ISSN 0256-0976 OFFICE FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES DOCUMENTS JULY 1994 —JUNE 1995 DOCUMENTS JULY 1994 —JUNE 1995 This publication is also available in the following languages: ES ISBN 92-77-85288-7 DA ISBN 92-77-85289-5 DE ISBN 92-77-85290-9 GR ISBN 92-77-85291-7 FR ISBN 92-77-85293-3 IT ISBN 92-77-85294-1 NL ISBN 92-77-85295-X PT ISBN 92-77-85296-8 Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995 ISBN 92-77-85292-5 Catalogue number: JY-87-95-385-EN-C Printed in Italy Introduction The catalogue of documents, which containts the COM The indexation is based on analysis and subsequent Documents of the Commission of the European redefinition of the document using keywords contained Communities, the Reports of the European Parliament in the Eurovoc thesaurus (multilingual documentary lan• and the Opinions of the Economic and Social Committee guage). prepared by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities for distribution to the public. Each document is indexed with one to five keywords. Every keyword constitutes an entry in bold characters in The COM Documents and the Opinions of the ESC are the index, followed by any other relevant keywords and available on paper and microfiche, whereas the Reports a sequence number pertaining to the document in the of the European Parliament are available only on micro• catalogue (see detailed explanation on page 7). fiche. Part III —The numerical index comprises all the docu• This version of the catalogue takes account only of ments in ascending numerical order. documents of which English language texts have been prepared. There are parallel catalogues covering docu• Frequency and cumulation ments in each of the other official languages of the European Community. Cumulative annual catalogues are published yearly. These catalogue complement the monthly lists that contain only the classified index. Presentation The catalogue is divided into three parts. Subscription system Part I — The classified index provides a classification An attractive system of selective subscriptions is on offer by subject, of the titles, under 17 headings (see 'List of for the paper versions of the COM Documents and the headings' on page 8). Opinions of the ESC covered by this catalogue either individually or in combination. Each complete entry is preceded by a sequence num• ber, which appears only once for each document title. Microfiche subscriptions are also available, but only for The title of a document, however, may sometimes entire series, either individually or in combination. appear under more than one heading by virtue of the subject matter, and in this case the sequence number is More information can be obtained from the sales offices given on the right-hand side of these secondary entries whose addresses are given on the inside back cover. but withbut a bibliographic reference (see detailed ex• planation on page 7). Other publications Part II — The alphabetical index comprises all the Other European Community monographs — whether keywords which characterize the contents of the docu• classed as publications or documents — as well as ments and are permutated by as many times as there periodicals are listed in the catalogue 'Publications of the are keywords. European Communities'. Institutions PARLAMENTO EUROPEO — EUROPA­PARLAMENTET — TRIBUNAL DE CUENTAS EUROPEO — DE EUROPÆISKE EUROPÄISCHES PARLAMENT— ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΚΟΙΝΟΒΟΥΛΙΟ - REVISIONSRET — EUROPÄISCHER RECHNUNGSHOF — EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT — PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN — ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΕΛΕΓΚΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ — EUROPEAN