'% '% ) (((!&&"#$ PREFACE The Special Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, Government of Andhra Pradesh has entrusted the task of preparing the State Agriculture Plan (SAP), District Agriculture Plans (DAPs) and the State Agriculture Infrastructure Plan (SAIDP) under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) - Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture & Allied Sectors Rejuvenation (RAFTAAR) Guidelines to M/s. Andhra Pradesh Productivity Council (APPC). Andhra Pradesh Productivity Council (APPC), an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization, is an autonomous tri-partite non-profit making body established in the Year 1958 by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. This plan has been prepared by taking inputs from various stakeholders such as Farmers, Department officials at Head Quarters & District Offices, Academic Institutions (Universities), Farmer Society Representatives and others representing the Agriculture and Allied sectors. Besides gathering information through the Standard Formats, series of Meetings & Consultations were imparted so as to incorporate the Suggestions and Aspirations of all the stakeholders. A thorough Analysis and Drafting of the plans were done by the Empanelled Eminent Scientists and Experts specialized in agriculture and allied sectors in association with Andhra Pradesh Productivity Council. This involved an Integrated and Participatory Informal approach, duly prioritizing the Technical / Scientific Interventions that suits the Geographical / Agri - Climatic Situations for the Practical and Pragmatic Growth of the Primary sector in the State of Andhra Pradesh. After detailed analysis, District Agricultural Plan (DAP) for the entire 13 Districts, Consolidated State Agricultural Plan (SAP) for the period 2017 -18 to 2019 – 20 was prepared, coinciding with the State Government’s Action plan for achieving the Desired Mission Targets. In addition to the Production Plans, keeping in-view of the existing Infrastructure and requirement of the Agriculture & Allied Sector Departments, a State Agriculture Infrastructure Plan (SAIDP) has been prepared for driving the desired production Targets. The emphasis was laid on gathering information from Grass-Root level on the Farm and Non-Farm sector prospects. The plans were designed, location and sector specific strategies and interventions for bringing in holistic and sustainable development of agriculture and allied sectors in Andhra Pradesh. In the newly-formed state of Andhra Pradesh, the great visionary and the driving force of Amaravati, destined to become one of the World Class Capital, Honourable Chief Minister Sri Nara Chandrababu Naidu, is spearheading the transformation of challenges into opportunities and success by launching innovative schemes and missions, especially for the well being of the Agriculture and Allied Sectors. In this Juncture, the State Agriculture Plan (SAP), District Agriculture Plans (DAPs) and State Agriculture Infrastructure Development Plan (SAIDP) will be of immense help for achieving the Earmarking Double Digit Growth (DDG) in all the Primary sectors. We sincerely thank the Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Sri Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy for his dedication and commitment in transforming the Agriculture and Allied Sectors more economically feasible and viable for the farmers in the State of Andhra Pradesh. We express our sincere thanks to Sri B. Rajasekhar, IAS, Principal Secretary to Government – Agriculture, Co-operation and Marketing, Sri D. Muralidhar Reddy, IAS, Special Commissioner