left?"? • ssmesaesgaB asggiMNmpiHg!*^ - •• jwswpfee -S9T : ;i- ^ '• ^ "am: •'' f iASi'tjUU,. i--^;' :;-1- ! JliW ir'»i^6f :»<5 •J; .ifT-v^'-.V. ••< •• " ••' • »i{ >;• AT TWO DOLLAES PEE ANNUM—IN ADVANCE PUBLISHED EVEEY TUESDAY MORNING, BY HOMEB BYINGTON, ;§. Jfitmilii Uttfospaptr. gtbirtrii la fatal $tefos mtV |ntasls, derail JnttUigtita, Jittratat,, ^politits, ^jricaBatt, Pw&atitts, % %tts, (filmcatwn, &. ^t.—€stablisjit!( in 1800. NOEWALK, CONN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1853. VOLUME XXXVI.—NUMBER 47. NUMBER 308—NEW SERIES. Why, Miss Ingle, I tnougnt you E. V. A. CHICHESTER'S conquest, accordingly. But she had mis­ ' You are so skilled in the art, Mr. The young gentleman colored very Flitergibbet," said the amiable sister, "I were in the nursery with Ina. It is 'GMWALLK " MISCELLANEO US \ taken her power. Morton sought h strangely at this question, while Ina re­ PAINTING, GLAZING company, indeed, but it was merely from wonder you dont give her lesson in pain­ quite an unusual circumstance to find sumed— JL H. BYINOTON, Editor & Proprietor. , i aud Paper Hanging Establishment. From the American Union. you here. Are you not afraid of the CATALOGUE. lA ting yourself." ''Oh, you ought to hear me My the Office West Side the Bridge in Leonard's HE subscriber has taken the Store recently : \ /WISHING. the attraction of her wit and vivacity, Barn Door Rollers and Hangers. "Excuse me, sis, I leave that to your draft of night air ?" said a considerate pretty prayer she made 'me. Brother nl :VK~ Building, over store of F. St. John.^ T occupied by Messrs. Randle & Piatt, and Dish Scrapers. Scrapers for wood a, stone.* BY JOHN G. SAXE. ' ' V ~ and he was yet "heart-whole and fancy has opened an extensive and general Oil, Paint, sex. We own your superiority as art- voice, seconded by the appearance of the Milton wrote it down for himself and he Painting and Glasiery Depot. House, iSign, Sash Rollers. Of all the amusements for the mind tree." Chain Pump Reels, f> and 8 arm. Arguseyed Mrs. Porter Potts. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Plain and Ornamental Painting, Gilding,, Mar­ From logic down to fishing, He had made up his mind to join Mrs, ists, and always lower our colors to you wrote it for me, too, and I've kept it ev­ Village Subscribers by Carrier, per year, • $2 00 Pump Chain. 2 50 bling, Graining, &c., done with neatness,cheap­ There isn't one that yon can find ^ as in duty bound," said the pertinacious Emma noticed the tone of insinuation er since in my bosom. Wouldn't you <fc> When not paid in atfcance do - - and despatch. Also, Banners, window Wagon Boxes, 2 to 6 in. in setts. Potts in the next room, when turning to - If MAU and 1'ost Hldors do same as above - - ness Carriage Bolts. So very cheap as " wishing!" . ' ^ • but mereiy said— like to read it ?'' and she pulled it forth, ' Ttao** living out of any Carrier's District, and calling shades, designs, <&c., skilfully painted to order. do so, his attention was attracted by the and would-be witty young gentleman;— at Ike OlSice for their 1'apers, in mfi^ancc, - • , 1 50 He will also keep on hand a general assortment Tire Bolts. • A very choice diversion too, " Ina was asleep, and I came down and held it out to him. Wb®« not paid inadvance - -- -----.200 Boring Machines. ' < r murmur of a soft voice near him ; and but conscious that his small reservoir of ggj- A liberal reduction made to Clubs. • of Paints, Oils, &c., which will be sold Whole­ If we but rightly use it, \ . sale or by the pot, with the loan of bruskes.— Twine Paper. wit was oozing out, while his sister's with the intention of joining you in "Yes, very much,'' said her friend. Mason's Seives. And not, as we are apt to do, p he observed for the first time a lady in Special attention paid to Paper Hanging, Ac. was only gathering fresh strength foi^ an the sitting room, but wa3 attracted to "Well, I'll let you; butyoumuat give ADVERTISING RATES. By a punctual fulfillment of all engagements, Carriage Bows and Bands. J; Pervert it and abuse it. mourning seat-d in the recess, with loli- Lace and Damask. the window by the beauty of the it back.'' 0gg Square, 16 lines or less, of Brevier, 1 insertion $ 75 and reasonable chargcs, he hopes to reoeive ~ I wish—a common wish, indeed— ' „ na beside her gazing into her face, and antagonistic display, he wisely-determin­ 4o do do do - 2 do; 88 share of public patronage. Enamelled Car Cloth. night, and have been star-gazing ever *'I will certainly, the next time I see 4o do do do do 3 do , 1.00 Window Sash, all sizes. My purse was something fatter, evidently deeply interested