COURT OF PARLAMENTO EUROPEO — EUROPEES PARLEMENT — AUDITORS — COUR DES COMPTES EUROPÉENNE — CORTE PARLAMENTO EUROPEU — EUROOPAN PARLAMENTTI — DEI CONTI EUROPEA — EUROPESE REKENKAMER — TRIBUNAL EUROPAPARLAMENTET DE CONTAS EUROPEU — EUROOPAN YHTEISÖJEN TILINTARKASTUSTUOMIOISTUIN — EUROPEISKA REVISIONSRÄTTEN Secrétariat général du Parlement européen Direction générale du greffe L­2929 Luxembourg 12, rue Alcide De Gasperi Tél. 43 00­1 L­1615 Luxembourg Tél. 43 98­1 CONSEJO DE LA UNIÓN EUROPEA — RÄDET FOR DEN COMITE ECONOMICO Y SOCIAL DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPÆISKE UNION — RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN EUROPEAS — DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABERS UNION —ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ ΤΗΣ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗΣ ΕΝΩΣΗΣ —COUNCIL ØKONOMISKE OG SOCIALE UDVALG — WIRTSCHAFTS­ UND OF THE EUROPEAN UNION — CONSEIL DE L'UNION SOZIALAUSSCHUSS DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN EUROPÉENNE — CONSIGLIO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA — RAAD — ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗ KAI ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ VAN DE EUROPESE UNIE — CONSELHO DA UNIÃO EUROPEIA — ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ — ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE OF THE EUROOPAN UNIONIN NEUVOSTO— EUROPEISKA UNIONENS EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES — COMITÉ ÉCONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RAD DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES — COMITATO ECONOMICO E SOCIALE DELLE COMUNITÀ EUROPEE — ECONOMISCH EN SOCIAAL COMITÉ — COMITÉ ECONÓMICO E Secrétariat général du Conseil SOCIAL DAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEIAS— EUROOPAN Direction «information et documentation" YHTEISÖJEN TALOUS­ JA SOSIAALIKOMITEA — EUROPEISKA 175, mede la Loi GEMENSKAPERNAS EKONOMISKA OCH SOCIALA KOMMITTÉ B­1048 Bruxelles Tél. 285 61 11 2, rue Ravenstein B­1000 Bruxelles Tél. 519 90 11 COMISIÓN EUROPEA — EUROPA­KOMMISSIONEN — EUROPÄISCHE KOMMISSION — ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ — EUROPEAN COMMISSION — COMMISSION EUROPÉENNE ­ COMMISSIONE EUROPEA — EUROPESE COMMISSIE — DEN EUROPÆISKE UNIONS REGIONSUDVALG — AUSSCHUß COMISSÃO EUROPEIA — EUROOPAN KOMISSIO — DER REGIONEN DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION — ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ EUROPEISKA KOMMISSIONEN ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗΣ ΕΝΩΣΗΣ — COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS — COMITÉ DES RÉGIONS DE L'UNION EUROPÉENNE — COMITATO DELLE REGIONI DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA — COMITÉ VAN DE REGIO'S VAN DE EUROPESE UNIE Secrétariat général de la Commission — COMITÉ DAS REGIÕES DA UNIÃO EUROPEIA — EUROOPAN 200, rue de la Loi UNIONIN ALUEIDEN KOMITEA — REGIONKOMMITTÉN B­1049 Bruxelles Tél. 299 11 11 2, rue Ravenstein B­1000 Bruxelles Tél. 546 22 11 TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICIA DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS — DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABERS DOMSTOL — GERICHTSHOF DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN — ΔΙΚΑΣΤΗΡΙΟ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ — COURT OF BANCO EUROPEO DE INVERSIONES — DEN EUROPÆISKE JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES — COUR DE INVESTERINGSBANK — EUROPÄISCHE INVESTITIONSBANK — JUSTICE DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES — CORTE DI ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΩΝ —EUROPEAN GIUSTIZIA DELLE COMUNITÀ EUROPEE — HOF VAN JUSTITIE INVESTMENT BANK — BANQUE EUROPÉENNE