CAMBODIA COUNTERING TRAFFICKING- IN-PERSONS (CTIP) PROGRAM YEAR FIVE ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT OCTOBER 1, 2019 – SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 October 30, 2020 Submitted to United States Agency for International Development Cambodia Mission This report made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Winrock International and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. It was prepared by Winrock International under cooperative agreement AID-442-A-15-00002. Annual Progress Report: October 2019 – September 2020 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ............................................................................................................... 3 ANNEXES ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................................... 4 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 5 II. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................. 9 III. ACTIVITIES AND PERFORMANCE AGAINST OBJECTIVES ................................................. 12 PREVENTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Strengthen Savings Groups .................................................................................................................................. 12 Small Grant for ARPs............................................................................................................................................. 18 Strengthen Market Linkage Strategies ............................................................................................................... 20 Soft Skills Training .................................................................................................................................................. 22 Soft Skills Radio Live Shows ................................................................................................................................. 24 PROTECTION ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 PARTNERSHIPS .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 Bongpheak Job-Seeking Platform ........................................................................................................................ 33 Partnerships with the Private Sector ................................................................................................................. 39 Partnership with Habitat for Humanity ............................................................................................................. 40 Workers’ Journey Study ....................................................................................................................................... 42 MONITORING, EVALUATION AND LEARNING PRIMARY ACTIVITIES ............................................... 43 End of Project Learning Conference ...................................................................................................................... 47 Project Management ................................................................................................................................................... 50 IV. CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS ................................................................................................ 50 Annual Progress Report: October 2019 – September 2020 2 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: CTIP Results Framework Figure 2: Soft Skills Video View Times Breakdown by Gender and Age-Range Figure 3: Total View Times by Each Video Figure 4: Demographic Breakdown of Audience Figure 5: Planned & Service Provision to TIP Survivors Figure 6: Types of Employment Figure 7: Examples of Infographics Shared Through Social Media Figure 8: Additional Examples of Infographics Shared by Open Institute for COVID-19 Prevention Figure 9: Monthly Breakdown of Bongpheak Users from October 2019 to June 2020 Figure 10: New Job Announcements Posted on Bongpheak Figure 11: New Job Seekers Seeking Employment via Bongpheak Figure 12: Announcements on Bongpheak Website from Different Sectors Figure 13: Bongpheak Income: Single Payments vs Subscriptions Table 1: Savings Group Performance in 2020 Table 2: List of IEC Materials Produced and Disseminated in Year 5 Table 3: Client Case Management Status Table 4: Cambodia CTIP Year 5 Trip Summary Table 5: Indicators Reported Through Baseline and End-line Studies Table 6: CTIP End-Line Study Data Collection ANNEXES Annex 1: Performance Indicator Tracking Table Annex 2: Savings Group Profile Annex 3: Small Grant Support Table Annex 4: Case Study Annex 5: End-Line Report Annex 6: Workers Journey Annual Progress Report: October 2019 – September 2020 3 ACRONYMS ACDW Association of Domestic Workers ARP At Risk Persons AAFA American Apparel and Footwear Association ARP At-Risk Person AYLA ASEAN Youth Leaders Association CCPCR Cambodian Center for the Protection of Children's Rights CEDAC Cambodian Center for the Study of Development in Agriculture CJCC Cambodian Japanese Cooperation Center CKCC Cambodian Korean Cooperation Center CLC Community Learning Center CSO Civil Society Organization CTIP Counter-Trafficking in Persons CTIPE+ Counter-Trafficking in Person Economic Empowerment FGD Focus Group Discussions ICT Information and Communication Technology IEC Information Education and Communication IJM International Justice Mission IO International Organization IR Immediate Result KAP Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice KTM Kampong Thom LSCW Legal Support for Women and Children Organization MEP Monitoring and Evaluation Plan MoEYS Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport MOI Ministry of Interior MOJ Ministry of Justice MoSVY Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth MOU Memorandum of Understanding MOWA Ministry of Women’s Affairs MoFAIC Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation NCCT National Committee for Counter-Trafficking NORC National Opinion Research Center NGO Non-governmental Organization NPA National Plan of Action PAC Police Academy of Cambodia PCCT Provincial Committees for Counter-Trafficking PPA Provincial Plan of Action RGC Royal Government of Cambodia RUPP Royal University of Phnom Penh SBCC Social and Behavior Change Campaign TOT Training of Trainers TWG Technical Working Groups USG United States Government VOT Victim of Trafficking Annual Progress Report: October 2019 – September 2020 4 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) extended the four-year Cambodia Countering Trafficking-in-Persons (CTIP) Program in October 2019 to intensify, sustain, and consolidate selected models of prevention and protection related to reducing forced labor and human trafficking in and from Cambodia. In particular, CTIP committed to: • Strengthening the project’s savings group model; • Adjusting the content and improving the reach of the project’s soft skills trainings for at- risk populations; • Establishing market linkages to empower vulnerable populations and sustain efforts to reduce TIP; • Testing and implementing a sustainability strategy for the Bongpheak job-seeking platform to continue the provision of employment opportunities for Cambodian workers; • Engaging private sector to improve the identification and monitoring of systems to reduce the risks of TIP; and • Engaging government, private sector, and civil society organizations in sustaining services for vulnerable households and victims of human trafficking. In year 5, Cambodia CTIP implemented its interventions with increased attention to ensuring the sustainability of results, attainment of targets and documentation of lessons learned. Following the declaration of a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization, Cambodia CTIP implemented a modified, revised implementation plan through the end of the project in compliance with prescribed USAID, Winrock International, and government guidelines to safeguard the health and safety of its staff, communities, and stakeholders. This annual report highlights the main accomplishments, challenges, lessons learned, and sustainability features of the Cambodia CTIP program during Year 5. Prevention Prevention of TIP was a key feature of the extension period. The project aimed to achieve Outcome 1: Intensified implementation, consolidation, and dissemination of selected sustainable livelihood models for TIP prevention. The midterm evaluation established that most of Cambodia CTIP’s prevention approaches – such as cultivation of multiple income sources possession of a savings account and soft skills training – contribute to increased rates of safe migration among at-risk populations. Despite to modifications necessary to comply with health and safety precautionary measures for the COVID-19 pandemic, Cambodia CTIP achieved moderate achievements this year. The strengthening
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