of Agriculture, Sri V. Jayakumar, State Nodal Officer – Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) and other officials of Government of Andhra Pradesh, particularly the district officials of Department of Agriculture and other allied sectors for their guidance, co-operation and assistance in preparing these plans. We express our special thanks to our Empanelled eminent scientists and experts; Dr. M. Singa Rao, Dr. Y. Eswara Prasad, Dr. K. Hemachandrudu, Dr. P. Venkata Rao, Dr. N. Krishna for their close association and contribution, duly coordinating with Mr. Ch. Vinay Kumar Reddy, Asst. Director – APPC in preparation of the plans. We also thank our Honorary Secretary Dr. S. Rajagopala Reddi, for having taken keen interest in this endeavor and for his continuous guidance and support in successfully completing the plans. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ANDHRA PRADESH PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL $'%& %'( %& # &'# & &'#""*(%& ) &'# (%& ) &'#%)'#"& * *(')(!!%+*) "'%#('#" 13;7B?E>4 $5546?BB5F9C54& )&1>4)& )3?@5?6&)&1>4)& #5D8?4?<?7I %B71>9J1D9?>?6)& "% &%$'#"#' '' >DB?4E3D9?> "?31D9?>4=9>9CDB1D9F59F9C9?>C&<1>>9>7+>9DC 5=?7B1@89351DEB5C *?@?7B1@8I1>47B?3<9=1D93381B13D5B9CD93C "1>4+C5&1DD5B>1>4"1>4?<49>7C -1D5B(5C?EB35C #1:?BB?@?6D85)D1D5 "9F5CD?3;1>49C85B95C )D1D5>3?=5 5F5<?@=5>D,9C9?>1>4)DB1D57I " +&& >DB?4E3D9?> )-%*>1<IC9C 33?==?41D9>7)-%* 144B5CC9>79CCE5C5=5B79>7?ED?6 D851>1<IC9C (579?>1< )53D?B1<7B?GD84B9F5BC ) #$!"'#%( '(%'#% >DB?4E3D9?> 7B93E<DEB5(5C51B384E31D9?>1>4HD5>C9?>9>D85)D1D5 )?9<51<D8 BB971D9?>)D1DEC #1:?BB?@CB51&B?4E3D9F9DI1>4&B?4E3D9?> %D85B(5C?EB35C>@EDC#1>175=5>D HD5>C9?>>D5BF5>D9?>C ?>CDB19>D>1<IC9C $'%& %'( %& # )385=5C6?B5F5<?@=5>D?67B93E<DEB5 >D5BF5>D9?>C &B?@?C546?B=@B?F541>4>3<EC9F5B?GD89> 7B93E<DEB5 (5C51B3812<5CCE5C %( '(%'#%& >DB?4E3D9?> ?BD93E<DEB545F5<?@=5>D )5B93E<DEB55F5<?@=5>D >9=1<EC21>4BI5F5<?@=5>D 9C85B95C5F5<?@=5>D -1D5BC8545F5<?@=5>D )?391<?B5CDBI 7B93E<DEB5#1B;5D9>7 7B93E<DEB1< B549D (5C51B381>44E31D9?>9>7B93E<DEB51>4<<954C53D?BC )@5391<@B?:53DC @B?7B1=C ?>7?9>79>D85CD1D5 >D5BF5>D9?>CB53?==5>4546?BD85)D1D5G9D845D19<543?CD9>7 '''#" " >DB?4E3D9?> B?GD8B9F5BC ,9C9?>?6>48B1&B145C8 )D1D5@<1> (&&'#%&& '(& #%$+ & ""*(%& # !#' # (19>61<<9>& "1>4+D9<9C1D9?>&1DD5B>9>>48B1&B145C8 %@5B1D9?>1<?<49>7C1>4B51%@5B1D549> >48B1&B145C8 -1D5B"5F5<C9>(5C5BF?9BC?6>48B1&B145C8 -1D5B1<1>35?6& E>5 CD D?#1I CD B956-1D5B1<1>35)D1DEC?6>48B1&B145C8 9CDB93D-9C5-1D5BE475D81= #9>?B9BB971D9?>CD1DEC13B?CC49CDB93DC9>& F19<12<5)?9<#?9CDEB59>>48B1&B145C8 B?CC)D1D5?=5CD93&B?4E3D?6>48B1&B145C8(C 1D&B935C ?6 )E==1BI?67B93E<DEB5(5C51B38>CD9DED9?>C9>& 7B93E<DEB5(5C51B38)D1D9?>C?6$(+ (5C51B38)D1D9?>C?6/)(+ (5C51B38)D1D9?>C?6),,+ 7B?<9=1D930?>5G9C5(5C51B38)D1D9?>C1>4?3EC?6 (5C51B38 7B93E<DEB1<?<<575C?6$(+ +>9F5BC9DI &?<ID538>93C +>9F5BC9DI669<91D54&?<ID538>93C M 7B93E<DEB5 +>9F5BC9DI669<91D54&?<ID538>93C 7B93E<DEB1<>79>55B9>7 +>9F5BC9DI669<91D54&?<ID538>93C )554*538>?<?7I +>9F5BC9DI669<91D54&?<9D538>93C %B71>931B=9>7 !,!C9>& #1>@?G5BG9D8514'E1BD5BC?67B93E<DEB55@1BD=5>D #1:?B)?9<C?6>48B1&B145C8 "12?B1D?BI>6B1CDBE3DEB5G9D87B93E<DEB55@1BD=5>D BB971D54B512I)?EB359>&1B519> 81 B?@-9C5B51BB971D542I)?EB359>>48B1&B145C8 81 *B5>49>$5D)?G>B511>4B?CCB?@@54B519>D85)D1D5 81 >45H$E=25BC?6B51+>45B#1:?BB?@C1C5*B95>>9E= 5>49>7 B51&B?4E3D9F9DI1>4&B?4E3D9?>?6#1:?BB?@C9>*85)D1D5 # !#' # *1B75D?6)?9<)1=@<5C?<<53D9?>>1<IC9C1>4)?9<51<D8 1B49CDB92ED9?>9>D85)D1D5 M &B?@?C1<CE>45B)?9<51<D81B4C385=5 &B?@?C1<C?6)?9< 51<D8#1>175=5>D)385=5E>45B$#) &B?4E3D9?>?=@?>5>DC )554F9<<175&B?7B1==5&B?@?C1<C D? )554CE@@<I@<1>2IC51C?>6?BD85@5B9?4 D? 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