; Burns (Robert) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, FIRST Edinburgh edition, portrait, old half sheep, incut, uith autograph signature of Andrew Jervise on fly-leaf Edinb. 1787 £ the property of <Eol. fi. 1. JR. Connal, of Monktonhead, Monkton, Ayrshire autograph signatures of J. Grant and A. Bonniman on ib l787 title-page - DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure %oom its S -wt^-i- ROBERT IHrRXS c i POEMS.y&7wi w&ty. L CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH DIALECT. b y ROBERT BURNS. E P I N vB U R G H : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, .UID SOLD BY WILLIAM CREECH, MjDCCjLXXXVM, V -i '% 1 \ JLntered in Stationer's HalL fTftrtt* <x-*s •&sx?,?**^ DEDICATION. TO THE NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN OF THE CALEDONIAN HUNT. My Lords, and Gentlemen, •/ Scottijh Bard, proud of the name, and ivhofe highefl ambition is to ft: his Country s /entice, 'where [hall I properly lookfor patronage as to the illufiri- ous Names of Lis native Land ; thofe n bear the honours and inherit the virtue their ( vi ) their Anccjlors ?—The Poetic Genius of my Country found me as the prophetic bard Eli- did — jah Eli/ha at the plough ; and threw her infpiring mantle over me. She bade me fing the loves, the joys, the ruralfcenes and rural pleafures of my natal Soil, in my native tongue : I tuned my vuild, artlefs notes, as Jhe infpired. —She vuhifpered me to come to this ancient metropolis of Cale- donia, and lay my Songs under your honour- ed protection : I novo obey her diclates. Though much indebted to your goodnsfs, J do not approach you, my Lords and Gentle* jnen, in the ufualjlile of dedication, to thank you for paftfavours ; that path is fo hack- neyed by projlitutcd Learning, that honefl Ruflicity is qfhamed of it. —Nor do I pre- fent this Addrefs ivith the venal foul of a fervile Author, looking for a continuation of thofe favours : I was bred to the Plough, and dm independent. I come to claim the common Scottiflo name ivith you, my illuflri- ous w ( ) Countrymen ; and to tell the world that I glory in the title. —/ come to congratulate my Country, that the blood of her ancient heroes Jlill runs uncontaminated ; and that from your courage , knowledge, and public fpirit, Jhe may expecl protcclion, wealth, and liberty. — /// the lojl place, 1 come to proffer my warmefl wi/hes to the Great Fountain of Honour, the Monarch of the Univerfe, for your welfare and happinef. JVhen you go forth to waken the Echoes, in the ancient and favourite amufement of your Forefathers, may Pleafure ever be of your ' party ; and may ' Social-joy await your re- turn I When haraffed in courts or camps with the juft'lings of bad men and bad mea- fures, may the honef confcioufnefs of i?ijured Worth attend your return to your native Seats; and may Dome/lie Happinefs, with a fmiling welcome, meet you at your gates I May Corruption Jibrink at your kindling in- dignant glance ; and may tyranny in the Ruler A 4 and ( viii ) and Ucentioufnefs in the People equally find •you an inexorable foe I I have the honour to be, with the fincereft gratitude and highcfl refpecl. My Lords and Gentlemen, Your mofl devoted humble Servant, ROBERT BURNS, Edinburgh, April 4, 1787. IX SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. The Caledonian Hunt, ioo copies A The Duke of Argyle The Duchefs of Argyle Hon. Lord Alva Mrs Adams Alexander Abercromby, Efq; advocate John Anftruther, Efq; advocate John Arnot, Efq; Dalwhatfwood James Allan, Efq; Mincin Lane, London Lieut. Thomas Armftrong, Edinburgh Grant Allan, Efq; Lawrence Pounty Hill, Londcs. Robert Arbuthnot, Efq; Mifs Arbuthnot Boyd Alexander, Efq; of Southbar Robert Alexander, Efq; John Alexander, Efq; Robert Alexander, Efq; Craven- flreet, London Rev. Mr A. Allafon Mr Francis Anderfon writer to the fignet Mr John Anderfon writer to the fignet Mr Thomas Adair writer to the fignet Mr Charles Addifon, Borrowftounnefs Mr J. Addifon, Borrowftounnefs Mrs Auchterlony, Argyle-fquare, Edinburgh Mr James Arrot furgecn, Edinburgh Dr Aiken, Edinburgh Dr Alex. Adam, redlor of the high fchool, Edinburgh Mr Aiken, Edinburgh Lieut. ArbuthnoL, Royal Artillery Mr William Allan, Alifon's fquare, Edinburgh Mrs Alexander, Greenock Mr Allan of Hillfide b ( * ) Mr John Adamfon, Edinburgh Robert Aird, Efq; Corsflate Mr Robert Allan, Catrine Mr John Alfton, 2 copies Mr John Aufton, Glafgow Mr John Aufton, ditto Mr Campbell Adie writer, Edinburgh Mr Alexander Anderfon merchant, Edinburgh Mr Thomas Adair, Edinburgh Mr George Anderfon, Glafgow Mr Robert Ainflie writer, Edinburgh, 2 copies Mr Alexander Allafon, 2 copies Mr William Anderfon Mr Henry Arnot, Buckingham- ftreet, London Mr Peter Alhton, Brifto-ftreet, Edinburgh Mr William Alexander, Edinburgh Mr Robert Aiken, Ayr Mr Andrew Aiken, Ayr Mr John Auchterlonie dyer, Edinburgh Mr Robert Arthur, Paifley Mr William Armftrong merchant, Edinburgh Mr James Alexander, Irvine John Andrew furgeon, Linlithgow Mr Robert Alexander, Peebles Mr Robert Alexander manufacturer, Paifley, 2 copies Mr James Aikman jun. Houfe of Muir Mr David Auchinvote, at Cordale Mr Robert Allan,, at Row Mr William Aikea merchant, Glafgcw B The Duke of Buccleugh The Duchefs of Buccleugh The Earl of Euchan, 6 copies The Countefs of Buchan, 2 copies Lord Balgonie Lord Blantyre Lord Braxfidd Mifs Burnet, Monboddo Mrs Bail d of Newbyth, 4 copies; Hon. George Baillie kev. Dr Blair, Edinburgh ( xi ) Thomas Blacklock, D. D. 7 copies l)r Jofeph Black, profeflbr of chemiftry, Edinburgh. • Brougham of Brougham-hall, Efq; Borthby, Efq; 4 copies Captain William Braban, 38th regiment Peter Brydon, Efq; 6 copies Robert Blair, Efq; advocate Robert Brown, Efq; advocate Rev. Mr George Baird, 5 copies Archibald Bogle, Efq; Alexander Buchannan, Efq; of Cambufmore John Brown, Efq; of Newton Rev. Mr William Bennet, Duddingilon Rev. Mr Burnfide, Dumfries William Bertram, Efq; of Kerfwell James Buchannan, Efq; ofCroy Mr Charles Bel!, Leith John Ballantyne, Efq; Ayr Captain William Bell, Ayr Mr Anthony Barclay writer to the fignet Alexander Baillie, Efq; 4 copies Dr Biaw, Edinburgh Mr James Burnet Mr Alexander Brown, Advocates Library, Edinburgh Mr John Brown Mr James Buchan writer to the fignet Mr James Brown Haymaker, Edinburgh Mr Benjamin Bell furgeon, Edinburgh Mr John Bertram writer, Edinburgh Mr Robert Bell, Manchefter, 2 copies Mrs Bell, Edinburgh Mr James Bell, Paifley Mr John Barbour, Paifley Mr Arthur Bithop, Edinburgh Mr David Burns, Port Glafgow, 2 copies Mr