On the taxonomy of the genus Rosacris 43 Entomologie heute 28 (2016): 43-52 On the Taxonomy of the Genus Rosacris Bolívar, 1931 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) Zur Taxonomie der Gattung Rosacris Bolívar, 1931 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) JOSIP SKEJO Summary: The genus Rosacris Bolívar, 1931 is a pygmy grasshopper (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) ge- nus hitherto known only from a holotype male of its type species Rosacris antennata Bolívar, 1931 from Makiling Mt. (Luzon island, the Philippines) and originally assigned to the Discotettiginae. Redescription of the genus and its type species are based on the holotype and a new photographic record of the species (Isarog Mt.) found in Flickr (www.fl ickr.com). The holotype is found to be male nymph rather than an adult animal. The species is morphologically similar to members of the genus Metamazarredia Günther, 1939 from the Philippines. Therefore the genus is transferred from the subfamily Discotettiginae to Metrodorinae. Assumption exists that the specimens hitherto identifi ed as R. antennata represent nymphs of Metamazarredia fuscipes (Stål, 1877). Key words: Discotettiginae, Metrodorinae, the Philippines, Flickr, nature macro-photography Zusammenfassung: Die Gattung Rosacris Bolívar, 1931, ein Zwerg-Grashüpfer (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae), ist bislang nur durch den Gattungsholotypen Rosacris antennata Bolívar, 1931 vom Mount Makiling (Insel Luzon, Philippinen) bekannt. Sie wurde ursprünglich der Unterfamilie Discotetti- ginae zugeordnet. Die Wiederbeschreibung des Gattungstypus‘ basiert auf dem Holotypus und einem neuen Foto der Art vom Mount Isarog auf dem Fotoportal Flickr (www.fl ickr.com). Der Holotypus scheint eher eine männliche Nymphe als ein adultes Tier zu sein. Die Art ist morpho- logisch den Vertretern der Gattung Metamazarredia Günther, 1939, ebenfalls von den Philippinen, ähnlich. Deshalb wurde die Gattung aus der Unterfamilie Discotettiginae in die der Metrodorinae überführt. Es besteht die Vermutung, dass die bisherigen Exemplare von R. antennata Nymphen von Metamazarredia fuscipes (Stål, 1877) sind. Schlüsselwörter: Discotettiginae, Metrodorinae, die Philippinen, Flickr, Natur-Makrofotografi e 1. Introduction Discotettigiae in BOLÍVAR 1931). The original description, which includes a drawing of The genus Rosacris was established by I. the species’ habitus and brief comments BOLÍVAR (1931) for a single species named on its relationship with Hirrius Bolívar, 1887 R. antennata Bolívar, 1931, based on a sin- (another member of the Discotettiginae), gle male specimen from Mt. Makiling, a was never cited again during later revisions dormant volcano in the Laguna province of the family Tetrigidae. Even GÜNTHER (Luzon Is., the Philippines) with an elevation (1938), who reviewed the Discotettiginae up to 1,090 m a.s.l. Based on the antennal seven years later, overlooked the publication. morphology, i.e. the presence of fl attened OTTE (1997), in the fi rst printed version antennal segments, the species was originally of the Orthoptera Species File, listed this placed in the subfamily Discotettiginae (= species as of uncertain placement within Entomologie heute 28 (2016) 44 JOSIP SKEJO Tetrigidae. The type specimen was listed in other Caeliferan families by (I) the long the catalogue of Bolívar’s collection (PARÍS pronotum, usually covering the abdomen, 1994). Two additional records of the genus (II) tarsal formula 2-2-3, (III) lack of an were recently found (1) on April 15th 2015 arolium between the claws and (IV) presence on Flickr (photos by P. BERTNER, dorsal and of a sternomentum (modifi ed fi rst sternum). lateral habitus of a nymph, from Isarog Mt.) Composition: Nine subfamilies (Batrachide- and (2) on April 14th 2016 on eBay (female inae, Cladonotinae, Cleostratinae, Discotet- specimen for sale, from Luzon, without tiginae, Lophotettiginae, Metrodorinae, specifi ed locality). Scelimeninae, Tetriginae, Tripetalocerinae) The aims of this article are (1) to present a and a few tribes (Clinophaestini, Coptotet- new record of Rosacris antennata from Mt. tigini, Criotettigini, Dinotettigini, Miriatrini, Isarog on Luzon Is. (the Philippines), (2) Xerophyllini) with 270-290 genera and 1800- to redescribe the genus and its type species 2000 currently described species (EADES et and (3) to discuss the position of the genus al. 2016). within the current Tetrigidae taxonomy and Distribution: Globally except for the Ant- its relationship to other genera. arctic continent, the majority of the species (about 75%) occur in the tropical region, 2. Material and methods with the highest known biodiversity of the family in the Indomalayan and Wallacean For this study, the curator of the Orthoptera regions (EADES et al. 2016). collection in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Since