September 19, 2009 In this issue New stories reflect stewardship focus AMN launches music label The need to read Dr Branimir Schubert, vice-chancellor of Pacific Adventist University (PAU),and other visiting dignitaries at the official launch of PAU Community Radio Station 97.9 2G FM. PAU marks 25th anniversary PORT MORESBY, PapUA NEW GUinEA acific Adventist University (PAU) PAU was established as Pacific Adventist celebrated 25 years of providing ed- College in 1983, and given a charter as uni- ucation to students from around the versity by the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Pacific and beyond on the weekend government in 1997. Pof August 28 to 30. More than 1500 past and PNG Governor-general Sir Paulias Ma- present staff, students and friends of the tane gave the opening address on the Friday university gathered from around the South evening. Michael Ogio, minister for higher Pacific Division (SPD) and further afield to education, research, science and technology Church celebrate the milestone. for the PNG government, joined the celebra- Dr Branimir Schubert, vice-chancellor of tions on the Sunday for the official opening PAU, says of the weekend, “It was a time of PAU Community Radio station, 97.9 2G celebrates to meet old friends, remember the past and FM. Mr Ogio gave a speech highlighting the acknowledge the many blessings we are contribution PAU makes to PNG and other enjoying today. It was also a time to dream Pacific islands societies. 110 years about the future.” (Continued on page 5) ISSN 0819-5633 editorial “Of making many books there is no end . .” Recommended reading y chosen rules: Life After God by Douglas Coupland The Chosen by Chaim Potok • Only one book per author; Falling Man by Don DeLillo Believing, Behaving, Belonging by Rich- • Arranged in alphabetical order The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky ard Rice by author; The Brothers K by David James Duncan Gilead by Marilyn Robinson M• Books must have been read by me; and Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster How (Not) To Speak of God by Peter Rollins • Naturally, a listing does not mean en- God, Godel and Grace by Clifford Goldstein Beyond Greed by Brian Rosner dorsement of everything in the book. Priceless by Bradley Trevor Grieve The End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs Thus, this works a little bit like the ac- The Innocent Man by John Grisham Mission in Metropolis by Monte Sahlin knowledgments or bibliography at the end Thinking Theologically by Fritz Guy The Trouble With Paris by Mark Sayers of the book. So if you want to read more, The Prophets by Abraham Joshua Heschel The Promise of Peace by Charles Scriven let me recommend: Flickering Pixels by Shane Hipps It’s Really All About God by Samir It Takes a Church by Gary Hopkins and Selmanovic The Bible Joyce Hopp Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger by The Poverty and Justice Bible Les Miserables by Victor Hugo Ron Sider From the Heart by Roy Adams The Year of Living Biblically by A J Jacobs An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Consuming Faith by Tom Beaudoin Embrace the Impossible by William Johnsson Taylor Jesus Wants to Save Christians by Rob Bell unChristian by David Kinnaman Messiah by Jerry Thomas and Don Golden No Logo by Naomi Klein Escape from the Flames by Alden Thompson Searching for a God to Love by Chris Blake If I Were the Devil by George Knight Free of Charge by Miroslav Volf The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Travelling Mercies by Anne Lamott Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing by Bonhoffer Culture Jam by Kalle Lasn Ellen White On the Move by Bono The Horse and His Boy by C S Lewis The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard The Myth of a Christian Religion by Greg The Good Life by David Matzko McCarthy 50 Facts that Should Change the World by Boyd A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren Jessica Williams Finally Comes the Poet by Walter The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan The Turning by Tim Winton Brueggeman Manning The Paradise of God by Norman Wirzba Telling the Truth by Frederick Buechner Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller Surprised by Hope by N T Wright Seeking a Sanctuary by Malcolm Bull and The Peacemaking Remnant (edited) by The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey Keith Lockhart Douglas Morgan (Almost) anything published by Signs Pub- Speaking My Mind by Tony Campolo Sabbath by Wayne Muller lishing Company. What Would Jesus Deconstruct? by John Unleash the Dream (edited) by Andy Nash D Caputo Everlasting Gospel, Ever-Changing World “Of making many books there is no The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne by Jon Paulien end . .” (Ecclesiastes 12:12, NIV). A Peculiar People by Rodney Clapp The Silent Church by Zdravko Plantak Esther: A Story of Courage by Trudy Mor- New Way to be