IINNTTEEGGRRAATTEEDD DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT PPLLAANN 2012/13 -2016/17 LIST OF ACRONYMS ABET Adult Basic Education CBD Central Business District CDWs Community Development Workers CFO Chief Financial Officer COGHSTA Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs CTA Community Tourism Association DBSA Development Bank of South Africa DCOMS Department/Director Community Services DCSSS Department/Director Corporate Support and Shared Services DDP Department/Director Development Planning DEAT Department of Economic Development and Tourism DLGH Department of Local Government and Housing DMR Department of Mineral Resources DOE Department of Education DPW Department of Public Works DRP Disaster Recovery Plan DTS Department/Director Technical Services EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme ESKOM Electricity Supply Commission FBE Free Basic Energy FBW Free Basic Water GDP Gross Domestic Product GIS Geographic Information Systems HIV Human Immuno Deficieny Virus HRM Human Resource Management IDP Integrated Development Planning INEP Integrated National Electricity Plan IT Information Technology KPA Key Performance Area KPI Key Performance Indicator LED Local Economic Development LEDET Limpopo Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism LM Local Municipality LTT Louis Trichardt LUMS Land Use Management System MFMA Municipal Financial Management Act 56 of 2003 MIG Municipal Infrastructure Grant MLM Makhado Local Municipality MM Municipal Manager MSA Municipal System Act 32 of 2000 i MSIG Municipal System Infrastructure Grant MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework NGOs Non Governmental Organisations P.T.O Permission to Occupy PHP Peoples Housing Process PL Post Level PMS Performance Management System RAL Road Agency Limpopo RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme RWS Regional Water Scheme SAPS South African Police Service SDBIP Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan SDF Spatial Development Framework SMMEs Small Medium and Micro Enterprises SPLUMB Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bill (2011) TB Tuberculosis TLSPDI Trans Limpopo Spatial Development Initiative VAT Value Added Tax VDM Vhembe District Municipality VIP Ventilated Pit Latrine ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Item No. Description Page No. 1. SECTION A: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1.1. Introduction 1 1.2. Powers and Functions 2 1.3. Organisational A rrangements 2 2. SECTION B: SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 4 2.1. Introduction 4 2.2. Demographic Information 4 2.2.1 Current reality, Basic Facts & F igures 5 2.3. Spatial Rationale 7 2.3.1. Spatial Location and D escription 7 2.3.2. Activity C entres 8 2.3.3. Hierarchy of S ettlements 9 2.3.4. Growth Points 11 2.4. Infrastructure and Social Cluster Analysis 21 2.4.1. Water and S anitation 21 2.4.2. Electricity Provision 22 2.4.3. Roads and Storm water I nfrastructure 24 2.4. 4. Housing Provision 24 2.4.5. Waste Management 25 2.4.6. Safety and Security 25 2.4.7. Telecommunication and postal services 26 2.4.8. Culture, Sports and R ecreation 27 2.4.9. Health and Social Welfare 28 2.4.10. Education and T raining 31 2.4.11. Libra ry S ervices 35 2.5. Environmental Analysis 37 2.5.1. Floods 37 2.5.2. Pollution 37 2.5.3. Soil and Vegetation Resources 38 2.6. Disaster Management Plan 40 2.7. Economic Cluster Analysis 42 2.7.1. Employment Status 42 2.7.2. Labour and Employment 43 2.7.3. Poverty Indicators 44 2.7.4. Economic Structure and Performance 45 2.7.5. Economic Growth 46 2.7.6. Sectoral Focus 47 2.7.7. Mineral Potential 48 2.7.8. Tourism 49 2.7.9. Key Issues and Challenges 49 2.7.10. Conclusion 50 2.8. Good Governance and Administration 52 2.8.1. Municipal T ransformation and Organization D evelopment 52 2.8.2. Occupational Levels within the Municipality 53 2.8.3 Organisational Structure 55 2.8 .4 . Organisational Development 56 2.9. Intergovernmental Relations, Communication and Governance 61 2.9.1. IDP Process Flow 61 2.9.2. Mu nicipal Threats and C hallenges 62 2.10. Consolidated Priority Issues 64 3. SECTION C :VISION 69 4. SECTION D :MISSION 70 5. SECTION E : OBJECTIVES AND DEVELOPMENTAL STRATEGIES 71 iii 5.1. Objectives, Development Strategies, Key Performance Indicators and Targets 71 6. SECTION F: MAKHADO PROJECTS 112 6.1. Implementation Plan 112 6.2. Infrastructure Cluster Projects (Civil) 113 6.3. Infrastructure Cluster Projects (Electrification) 118 6.4. Infrastructure Cluster projects (Waste Management) 121 6.5. Infrastructure Cluster projects (Parks and Recreation) 122 6.6. Infrastructure Cluster projects (Housing) 123 6.7. Social Cluster Projects 125 6.8. Economic Cluster Projects 127 6.9. Governance and Administration Cluster Projects 129 7. SECTION G: DISTRICT AND SECTOR DEPARTMENT PROJECTS 132 8. PRIORITY LISTS 150 iv LIST OF TABLES Item No. Description Page No. Table 1 Political Office Beares and Municipal Manager 5 Table 2 Service delivery Backlogs 5 Table 3 Existing level of service delivery 5 Table 4 Population Estimates 5 Table 5 Claims settled in Makhado 16 Table 6 Claims settled in part in Makhado 