besplatnibesplatni primerakprimerak / complimentarycomplimentary copycopy Broj / No. 6, 2015.2015. Gastro scena Beograda EVENTS MAPS SIGHTSEEING RESTAURANTS We proudly present Lazar Lux Apartments - 25 new, luxury apartments that captivate by its exterior and unique interior. The modernly equipped apartments represent a true oasis of comfort, a connection between contemporary and traditional, that meets the needs of both business people and tourists who want to enrich their Belgrade experience, whether traveling with children or with a desire to explore nightlife of the capital. All rooms are equipped with a mini-bar, air conditioning, cable TV, safe and a fully equipped kitchen. High quality WI-FI connection enables you to browse your favorite websites and social networks throughout the hotel. Convenient location provides easy access to cultural and business center of the city, as well as a direct connection to the international highway E-75. The security of guests is guaranteed due to 24/7 private security. Excellent service, friendly staff and comfortable rooms will make your stay in Lazar Lux an unforgettable experience. Welcome to Lazar Lux! www.lazarlux.com offi[email protected] +381 11 406 57 09/ gsm +381 60 49 77 101 uvodna reč / introductory word Sadržaj / Content Editorial Urednik / Editor Uvodna reč: Jesen u Beogradu Snežana Tomić Introductory word: Autumn in Belgrade 2 Saradnici / Editorial Contributors Turistička organizacija Beograda / Tema broja: Gastro scena Beograda Tourist organisation of Belgrade Main topic: Belgrade’s Gastro scene 4 DTP / Layout Grid design d.o.o. Fotografi je / Photos Intervju - Stanislav Velengura Infobox, Arhiva TOB-a, JKP Pijace Interview - Stanislav Velengura 16 Autorska prava / Copyright notice Tekst i fotografi je su vlasništvo Top 10 atrakcija Belgrade Info Guide-a. Sva prava Top 10 attractions 18 zadžana. Ni jedan deo ove publikacije se ne može reprodukovati ni u kom obliku, Događaji osim u obliku kratkih izvoda za potrebe pregleda, bez prethodne pismene Events 22 saglasnosti vlasnika autorskih prava. Text and photos copyright Belgrade Umetnost Info Guide. All rights reserved. No part Art 30 of this publication may be reproduced in any form, except brief extracts for Razgledanja the purpose of review, without written permission from the publisher and Sightseeing 33 copyright owner. Belgrade Info Guide je nezavistan Gde se smestiti od plaćenih oglasa. Where to stay 36 Th e editorial content of Belgrade Info Guide is independent Gde jesti from paid advertising. Where to eat 38 CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Gde se zabavljati Beograd 338.48(497.11) Where to party 42 Info Guide / urednik Snežana Tomić - 2045, br.6 Gde kupovati Beograd: Infobox, Where to shop 44 2015 - (Beograd: Politika). 21 cm Tromesečno. Paralelni tekst na srpskom Opšte informacije i engleskom jeziku. Basic info 45 ISSN 2334-8445 = Belgrade Info Guide COBISS.SR-ID 199244812 Štamparija / Printed by La Mantini d.o.o. Tiraž / Print run 20000 Vodič se publikuje 4 puta godišnje / Printed 4 times per year Kontakt / Contact Bg Info Box d.o.o., Ulofa Palmea 2a, +381 11 4140965, offi [email protected] www.bginfobox.com Marketing / Marketing Biljana Nedeljković [email protected] 1 Snežana Tomić [email protected] www.bginfobox.rs uvodna reč / introductory word Jesen u Autumn in Beogradu Belgrade esen u Beogradu ne liči na jesen. Septembar utumn in Belgrade does not particularly look je nekad živopisniji od maja ili juna, a like autumn. September is often more colourful Jbiće da ga takvim čine Beograđani koji Athan May or June, thanks to a steady stream of se tada vraćaju u urbane prestoničke tokove. Belgraders returning to the urban fl ow of capital city Duh grada kulminira uzbudljivim zbivanjima, life.Th e spirit of the city brings many exciting events, a grad dobija neke nove mirise, boje, ritam i new scents and colors, a new rhythm and intensity. intenzitet. Jutra umeju da budu toliko sunčana Mornings can bring so much sunshine that the peo- da Beograđane često začudi kiša u oktobru, ple of Belgrade are amazed when rain comes in Oc- ali ih nikada ne sprečava da popodneva i tober, but not even this can stop them from spending večeri provode napolju, radoznalo okupirani their afternoons and evenings outdoors, curiously gradskim dešavanjima, jer Beograd daje toliko pre-occupied with the happenings in town as Bel- razloga za dobro raspoloženje. grade continues to bring the good cheer. U jesen, Beograd je grad kulture. Ako je, In Autumn, Belgrade is a city of culture. If we kako reče Kapor, „merna jedinica za Beograd use, as Kapor said, “charm as the unit of measure- šarm“, u jesen je nadasve šarmantno ići u ment for Belgrade “, the most charming activity Kolarac, gledati stare klasike u