ATOLL RLSZiRCkI BULLSTIN Northern Marshall Islands Expedition, 1951-1952. Land biota: Vascular plants. by F, R. F'osberg Issued by THE PACIFIC SCILiVCE BOliHD National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council :lashington, D. C. KW 15, 1955 Northern Marshall Islands lkpedition, 1951-1952. Land biota: Vascular plants .ly2 by F. 8. Fosberg 3 1/ Publication authorized by the Di.rector, U. S. Geological Survey Preli!ninary results of the lkpedition to the Northern Elarshall Islands, 1951-1352, 110.2. Botanist, U. S, Geological Survey . Northern Narshall Islands Zxpedition; 1951-1952. Land biota: Vascular plants. by F. 3. Fosberg , . Following the nhrrative of the expedi-tion to the northern Karshalls made in 1951 and 1952, it seems north whi1.e to present the raw dsta collected in a series of: prel3minary papers, to make them available for general use and reference xitilout waiting urlbil tLey are cc:npletely studied and interpreted. Formal pubiicri.tion of a more parmanent charactsr is planned as detailed .studies are co;u$eted. This paper presents distribu- tional and ecological records, as aell as r~iitiverimes, of the vascular plants coliected on the expedition.. TQ these have beer1 added recorus from the author% 1946 and. 1950 coLlections, a few Wake &lad collections made in 1953, a~cja few miscell.acileo;ls collections by others. Other signi- ficant collections fromthe nort,%ern Marsilr:lis, not included here, are those of NU. Randolph Taylor, pubiished by hiin iri his MI'lants of Bikini," ttiose , made by Adelbert de . Ct~aniissowkii,.e on the Zotzebue ikpeditionJ and those made on several [email protected] . .. St. John, rnostly as get unpublished. .~he'~arsiialle~epl&t.nmeo are recorded here in tile form iri vinich they tyvece written down in .thk field? an attempt baing made to reproduce the sotlilds as hsard. Thus, they wclude, sometimes, a nwnber of variants of the same word which shply indicxte differer~cesin the way tile word was heard. 80 attgpt has been maae ,to edit these nanes. accordirig to any of the existing Mars,hallese orthographies. As this seqies of papers is intended to preserve raw data, it. :is,felt .that the naneswill he of more use exactly as recorded. i'khen a definitive flora of the hiarshalls is written, a more satisfactory orthographic form should be sought. .. Plzce names are given as they appear on the ltibels of the collec- tions, with an occasional correctio:1. giyen in,pr;l.entheses. Thus the localities for the 1946 and 1750 .collections.are given, generali?, as on the Hydrographic Office charts, &ereas those for the 1.751 and 1952 collections are given according to.the. revised list of names supplied by Mr. E. H. Bryan and Mr. Leonard Uason oi Honolulu, as a result of their work on the krsnall Islands Atlas (uqublished). The determirititicns of the plants are all. by the author. They repre- sent the present state of the taonorny of .these species. some of them are in need of revision ar.d may later be changed. All of the &rshallese Pandanus are here referred to 2. tectorius Parkiilsoi~,.as. the nwerous "s~ecies"tha-t have. been descri'ceci or recorded frowthese islsfdsare considered to be, actually, ndthing more than horticultur,al forms '&I genetic segreg;ites. One or tvio plants are detemir,ed to genus only, either because. the:species hasnot yet been described, or because the m~terial . .. , . , . , . .. avail.able or the state of the