OIL SEALS - PRODUCT CATALOGUE CV / PV / Tractors W.e.f 01. 04. 2019 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Dimensions in mm JK Pioneer OE Ref. No. Seal Type Product Application OD - ID - HT1 - HT2 Ref. No. Passenger Vehicles - Cars AMBASSADOR ISUZU Cam Shaft Front CJ3439A 45 - 30 - 8 13MBU 7304 Crank Case Front XB3024A 56 - 40 - 7 13MBUR 7306 Front Cover BT7177A 43 - 27 - 9 13MBU 7305 Front Hub 3027774 72 - 53.98 - 7.95 11P 8288 Oil Pump XL3249Z 40 - 24 - 8 13MBUR 7410 Rear Hub 3027770 63.5 - 42.88 - 9.53 11PBU 8886 Valve Stem XH3153A 16.5 - 8 - 14.5 VSS 7308 AMBASSADOR Drive Gear H3000689 46.51 - 26.97 - 11.1 11P 4586 Front Hub H3003498 / H3026923 72 - 53.98 - 7.95 11P 8288 Front Hub / Front Suspension H3003498 / H3026923 72 - 53.98 - 7.95 11PB 4288 Front Pinion (Hypoid) H3026921 63.5 - 38.1 - 9.53 11PB 3848 Gear Box Top (Pos 4586) H3028844 46.38 - 27 - 11.1 11PE 1439 Main Shaft Rear Bearing ACF4004 / H3026920 60.33 - 38.1 - 9.53 11PB 4491 Pinion 101850T / 302772 63 - 34.52 - 9 11PB 3834 Rear Hub 101550 / H3026919 63.5 - 42.88 - 9.53 11PBU 8886 Rear Hub / Gear Box Ext.Std 101550 / H302619 63.5 - 42.88 - 9.53 11PB 3886 Speedo Pinion Rhino 20403 Rotary Shaft AEF3103 / H3026922 19.05 - 9.53 - 6.35 11PB 3870 Steering Box 3023666 25.4-19.05-3.18 31P 1163 Steering Gear / Shaft Seal H3038327 22 - 14.27 - 9.27 31MBUSPL 7182 Timing Cover (Crank Case Cover) 2A 939 Z 59 - 39.69 - 9.47 13PBU 7065 Water Pump 11G162 / 3027700 36.5 - 14.3 - 15.47 WPS 4475 Water Pump 11G162 / 3027700 42.8 - 17 - 20.2 WPS 8475 AUSTING Oil Seal 69.85 - 49.05 - 9.53 11PB 3825 CONTESSA Bush Inner (Polyacrilic) 30700000510 16 - 10 - 5 / 7 11MBUSPL 7578 Cam Shaft Front 30601200210 45 - 30 - 8 13MBU 7304 Crankshaft 30601100110 56 - 40 - 7 13MBUR 7306 Cam Shaft Rear (Silicone) 118 - 95 -10 7309 Front Cover 5096250180 43 - 27 - 9 13MBU 7305 Front Hub 2691738 50.8-37.5-9.4 13ML 7101 Rear Cover 30722000210 49.2 - 34.9 - 12.5 13MBULH 7307 Front Axle Inner 50.8 - 30.15 -6.35 31P 3921 Shaft Seal H3038327 22 - 14.27 - 9.27 31MBUSPL 7182 Valve Stem Seal 30601200110 16.5 - 12 - 14.5 VSS 7308 1 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Dimensions in mm JK Pioneer OE Ref. No. Seal Type Product Application OD - ID - HT1 - HT2 Ref. No. DODGE Brake Extension Cover 85.73 - 57.15 - 12.7 11P 3916 FIAT Crankshaft Rear / (Main Bearing) F4132079 / 869692 80 - 64 - 8 11MB 3854 Front Wheel 843826 52 - 35 - 10 11MB 3715 Front Wheel F4039496 58 - 35 - 10 11MB 3878 Front Wheel Inner Bearing PAB - 12436 60 - 34.9 - 12.7 13MB 5772 Front Wheel Inner Bearing PAB - 12436 60 - 34.9 - 12.7 11PBU 8772 Gear Box Transmission (Primary Shaft Gear) F4044550 56 - 32 - 10 11MB 3875 Pinion (Final Drive Front Bearing) PAB - 12375 71 - 35.8 - 10 / 12.7 11MBURHSPL 1863 Rear Axle Inner Bearing F4070618 45 - 29 - 10 11MB 5773 Rear Axle Outer F4046406 58 - 40 - 12 11MB 3885 Roller