, T., Chiba, S., Nakamura, K., J.-I., Nishimura, T., Pyo, T.-S., Suto, H., Suzuki, R., Takami, Kajino, T., Mathews, G. J.: 2012, Neutrino induced reactions M., Takato, N., Terada, H., Tomono, D., Takami, H., Usuda, related to the neutrino-process nucleosynthesis of 92Nb and 98Tc, T., Tamura, M.: 2012, The Structure of Pre-transitional Phys. Rev. C, 85, 65807. Protoplanetary Disks. I. Radiative Transfer Modeling of the Cheoun, M. K., Ha, E., Kajino, T.: 2012, High-lying Excited Disk+Cavity in the PDS 70 System, ApJ, 760, 111. States in Gamow Teller Strength and Their Roles on Neutrino Dong, R., et al. including Hashimoto, J., Kuzuhara, M., Egner, S., Reactions, Europ. Phys. J. A, 48, 137. Guyon, O., Hayano, Y., Hayashi, M., Hayashi, S., Ishii, M., Cheoun, M.
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