Index A “Anglobalization”, 14, 18 Adas, Michael, 23–25 Anglo-Chinese War, 38 Aeria, D.A., 201 Anglo-Dutch Treaty, 145 Africa, partition of, 14 Angus, C.S., 201 “Age of Empire”, 14 Annual Report of the Straits agency houses, 152, 231, 236 Settlements, 111, 211 role of, 35–42 Annual Report on Education, 203 agents of change, 21 Archdeacon, S.B., 223 Agri-Horticultural Society, 146, 148 Architectural Association, 48 Agricultural Bulletin of the Malay Arkwright, Richard, 13 Peninsula, The, 150 “articulate classes”, 26, 212 Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and Aspdin, Joseph, 118 Federated Malay States, The, 150 Association of Engineers, 50 agricultural commodities, 143 Association of Teachers in Technical agricultural science, 159–60 Institutes, 216 “agricultural revolution”, 159 Atlantic cable, 95 agriculturalists, ventures of, 152–59 Australian cattle meat, 171, 190 Aitken, J., 201 Austrian Lloyd’s, 74 air-conditioning, 109, 112 Aird, John, 76 B Albert Dock, 70–71 Baber, Zaheer, 27, 161 Albert Dock Hospital, 129 bacteriology revolution, 122 Amery, Leopold, 161 Balestier, James, 153 Anderson Bridge, 113 Balestier Plantation, 153–54 Anderson, John, 75–76 banking businesses, in Singapore, 80 Anglo-American Telegraph Company, Banks, Joseph, 64 95 Banque de Indo-Chine, 80 12 Tech&Entrepot.indd 265 5/6/13 9:14:52 AM 266 Index barbarism, 14 Boustead, Edward, 36, 38, 57 Basalla, George, 162, 164 “boy”, head servant, 174, 182 battery system, 101 Braddell, Roland, 183 Battle of Shangani River, 16 Braddell, Thomas, 39 Baxter, James, 49 Braganza, ship, 78 Bazalgette, Joseph, 136 bread, quality of, 176 Behn Meyer, 39 Britain Bell, Alexander Graham, 100 bankrupt nation, 244 Bell Brothers Limited, 56 economic interest in Singapore, 3 Bell & Edison, 101 education in, 219 Bell Rock, 46 engineers in, 43 Ben Line, 79 former colonies, 28 Bengal Medical Board, 147 government telegraph operations, Bengal Medical Corp, 145 98 Bentong, vessel, 50 leading colonialist, as, 18–23 Berkshire boars, 180 naval supremacy, 65 Bibbly Line, passenger ship, 36 raw materials, and, 21 bicycle, invention of, 103, 116 shipbuilding industry, 66, 215– Bidwell, R.A. John, 48 16 Billiton, ship, 79 shipping companies, 77–78 Bintang, steamer, 49 world trade, and, 81 Bird, Isabella, 106 British Army, 56 Birkenhead Docks, 70 British Australian Telegraph Black, Kenneth, 137 Company Limited, 97 “Black Ships”, 72 British banks, 232–33 Blue Funnel, passenger ship, 36, 79 British Empire, 3, 5–7, 14–15, 17, “blue-water school”, 82 19, 22, 25–26, 28–29, 32, 35, boat-dwellers, 3 52–54, 64–66, 71, 73, 80, 82, Boat Quay, 68 85, 94, 95, 101, 107, 129, 137, Bogaardt, Theodore Cornelius, 79 143, 153, 200, 211, 215, 221, Boilat, Abbe, 25 226, 241 Borneo Company Limited, 37, 80 cable network in, 99 Borneo Wharf, 172, 174, 181–82, 188 leper colonies in, 135 Botanical and Experimental Garden, role of the port in, 81–83 145 territorial extent, 18 Botanic Gardens, Calcutta, 144–45 British engineers, 65 Botanic Gardens, Ceylon, 151 arrival of, 42–48 Botanic Gardens, Mauritius, 149 contributions of, 49–53 Botanic Gardens of Singapore, 8, Singapore, in, 44, 46 148–50, 152 British India, 44, 52, 95, 136, 196, establishing