AVERAOB DAO.T CIBOBLATION THE WEATHER for the Month of July. 19M roreeaat of .C., S. Weather drinking of Hartford with Member et ttw Andit W»tr, sHghtly ooolar teaigh|; Bureau of Cbvuluthma Thursday fair. MANCHESTER — A a i Y OPJILLAGE CHARM VOL. Lvn., NO. 277 (CIssaineJ AdvertW ag en Piag^l13) MANCH6STER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AU G USt 24,1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) '■< - - PRICE THREE CENTS ,, llawks, Dying, Carri.ed to Hospital cer- AMERICAN PILOTING ORDERED AID! 10. P. STA1E CHINESE AIRLINER IS CAUCUS W H S TO HELP HINES ELECT ATTACKED BY JAPS Meriden Democratic Fight Also Pondered To Deter- At Least 14 Of 17 Persons! .1 TO PBESE^'E LOOT DODGE AS PROSECUTOR U- . ..Pittsburgh,- Au g.-34— {-AP>— 1 mine Significance In Com- Abotrd Killed Or Wounds Unless winter makes u i unex- belief CLIENT DIE#; ? SEARCH REVEALS 97,788 pected appearance, the thief who Weinberg Testifies Gangsuir robbed Salesman Wedilin HUty’s ing General Elections P o ll ed; Forced Landing Made Titusville, -Pa., Aug. 24.— automobile of merchandise val- ued at 9900 now needs moth balls (A P )—Mrs. Julia O. Anderson, Told Him To Get PoKqr- 68, a relief client, died on a cot Between Canton, Macao. to preserve hla loot. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS , JiS PREDICTED in a rooming house. He atol(B 100 children’s snow- Connecticut political leaders stud- suits. Coroner C. M. Sonne searched Game Behind 1933 Tanei ied today the result of state-wide the room and found 95,900 in Hongkong, Aug. 24.— <AP) —The '---- ------^ Republican- caucuses and a Demo- ■ NWCRJISR currency and a bank book list- American pilot of a Chinese air- cratic primary fight in Meriden to ing deposiU of 91.886. many Candidate For Dit-/ liner reported today that Japanese Interpret their significance in the ■.Syarplanes had forced him to set bis appit>achlng campaigns. trict Attorney; Ga?e$3,- JAPS REPORT Famed Speed Flier Strikes nlBue down near Canton and then Republicans, torn by differences achine-gunned It, killing or wound- which have arisen from a "purge" movement precipitated by grand Wires, Lands In Flam ^ CDO T o Campaigir FomL^ ing at least 14 of the 17 persons TVA PROBERS aboard. GATE GAINED Jury charges in Bridgeport or Wa- terbury, paid particular attention H. L. Woods, of Hays, Kansas, the, pilot, reached Macao unhurt. to the smashing victory scored last Sportsman Guest Also Fa New York,’ Aug. 24 — (AP)‘ — night by Clarence O. Willard, who HEAR MORE OF All others on tho plane were Chi- IN KEY TOWN George Weinberg. 36, an ax-coavtet^ nese. The forced landing was made successfully retained his seat on the Republican State Central com- tally Injured Near Buffalo and the state's star wltnesa thus on a small river between Canton mittee, following a bitter fight in far In the conspiracy trial o f Tanife-; and Macao, Portuguese colony 50 Um niES’ AlD New Haven’s Ninth district. many District. Leader JantM J. miles to the south. Mop Up Chinese Defenders Woods sent this message to the Fighting for Political Life. Bleeding'from many injuries and dying. Commander Frank BULLETIN! Hawkes la carried to a Buffalo, N. Y „ hosplUl after he and a compan- Hines, testified today that in OetO* China National Aviation Corpora- Willard, who defeated former Redding, Aug. 24,— (A P )— Alderman Harry B. Kennedy o f k>n, J. Hazard Campbell, crashed in a burning airplane near East Au- her, 1933, Dutch Schultz ordsrsd' tion, owners of the plane; Of Jmchang While Endr- H ie body of Gommonder Frank Dehe Deeper Into Disclos* New Haven, was fighting foe'b is rora, N. Y. him to help Hines elect WltlUim "Landed on river okay. Japanese Hawks, killed In an airplane political life. The veteran Elm COpeland Dodge as district attoiM y machine-gunned us, killing or crash near Bulfalo, N. Y., last wounding 12 passengers, also co- cfingGty To Cut Off Po^ City leader and an Intimate - asso- nres Of Attempt To De- of Manhattan. ciate of the late - “Boss" J. Henry night, has been cremated, It was pilot and steward. Radio operator THIEF PICH# GOOD SPOT stated at the home of Dr. and Dodge, a Tammany man, w u c Loh. one passenger and m}r8e'f sur- Roraback In the party's more palmy sihiiity Of A Retreat TO aband o n auto Mrs, L. B. Ooldborn, friends of elected. He has been accused by vived. Other 14 unaccount^ for days was accused by the Merritt feat Public Power Pro- CONVICTS DIED District Attorney Thomss E. Deway Hawks, who are caring for Mrs. Ship sunk In river.” Parkway grand. Jury of having ac- (Tonsbohocken, Pa., Aug. 34— cepted a 93,700 fee for his "friendly Hawks today, and the ashes of having been "Intimidated, In. U. S. Gunboat to Rmc uc . (A P )-;-A stolen, automobile was services" in expediting