IMPROVING MALAYSIAN TOLLED HIGHWAYS OPERATIONS USING INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) Abu Bakar Bin Hashim MalaysianMalaysian HighwayHighway AuthorityAuthority (MHA)(MHA) Background Of MHA StatutoryStatutory BodyBody UnderUnder MinistryMinistry OfOf PUBLIC WORKS WorksWorks DEPARTMENT SetupSetup inin 19801980 HIGHWAY PLANNING UNIT ROADS MALAYSIAN HIGHWAY MALAYSIAN HIGHWAY AUTHORITY AUTHORITY BUILDINGS MINISTRYMINISTRY OF OF WORKS WORKS CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY MALAYSIAMALAYSIA DEVELOPMENT BOARD WATER SUPPLIES BOARD OF ENGINEER S STATE PWD’s BOARD OF ARCHITECTS BOARD OF SURVEYORS MHA Responsible for all toll highways and expressways in Malaysia MINISTRY OF WORKS MALAYSIA PUBLIC WORKS MALAYSIAN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY 1. Government Agency 1. A Statutory Body Established under an Act of 2. Responsible for the provision Parliament ( Act 231,1980 ) of infrastructures and public utilities specifically roads, 2. Responsible for all toll water supplies, buildings, highways and expressways airports, ports and jetties in in Malaysia the country. A Few Facts On Malaysia ¾ Total Land Area - 329,727 sq. km ¾ Population in Q3-2005 - 26.26 million* ¾ Registered Vehicles - 13.12 million** ¾ LengthLength ofof RoadsRoads Toll Highways - 1,492.3 km Other Federal Roads + State Roads - 75,732.7 km Total 77,225.0 km * Department of Statistics, Malaysia ** Department of Road Transport, Malaysia Registered No. Of Motor Vehicles In Malaysia 14 (Average traffic growth ~ 7%) 13.12 12.19 11.39 12 10.7 9.39 10.02 10 8.8 8.41 7.57 8 6.81 6.18 6 4 NO. OF MOTOR VEHICLES (Millions) (Millions) VEHICLES MOTOR OF NO. 2 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 YEAR Source: Department of Road Transport, Malaysia The Advent of Toll Highway Privatization 27 privatised toll highway Privatisation took Private sector most off in late 1980’s active in middle 1990’s 20 companies 4 projects under in operations construction 1,492.3 km 3 projects in operations yet to begin construction Role of MHA in Highway Privatization Monitoring & Regulatory Body Carries out the overseeing rights of the government Supervision Monitoring Regulatory Design, construction, operation and maintenance of privatised toll highway projects Rights and Obligations of MHA Current Functions To approve design brief and detailed design of works Acquisition of reports on quality control tests & work progress Make site visits, witness quality control test & inspect site records Requisition of material information for monitoring Acquisition of land for project Rights and Obligations of MHA (Cont) Carry out safety audit & gazette for highway opening Acquisition of maintenance & inspection reports during operation Direct further investigations & the carrying out of maintenance & repair works Inspect the highway & its facilities & monitor the traffic volume Rights & Obligations of Concession Company Design, construction Obtain financing & Improvement works for project on highways Install tolling & other equipment Concession Company Operate & maintain the highway Hand over the concession Collect toll area at no cost to the government on expiry of concession Number Of Privatized Toll Highway In Operation 25 20 20 15 13 10 Number 10 5 2 1 0 81-85 (4th) 86-90 (5th) 91-95(6th) 96-00(7th) 01-05(8th) Malaysia Plan Period Total Highway Length (km) 1600 1492.3 1400 1220 1200 960 1000 800 600 485 Total length (km) 400 219 200 0 81-85 (4th 86-90 (5th 91-95 (6th 96-00 (7th 01-05 (8th plan) Plan) Plan) Plan) Plan) Malaysia Plan Period MAJOR INTER URBAN HIGHWAYS IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA Highways In Klang Valley ITS User Services Implemented For Tolled Highways Traffic Management 1 Transportation Planning Support (ATMS – Advanced Traffic 2 Traffic Control Management Systems) 3 Incident Management 4 Demand Management … 6 Infrastructure Maintenance Management Traveler Information 7 Pretrip Information (ATIS – Advances 8 On-trip Driver Information Traveller Information Systems) … 10 Personal Information Services …. Emergency Management 26 Emergency Notification And Personal Security (EMS) 27 Emergency Vehicle Management 28 Hazardous Materials And Incident Notification Electronic Payment (EP) 29 Electronic Financial Transactions … ITS Implementation TwoTwo majormajor ITSITS componentscomponents implementedimplemented onon tolledtolled highways:highways: ElectronicElectronic RoadRoad PricingPricing TrafficTraffic ControlControl andand SurveillanceSurveillance SystemSystem Electronic Road Pricing ElectronicElectronic TagTag SystemSystem ContactContact--lessless SmartSmart CardCard SystemSystem Contact-less Smart Card System 11st implementedimplemented forfor PenangPenang BridgeBridge inin 19951995 AsAs prepaidprepaid cardcard ReplacementReplacement ofof prepre--printedprinted discountdiscount vouchervoucher