the, 145–47 201, 212 12 Tech&Entrepot.indd 266 5/6/13 9:14:52 AM Index 267 British India Steam Navigation Carey, William, 25 Company, 78 Cargill, T.C., 123 British law, 20 Carlyle, Thomas, 20 British-made goods, 21 Carnation, 169 British Malaya, 134, 211, 215 “Carrier” air-conditioner, 109 British officials, and contact with Carrington, W.T., 123 locals, 55 Carroll, John, 223 British Queen, vessel, 87 Carruthers, J.B., 151 British Royal Navy, 43, 59, 66, 71 Catholic Order, 197 British superiority, 25–26, 53–57 cattle meat, Australian, 171, 190 see also Western superiority Cavenagh Bridge, 113 Brown, Edwin, 104 Cavenagh, William Orfeur, 113 Buchanan, R.A., 43, 56 Celtic, vessel, 87 Bun Hin, 230 cement Burkill, H.M., 152 “Condor”, 111 Burstall, H., 108 “Portland”, 45, 111, 118 Burton, Richard Henry, 60 Central Engine Works, 50 Bushell, George, 146 Central Pacific Corporation, 89 business associates (guanxi), 228 Ceylon, Botanic Gardens, 151 Chadwick, Edwin, 136 C Chamberlain, Joseph, 22–23, 26, C. Dupire & Co., 111 129, 139, 221 Cable & Wireless, 115 Chandler, Alfred, 227 Cadogan, Alexander, 86 Chang, Iris, 58 Cain, Peter, 15 Charles II, King, 156 Calcutta Agricultural Society, 153 Chartered Bank, 232 Calcutta Botanic Gardens, 144–45 Chartered Bank of India, Australia Cambridge School of Agriculture, 161 and China, 80 Cameron, John, 36, 57, 130, 154, “Chartism”, 20 169 chauvinism, 5, 244 Campbell, company, 169 Cheang Hong Lim, 229 Campbell, J. Argyle, 210 chettiars (moneylenders), 232 Cannadine, David, 53, 240 Chew Nam Seng, 189 canned fish, 158 Chicago meat-packing district, 181 Canning, Lord, 97 chilled meat, 171, 190 canons, invention of, 30 China Company of Liverpool, 74 Cantley, Nathaniel, 149–50 Chin Bee, 189 Cape L’Aghulas, lighthouse at, 45 Chinese agriculturalists, ventures of, capitalism, 20, 228 152–59 Cardwell, Daniel, 116 Chinese banking, 10 Cardwell, Donald, 94 growth of, 231–34 12 Tech&Entrepot.indd 267 5/6/13 9:14:53 AM 268 Index Chinese businesses, 222–24, 227–31 Collyer, Captain, 42 Chinese comprador, 7, 91, 192, 231, Colomb, J.C.R., 82–83 232–33 colonial architecture, 112 role of, 35–42 colonial gardens, 144 Chinese coolies, 39, 41, 73–74, “colonial modernity”, 24 89–90 Colonial Office, 23, 99, 100 see also Indian coolies colonial politics, 3 Chinese diaspora, 38, 58 colonial ports, 7 Chinese education, 200, 210, 212 colonial revenues, 23, 32 Chinese elites, 242 “colonial style”, 245 Chinese immigrants Colonial Stocks Act, 23 Singapore, in, 38–39 colonialism, 5–6, 10, 18, 24, 121, United States, in the, 62, 235 161, 227, 230, 241–44 Chinese middlemen, 7, 39, 230 “colour bar”, issue of, 53–54 Chinese miners, 224 communicable diseases, 120, 132 Chinese nationalism, 210 comparative advantage, law of, 21 Chinese shipbuilding, 86 comprador, Chinese, 7, 91, 192, 231, cholera, 132–33, 137, 140–41, 178 232–33 Christianity, 24–25, 28, 33 role of, 35–42 Chulalongkorn University, 218 condensed milk, 178–79 Church of England, 134 “Condor” cement, 111 Churchill, Winston, 86 see also “Portland cement”, 45, 111, Chusan, ship, 78 118 City Hall, 113 Confucian order, 231 civil engineering, 42, 110–14, 120 Conrad, Joseph, 64 Civil War, 168 “constructive