classii'ioatior~i~ such that convincing specific identification is at present impossible. No new taxa are described and no nominclatursl changes are made in this paper. Collection numbers cited are from the aut.hor1s consecri-tive series except those few definitely ascribed to c'thr;r coil.ector.s, Thj.2 series applies only to plants. -- Polypodim scolopendria Bun. f . Utirik Atoll: gtirik Islet, 33674. Taka Atoll: Taka Islet, 37723. Likiep r~oll:Li.kie~ Islet, , 2701:3:. Lach Islet, 33789. i.01: Bkdwe Islet, 33913. Lae t?toXl: Lae Islet, 33994. Kmjalein iitol:?: Ihe7wetak Islet, 34135. Ujelzng toll.: Bieto Islet, 311144. i'iutho Atoll: dWotho Islet, 34237. Ujze Atoll: Bock Islet,, 34326. Inc!igenous. Common, mainiy terrestrial but fowd also on the bases of coconut trees and, more rarely, on the 1oi.eir trunks of other trees, principally in coconut plantations m5xed forest. bfarshallese: Ibkino." Panamus kctorius Park. Utirik Atoll: Utirik Islet,. ,~33697. ~ Taka {\toll: Taka Sslet, j3'725. Likiep Atoll: Likiep Islet, 27047; Aikini (Aekone): lsiat, 270:6; 27055; Lado Islet, 33318. Jemo Island: 33930, 33905, 33966. Biiuk Atoll: Ailulr Isiet, 3392'7. Lae Atoll: Loj Islit, 3/+9140. Kwajalein: Bennett (Hikej) Islet, Isiet, 2&96; P.evistak Islet, 34.131. Ujclm~1kol.i: Ujelang I:slet, 31:212. Wotho Atoll: hotho Islet; 3/280. Ujae Atoll: SOCKIslet, 31.:?:~6. Biicsr Atoll: %.kar.Isiet, 34566; Mi~v;etoi; i,~oll.: Japtan Islet, 24317. Of aboriiinal introclxtion (?), %ar;y vli*ieties, bcth wildad planted, the latter ksed as food.ad ti~ztch.-The varieties differ mainly in fruit size, shape, juiciness, 'flavor, and other eaible cpaii-ties. Planted forms usually around v2llc~gksand formi:-ig a second story in coco- nut groves, wild ones in mixed forest, rarely in pure stands. %arshallese: "bop. " . : . Thalassea ---hemprichii (Wrb.) Aschers. Ujel%g ~toll:Ujelahg ISlet, 341G9. Indixenous. Form a thin sod at low tide level on 1a.roon besch on the east egd of Ujelang Islet, Ujelang Atoll; othekwise unknown in the northern Marshalls. Cenchrus browiii R;& S. Wake !;toll: Feale Islet, 34929. Introduced weed. Common locally. ~enc11r:usechimtus L. Wake &toll: Wake Islst., -'3'362L. - . , -3LL77. Utirik Iltbll: Utirik Islet. 33665. Jemo Island: ,33868, Kxajalein xtoll: jeiIslet, 26486, 34140; Bennett (Bikej) Islet, 26504. Ujae Atoll: Ujae Isiet, 34310. Ehivietok Atoll: Eniwetok Islet, 24300; Japtan Islet, 24324;' ,hgebe Islet, 24378. Likiep Atoll: .Likiep Islet, 27636. htroduced weed. In open, s;r;dy disturbed areas, especially around villages and military establisherits, and in thin coconut plmtations. In places very abundant. iiashallese: "lek e leg. 11 Chloris inflata Link Kwajalein Atoll: Bennett (Bikej) Islet, 26522, 31202; Kwa jalein Islet, 31187. Eniwetok Atoll: Gngebe Islet, 24407. Wake Atoll: Peale Islet, 34928. Introduced weed. In disturb& places where there have been military operations. Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Wake Atoll: Make Islet, 34450; Peale Islzt, ,34931. Eniwetok Atoll: t . Eniwetok Islet, 24292; Engebe Islet, 24379. Kwajalein Atoll: Kwajalein Islet, 261+89. .Introduced weed. Common in open places around military establishments, persisting from plantings made in 1945-46, when there was concern about revegetation of the devastated areas. , ~ ~ .~ - -" "- ~ 7 .