Electronic Tag System (ETC) 11st implementedimplemented forfor PenangPenang BridgeBridge inin 19951995 UsedUsed 2.452.45 GhzGhz microwavemicrowave oneone piecepiece tagtag OtherOther implementationimplementation byby otherother highwayhighway usedused 5.85.8 GhzGhz microwavemicrowave oneone piecepiece tag.tag. Issues On Electronic Tag Implementation ThereThere waswas nono standardstandard readyready toto bebe adopted.adopted. DifferentDifferent concessionconcession company,company, usedused differentdifferent systemsystem offeredoffered byby differentdifferent vendorvendor // manufacturer.manufacturer. UsersUsers needneed toto investinvest onon moremore thanthan oneone tag.tag. The Move To Use Common Tag InIn 2004,2004, thethe governmentgovernment standardizedstandardized thethe ETCETC andand allall highwayhighway operatorsoperators havehave nownow adoptedadopted contactlesscontactless paymentpayment methodmethod basedbased onon thethe IRIR frequency.frequency. UnderUnder thethe concessionconcession agreements,agreements, concessionconcession companiescompanies areare requiredrequired toto establishestablish TrafficTraffic SurveillanceSurveillance andand ControlControl SystemSystem inin orderorder toto managemanage thethe highwayshighways efficientlyefficiently andand effectively.effectively. TCSS Major Functions Traffic information collection – Traffic congestion (loop) – Speed detector – Emergency call (SOS) – CCTV (video) Traffic information processing – GIS – Data fusion (alarm) Traffic information dissemination – Traffic advisory (VMS) – Speed display Decision execution and enforcement – Incident management Traffic Information Collection EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM - AT EVERY 2 KM Vehicle Detection System (VDS) -loop Vehicle Detector Closed Circuit Television Camera (CCTV) - For Traffic Surveillance / Vehicle Detector Information Processing TRAFFIC CONTROL AND MONITORING CENTRE (TMC) Information Dissemination Variable Message Signboard (VMS) Speed Detector & Display Installed Components LIST OF HIGHWAYS CCTV VMS VDS/AVDS NORTH SOUTH EXPRESSWAY 55 8 37 NORTH SOUTH EXPRESSWAY CENTRAL LINK 2 12 8 SHAH ALAM EXPRESSWAY 15 4 9 WESTERN KL TRAFFIC DISPERSAL SCHEME HIGHWAY 41 12 5 DAMANSARA-PUCHONG HIGHWAY 19 5 4 PENANG BRIDGE 15 4 - MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE SECOND CROSSING 7 12 11 EXPRESSWAY NEW NORTH KLANG STRAIT BYPASS HIGHWAY 9 3 5 AMPANG ELEVATED HIGHWAY 13 3 37 NEW PANTAI EXPRESSWAY 15 5 6 KAJANG TRAFFIC DISPERSAL RING ROAD 23 6 26 GUTHRIE CORRIDOR EXPRESSWAY 8 5 - EAST COAST EXPRESSWAY 3 6 12 Types Of Information Traffic Congestion Accidents Landslide Flood Actions To Be Taken PATROL TEAM Current System - Weaknesses: Each Highway Concessionaire has its own Traffic Control Centre Other - No sharing of information Highways KESAS LDP/SPRINT NO INTEGRATION & COORDINATION Each control centre operates No coordination independently. amongst the various centres NPE No automation. PLUS especially in Reliability of emergencies. reaction and response time in emergencies a concern because system is too Current System’s Weaknesses (Example) No Sharing of Information Should I advise driver to use alternative road? But NKVE I don’t know the traffic condition at other highways…. Damansara LDP KL Federal I am working at Highway KL Damansara, Should ELITE Accident LDP Control I go there via Centre Cable KESAS-ELITE- Congested NKVE ? What is the Bridge Sg. Besi Highway Area traffic condition NPE over there? KESAS I am working at KL, KESAS Should I go there via NPE or KESAS- Sg. Besi Highway? What is the traffic condition over there? Puchong Way Forward…… MALAYSIAN HIGHWAY AUTHORITY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTRE (LLMTMC) TMC Overview Other LDP/SPRINT KESAS Highways LLM Traffic Control Centre PLUS NPE Traffic Information Public TMC Objectives: 1. Real time supervision & communication centre for the highway network under the authority of LLM. 2. Double as emergency control and supervision centre. 3. As foundation & basis for integration and standardization of Traffic Control Centers for privatized highways. 4. As focal point for national level integration to other road networks (Municipalities, Non privatized roads). TMC Operations Concept Allows LLM to : 1. Monitor and supervise the highway concessionaires operation from a “NETWORK” point of view. Other Highways KESAS LDP/SPRINT NPE PLUS TMC Operations Concept Allows LLM to : 2. Coordinate actions amongst multiple concessionaires with emphasis on improving service quality to highway users, example provision of traffic information. KESAS Internet LLM TCC LDP/SPRINT Public SMS Other Highways VMS TMC Operations Concept Allow LLM to : 3. Eliminate blind spots and grey areas in traffic management especially at interchanges involving 2 highways. This is important
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