029 Library and Inf. Science

029 Library and Inf. Science

2003 MAIN ENTRIES 000 - 099 : Generalities Rs.175.00 (for RRRLF assisted libraries) 004 - 006: Computer science Rs.380.00 (for other institutions) Behera, Jagabandhu 8979 One hundred computer problems solved / Er. 030 - 039: Encyclopaedias, miscellaneous facts, curiosities Jagabandhu Behera.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Mahapatra, Mahasweta Manaswini 8985 Bidyulata Behera; distributed by Shree Ajaba gajaba= @Ra MRa / cjûùgßZû c^Êò^ú cjû_ûZâu Patitapaban Store, 2003.- 64p., pbk; 22cm.- \ßûeû iõMéjúZ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Dayal Publica- 1.Computer science-Miscellanea.- 004 tion, 2003.- 2v. (40p. each), pbk; 22cm.- Rs.25.00 1.Curiosities and wonders.- 039.91456 Behera, Jagabandhu 8980 Rs.16.00 (each) Two hundred computer tricks / Er. Jagabandhu Behera.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Bidyulata Behera; 070 -079: Journalism and newspapers distributed by Shree Patitapaban Store, 2003.- Behera, Maheswar 8986 64p., pbk; 22cm.- 1.Computer science-Miscel- Khabarakagaja= LaeKûMR / cùjgße ùaùjeû.- 1st lanea.- 004 Rs.25.00 ed.- Bhubaneswar: Dhauli Publication, 2003.- Rout, Nibedita 8981 312p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Journalism.- ISBN 81- KµýêUe gòlû / ^òùa\òZû eûCZ; iêgâú Computer siksha= 8245-001-2.- 070.4 Rs.185.00 Rs.160.00 cògâ (ùa÷hdòK C_ù\Áû) .- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Kunma (pbk.) Publication, 2003.- 6v. (32p. each), pbk; 28cm.- Behera, Maheswar 8987 1.Children’s literature: Computer science.- 004 Sampratika sambada o sambadikata= iûµâZòK Rs.25.00 (each) i´û\ I iû´û\òKZû / cùjgße ùaùjeû.- Bhubaneswar: Computer bigyana paribhasha: 8982 Dhauli Publication, 2003.- 338p., pbk; 22cm.- KµýêUe aòmû^ _eòbûhû: AõeûRú-IWÿò@û English-Odia= 1.Journalism 2.Newspapers-Odisha.- 070.4 / _âù`ie _âùcû\ Kêcûe ùcùje Gaõ @^ýcû^u \ßûeû Rs.175.00 iõKkòZ .- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: The Orissa State Sambada prasanga: 8988 Bureau of Textbook Preparation and Produc- Odia sambadikata parichaya o parikrama= i´û\ tion, 2003.- 181p., pbk; 24cm.- 1.Computer _âiw: IWÿò@û iû´û\òKZû _eòPd I _eòKâcû / _âù`ie CcûKû« science-Dictionaries.- ISBN 81-8005-053-X.- cògâu \ßûeû iõKkòZ I iµû\òZ.- 1st ed.- Dhenkanal: 004.03 Rs.40.00 Indian Institute of Mass Communication, 2003.- 190p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Journalism- 020 - 029 Library and Inf. Science Odisha.- 079.5413 Rs.120.00 Information technology and 8983 its wide prospectives / edited by Param Bhusan 080 - 089: General collections, quotations Dr. Bana Bihari Shukla.- Cuttack: Bharati Misra, Bibhuti (1960-) 8989 Publications, 2003.- 222p., bound; 28cm.- Ganatantra ra antarale= MYZªe @«eûùk / aòbìZò (Information technology; 2).- 1.Information cògâ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Cuttack Students Store, networks 2.Information systems and library 2003.- 148p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Historical es- 3.Library-Automation.- ISBN 81-86086-04-8.- says 2.Politics and government-Essays.- 025.30285 Rs.175.00 (for RRRLF assisted li- 089.91456 Rs.80.00 braries) Rs.380.00 (for other institutions) Information technology for 8984 100 -199: Philosophy and psychology excellence in communication and management Jena, Narayan 8990 / edited by Param Bhusan Dr. Bana Bihari Manushyara jibana-darshana mahasiksha= c^êhýe Rúa^-\gð^ cjûgòlû / ^ûeûdY ùR^û Shukla.