Shaft PAB - 60187 40 - 30 - 7 11MB 3496 Steering Box PAB - 60347 30 - 20 - 7 11MBU 5825 Steering Gear Box 817276 / 4051375 43 - 28 - 9.53 11MB 3852 Timing Crankshaft Rear F4063685 60 - 40 - 10 11MB 3745 Timing Crankshaft Rear 60 - 40 - 10 13MBU 8355 Transmission Front 4026520/PAB 12241 45 - 22 - 8 11MB 5774 GENERAL MOTORS TAVERA Front Wheel Seal 67 - 50 - 9 13M 9686 Rear Wheel Inner 8-94518-910 55 - 33 - 9.5 13MBSPL 8317 Rear Wheel Outer 8-494318-909-0 78 - 48 - 12 13MBSPL 8316 Crank Front / Timing seal T- 97351704-0 68 - 50 - 9 13MBURHSPL 8347 Crank Rear T-97071561 118 - 95 - 10 13MBULHSPL 8348 MAHINDRA BOLERO Front Wheel Seal Kit (8043 - 2 No's) 76.2 - 54 - 11.5 13MBUSPL 8043K Pinion Seal 70.50 - 40 - 7 / 13.5 13MSPL 8412 Steering Box 45 - 31.70 - 4.20 31M 9522 Transfer Case 11076 28.58 - 15.88 - 9.53 11PB 3864 Transmission 32253 47 - 24 - 10 11MB 1044 Transmission 011073 / A958 63.5 - 39.42 - 12.7 13P 7555 MAHINDRA JEEP Bell Crank Case Steering 647247 31.75 - 25.4 - 3.18 31P 5631 Carrier End Axle Assy 55.58 - 30.94 - 6.35 31P 5458 1099317R91 Crankshaft 111.13 - 92.05 - 11.1 11P 1302 708903R91 Crankshaft Front (Nitrile) 1081695R91 73.03 - 47.63 - 12.7 13MBRH 7019 Crankshaft Rear (Old) (Viton) 50033 111.12 - 92.05 - 11.1 13MBULW 7446 2 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Dimensions in mm JK Pioneer OE Ref. No. Seal Type Product Application OD - ID - HT1 - HT2 Ref. No. Front and Rear Wheel Kit (8043 - 2 Nos) 76.2 - 54 - 11.5 Kit 8043K Output Clutch Shaft 011073 / A958 63.5 - 39.42 - 12.7 13P 7555 80.26 - 39.42 - 7.93 Pinion Bearing (Old) 11P 1164 /10.29 Rear Axle Inner 57.94 - 34.92 - 9.53 31P 3922 Rear Axle Inner 11281 57.94 - 34.93 - 9.53 11PBU 7353 Rear Axle Outer (With Flange) 914802 65 - 50.8 - 14.29 31PSPLFLA 7585 Shift Rail 52124 22 - 15 - 5 31MBUSPL 7062 Shift Rod 11076 28.58 - 15.88 - 9.53 11PB 3864 Steering Knuckle (Front Hub) 11369 76.2 - 53.98 - 7.92 31P 4534 Timing Cover (Crankshaft Front End) 011074 / 647468 61.9 - 44.45 - 7.95 11P 3917 Transfer Gear Box Peugeot Engine 9350113780 60 - 45 - 7 13MBURW 7371 Transmission Bearing Retainer (Top Gear) 32253 47 - 24 - 10 11MB 1044 Water Pump H302770 / 68602875 36.5 - 14.3 - 15.47 WPS 4475 Carrier End Axle Assy 55.58 - 30.94 - 6.35 31P 5458 MAHINDRA SCORPIO Front Cover 13MBURHW 8251 Front Wheel 83 - 57 - 8 13MBUE 8239 Rear Axle Inner 72 - 45 - 8 11MBU 8253 Rear Axle Outer 80 - 54 - 14 13MSPL 8243 Rear End Oil Seal 120 - 95 - 12 13MBUW 8252 MARUTI 800 Cam Shaft 09283 M 32022 47 - 32 - 8 13MBU 7509 Cam Shaft (Same as 7173) Viton 09283 M 32122 47 - 32 - 6 13MBURH 9269 Cam Shaft Front (Nitrile) 47 - 32 - 8 13MBURH 8341 Crankshaft Front (Silicon) 09283 M 32125 47 - 32 - 8 13MBU 7173 Crankshaft Rear (Nitrile) 80 - 60 - 8 13MBU 8342 Crankshaft Rear (Silicon) 09283 M 60005 80 - 60 - 9 13MBULH 7175 Differential Side 09283 M 35022 72 - 35 - 7.6 / 9.5 13MBUSPL 