18 Table 7 List of Land claims statistics settled in Makhado Municipality 18 Table 8 Access to Basic Services 21 Table 9 Number of Sports Facilities 27 Table 10 Education levels in Makhado 33 Table 11 Education levels of the population over 20 per Municipality 34 Table 12 Unemployment Rate 42 Table 13 Distribution of the municipality’s employment Sector 43 Table 14 Levels of Employment 43 Table 15 Number of people in poverty 44 Table 16 Percenage of people in poverty 45 Table 17 Makhado Municipality’s share of the National total 45 Table 18 A summary of the National findings commissioned in 2006 46 Table 19 Average annual growth rate 47 Table 20 Opportuities of agriculture 48 Table 21 Occupation levels 54 Table 22 Management capacities 54 Table 23 Audit reports 57 Table 24 Budget Summary 58 Table 25 Summary of income and expenditure for 2012/2013 to 2014/2015 59 Table 26 IDP Process Flow 61 Table 27 IDP Steering Committee Meetings 62 Table 28 Consolidated Municipal Priority issues 64 Table 29 Swot Analysis 67 Table 30 Infrastructure Cluter Indicator Table 72 Table 31 Social\Justice Cluster Indicator Table 82 Table 32 Governance & Administration Cluster Indicator Table 90 Table 33 Economic Cluster Indicator Table 97 Table 34 Financial Cluster Indicator Table 105 Table 35 Sector Plans 112 Table 36 Infrastructure Cluster Projects (Civil) 113 Table 37 Infrastructure Cluster Projects (Electrification) 118 Table 38 Infrastructure Cluster projects (Waste Management) 121 Table 39 Infrastructure Cluster projects (Parks and Recreation) 122 Table 40 Infrastructure Cluster projects (Housing) 123 Table 41 Social Cluster Projects 125 Table 42 Economic Cluster Projects 127 Table 43 Governance and Administration Cluster Projects 129 Table 44 Infrastructure Cluster Projects (VDM) 132 Table 45 Roads Projects (RAL) 140 Table 46 Sanitation Projects (VDM) 140 Table 47 Economic Cluster Projects (Sector Department) 144 Table 48 Social Cluster Projects (Education) 146 Table 49 Social Cluster Projects (Art and Culture) 147 Table 50 Electrification Priority list 149 Table 51 Fencing of Graveyard Priority list 153 Table 52 Access street and roads priority list 154 Table 53 Infrastructure Priority list 156 v Table 54 Economic Development Priority list 163 Table 55 Social Services Priority list 164 Table 56 Site Demarcation priority list 167 vi LIST OF FIGURES AND MAPS Item No. Description Page No. Figure 1 IDP Organisational Arrangement 3 Figure 2 Organisational Structure 55 Map 1 Location of Makhado from a Provincial Perspective 19 Map 2 Makahado Municipal Boundries 20 Map 3 Makhado Mineral Deposits 49 vii SECTION A: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 INTRODUCTION In terms of section 25 (1) a of the Municipal System Act (Act 32 of 2000) a Municipal Council must within a prescribed period after the start of its elected term adopt a single, inclusive and strategic plan for the development of the municipality. The strategic plan must: a) Link integrate and coordinate plans and takes into account proposals for the development of the municipality b) Align the resources and capacity of the municipality with the implementation of the plan c) Form the policy framework and general basis on which the annual budget must be based d) Comply with the provision of this chapter and is compatible with National and Provincial developmental plans and planning requirements binding on the municipality in terms of legislation. Integrated development planning is a process through which a municipality prepares a strategic development plan which extends over a five-year period. This Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is a product of the IDP process and represents the 2012/13 - 2016/2017 IDP for the Makhado Municipality. It is furthermore the principal strategic planning instrument which guides and informs all planning, budgeting, management and decision-making processes in the municipality . Through Integrated development planning, which necessitates the involvement of all relevant stakeholders, a municipality can: v Identify its key development priorities v Formulate a clear vision, mission and values v Formulate appropriate strategies v Develop the appropriate organisational structure and systems to realise the vision and mission; and align resources with the development priorities. 1 1.2 POWERS AND FUNCTIONS The Makhado local Municipality has powers and functions assigned to it in terms of the provisions of Section 84 (1) of the Municipal Structures Act (Act 17 of 1998). The powers and functions of the Municipality are listed below as follows: a) Integrated development planning for the whole municipal area b) Bulk electricity supply c) Waste Management d) Municipal roads and storm water e) Parks and recreation f) Establishment, conduct and control of cemeteries g) The receipt, allocation and distribution of grants provided to the municipality h) The imposition and collection of taxes, levies and duties as relating to the aforementioned functions i) Water services provider as per the Service Level Agreement signed between the Municipality and the Vhembe District Municipality.
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