taxonomy follows Orthoptera Species Naturales (MNCN, Madrid, Spain) MERCEDES File (EADES et al. 2016) where the genus is PARÍS sent me the photos of the lectotype denoted as of uncertain placement within (= holotype) of Rosacris antennata Bolívar Tetrigidae and since in the original descrip- and the original description (Bolívar 1931) tion the genus was assigned to the subfamily of the genus and the species. Morphological Discotettiginae, here I present diagnosis and terminology and measurements follow TUM- composition of Discotettiginae, as well as BRINCK (2014) and SKEJO & CABALLERO (2016). that of Metrodorinae, the subfamily I assign Measurements of the holotype were obtained the genus to after morphological compari- using the ImageJ software (ABRAMOFF et al. son with Metamazarredia spp. 2004) after cali bration with a scale added by the curator after processing the photographs. 3.2. Subfamily Discotettiginae Han- A photographic record was found (1) on cock, 1907 Flickr (a social network to share photos) [https://www.flickr.com/photos/rainfo- Diagnosis: The paranota not square shaped, rests/13064225934/in/photolist-kUrzdJ] antennae 11-14 segmented, with all or only a and later more photos were obtained directly few subapical segments widened. The only from the photographer, P. BERTNER, and (2) true diagnostic character of this subfamily on eBay (from user Philinsectbugs). is the morphology of antennae (see discus- sion). The group is polyphyletic. It is prob- 3. Results ably synonymous with true Scelimeninae based upon the morphology of the genus 3.1. Family Tetrigidae Rambur, 1838 (su- Discotettix Costa, 1864 (SKEJO et al. in press). perfamily Tetrigoidea Rambur, 1838) Composition and distribution. One tribe composed of a single genus (Discotettigini: Diagnosis: Family of short-horned grass- Discotettix) and fi ve more genera (excluding hoppers (Caelifera) easily separated from Rosacris) without tribal placement. Distri- On the taxonomy of the genus Rosacris 45 buted in SE Asia (ancient Sundaland and names), tropical Asia including Malesia, surroundings). Melanesia and Papuasia (42 genera, 163 spp), 1) Arulenus Stål, 1877: Mindanao (the Phil- Australia (2 genera, 3 spp.). ippines, 2 spp.), 2) Discotettix Costa, 1864 (type genus of the 3.4. Genus Rosacris Bolívar, 1931 subfamily): peninsular Malaya (1 sp.), Suma- Diagnosis: Small body size (~ 10 mm); U- tra (2 spp.), Borneo (2 spp.), Mindanao (the shaped carinae of the vertex; 14-segmented Philippines, 1 sp.), antennae with widened subapical segments 3) Flatocerus Liang & Zheng, 1984: China (10 (10th-12th); pronotum (and median carina) spp., probably including a few synonymous strongly elevated in frontal 2/3 of its length; names) [the genus is likely synonymous with organs of fl ight not visible (= nanopronotal, Phaesticus (SKEJO & STOROZHENKO, unpub- apterous); tibiae of fore and mid legs robust lished data)], and rectangular in section. Very similar 4) Hirrius Bolívar, 1887: Mindanao (the Phi- to members of the genus Metamazarredia lippines, 2 spp.), Sulawesi (3 spp.), Günther, 1939, more specifi cally M. fuscipes 5) Kraengia Bolívar, 1909: Sulawesi (1 sp.), (Stål, 1877) (Fig. 3) the only difference being 6) Phaesticus Uvarov, 1940: China (3 spp.), lack of the organs of fl ight in R. antennata. India: Assam (1, not identifi ed sp.), Thailand Original etymology and vernacular name: (1 sp.), peninsular Malaya, Sumatra, Java Rosa from the family name of professor DA- (1 sp. in the whole region), Borneo (1 sp.). NIELLE ROSA, and (a)cris from ancient Greek akrís (άκρίς), meaning locust. Here I propose 3.3. Subfamily Metrodorinae Bolívar, an English common name for this genus 1887 and species – Rosa’s turtlehopper, because the morphology of the pronotum of the Diagnosis (after PAVÓN-GONZALO et al. species resembles a pygmy jumping turtle. 2012): Mainly characterized by having the Type species: Rosacris antennata Bolívar, 1931 median ocellus and the antenna placed by original monotypy. below the eyes, a relatively small divergence Composition: Monotypic – Rosacis antennata of the rami of the frontal costa not forming Bolívar. wide scutellum, and a similar length of the Distribution: Luzon Island (the Philippines): fi rst and third segments of the hind tarsus. Mt. Makiling [N14.129735, E121.199807] Many species of Metrodorinae also exhibit (type locality of R. antennata) and Mt. Isarog the posterior angles of the lateral lobes of [N13.658922, E123.372851 ] (locality of the the pronotum produced outwards (the main new record) – volcanic mountains. character used when the subfamily was esta- blished) often becoming acutely spinose. All 3.5. Species Rosacris antennata Bolívar, these characters together separate the sub- 1931 (Figs 1, 2) family from the other eight subfamilies of Tetrigidae, although
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