7174 Front Wheel Bearing 09283 M 44008 62 - 44 - 8 / 14 13MBUSPL 7514 Gear Shift Arm Seal 09289 M 14201 35 - 25 - 19 13MBSPL 7021 Input Shaft / Top Gear 09283 M 20224 35 - 20 - 7 13MBU 7116 Oil Cap Washer 16920 M 50A11 46 - 30.15 - 3 RS RING 9246 Plug Counter Shaft Left Bearing 09241 M 54202 54 - 0 - 7.5 / 14.5 Plug 7320 Seal PEV Valve 1198 M 58B10 80 - 58 - 13 11MBUCH 7797 Valve Stem Seal 09289 M 07005 12 - 7 - 9.7 VSS 7176 Valve Stem Seal Kit Nitrile 8166 - 6 No's VSS Kit 9077 Engine Kit (8341 - 2 No's / 8342 - 1 No) Kit 9102 Engine Kit 8209 - 1 No / 9269 - 2 No's Kit 9065 3 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Dimensions in mm JK Pioneer OE Ref. No. Seal Type Product Application OD - ID - HT1 - HT2 Ref. No. MARUTI 1000 Differential Side - R 27432 M 60B11 52 - 35 - 9.5 13MBU 7526 Differential Side - L 09283 M 35137 62 - 35 - 9.5 13MBU 7527 Front Wheel Bearing Inner 25517 M 60770 62 - 49 - 8 / 11.2 13MSPL 7528 Front Wheel Bearing Outer 09283 M 5101 68.2 - 53 - 7 13MBU 7529 Drive Intermediate - L 27842M63B19 67 - 42 - 10 13MBU 7525 Front Wheel Bearing Inner 25517 M 60B770 35 - 25 - 19 13MBSPL 7021 Drive Intermidiate R 27841 M 60B10 54 - 40 - 10 13MBU 7524 Main Oil Seal 09283-68002 86 - 68 - 8 13MBULH 8007 MARUTI ESTEEM Crank Oil Seal Front 25517 M 60B770 35 - 25 - 19 13MBSPL 7021 Crankshaft Rear (Silicon) 09283 M 60005 80 - 60 - 9 13MBULH 7175 Cam Shaft (Same As 7173) Viton 09283 M 32122 47 - 32 - 6 13MBURH 9269 Valve Stem Seal 09289 M O7005 12 - 7 - 9.7 VSS 7176 MARUTI GYPSY Crankshaft Front (Silicon) 09283 M 32125 47 - 32 - 8 13MBU 7173 Crank Oil Seal Front 25517 M 60B770 35 - 25 - 19 13MBSPL 7021 Crankshaft Rear (Silicon) 09283 M 60005 80 - 60 - 9 13MBULH 7175 Cam Shaft (Same as 7173) Viton 09283 M 32122 47 - 32 - 6 13MBURH 9269 Valve Stem Seal 09289 M O7005 12 - 7 - 9.7 VSS 7176 Transmission Input Shaft 09283 M 25077 38 - 25 - 6 13MBU 7518 Front Axle 09283 M 5002 68 - 50 - 7 13MSPL 8017 MARUTI OMNI Cam Shaft (Same As 7173 Viton) 09283 M 32122 47 - 32 - 6 13MBURH 9269 Crankshaft Front (Silicon) 09283 M 32125 47 - 32 - 8 13MBU 7173 Crankshaft Rear (Silicon) 09283 M 60005 80 - 60 - 9 13MBULH 7175 Drive Bevel Pinion 09283 M 28010 47 - 28 - 10 13MBURHSPL 9303 Extension Case 24780 M 79001 38 - 28 - 10 / 15 13MBULSPL 7517 09283 M 26016/A030- Front Axle/Streering Seal 38 - 26 - 8 13MBU 7547 2026 Front Wheel Bearing 09283 M 44008 62 - 44 - 8 / 14 13MBUSPL 7514 Input Shaft Clutch 09282 M 10001 17 - 10 - 5 11M 7515 Rear Axle Oil Seal (Maruti EECO) 30 - 20 - 5 / 6 13MBUSPL 9305 Rear Shaft 09283 - 42008 / 06 55 - 42 - 7 13M 6274 Steering Seal A020 - 2026 35 - 22 - 7 13MBU 9310 Transmission Input Shaft 09283 M 20028 47 - 20 - 8.5 13MBUR 7516 Valve Stem Seal 09289 M O7005 12 - 7 - 9.7 VSS 7176 4 OIL SEALS Vehicle Make / Model - Dimensions in mm JK Pioneer OE Ref.

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