imperialism”, 22 “civilization”, definition, 19 convict labour, 41–42, 69, 113, 136 “civilizing mission”, ideology, 1, 3, 7, Coode, J., 110 18, 23–26, 57, 240 Cook, Benjamin, 46 Clark, Andrew, 22, 99, 100 Cook, James, 15, 64–65 Clark, Gregory, 28, 30, 34 “Coolie Trade”, 39, 58 Cleaveland, Norman, 112, 183 Cooperative Milk Condensery coal, loading of, 72–73, 89 Friesland, 178 coaling station, 71–72, 81 corporate culture, 233 coffee industry, 151 Corporation of the Seamen’s Hospital Cold Storage Society, 129 see Singapore Cold Storage corruption, 241 Cold Storage Creameries Ltd, 182 Crawfurd, John, 36, 65, 157, 160 “Cold Storage Danger”, 173 “cream cracker”, 169 Coleman, George Drumgoole, 44, 48 Crimean War, 94, 114 “collaborators of colonialism”, 16 Crompton, Samuel, 13 12 Tech&Entrepot.indd 268 5/6/13 9:14:53 AM Index 269 Crosby, Alfred, 131, 140, 159 E Crown Colony, 19, 21, 23 Earle, T.E., 223 Crystal Palace, 13, 29 East India Company, 2, 11, 44, 64, cultural contacts, 17 94, 96, 136, 145, 201 “cultural diffusion”, 17 Eastern Extension Australasia and cultural legacy, 233 China Telegraph Company cultural perceptions, 212 (E.E.A. & C.), 97, 100, 115 Culture System, 37, 144 Eastern Telecommunications Cumberbatch and Company, 192 Philippine Inc., 115 Cumming, John, 25 Eastern Telegraph Company, 97, 99 Cummings, Constance Gordon, 73 Ecole Centrale des Arts, 215 Cuynyngham-Brown, Sjovald, 52 Ecole des Mines, 215 Cycle & Carriage, 105 Ecole Polytechnique, 215 “economic botany”, 143 D Economic Gardens, 149 Daily Press, 101 Edinburgh Bridge, 113 Daily Times, 126 Edison, Thomas Alva, 35, 107 Dalhousie, Lord, 94 Education Act, 215 d’Almeida, Jose, 153, 160 education change, 197–98 Dampier, William, 65 obstacles to, 210–17 “Dark Continent”, 33 Education Code, 202 Davis, John, 241 education expenditure, 200 decolonization, 23 educational reforms, 198–203 “Deep Sea Cables, The”, 95 Edward Boustead & Company, 37, 80 Denny, N.B., 227 Egypt Diamond, warship, 85 irrigation system, 76 Dijkman, Johaness, 160 railways, 87 Dixon, Alec, 178–79 electric system, 107–109, 169 Douglas, John, 47 Elgin iron bridge, 47, 113 “Downward Filtration” theory, 201 Elizabeth, vessel, 49 “Dragon’s Teeth, The”, 38 Elliot, Charles, 160 Drake, Francis, 65 Emden, ship, 98 dredging machinery, 69 Emerson, Rupert, 54 “drug foods”, 153, 165 Empire Dock, 77, 188 Drysdale, J.H., 51 Empire Hotel, 192 Du Port, William J., 70 Endeavour, ship, 15 Duke of Wellington, 31 “engineering imperialism”, 43 Duncan, warship, 85 engineering schools, 215 Dutch East Indies, 37, 144, 162 Engledow, Frank Leonard, 161 duty-free ports, 21 English education, 196, 199–203, Dyer, Thiselton, 149 208, 212–16 12 Tech&Entrepot.indd 269 5/6/13 9:14:53 AM 270 Index English-medium school, 196, 199 Franklin, Captain, 65, 160 English Printing Office, 203–204 Fraser & Chalmers Engineering Esplanade, 110 Works, 77 “estate hospitals”, 133–34 Fraser and Neave, 51, 57, 192 ethnic groups, in Singapore, 122 Fraser, John, 51 Eureka Motor, 56 Freese Barbara, 71 European agency house, 231, 236 free trade, 21, 59, 243 role of, 35–42 abolition of, 225 European agriculturalists, ventures of, French Messageries
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