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NVINOSHilWS S3iavaai1 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIJ z r- z r- z nvinoshiiws S3 1 ava an libraries" Smithsonian institution NoiinuiSNi nvinoshiiws S3iavaan lib CO CO j^r. Z ,w. CO z, Z Smithsonian Year 1992 Supplement Chronology and Appendixes Smithsonian Institution Press Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Year 1992 Supplement Chronology and Appendixes Smithsonian Institution Press Washington, D.C. $ PAGE 2 BLANK Contents Chronology 5 Appendix 1. Members of Smithsonian Councils, Boards, and Commissions, September 30, 1992 33 Appendix 2. Visits to the Smithsonian Institution Museums and Galleries in Fiscal Year 1992 42 Appendix 3. Academic, Research Training, and Internship Appointments and Research Associates in Fiscal Year 1992 43 Appendix 4. Publications of the Smithsonian Institution Press in Fiscal Year 1992 84 Appendix 5. Publications of the Staff of the Smithsonian Institution and Its Subsidiaries in Fiscal Year 1992 88 Appendix 6. The Smithsonian Institution and Its Subsidiaries, September 30, 1992 121 Appendix 7. Donors to the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1992 145 Appendix 8. Contributing Members of the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1992 200 Financial Report 216 Notes: The arrangement of bureau and office listings within appendixes 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 is not alphabetical but rather follows as closely as possible the organization of the Smithsonian Institution as shown on page 4. The contents of this Supplement were produced from electronic files provided by the bureaus and offices. Cooper- Hewitt, National Museum of Design Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Office of Institutional Studies International Gallery National Air and Space Museum National Museum of African Art National Museum of American Art National Museum of American History Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian National Portrait Gallery Institution Office of Exhibits Central Office of Museum Programs Office of Quincentenary Programs Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service Education and Public Service Office of the Assistant Secretary for Education and Public Service Center for Folklife Programs and Cultural Studies National Science Resource Center Establishment, Board of Regents, Executive Office of Committee, and the Secretary Elementary and Secondary Education Wider Audience Development Program Office of the Secretary Office of the Undersecretary External Affairs Office of the Inspector General Office of the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs Office of the General Counsel Office of International Relations Office of Government Relations Office of Conference Services Office of Public Affairs Office of Special Events Office of Telecommunications Sciences Smithsonian Institution Press Office of the Assistant Secretary for Sciences Smithsonian Magazine Conservation Analytical Laboratory Air & Space/Smithsonian Magazine National Museum of Natural History/National Smithsonian National Associate Program Museum of Man Smithsonian Resident Associate Program National Zoological Park Visitor Information and Associates' Reception Center Office of Environmental Awareness Office of Fellowships and Grants Institutional Initiatives Office of the Registrar Office of the Assistant Secretary for Institutional Initiatives Smithsonian Astrophysical Laboratory National Museum of the American Indian Campaign Office Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Office of Development Smithsonian Institution Archives Smithsonian Women's Committee Smithsonian Institution Libraries Smithsonian Institution Man and the Biosphere Finance and Administration Biological Diversity Program Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Office of the Assistant Secretary for Finance and Administration Arts and Humanities Affiliated Organizations Office of the Assistant Secretary for the Arts and Humanities John F. Kennedy for the Performing Arts Anacostia Museum National Gallery of Art Archives of American Art Reading Is Fundamental Arthur M. Saclder Gallery/Freer Gallery of Art Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars — October Public Programs The Visitor Information and Associates' Reception Center initiated Spanish-language touts of the Smithsonian Institution Building. Chronology October Publications Two tecent Smithsonian Institution Press books Women of Deb Koh and The Mystery of Com- ets—were issued in German and Italian translations. Paperback editions of The Lawmen and Women of Deb Koh were released in the United States by Viking Penguin. October Radio Series "Folk Masters"—produced by the Office of Telecommunications' Radio Smithsonian, Carnegie Hall, and the Washington public radio station WETA- The following is a representative selection of Smith- FM—was inaugurated, broadcast over public radio sta- sonian events during fiscal year 1992. tions nationwide. It subsequently won the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's Gold Award. October October Education Program Cooper-Hewitt, National Museum of Design began a series of one-day design Tour Archives of American Art members explored career programs that gave high school students the op- the art and architecture of Spain and Portugal. The jour- portunity to explore social issues and participate in ney to Barcelona, Madrid, Leon, Santiago, Oporto, and design activities with professional designers. The series Lisbon included visits to private collections and special continued through March. tours of the sights and treasures in each city. October October Smithsonian Sesqukentenary The Office of the Assis- tant Secretary for External Affairs began coordination of Publication The Smithsonian Institution Libraries' the Smithsonian's 150th anniversary commemoration, to catalog of the National Museum of African Art branch be held in 199$. holdings was published with more than 17,000 records derived from SIL's on-line computer records. October October International Meeting The Office of International Relations, in cooperation with the University of Califor- New Archive Cooper-Hewitt, National Museum of nia Consortium on Mexico and federal agencies, par- Design established an African American Design Ar- ticipated in the steeting committee meeting of the chive, a computerized compilation of African American U.S.—Mexico Foundation for Science. Assistant designers' biographies. Secretary for External Affairs Thomas E. Lovejoy is a member of the committee. October Special Event The Viking voyages to the New World were commemorated at the National Air and Space Museum with the queen of Norway and the president of Iceland in attendance. The event was facilitated by the October 8 Office of the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs. Exhibition "Recent Acquisitions: 1989—1991" opened at the and October Hirshhorn Museum Sculpture Garden, reflecting the strengthening of the museum's collection with than paintings, sculptures, Education Program As part of the Cooper- Hewitt, more 80 and works on paper acquired as gifts or purchases. National
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