- Cuttack: Bharati Publications, 2003.- .- 1st ed.- 314p., bound; 22cm.- (Information techno- Sarangapur (Jajpur): National Human Educa- logy; 1).- 1.Information networks 2.Informa- tion Society, 2003.- 88p., pbk; 22cm.- 1.Hu- tion systems and library 3.Library-Automa- man beings-Philosophy 2.Quality of life-Ethi- tion.- ISBN 81-86086-03-X.- 025.30285 cal aspects.- 128 Rs.25.00 1 2003 MAIN ENTRIES 130 -139: Paranormal phenomena, occult- Sarajushree Publications, 2003.- 104p., bound; ism, astrology, etc. 22cm.- 1.Numerology.- 133.335 Rs.50.00 Mahapatra, Rabinarayan 8991 Rahasyamayi mantra taranga= ejiýcdú cª Zew 133.5 : Astrology / Wÿû. eaò^ûeûdY cjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Friends Banerjee, Nimai 8998 \gû`k Publishers, 2003.- 196p., bound; 22cm.- Dasaphala bicharara gopana sutra= aòPûee ùMû_^ iìZâ / WKÖe ^òcûAñ aû^ûRðú 1.Mantras and successsful living 2.Occultism .- 1st ed.- 3.Tantrism and successful living.- ISBN 81- Cuttack: Maa Parameswari Publications, 7401-490-X.- 131 Rs.75.00 2003.- 144p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Astrology Mahapatra, Rabinarayan 8992 2.Horoscopes.- 133.5 Rs.60.00 Rs.50.00 (pbk) Bibhinna samasya pain ratna uparatna ra Choudhury, Pradip Kumar (1967-) 8999 aòbò^Ü iciýû _ûAñ e^ô C_e^ô e _âùdûM / WKÖe Jyotisha chandrika= ùRýûZòh P¦âòKû / ùRýûZòaòð\þ _â\ú_ prayoga= Kêcûe ùPø]êeú eaò^ûeûdY cjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Friends Pub- .- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Gyanajuga lishers, 2003.- 196p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Gems Publication, 2003.- 126p., pbk; 22cm.- 1.As- and successful living 2.Gems-Astrological as- trology.- ISBN 81-87781-60-2.- 133.5 pects.- ISBN 81-7401-481-0.- 133.25538 Rs.72.00 Choudhury, Pradip Kumar (1967-) 9000 Rs.75.00 ùRýûZòh Zew / ùRýûZòaòð\þ _â\ú_ Mahapatra, Rabinarayan 8993 Jyotisha taranga= Kêcûe ùPø]êeú.- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Gyanajuga Paramparika gyana o shakuna bigyana= _ûeµeòK Publication, 2003.- 149p., pbk; 22cm.- 1.As- mû^ I gKê^ aòmû^ / WKÖe eaò^ûeûdY cjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- trology 2.Horoscope.- ISBN 81-87781-52-1.- Cuttack: Friends Publishers, 2003.- 168p., 133.5 Rs.72.00 bound; 22cm.- 1.Fortune telling and animal Mahapatra, Daitari 9001 behaviour 2.Omen.- ISBN 81-7401-479-9.- Jyotirbigyanam= ùRýûZòaòðmû^c / _ŠòZ ù\÷Zýûeò 133.3 Rs.55.00 cjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Cuttack Trading Com- pany, 2003.- 5 parts in 2v. (41, 35, 89; 97, 51)p., 133.3337 : Feng shui bound; 22cm.- 1.Astrology.- 133.5 Rs.90.00 Mohanty, Baishnab Charan 8994 Mahapatra, Rabinarayan 9002 Ekasaha teishi Feng shui sutra= 123 ù`wþ gêA iìZâ / Aõ ùa÷¾a PeY cjû«ò Sankata samasya o samadhana ebam Lankapati .- 1st ed.- Bhubaneswar: Rabanakruta jyotishika swarna siddhanta= iuU Vastu & Gems House, 2003.- 100p., pbk: ill.; iciýû I icû]û^ Gaõ fuû_Zò eûaYKéZ ùRýûZòhòK ʉð iò¡û« 22cm.- 1.Feng shui.- 133.3337 Rs.55.00 / Wÿû. eaò^ûeûdY cjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Biswa Tarei, Ajay 8995 Books; distributed by Orissa Book Store, iêL icé¡ò Sukha samruddhi sandhani Feng shui= 2003.- 263p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Astrology iõ]û^ú ù`w gêA / Aõ @Rd ZùeA .- 1st ed.- Cuttack: 2.Gems-Astrological aspects 3.Mantras and Satyanarayan Book Store, 2003.- 108p., bound; successful living 4.Tantrism and successful liv- 22cm.