T1le.da" December, 10, 1985 Eighth Serie_, Vol. XI No. 16 Agraha,aDa 19, 1907 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fourth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha >" ( Vol. Xl contains Nos. 11 to 20) LOB: SABRA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI" Price ; Rs. 4.00 [Original English proceed\n.~% in.c\uded in 'Eng\ish Version and Ot\g\na\ Hindi proceedings included in Hindi Version will be treated as authoritative and not the translation thereof.] CONTENTS Eighth aeries, Volume XI, Four,th Session 198'/1907 (SAKA) No. 16. TuesdaY. Dec""b,r 10, 19851 Atrahayan~ 19, 1907 (SakG) Oral Answers to questions : 1-39 ·Starred Questions Nos. 304, 306 to 308, 311, 314 316 to 318, 323 and 324 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 305, 309, 310, 312, 313, 315 and 319 to 322 Unstarred Questions Nos. 3204 to 3228, 3230 to 3237, 3239 to 3246, 3248 to 3311. 3313 to 3376 and 3378 to 3437 Suspension of Member ·278 (Shri IC. P. U ,rdkrishnan) Papers Laid on the Tal' J 279 -282 Message from Rajya Sabha University Grants Commission (Amendment) Bill, 282 As passed by Rajya Sabba Laid. on the Table *The Sian + marked above the name of a Member indicate, tbat, the quettiOD was .etuaU)' alked OD the floor of tbe House by tllat Member. (il) COLUMNS Caning Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance 283-300 Delay in rehab-i) itating and provining adequate compensation to the victims of gas tragedy in Bhopal. Shri K. N. Pradhan 283 Shri R. K. Jaichandra Singh 283 Shri Jai Prakash Agrawal 290 Shri Pratap Bhanu Sharma 291 Public Accounts Committee 300 Seventeenth Report Business Advisory Committee 300-·301 Sixteenth Report Re ': Suspension of Member 301-312 Bills-Introduced (1) Spices Board Bill 313 (2) Spices Cess Bill 313 Matters Under Rule 377 314-319 (i) Remedial measures needed to improve environmental conditions of Firozabad town in Uttar Pradesh. 314 Shri Ganga Ram 314 (ii) Demand for a Government training Centre for competitive examinations at Dhule district of Maha- rashtra, for the benefit of tribal and backward class candidates- 314-':315 Shri Vijay N. PatiJ 314-315 (iii) COLUMNS (iii) Need to declare the Union Terrftory of Goa, Daman and Diu, as a full-ftedged State. 31S Shri Shanta Ram Naik 31S (iv) Need to increase the capacity of telephone e~han8es at JU\andara and Tumsar in Mabarashtra. ·31S-316 Shri lCeshao Rao Pardh i (;y) Nec4 to set up a committee to consider ptgvidipi proper educational facilities to the childern of' Govern- ment ctmployees posted in desert areas, snow clad relions and other difficult areas. 316-311 Shrimati Usha Thakkar 316-317 (vi) Need to set up a thermal power plant in Kerala to meet its srowina demand for power. 317 Sbri K. Mohanda. 317 (vii) Need to ensure regular supply of Cement from factories for completion of various projects under way in Bihar. 318 Shri D. P. Yadava 318 (viii) Need to preserve the Ghana Bird Sanctua ry near Bharatpur in Rajasthan. 318-319. Shri Mool Chand Daga 318-319 Motion Re: Challenge of Education-A Policy Perspective 319-386 Shri P. V. Narasimha Rao 319-324 Shri P. Kolandaivelu 324-328 Shrima ti Krisbna Sahi 328-334 Shri D. P. Yadava 334-340 Sbri Jaaannath Rao Sbri A. E. T. Barrow 345-351 . COLIJIIN.· Sbri Dhar-am Pal Siap Malik '51-355 Shri Mahendra SiDlh 355-360 8hri BaJasabeb Vitbe Patil 360-363 Shrl Oirdhari tal Vyu .56'_374 Shrimatl SushDa Robatsl 975-380 Shri Madhusudan Vairale 310-316 LOK SABHA DEBA .. ~. LOK SABHA help the entrepreneurs to set up industries in backward areas. Details of which are given in the Booklet "Incentives for Industries in Backward Areas" read with Tuesday, December 10, 198.5/Agrahayana 19, 190'7 (Saka) Press Note No. 14/2/83-DBA. I dated 9.4.1985, copies of which are available in the Parliament Library. The State The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock. Government are also "assisted to t~ke 'up infrastructural development in one or two identified growth centres in each [MR. S~EAKER in the Chair] 'No Industry District' and the Centre's share i~ limited to l/3rd of the total cost ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS of infrastructural development subject 10 a maximum of Rs. 2 crOfes per 'No IndustrY [Tranalation] District' " Concessions for Industries in Industrially backward Districts (b) The Backward Areas Ineentive Schemes are being implemented satisfac- -304. SHRI SHANTI DH.ARIWAL: torily by the State Governments as would Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased be evident from the folIo wing increasing to state: amounts of subsidy reimbursed under (a) whether it is a fact that Union Central Inve3.ment Subsidy Scheme and Government grant certain concessions to Transport Subsidy Scheme. States for thos'! industries which a1 e sct -------------- Ytar Amount (Rs. in up in the industrially backward