VAN DE EUROPESE GEMEENSCHAPPEN — TRIBUNAL DE D'INVESTISSEMENT — BANCA EUROPEA PER GLI JUSTIÇA DAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEIAS — EUROOPAN INVESTIMENTI — EUROPESE INVESTERINGSBANK — BANCO YHTEISÖJEN TUOMIOISTIUN EUROPEU DE INVESTIMENTO — EUROOPAN INVESTOINTIPANKKI — EUROPEISKA INVESTERINGSBANKEN Division intérieur Boulevard Konrad Adenauer 100, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2925 Luxembourg L-2950 Luxembourg Tél. 43 03-1 Tél. 43 79-1 Offices BELGIQUE BELGIË Marseille Cardiff Rue Archimede 73 CMCI 4 Cathedral Road Bl OJO BRUXELLES 2. rue Henri­Barbusse CARDIFF CF1 9SG Archtmedesstraat 73 F 13241 MARSEILLE Cedex 01 Tel. (44­222)37 16 31 Tél. (33) 91 91 46 00 Telex (051 ) 497727 EUROPA G B­1040 BRUSSEL Fax (44­222) 39 54 89 Tél. (32­2) 295 38 44 Télex (042) 402 538 EURMA Télex 26 657 COMINF Β Fax (33) 91 90 98 07 Fax (32­2) 295 01 66 Edinburgh IRELAND 9 Alva Street • RueBelliard97­113 EDINBURGH EH2 4PH Belliardstraat97­113 Jean Monnet Centre Tel. (44­31)225 20 56 1040 Bruxelles— 1040 Brussel 39 Molesworth Street Telex (051) 727420 EUEDIN G Tél.: 234 21 11 DUBLIN 2 Fax (44­311226 41 05 Tel. (353­1 ) 671 22 44 Fax (353­1 )67126 57 DANMARK ÖSTERREICH Hojbrohus ' 43, Molesworth Street Hoyosgasse 5 Østergade 61 Dublin 2 A­1040WIEN Postbox 144 Tel. 71 91 00 Tel. (43­1 ) 505 33 79/505 34 91 DK­1004 KOBENHAVN K Telex (047) 133152 EUROP A Tit.: (45) 33 14 41 40 Fax (43­1 )505 33 797 Telex 16 402 COMEUR DK ITALIA Fax (45) 3311 12 03 14 13 92 (Sekretariat! (45) 33 14 14 47 (dokumentation) Roma SUOMI FINLAND Via Poli. 29 Pohjoisesplanadi 31 * Borsen 100187 ROMA FIN­00100 HELSINKI DK­1217 Kobenhavn K Tel. (39­6) 699 991 Tel. (358­0) 65 64 20 Tit.: 33 14 33 77 Telex (043) 610 184 EUROMA I Fax (358­0) 65 67 28 Telecopia (39­6) 679 16 58/679 36 52 BUNDESREPUBLIK * Via IV Novembre. 149 NORGE 00187 Roma Postboks 1643 Vika 0119 OSLO 1 DEUTSCHLAND Tel. 679 06 167679 05 07 Haako s VII Gate No 6 Bonn N­(47­22) 63 35 63 Zitelmannstraße 22 Telex (056) 79967 COMEU N Fax (47­22) 83 40 55 D­53113BONN Milano Postfach 53106 Bonn Corso Magenta. 59 Tel. (49­228) 53 00 90 1­20123 MILANO Tel. (39­2) 48 01 25 05 SVERIGE Fernschreiber (041 ) 88 66 48 EUROP D PO Box 16396 Femkopie (49­228) 53 00 950/12 Telex (043)316 200 EURMIL I Telecopia (39­2) 481 65 43 Hamngatan 6 S­11147 STOCKHOLM Bundeskanzlerplatz Tel. (46­8) 611 11 72 Bonn­Center Telex (054) 134 49 5300 Bonn LUXEMBOURG Tel. 22 30 91 Bâtiment Jean Monnet rue Alcide De Gasperi SCHWEIZ - SUISSE - SVIZZERA Berlin 1­2920 LUXEMBOURG Case postale 195 Tél. (352) 43 01 1 CH­1211 GENÈVE 20 C.I.C Kurf urstendamm 102 Télex 3423/344673476 COMEUR LU D­10711 BERLIN Fax (352) 43 01­344 33 37­39. rue de Vermont Tel. (49­30) 896 09 30 CH­1202 GENÈVE Femschreiber (041) 18 40 15 EUROP D Tél. (41­22)734 97 50 Femkopie (49­30) 892 20 59 Télex (045) 414165 et 414166 ECO CH NEDERLAND Fax (41 ­22) 734 22 36 Korte Vijverberg 5 München NL­2513ABDENHAAG Erhardtstraße 27 Postbus 30465 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D­80331 MÜNCHEN NL­2500 GL DEN HAAG Tel. (31­70)346 93 26 Washington Tel. (49­89)2021011 2100 M Street, NW Femschreiber (041 ) 52 18 135 Telex 31 094EURCONL Telelax(31­70)364 6619 7th floor Fernkopie (49­89) 202 10 15 WASHINGTON. DC 20037 Tel. (202) 862 95 00 * Lange Voorhout 27A Telex (023) 64215 EURCOM UW GREECE/ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Den Haag Fax(202) 429 17 66 Vassilissis Sofias 2 Tel. 62 49 41 T.K. 30 284 GR­106 74ATHINA New York Tel. (30­1)724 10 00 PORTUGAL 3 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza Telex (0601) 219 324 ECAT GR Centro Europeu Jean Monnet 305 East 47th Street Telefax (30-1)724 46 20 Largo Jean Monnet, 1­10." NEW YORK.
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