~ T-~~--~- Introduced weed. ~ccasiinalin open disturbed places around military establishments. ~ikitariamicrobachne (Presl) Henr. Likiep Atoll: Lado Islet, 33'190; Likiep Islet, 27018. Jemo,IsI&d, 33870. Ailuk Atoll: Ailuk IIset, 33946. Lae Atoll: Loj Islet, 34050, Wotho ktoll: Wotho Islet, 34240. Ujae Atoll: Bock Islet, .34363. .. Kwajalein Atoll: Kwajalein Islet, 31161, 26475; Bennett (Biltej; &let, 26498.- Eniwetok Atoll: Japtan Islet, 24340; Aomon Islet, 24355; Eniwetok Islet, 24369; Engebe Islet, 24373. Introduced ':('?) weed. Occasional to .c&non in coconut plantations. krshallese: "ujoij,I1 %jos kulkuii, f5n,ik* pueue." . ,. - Digitaria timorensis (Kunth) Bg1.1.. Utirilc Atoll: Ukirik Islet, 33664. aka Atoll: Taka Islet, 33751. Introduced weed. Villages and plantations. darshallese: llujoij." . Eleusine indica (L. ) Gaertn. .. :. WBke Atoll: l~Jakeislet, 33623,34482. Utirik Atoll.:. kirik Islet, . 33663. Ailuk Atoll: Aiiuk kiet, 33971.. Lae Atoll:, La? islet, 34060. Ujelang Atoll: Ujelang Islet, 34182. Wotho Atoll: '$otho.Yslet, 34235. Ujae;iitoll: Ujae islet, 34309. 5;niwetok Atoll: Eniwetok Islet, 24289; Japtan Islet; 24320; Zngebe Islet, 24384, KwajaleinAtoll: Kwajalein Islet, 26485; Bennett (siltej) Islet, 25517. Likiep Atoll: Likiep Islet, 27013. Jemo Island, 33876. Intrcduced weed. Cownon around villages and in disturbed places. Marshallese: lrujoij.ll A giant forn occasional in opRnings in coconut ,' 'plantations on Jerno kland (33876) is possibly only a response to abundant phosphate in soil. Eragrostis ar~abilis(L.) W.& A. lJtirik Atoll: Utirik Islst, 33653. Likigp Atoll: Lado Islet, 33791; Likiep Islet, 27017. Jertio sland. 33875. Ailuk Atoll:. Ailuk Islet. 33944. Lae Atoll: Lae Islet,' 34065. ujeiang !<toll: ~aejIslet, 34153. bJotho Atoll: Wotho I.sl&, 34230. Ujae Atoll: Ujae Islet, 34305. !Jake Atoll: Wake Islet, 34459. Eniwet 3k Atoll: ihiwet. ok islet, 24290; Japtan .Islet, 24344; Aomori.-Islet,' 24347; ingcbe. islet, 24387. Kwajalein Atoll: Kwa jalein Islet, 26483; acnnett (3ikeg') Islet, 26505. Introduced weed. Very comr,~on around vil.Lages, in disturbed places, and in cocoilut groves,M?.rshallese: "ujoij," %jos." ' ' pagrostis poaeoides Beauv. \>ake Atoli: hake Isl.et -~, 341,58.- Introduced weed. On bare ground near air strip. iqot prev$ously known from the Pacific Islands. Lepturus repens. (Nrst,f. ) R.Br. : Wake Atoll: liiake islet, 33627, 311950, 34462; yeale Islet, 349Q, 34942, 349L3.. .31~9W~. Utirik Atoll: Utirik Islet,, .-33861. Taka iitoll: Taka Islet, 33732. Jemo Island: 33864. kiluk Atoll: Ail& Islet, 33923. Lae Atoil: Lae Islet, 34064. tfjelang kt.011: . Ujeiang Islet, 3LJ73. keotho i~toll:Notho Islet, 34271. Ujae Atoll: Bock Islet, 3!&359; Rua Islet, 34378. Pokak Atoll: Sibylla Islet, 34504; Kamome Islet, 34506, 34509. Bikar Atoll: Bikar Islet, 34571; Jaliitlik Islet j/.+fl'i'. Ihiwetok Atoil: Enivretok Islet, 24298; Japtari Islet, 24325; Aonion islet, 54353; jyigebe Islet, 24355. Kwajalein Atoll: Kwajalein Islet, 26477; Bennett (~~:ej)Islet, 26510. Likiep Atoll: Likiep Islet, 26995. Indigenous. A very comlon grass, found in open plsces, in p3.anta- tions and forests, but mostly confined.to places. with at least sonle- sand. or fine gravel. Extremely vsriable i;l habit and luxuriance, with greit' latitude in tolerance of different rr,oi.stureconditions. Pioneer species on newly .deposited sand and fine gravel. Marshallese: %jo j, "ujw aitok". (kiwstok), "ujuj. 11 -1' Lepturus sp. Y Pokak Atoll: Kamome Islet, ,34511.
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