the sale of are to be shipped here for final gram For Chattanooga. fluenced or bribed” by Hines. Tbe United States gunboat Min- Shanghai. Aug. 24 — (A P ) — A found abandoned between two land for the Fairfield county high- DRIVEN “STARK rites. "Dutch Schultz told me to help danao left Hongkong from Macao heavily reinforced Japanese army houses near Gulps MlUg. In one Jimmy Hines with money and to g w to aid survivors after hurriedly re- way. Arrangementa, It was aaM, reported tonight it had smashed Willard's battle for re-election and lives district Attorney Frederick RULLETTN! tho policy-game crowd behind him,” calling it duty officers and men are Inoompleto at this time. through the east gate of the stra- kis flat refusal to the Republican B. SmiUle. The other Is the resi- ,Welnberg aald. ashore here. MAD” BY HEAT dence of John VanRoden, acting Chattanooga, Tenn., Ang. 34. tegic town of Julchang In its drive State Central committee's demand Gave $8J)00 ContrilwHaa Forty-five per cent of the China police chief of Upper Merlon Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 24— (A P ) — • > (A P )— Rop. Charles A. Wol- Weinberg testified that be OMt National Aviation Corporation’s cap- up the Yangtze river toward Han- that be resign with other "Old vortoB (R,, N. J.) today termbd Guard” leaders who were criticized township. ' Death came last night to Lieut. Dodge 1n the office o f Hlneo* lasr*' ital is held by American interests, kow, China’s provisional capital Guard” lenders who were criticized e A k * m • Congrasstonal invMttgatloa -4i Commander Frank M. Hawks; world yer, Joseph Shalleck, and that af«' tbe rest by the Chinese government The Japanese said they were in the recent grand Jury reports L 0 r 0 0 6 r N iy S nU tO PSieS U lS* toto eRoiis o f prhrato otiUtleo made him a. marked figure In yes-|__ ^ ' famous speed filer, as he predicted ter Hines bad introiiuced him R^iorts from Macao, lator- than mopping up Chinese- defenders re- (wfqat • nfMnndnm In 1938 Dodge as one e f '"Diiteh . Sehul! Woods’ message, said that O. S. teiday’s Republican caticuMs. —In an airplane. ^ .Pjt^^rtdo n monlclpnl power maining In the walled town and that As soon as bis victory became a boys,” he passed 98,000 to Hines Lou, the passenger who reached closed Inmates Suffocated The 41-year old aviator who had dlsfrlbotlaa aystoa hert a "one a second Japanese column had en- certainty, Willard, former secretary INSURGENTS PUSH oUfed” affair. the Schultz mob’s contributkm 99 that port with the pilot, had a bul- circled Juichang to cut off the Chi- turned a year ago from speed flying Dodge's campaign fund. let wound and was taken to a hos- of tbe State Central committee, _ ‘T want to know,” he sold. nese retreat. to the aviation business, struck He said Dodge “grinned” u tl pital for an operation. Still later stated that "the result speaks for In Detention Cells Where ” if we are going to hear both |9 Month To Ach-onM 21 Miles Itself” and added; some wires and crashed In flames on money was passed to Hines. two other passengers were reoorted LOYALISTS BACK polo field a few miles from Buf- sldM o f this propaganda." It bad taken the Japanese nearly T t Is gratlQrtng to know you “We gave him* other money ior admitted to a hospital at Chung- Nude Bodies Were Found. falo. the election at Dodge," the wltnsfik shan. near the scene of the shoot- month to advance the 21 miles have many real friends and pelgh- Chattanooga, Tenn.. Aug. 24.— Hawks who told a friend some continued. ing. In grave condlUon.. from Kiuklang, Important river port bors who believe In you." ( A P )—^Tho (tongresslonal commit- which fell July 26, to Juichang Intorcot In Other Cwstasts. years ago "I expect to die ln,an air- "H ow much?" snapped Deway. SoeM Southwest, of Osaton. plane,” and J. Hazard C!an)pbell,, up- The alrllqer encountered tbe Jap- n w the south bank o f the Yangtze WThlle the unsuccessful fight to __ BULLETIN! Goyemment Lines Bend Un- toe InvesUgaUng the Tennessee Val- "A ll told, about 9W.OOO," tM .state socialite and sportsman who former Schultz henchman i anese planes southwest of Canton 100 tirline miles southeast of Han- unseat Willard held most of thb at- Phila^lp^ Aug. 24.—(AP) ley Authority delved further today had. accepted an Invitaiion for a “ And after the election, wa while it was flying from Hongkoug kow. tention in the balloting, there was — Qomioide squad poUeemen to- Into disclosures that a privately- also considerable Interest in other der Repeated Hammer trial spin In a small, plane Hawks' about 92,000 or 98,000 mote to Wuchow, In Kwangsi province, Chinese reports malntolned the day arrested two guards at the company sells, were fatally Injured.
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