THE REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS TO THE OF THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY, USUALLY CALLED THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, ON THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1826, WITH AN APPENDIX, LISTS OF CONTRIBUTORS, PRINTEO BY ORDER OF THE GENERAL MEETING, LONDON: SOLD BY WESTLEY. AND DAVIES, STATIONERS' COURT, LUDGATE•STREET; J, NISDET, BERNERS•STREET, OXFORD-STREET; A, BROWNE, AND T. D. CLARKE, BRISTOL; M, RICHARDSON, MANCHESTER; •W, OLIPHANT, SOUTH BRIDGE, AND WAUGH AND INNES, HUNTER·SQUAttE, EDINBURGH ; AND LA GRANGE, NASSAU•STREET, DUBLIN, DENNETI, PRINTER, T.EATIIER LANE. CONTENTS . • Page PLAN OF TUE SOCIETY. • • • • V RESOLUTIONS at the T.hirty-second General Meeting . vii LIST OF DIRECTORS • • • • • • • X HINTS F'OR TUE FORMATION AND REUULATION OF AUXILIARY SpCIETIES, &c. xiv ANNUAL REPORT 1 SOUTH PACIFIC 3 Non.Tu ·PACIFIC • 21 ULTRA GANGES China • • 24 Malacca. 25 Singapore 30 Pinang • 31 Java 33 Amboyna 36 EAST 1Nn1Es .••• Northern India-Calcutta • 37 Chinsurah 41 Berhampore 42 Benares • 43 Surat • 44 Peninsular India, Madras 47 Vizagapatam 50 Cuddapah 52 Belgaum • 53 Bellary 55 Bangalore . 57 Travancore -Nagercoil 60 Quilon 64 RussIA ••••.•• St. Petersburg • • 66 Selenginsk ib. MEDITERRANEAN . Corfu • 69 Malta • 71 AFRICA-Stations within the Colony of the Cape-Cape-Town 72 Paarl • 74 Tulbach • 75 Boschesfield • ib. Pacaltsdorp • 76 Hankey 77 Bethelsdorp 78 Theopolis 79 Stations be.1/ond the Colony-Caffrnria 80 Griqua-Town • • 81 Campbell • ib. Philippolis • • 82 iv CONTENTS. AFRICA-Stations beyond the Colony, continued. Page Lattakoo 83 Afriraner's Kraal (vacant) • 84 Bethany 85 Steinkopff 87 Pella ib. AFRICAN ls LANDS •• Mauritius ib. Madagascar 88 WEST INDIES ••• Demerara • 91 Berbice ib. SEMINARY 92 FuNDs, &c. 93 NEW AUXILIARY SOCIETIES • 94 APPENDIX 99 LIST OF STATIONS, MISSIONARIES, &c. 110 LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS, Annual Subscriptions in London and its Vicinity Auxiliary Societies, Congregational Collections, &c. v Schools, Small Associations, &c. xviii Abstract of Auxiliary Societies in London xix Contributions in Great Britain, &c. &~~d ll Wales Ii Scotland I viii Ireland lxi Foreign Societies • ib. SUNDRIES • • , lxii ABSTRACT OF COUNTY AUXILIARY SOCIETIES • ib. D1sBl"MEMENTS • lxiii GENERAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS lxiv APPENDIX To THE CoNTRIBUTIONS lxv Donations, &c. received abroad ib, Recapitulation of Contributions for the Education of Native Females in India • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • ib. Ditto ditto in aid of Anglo-Chinese College • • . • . lxvi Ditto ditto for the Support of Bungalow Chapels in India ib, Ditto ditto in aid of Native Schools in Ditto, &c. ib. Ditto ditto in behalf of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund . ib • Ditto ditto for Mrs. Smitl\ ib, Donation for Chapel at Pinang , • . • • • ib. Ditto ditto at Malacca • • • • • • • • • • ib, Recapitulation of Contributions for Native Teachers ib. LEGACIES lxvii LIFE MEIIIBER!i BY PAYMENT OF LEGACIES • ib. CoLLECTIONs AT THE ANNUAL MEETING, &c. LONDON, 1826 lxviii Fon.M OF BEQUEST ib. MISSIONARY SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED IN 1795. PLAN. I. THE NAME,*-THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. II. THE 0BJECT.-The sole object is to spread the knowledge of Christ among heathen and other unenlightened nations. III. THE MEMBERs.-Persons subscribing one guinea, or more, annually-every benefactor making a donation of ten pounds-one of the executors, on the payment of a legacy amounting to fifty pounds, or upwards ; and Ministers or other representatives of congregations in the Country, who subscribe or collect for the use of the Society five pounds annually. IV. GENERAL MEETINGs.-To be held annually in London on the second Wednesday of May, and oftener, if necessary, to choose a Treasurer, Directors, Secretary, and Collectors, and to receive re .. ports, audit accounts, and deliberate on what farther steps may best promote the object of the Society. At every such meeting, one Sermon, or more, shall be preached by one or more of the associated Ministers, and notice given, as usual on such occasions. The Presi­ dent for the day shall open and conclude the meeting with prayer, and sign the minutes of the proceedings. All matters proposed shall be determined by the majority of the members present. V. Tim DIRECTION.-To consist of as many Directors, annually chosen out of its members, as circumstances may require. At the first meeting twenty-five shall be elected, with power to associate with themselves such additional number as may be judged by them ex­ pedient, when the extent of the Society is ascertained. Three-fifths, and no more, of these Directors shall reside in or near London ; where all monthly meeting& 1shall be held for transacting the business of the Society. Not less than seven shall constitute a board. For greater facility and expedition, they may subdivide into committees for managing the funds, conducting the correspondence, making re­ ports, examining Missionaries, directing the missions, &c. ; but no act of these committees shall be valid till ratified at a monthly meeting. No expenditure exceeding £100, shall be made without consulting all the Directors ; or £500, without calling a general meeting of the subscribers. Annual subscribers of £10, or upwards, and benefactors • 14th M11,y, 1818. Resolved, That the Title of this Society be in future THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY, USUALLY CALLED, THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, vi PLAN OF THE SOCIETY. of £100, or more, may attend, if they please, with the Directors, at any of the monthly meetings. On any emergency, the Directors shall call a general meeting of the Society, to whom their arrangements shall be submitted : nor shall they enter upon a new mission, till they obtain the general concurrence. VI. THE FUNDS-Arising from donations, legacies, subscriptions, collections, &c. shall be lodged, as soon as collected, in the hanwi of the Treasurer. The Directors shall place in the public funds, all monies so paid, whenever they exceed £300, until they are required for the use of the mission ; excepting it appears to them prejudicial to the interests of the Society. VII. SA.LA.RIEs• ...-;.The Secretary shall receive such a salary as the Directors may appofot; but the Directors themselves shall transact the business of the Society without any emolument. At the annual meeting, held the 12th of May, 1814, Resolved, that a copy of the Fundamental Principle, adopted at the first annual meeting in May, 1796, be printed at the end of the Plan. - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE. As the union of Christians of various denominations, in carrying on this great work, is a most desirable object; so to prevent, if possible, any cause of future dissension, it is declared to be a fundamental prin­ cipk of the Missionary Society, that our design is not to send Presby­ terianism, lndependency, Episcopacy, or any other form of Church order and government (about which there may be difference of opinions among serious persons), but the glorious Gospel of the blessed God, to the Heathen; and that it shall be left (as it ought to be left) to the minds of the persons whom God may call into the fellowship of his Son from among them, to assume for themselves such form of Church government as to them shall appear most agreeable to. the Word of God. At the annual meeting, held the 14th of May, 1812, Resolved, That those Ministers in the Country, who are annual subscribers, or whose congregations send an an~ual collection to the Society; and all Presidents, or principal Officers, of Country Auxiliary Societies, who may be in London occasionally, shall be Directors pro tempore, and_be entitled to meet and vote with the Directors .. ( vii ) AT THE THIR'fY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE USUALLY CALLED THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, HELD AT GREAT QUEEN-STREET CHAPEL, On Thursday, the 11th of May, 1826, WILLIAM ALEns HANKEY, EsQ, IN THE CHAIR; ..dn Abstract of the Report of the Society's Proceedings for thB past year having been read by the Rev. John Burder, ..d.M. of Stroud, and a Statement of the Funds by the Treasurer; the following Resolutions were severally moved, seconded, and unanimously adopted by the Meeting:- On the Motion of the Rev. William Roby, of Manchester, seconded by the Rev. Thomas Adkins, of Southampton, and supported by the Rev. Thomas Mortimer, A. M. Lecturer of St. Olave's, Southwark, and ..dfternoon Lec­ turer of St. Leonard, Shoreditch- RESOLVED, That tl1e Report, of which an abstract has been now read, be received and printed, and that the Meeting, considering the state of commercial distress with which it liatlt pleased Divine Providence of late to visit this country, and the world at large, acknowledges with devout thankfulness to God, the increased measure of support and countenance, in respect to the Voluntary Contributions, which the Society, during the past :year, has e.wperienced both at home and abroad, With peculiar feelings also, the 11,feeting adverts to the affecting bereavements which have occurred among the Directors and other efficient members of the Society since its last Anniversary, but e:cpresses its humble confidence that the Great Head of the Church will still ca,·ry on ltis work, b:y raising ip other i11stmme11ts to succeed' tl1ose who have ceased from their labours. • ( viii ) On the Motion of the Rev. John Clayton, Sen. of London, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Philip, from Cape-Town- RESOLVED, That tl,is Meeting er-presses its cordial thanks to the Ministers, Congre­ gations, Auriliary Societies, and Associations in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, also to the Au.riliar!J Societies connected with the Stations abroad, and to all other Contributors, by whose continued and :tealous support the interests of the Society have been progressively promoted, On the Motion of the Rev. Jahn Stephens, of the Wesleyan Society, seconded /Jy the Rev. John Lei/child, of Bristol- REsoLvED, That the grat~ful acknowledgments of tlte .Meeting be given to the Gentle­ men who ltave conducted the affitirs of the Society during the past year, and that the Treasurer and Secretaries be requeste~ to continue in their offices, and that the following Gentlemen ( as per list) be appointed Directors in tlte room of those who retire this year, and that af.l the other Directors be re-cho,en.
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