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Barnes and Noble are experiencing a “45% slump in share price.” 5D]RUFDNH*RUVN\3UHVV,QFD&DOLIRUQLDQRWIRUSUR¿WFRUSRUDWLRQLVUHJLVWHUHG And yet, Razorcake’s stronger than ever and the reason is as simple as a charitable organization with the State of California’s Secretary of State, and has as National Geographic or Consumer Reports. Our subscribers support EHHQJUDQWHGRI¿FLDOWD[H[HPSWVWDWXV VHFWLRQ F RIWKH,QWHUQDO5HYHQXH us… and with each new subscription and renewal we get a little bit Code) from the United States IRS. Our tax ID number is 05-0599768. Your gift is stronger and more autonomous. tax deductible to the full extent provided by law. If you would like to give Razorcake some longer-term, hands-on assistance, we’re looking for volunteers in the following areas: locally EDVHGQRQSUR¿WJUDQWZULWHUDQGQRQSUR¿WIXQGUDLVHU)LOH0DNHU3UR wizard, Salesforce programmer, PC network specialist. If you live in the L.A. area, we could always use a helping hand. 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RAZOR CAKE .ORG INCREDIBLE THAT'S Gold-painted Shovels If I’d known about the blues, I’d’ve been humming a Son JRNDUWVGRLQJWULFNV7KH\MXVWKDGWKRVHIROGDEOHKDWVZKHUHWKH\¶G House song. If I’d known about punk then, I’d’ve been singing stick miscellaneous pins, like military pins next to Snoopy pins. ³:RUOGXS0\$VV´E\WKH&LUFOH-HUNV,ZDVMXVWDNLG,WZDV We’d been shoveling rocks all day. A landscaping company had probably Huey Lewis, Weird Al Yankovic, or something off left mounds the length of the property. We were slowly spreading the Pac Man Fever soundtrack since I owned exactly those them all out. At about noon, two of the old Elks guys came outside, three cassettes. It was well over one hundred degrees. We were VTXLQWHGDWWKHVXQODLGGRZQVRPHQHZVSDSHURQWKHVLGHZDONQHDU shoveling granite rocks. Little ones, but big piles of them. It’s the entrance, produced two pointy-tipped shovels, then spray painted not like we were on a chain gang, but it was hot outside of the the blades gold. They came back out a couple hours later, turned the (ONV/RGJH,WKLQNWKHJUDVVKDGMXVWEHHQUHPRYHG9LVTXHHQ shovels over, and spray painted the other side of the blades. was laid down, and we were spreading out the rocks. It’s called By the end of the day, we were pooped and stopped for a [HULVFDSLQJQRZ:HMXVWFDOOHGWKHPURFNJDUGHQV water break. We had two or three more mounds to go. The two old I was a boy scout and our troop was sponsored by the Elks men, accompanied by a third with a camera, walked to one of the Lodge. They let us use their conference room for our meetings. We’d remaining mounds, stuck their gold-painted shovel blades into the repay them with volunteer work. Being a boy scout is one of the gravel, and posed for the camera. Flash. Then thumb cranking on a most un-punk things to admit. Conformity. Uniforms. Volunteerism. disposable camera a couple more times until the third guy gave them Quasi-militarism. Not cool to homosexuals. I started scouts when the thumbs up. I was young. I liked camping, tying knots, hiking, learning how to “I think we got it.” survive outdoors. It was a good time. The three of them didn’t talk to any of the scouts. After they The Elks—I’m still not sure what Elks promote—weren’t like ¿QLVKHGWKH\ZDONHGGLUHFWO\EDFNLQWRWKH(ONVEDUVKRYHOVDQG the more self-explanatory Veterans of Foreign Wars or the American all. I thought it was funny that they had the wrong type of shovels. /HJLRQRUWKHPRUHP\VWHULRXVVRXQGLQJ)UHH0DVRQV)URPZKDW, 7KH\¶G QHHG VTXDUHWLSSHG EODGHV LI WKH\ UHDOO\ ZDQWHG WR PRYH could tell, they were mostly old guys who’d smoke, drink discounted some gravel. drinks, and gamble in the bar across the hall from our meeting room. A week later, when I opened up the local paper, I saw the photo Sometimes, they’d mistakenly take a left instead of a right, look of the two old men and their gold-bladed shovels with the caption, confused when they saw a bunch of boys in olive green pants and “Local Elks help Boy Scout troop with rock garden,” I realized that EHLJHVKLUWVVTXLQWDWXVDQGWKHQLWZDVEDFNRXWRIWKHURRP7KH they had no intention of moving any gravel… but they got exactly only other time I saw them outside of the building was during the what they were after. –Todd Taylor )RXUWKRI-XO\SDUDGHV7KH\ZHUHQ¶WDVFRRODVWKH6KULQHUVLQWKHLU THANK YOU: From the verdant shores of Portland, Oregon, to the wind- AD / CONTRIBUTOR DEADLINES Contact Razorcake via our regularly swept deserts of Istanbul, Daryl Gussin rocked the Red Dons cover and updated website, www.razorcake.org Mateus Mondini brung the photos; Quixotian poo vapor thanks to Brad Beshaw for the illo. in Sean’s column; Jolly Green Giant’s prosthetic leg ISSUE #61 or PO Box 42129, LA, CA 90042 Feb 1st, 2011 thanks to Bill Pinkel for his illo. in Jim’s column; Crows-in-a-void thanks for Steve Larder for his illo. in Amy’s column; Shit’d just be black and ISSUE #62 ”If Mr. Mom was a white without it thanks to Nation of Amanda for her water coloring Mitch’s April 1st, 2011 column; Just image red where it says “red” and we’d have a color page documentary, I'd be your thanks to Danny Martin for his illo. in Nardwuar’s column; Go to Nørb’s Visit www.razorcake.org Michael Keaton, you're for slashed prices on magnets thanks to Ryan Gelatin for his illo.; Eternal Click “Ads” for rates and details. touchdown of the soul thanks to Dan “The Eggman” Eggert for his Rhythm Our ad rates are super duper. my Terri Garr... can I get a Chicken photo; “First dibs on the Ramonkeys shirt. I’m a large,” thanks to really cool monkey?” Jason Armadillo for his illo. in Dale’s column; Does divine intervention Cover design by Daryl Gussin trump parking signs? I do believe you are correct, thanks to Jackie Rusted Cover photos by Mateus Mondini –Too Many Daves, "Dudes Room" for her illo. in Gary’s column; I wish good people were immortal, part I, flickr.com/photos/mateuspatche thanks to Jennifer Whiteford and Chris Peigler for the Ari Up remembrance and photos; Raising standards and documenting the ever-loving hell out This issue is dedicated to the memories of Jess The Mess and Leslie Nielsen. of a relevant topic thanks to Kevin Dunn for his great work on “How to Start Your Own DIY Record Label”; In a world where vacuum tubes and vinyl records walk and talk, of course the records smoke and 40 ouncers drink thimble-sized bottles named “beer” thanks to Craig Horky for his illustrations; I think I see the machine that goes “bing” in the background thanks to Ryan Leach, Alejandro Larin Baranda, and Lauren Measure for the interview, illustrations, and layout of Wyn Davis; “Can you give me a wee more Econochrist in the monitor and wee less Born Against? …Perfect” PD=JGO PK #=P /E?D 4=NSE?G 'K=JJ !KJJAHHU /E?DEA 1QBłJE =J@ (AEPD Rosson for all their help with the Rations interview; Okay, you’re sayin’, “Man, I miss the Observers.
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