Human by Charlie Peacock gan Cole Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman Nathan Brown Official Paper of the South Editor Nathan Brown Mail: Signs Publishing Company Pacific Division Seventh-day Editorial assistant Adele Nash 3485 Warburton Highway Adventist Church Editorial assistant Jarrod Stackelroth Warburton, Vic 3799, Australia ABN 59 093 117 689 Copyeditor Talitha Simmons Phone: (03) 5965 6300 Fax: (03) 5966 9019 www.adventist Editorial secretary Theodora Amuimuia Email Letters: [email protected] connect.org Layout Kym Jackson Email Newsfront: [email protected] Senior consulting editor Barry Oliver Email Noticeboard: [email protected] Vol 114 No 36 Subscriptions: South Pacific Division mailed within Cover: Pacific Adventist Australia and to New Zealand, $A43.80 $NZ73.00. University www.record.net.au Other prices on application. Printed weekly. 2 September 19, 2009 news New stories project launched with AUC’s stewardship focus YARRA VALLEY, VictoRia giving would be a natural consequence. “This is an opportunity for church new collection of stewardship sto- members to carefully consider the current ries is one aspect of a year focus- issues in giving and stewardship as radi- ing on stewardship in the Aus- cal discipleship—the applied Lordship of tralian Union Conference (AUC), Jesus Christ. These two areas are critical launchedA at a meeting of stewardship di- to the life and ministry of the church.” rectors on August 26. As part of the meetings, Signs Pub- Directors of stewardship from conferences around Australia launched a new stewardship stories “AUC leadership have designated 2010 lishing Company’s book editor, Nathan project at their recent planning meetings. as the ‘Year of Stewardship Emphasis’ for Brown, launched the collection of sto- the church in Australia,” says Pastor Roger ries for a new volume of “Ordinary Peo- ney, the disappointments, the joy, the strug- Govender, director of stewardship for the ple” stories with stewardship directors. Mr gles, the blessings and the hope in Jesus.” AUC, “and these meetings were an impor- Brown has compiled and edited two pre- “We are looking for stories of people tant step in planning and preparing for this, vious volumes: Ordinary People—Extraor- choosing Jesus as Lord of their real-life as well as launching some of the initiatives dinary God (released in 2005) and Ordinary situation,” adds Mr Brown. “It isn’t just that will be highlights of the year.” People—Faithful God (2007). about money but can relate to any aspect With the theme “Stewardship Inside “These two books have been well-re- or experience in your life that involved a Out,” Pastor Govender says the year of ceived by many readers,” says Mr Brown, conscious decision to follow God and the stewardship will focus on developing the “and we thought it an appropriate opportu- consequences—both positive and nega- understanding of church members and nity to work on another such collection for tive—that flowed from that. leaders of “stewardship as a lifestyle lived release early next year as a contribution to “Now that so many people have had the in union and partnership with God.” the AUC’s Year of Stewardship Emphasis. opportunity to read the first two books, we “While we are concerned about chang- “We are hoping to publish as many as 60 hope there will be many more who will be ing giving patterns and members’ financial stories from across the South Pacific Divi- encouraged to share their experiences.” support of the church,” Pastor Govender sion, so please send us your stories.” —RECORD staff explains, “our focus for next year is more So what is a stewardship story? “A stew- toward spiritual stewardship rather than ardship story”—as defined for the original For more information on submissions, see adver- financial giving where, as a result of bib- collection—“is a personal experience from tisement on page 15. Ordinary People—Faith- lical stewardship, an increase in financial your life in partnership with God: the jour- ful God is available from Adventist Book Centres. having a knowledge of God and ◆ More than 100 Prep–Year recognising His voice. Each child 2/3 Heritage College (Vic) stu- made their own prayer bucket, dents performed their biannual where they could write the names musical recently at the Town of people they love, who were Hall Drum Theatre, Dande- sick or didn’t come to church. All nong. “Go Noah!” is a musical ◆ Central Coast Community activities centre around a com- that follows the biblical story performed the contemporary Church, Wyong, NSW, has a mon theme each week—the from Genesis 6–8 with a few script with flare. Some of the weekly Kids’ Church program same theme featured in the “big unexpected twists! Through highlights were the colourful that has been running for seven church” sermon. This ensures that performing this concert, the animal costumes and the huge years for children aged 4–12.
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