prelepoj at this time of year isto head to Kolarac or watch zgradi Kinoteke u Uzun Mirkovoj i polako već old classics in the beautiful building that is Uzun rezervisati karte za novu sezonu u Narodnom Mirko’s Cinematheque, and to book tickets and pozorištu, Madlenijanumu i Zvezdara teatru. make preparations for the new seasons at the Na- Na jesen se rasporodaju sve karte za BITEF, tional Th eatre, Madlenijanum and Zvezdara Th e- Jazz Festival, Oktobarski salon i Sajam knjiga. atre at ease. Tickets go quickly for events such as Ova jesen nam je dovela Direra u Beograd, BITEF, the Jazz Festival, the October Salon and a pred nama je i sjajna koncertna sezona. the Book Fair, so act swiftly! Th is autumn brings to Pre početka programa, šarmantno je sedeti Belgrade the works of German artist Albert Dürer napolju, u baštama beogradskih kafi ća i resto- as well as the great concert season. Of course, rana, i upijati „zubato sunce“ umotani u tople before starting the program you simply must sit ogrtače sve dok baš ne zahladni. outside in the charming gardens of Belgrade’s ca- U jesen, Beograd je i grad hrane. U jesen se fes and restaurants and soak up the ‘winter sun’ doručkuju pite od bundeve, kafa se pije svako wrapped up in warm covers until it gets really cold! 2 uvodna reč / introductory word malo, i sve se više i češće okupljamo oko In the fall, Belgrade is a city of food. At this nekog razloga. Ruča se na lepim mestima, time of the year breakfast consists of pumpkin negde „s pogledom”, a uveče se ide na pie, coff ee and is drunk regularly and people muziku, tamo „gde Beograd krije svoju ge together mora often for any and all reasons. dušu”. Ide se i u poslastičarnice, ne samo Lunch is eaten at the fi nest places with the zato što se čekalo na neki sezonski slatki fi nest views, and the evenings are spent sur- specijalitet već zato što je u Beogradu rounded by music, where Belgrade conceals its šarmantno ići na žito sa šlagom, kesten soul.People go to the pastry shops, not only to pire i orasnice, i to baš posle nekog fi lma ili pick up some sensational seasonal sweet spe- kakve premijere. cialties but also because it’s charming to go out Ove jeseni Kapor je dobio svoju ulicu for wheat with cream or chestnut and walnut u Beogradu, deo Mačvanske, na njemu cookies, perfect to enjoy after a movie or a pre- omiljenom Vračaru. Zatvorio je svoj, „Mo- miere. min krug“. U Beogradu svako ima svoj krug, Th is autmun Kapor fi nally got his street in krug prijatelja, kretanja, krug do čijih oboda Belgrade at Mačvanska in Vračar, his favourite mu teku misli i dela. Nekima je taj krug deo area, closing his “Moma’s circle”. In Belgrade, grada u kom su rođeni, i ne vole da izlaze everyone has their own circle, be it a circle of mnogo van njega. Ako niste imali sreće da friends or movement, a cicrle fl ew round by budete rođeni u „krugu dvojke”, obiđite ga. their current thoughts and actions. For some Napravite krug. Obiđite i neki od „venaca”: this circle is a part of the city where they had Kosančićev, Topličin, Obilićev, Gundulićev, been born as such don’t get out of it so much. i van vremensku i vansezonsku Beogradsku If you weren’t lucky enough to be born „in the tvr đavu. Da sa vidikovca proširite i vidik i circle of tram 2“, be sure to visit and make a cir- krug. A odatle, gde god vas put ponese. cle. Come and see some of the many ‘crowns’ Naš krug je Beograd. of Belgrade, whether it is Kosančićev, Topličin, Obilićev, Gundulićev, or even the timeless Bel- grade fortress, and expand your viewpoint and circle from here to wherever you may roam. Welcome to our circle of Belgrade! Jelena Stanković PR služba, Turistička organizacija Beograda PR Department, Tourist Organization of Belgrade 3 www.bginfobox.rs Gastro scena Beograda 4 tema broja / main topic Belgrade’s Gastro scene ostala je već neka vrsta poznate legende da t’s a kind of a (urban) legend that foreigners stranci koji dolaze u Beograd na prvom mestu coming to Belgrade praise three things and hvale tri stvari i aspekta koje najpre zapažaju aspects they notice as distinctive and at much Pkao distinktivne i na prepoznatljivo višem nivou u Ihigher level compared to other countries. Let’s us odnosu na druge zemlje sveta. To su, da podsetimo: repeat them: • gostoprimstvo građana Beograda i njihova ne- • Hospitality and worm-heartiness in communi- posrednost u komunikaciji, cation with Belgraders • prirodna lepota žena, • Natural beauty of Belgrade ladies • izuzetni ukusi hrane. • Exquisite tastes of food Hrana, pored toga što je jedna od osnovnih život- Food, besides being one of the basic human nih potreba, predstavlja i značajnu vrstu uživanja needs, is also an important pleasure for almost za skoro sve ljude na svetu.
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