Andrew Boyd Mr Edmond Butterworth, Edinburgh Mr William Begbie, Potter-row, Edinburgh Mr William Beatfon, Parliament-fquare, Edinburgh Mr Bowles, Edinburgh Mr A. Brodie, 4 copies Mr Thomas Burns writer, Edinburgh -. xii ( ) Mr John Bower, Edinburgh Mr James Bryce, Royal infirmary, Edinburgh Mr Henry Burton Mr Henry Barker Captain Blair, Port Glafgow, 3 copies Mr George Buchannan, Glafgow Mr J. Brown furgeon, Douglas Mr William Brown, Kilmarnock, 3 copies Mr James Blackwood, Middlefield Robert Bogle of Shettlefton, Efq; Mr John Balfour, Edinburgh Mr George Buchannan bookfeller, Glafgow, 2 copier Mr B. S. Barton Dr Buchanan, Edinburgh Mr Buchanan jun. No. 14. Prince's ftreet, Edinburgh Mr Bruce, ArgyJe's fquare, Edinburgh Mr James Burns, Muirkirk, 2 copies Mr John Buchan writer to the fignet Mr David Balfour writer to the lignet Mr George Brown merchant, Leith Mr Robert Biggar, Edinburgh Eieut. Boyes, 26th regiment Mr P. Ballantyne, Jamaica Mifs Brook, 4 copies Mr W. Boyd bookfeller, Dumfries, 14 copier Mrs Bell, Dumfries Mr Andrew Boyd Mr James Buchanan Mr Dugald Bannatine, 2 copies Mr Robert Blair, Glafgo*w Mr John Boyes fen. Hamilton Mr Thomas Boyd, Greenock Mr Peter Buchanan, Glafgow, 2 copies Mr Andrew Buchanan, Glafgow Mr Andrew Barrie, Paifley Mr William Bell, Glafgow Mr John Brown, Glafgow Mr Archibald Buchanan, Glafgow Mr John Black, Glafgow Mr Thomas Buchanan, Glafgow Mr William Bogle, Glafgow Captain David Barclay, 54th regiment xiii ( ) Mr John Black, Leith Mr Archibald Buchanan, Paifiey Mr Andrew Bruce merchant, Edinburgh Mrs Bruce Mr John Bruce merchant, Edinburgh Mr Gilbert Burns, Mofsgeel Mr John Black, Paifiey Mr William Buchanan jun. there Mr B. Brown, Edinburgh Mr Thomas Blackhall writer, Edinburgh Mr Ham. Bofwell writar, Edinburgh Mr Thomas Baillie writer, Edinburgh Mr Jofeph Boyer, Grangemouth Mrs Burnet, Barns Mr Brown, Peebles Mr Brown furgeon, Dunbar Mr John Burns, Paifiey Mr David Bridges merchant, Edinburgh Mr F. Braidwood wright, Edinburgh Mr James Brown Mr John Bogle Mr Gavin Browning, Paifiey Mr Thomas Blane, No. 12. Sackville-ftreet, London Mifs Burflem, Long Ditton, Surry ' Mr Boyd, New York C. Hovel, London Mr Malcolm Brown, No. 9. Arindoun-ftreet, London Mr Wm. Blair, Charleton-ftreet, Portland place, London Mr Alexander Brodie, No. 41. Ellieplace, London Mr Edward Boyd, No. 1. America-fquare, London Mr Alexander Begbie, London, 4 copies Mr Robert Burn architect, Edinburgh Mr John Bell furgeon, Edinburgh Mr James Buchan, Edinburgh Mr John Bogue writer, Edinburgh Mr Adam Bell writer, Edinburgh « Mr James Bremner writer, Edinburgh Mr J. Bell merchant, Glafgow Mr William Ballantine, London, 3 copies Mr Robert Biggar Mr Andrew Bennet, Eafter Duddingfton Mr John Beugo engraver, Edinburgh Mr Alexander Brown, Dumfries ( xiv ) c Lady Elizabeth Cunningham, 4 copies The Earl of Caffillis The Countefs of Crawford Lady Augufta Campbell Lady Dowager Colvil Lord Cathcart Lady Cathcart Sir Andrew Cathcart of Carleton, Bart. Sir William Cuningham of Robertland, Bart. 4 copies Sir William Cuningham of Caprinton, Bart. Sir Wm. Aug. Cuningham of Livingfton, Bart. 4 copies Sir John Clerk of Pennycuick, Bart. John Henry Cochrane, Efq; 2 copies Major- General
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