- 1.Feng shui.- ISBN 81-8118-012-7.- ing.- ISBN 81-86091-32-7.- 133.5 Rs.80.00 133.3337 Rs.60.00 Misra, Priyanath 9003 Sarala jyotisha siksha= iek ùRýûZòh gòlû / _âòd^û[ 133.335 : Numerology cògâ.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Prachi Sahitya Pratisthan, Mahapatra, Rabinarayan 8996 2003.- 90p., bound; 22cm.- 1.Astrology.- 133.5 Jyotisha shastrare sankhya rahasya= ùRýûZòh Rs.40.00 gûÈùe iõLýû ejiý / Wü eaò^ûeûdY cjû_ûZâ.- 1st ed.- Panda, Dandapani 9004 Cuttack: Friends Publishers, 2003.- 192p., Hindu sanskruti sanskara o shubhabela= jò¦ê bound; 22cm.- 1.Numerology.- ISBN 81-7401- iõÄéZò iõÄûe I gêbùakû / \Š_ûYò _Šû.- 1st ed.- 440-3.- 133.335 Rs.75.00 Bhubaneswar: Dandapani Panda, 2003.- 108p., Rath, Bhikari 8997 bound; 22cm.- 1.Astrology 2.Hinduism-Cus- Eka ru naa sankhya o apananka bhabishyata= toms and practices 3.Time-Astrological as- GK eê ^@ iõLýû I @û_Yu baòhýZ / bòKûeú e[.- Cuttack: pects.- 133.5 Rs.60.00 2 2003 MAIN ENTRIES Behera, Jagabandhu 9005 2003.- 74p.+[15p.], pbk; 22cm.- 1.Spiritual- Astrological solutions / Er. Jagabandhu ism.- 133.9 Rs.50.00 Behera.- 1st ed.- Cuttack: Bidyulata Behera; Misra, Prasanna Kumar 9013 distributed by Shree Patitapaban Store, 2003.- Lokasanskrutire swapnara phalaphala= 92p., pbk; 22cm.- 1.Horoscopes 2.Zodiac.- ùfûKiõÄéZòùe Ê_Üe `kû`k / WÿKÖe _âi^Ü Kêcûe cògâ.- 1st 133.52 Rs.40.00 ed.- Cuttack: Naba Diganta, 2003.- 42p., pbk; Patnaik, Trinath 9006 22cm.- 1.Dreams.- 135.3 Rs.16.00 Rs.30.00 Nabagrahara ku-prabhaba o pratikara= ^aMâje (bound) Kê_âbûa I _âZòKûe / Wÿü Zâò^û[ _…^ûdK.- Cuttack: Sarajushree Publications, 2003.- 176p., bound; 150 - 159 : Psychology 22cm.- 1.Planets in astrology.- 133.53 Sharma, Sriram 9014 Rs.70.00 Chintaru mukti paibara upaya= Pò«ûeê cêqò _ûAaûe Jaimini Maharshi 9007 C_ûd / _ŠòZ gâúeûc gcðû @ûPû~ðý; c]êiì\^ _Šûu \ßûeû Jaiminiya paddhati= ùR÷cò^úd _¡Zò / _ŠòZ gâú @^ì\òZ.- New ed.- Bhubaneswar: Yugashakti _\àPeY Zâò_ûVú I iZý^ûeûdY cògâu \ßûeû @^êaû\òZ I Gayatri, 2003.- 56p., pbk; 18cm.- 1.Anxiety iõKkòZ.- 2nd ed.- Cuttack: The Orissa Publish- 2.Religious life 3.Self-improvement.- 152.46 ing House, 2003.- 128p., pbk; 20cm.- 1.Astrol- Rs.5.50 ogy 2.Horoscope.- 133.54 Rs.60 Marden, Swett 9015 Sarap, Mahendra (1942-) 9008 Atma-biswasa badhaibe kipari= @ûcôaògßûi aXûAùa Bibaha sara sangraha= aòaûj iûe iõMâj / cùj¦â Kò_eò / e¬^ Kêcûe iûjêu \ßûeû @^ì\òZ.- 1st ed.- ieû_.- 1st ed.- Budharaja (Sambalpur): Cuttack: Ma Sarada Publications, 2003.- 128p., Empizas Publication, 2003.- 138p., pbk; bound; 22cm.- 1.Self-confidence.- 155.2 22cm.- 1.Marriage-Astrological aspects.- Rs.75.00 133.5830681 Rs.100.00 Parkinson, C. Northcote 9016 Lal kitab: 9009 Ama pilamane= @ûc _òfûcûù^ / iò. ^[ðùKûU _ûKòð^i^, asubha grahara alaukika pratikara= fûfþ KòZûa: Gc.ùK. eêÉcRú I Gi. _ûbâúu \ßûeû fòLôZ; Pò«ûcYò Keu @gêb Mâje @ùføKòK _âZòKûe / ùiÜjfZû cjû_ûZâu \ßûeû \ßûeû @^ì\òZ; cûeòI còeûŠûu \ßûeû @kõKéZ.- 1st ed.- @^ì\òZ.- 2nd ed.- Cuttack: Sudha Prakashan, Cuttack: Vidyapuri, 2003.- vii, 184p., pbk; 2003.- 227p., bound; 22cm.- 1st ed. in 2002.- 22cm.- 1.Child psychology 2.Child rearing.- 1.Islamic astrology.- ISBN 81-7704-044-8.- ISBN 81-7411-412-2.- 155.4 Rs.80.00 133.59471 Rs.75.00 Kar, Chintamani 9017 Nari samasya o samadhana pain 9010 Pilanka byaktitwa kipari gadhiba= _òfûu aýqòZß Lal kitab: mantra jantra o bhagya darpana Kò_eò MXÿòaû / Pò«ûcYò Ke.-

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