districts; crores) if so, the details thereof; 40.00 (b) whether it is also a fac t that the 1982:83 State Governments are not following the 1983-84 53.20 instructions of the Union Government 1984-85 85.00 regarding the facilities to be provided to these industries; 1985-86 65.10 (Upto 30.11.85) (c) if so, whether due to this , the entrepreneurs are facing acute financial (c) No, Sir. crisis; and (d) Does not arise. (d) if so, the action taken by Govern- [TranJ'iat ion] ment in this ~egard 7 SHRI· SHANTI DJ-lARIWAL : Mr. Speaker. Sir, my question is whether the [EI'glish] State Governments are not foUo\\ing the instructions of the Union Government THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Tt:garding the facilities and subsidies to be DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICALS AND provided to the industries to be set up in PETRO.CHEMICALS (SHRf R: K. the backward districts and whether JAICHANDRA SINGH): (8) to (d) A instructions of the Central Government statement is given below. are not being followed in the matter of set utiny and sanction of subsidy at State Statement level as r.l;o disbursement of funds in (a) The Government of India ofr~rs instn lmen ts ? I have not Te~ejved any a D\lQlber of incentives and concessions to reply to jt! 3 Oral A,tswers DECEMBER 10, 1985 Oral Answers at. Incentive schemes in the backward SHRI VASANT SATHE: That is wby areas are implemented through the State we propose to examine it afresh. Governments. J want to know from the bon. Minister the amount of subsidy SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL: liven to the States by the Central Govern- Examined only ? ment under the Central Investment Subsidy MR. SPEAKER : It takes a long time Scheme, the names of the industries to to examine. which it was proposed to be given by the States. the amount of subsidy actually SHRI VASANT SATHE: Mr. Speakee, · given out of it to the industries and the Sir, the question of te-examina tion co mrs balance lying with them till November? up only after some experience. THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (SHRI MR. SPEAKER : Thinking grows with VASANT SATHE) : An amount of Rs. 85 evolution. crorcs in 1984-85 and Rs. 65 crores during 1985-86 upto November was given under SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL: Sir, his scheme. We have not received details Rajasthan is being discriminated against. regarding the names of the industries to A number of industries in Haryana have which this amount was given and the been given benefit by declari'~ them balance amount lying with them. 1 shall backward areas. send this information to you as soon as I SHRI VASANT SATHE: Sir, we arc act it. not indulging in any discrimination. SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL : My second supplementary is tha t besides [English] Rajasthan, the Central Government have SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA ; Sir, the liven the benefit of subsidy to the election pledge of our Prime Minister is industries by declaring blocks also as that one large or one medium-size backward area apart from districts in other industrial unit will be set up in each of States. I want to know as to what are the 'no-industry district' of our conutry, the norms for the ideptification, of back.. May I know from the hon. Minister how ward areas and in whIch year these were many industrial units have been so far set fixed. In which year the Nationa1 up in cno-industry districts' and which are Committee on Development of Backward these districts? Areas, constituted under the Chairmanship of Shri V. Sivaraman gave the recommenda.. SHRI VASANT SATHE: There are tion that 'block' should be taken as a base 105 'no-industry districts' throughout the for the purpose of identification of country spread out in different States. If backward area and it should be recognised the hone Member wants to know about as backward area? What action is Govern- the 'no-industry districts' in each State, ment taking in this regard ? then he may please give me a notice and I will convey the information. SHRI VASANT SATHE: The entire SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA : I want criteria of backward areas and that of 'no the information particularly in respect of' industry district' is being examined afresh. West Bengal. Information to this effect will be given as soon as a decision in 'this regard is taken [Trans lotion] by Government. MR. SPEAKER: That is the crux of SHRI' SHANTI DHARIWAL : Hon. the question. Minister, Sir, what I wanted to know from you was the year in which these norms SHRI RANA VIR SINGH Mr. were fixed and the year Sivaraman. Speaker, Sir, our resolve to eliminate Committee submitted its recommenda- regional imbalances in industrialisation is tions? quite old.
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