in something ed upon retreat; so, suddenly springing ^ jP»r ^onth, for continuance, thereafter • - ^ ' 1 00 GEORGE MARVIN. you. So good-bye, pet,'' and the young Yearly advertisers, restricted to their own legitimate Norwalk, Aug. 9th, 1853 tfl5 Patent Clothes Pins. That I might cheer the child of need, up, he exclaimed, "An idea has just since." Well Buckets and Wheels. she related. The child just then raised buainea*, per square, including paper, per year ,,12 00 S And not my pritle to. flatter; " I presume you came here to give lawyer changed his mind about going in, . ThtMC.averaging 2 sqrs, standing advertisement do {15 00 Glue Pots and Kettles. her eyes, and seeing him, cried out. struck me like a brick-bat—striking ? ' Oae Column per year, subject to 4 changes - 60 00 NORWALK. HAT. Malleable Castings. _ That I might make oppression reel, Miss Ingle lessons in her favorite study and went back to his office. The first ; ;c )iSpMtai 6t Bditorial Notices, per sqr. each insertion 1 00 "Oh, Mr. Morton, do come here and idea that—I must away to Bigelow's— A Cap and Fur Emporium. Six barrel-Revolvers, 4 and 5 in barrels. As only gold can make it, ... fj j9W(uary. Notices, Resolutions, &c. charged at above rate. A —au revoir!'' and he made his escape of astronomy," obsefved his mamma,tur­ thing he did was to read the paper Ina THE subscribers having removed to NO, Single" Rifle Pistols. And break the tyrants rod of steel listen to this beautiful story Mrs. Ingle is Game Bags, &c., &c. ning to Milton. " I must beg pardon for had given him. It was "an evening 2 Skiddy's Block, would say, that they have y As only gold can break it! ^ tellingme." ••-from the wordy torrent. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. M just made very large additions to the former PAINTER'S MATERIALS. "Contemptible puppy" muttered the obtruding upon your observatory." prayer for little Iolina," and ran thus- stock, of new and fashionable goods in f their I wish—that Sympathy and Love i The young gentleman smilingly ap­ , rin". —o OTE," ~ White Lead, all qualities. >; Emma felt vexed, and moved off to Holy Father, through the day, 1ine, would now call the attention of the public No. 1, or snow white Zinc. And every human passion, }-m\ proached, and bowing to the lady obser- sister. "He is more insufferable than generally, to the great advantages which- they her room, where the remainder of the Thou hast gently cleared my way; Attorney and Counselor at Law, " 2, silver " " That has its origin above, , ^ ed. Milton; but I haven't a congenial mind are enabled to offer over their competitors in " 3, brown stone " . * And from morn to eventide ^OFFKE OVER MALLORY'S STORE, Norwalk. Confining their whole attention to Would come, and keep, in fashion; among all my kindred. I don't know evening was spent in sad reflections, and "4, a " "V:1 "Mrs. Ingle must be a philosopher if Hast thou been my constant guide ; - - " K,-, Norw^ik, Conn. ; this one branch of business, they feel that i they That Scorn, and Jealousy and Hate, in prayer for that charity which " bear- T can make purchases and secure a much better Linseed Oil, boiled and raw. * she can withdraw from the gaitiesiif this why I was created with such taste, with­ Thus, is gleams the twilight dew, quality of goods, than those comparatively Spirits Turpentine. And every base emotion, '- : i' -;*i eth all things, and forgiveth all things." 0> s> Ferry, Copal, Coach and Dcmar Varnish. scene, and sit down quietly to amuse a out it was that I might be more misera­ In the violets eye of blue; ' unacquainted with the business. • We 'have Were buried fifty fathoms deep : ' 4 Putty and Sand Paper. When at length she laid her head upon And while lilies offer up Law now on hand a fine assortment of HATS, jnst Beneath the waves of ocean! j child." - ble. With one exception, I hate all man­ AtUraey and Counselor at Chinese and American Vermillion. the pillow, it was with the sweet cons­ Incense in their fragrant cup, 1 suited to the season and the wants of the com­ Emma blushed and bowed, but did kind, and its all stuff and nonsense about Norwftlk Conn, .g; munity.—For further particulars, just drtop in Chrome Green and Yellow. * I wish—that friends were always true, : < I would on the bended knee, , ^ Paris Green, dry and in oil. ^ his being captivated by her milk-and- ciousness that the presenee of the Al­ •5;' ? to i*V; i and examine for yourselves, at No. £ -Skiddy's ; And motives always pure; - i not speak, while he continued. Send up heart-praise, Lord, to Thee I 7 Block, Main street.
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