I\Uignftno M'll S 'K

I\Uignftno M'll S 'K

-I\uignfTno M'llI S SpI'kes Spark Meet Beat 0 ceana Woodside High school's track B B team swept to victories in three arry ratt and Terry Bar- divisions yesterday in a triartgu- nett posted double wins to lead 1ar practice meet with the Hills- Mills High school to an 83%-29% dale Knights and Lincoln of San victory over Oceana High school Francisco'. in a practice track and field A Hillsdale trio of half-milers dual meet at Millbrae yesterday. turned in the best race of the Mills won the class B division, meet in a close finish in which 83-30, and the class C division, each broke 2:02. Ralph Likens 48 2-3 - 47 1-3. wa'S the winner in 2:00.2 while VARSITY Marcel Hetu finished in 2: 01 and Mills 83V" Oceana 29V, Brent Harnish was third in 2:01.9. (~~1~:'5;ne':8~~~:r~~~r~e \~~~ ~~11~~ Bob Sprague tied a Hillsdale !~~;~e~~~~erO)~M]~n;~0~6L 1~s1~J:': record .with a 22.7 clocking in the ~~r~eJ}.1;(MCH_S~;;;'ft'erM)~o)R09~~~le~It.)~ 220 whIle freshman Roger Stence Banwarlh (M), 23.0; 22o-Stiller (M), turned in a creditable 3:3~.5 in ~~~~e~~~ r~~~lIc~h;~~ ~~~: ~~I~ his first attempt at the 1320 III the (0),5:10.7; SP-Neese (M), Kennedy (M),! dlVIsIOn. (0), Stiller (M), 17-2; D-Banwarlh (M), B ... VARSITY NeeseSleacy (M),(M), 47-53/.<;McBrideBJ-Bralt(0), 115-4;(M), JonesHJ-, I Woodside63, Hillsdale 46, Lincoln 31 Farmoe (M), Fields (0), lie for third:: 120HH _ Cruise (L), DWiggins (W), S.nyder (_0) and Cochrane (0), 5-4; PV• losey (W), Duke (L), 16.4; 880 - Likens lie for flr~l: Rodgers (M) !,nd Cochrane (H), Hetu (H), Harnish (H), Chernlg (0), no Ihlrd, 8-9; Relay-Mills, 1:41.2. (W), 2:00.2. 100 - Sprague (Hh Dando CLASSB (W), Gensky (L), Wendte (W), 10.3. Mills 83, Oceana 30 . 440.•••- Hea (W), Green (W), Dempsey HH-Wilson (M), 10.6; 66o-Hudson (M), . (W,; Reczek (H), 52.2. 180LH- Sanders 1:34.1; 75-Plaza (M), 8.6; 33O-Kaplan (W), Duke (L), Crosby (W), Reczek (H), (0), 39.5; LH-Wllson (M), 15.4; 150• 21.6. 220 -Sprague (H), Dando (W), Gutwein (M), 16.6; 132o-McCoy (0), ~~~le re~v:,ld). R~ll~k ~L)Kle~~er (m: ~~~?/;(I~r.9~i~c~J~d~l~i~/.<iM~;-~~t Garrigan (H), Singer (L), Friendenlhal HJ-Gutwein (M), 5-4; PV-Nunes (0), (H), 4:41.2. Relay - Lincoln, 1:36.5, 9-9; Relay-Mills, 48.0. Hillsdale, Woodside. HJ - SWiggings (W) CLASSC Kelly (H), Cruise (W), Buguarello (L), Mills 482/3, Oceana 371/3 5-10: BJ - K~ohn (H), LaToure (L), 66o-Fox (0), 1:32.2; 75-Sheller (M), Cruise (W), DWiggins (W), 19-11. PV - 8.7; 33O-Powell (M), 40.8; LH-Nunes Hinckley (H)! Nelson (W) and Duvall (0), 15.2; ls0-5heller (M), 17.1; SP• (L) tie; Rodick (L), 11-0. SP - Kelly PedrinJ (0), 34-0; BJ-Powell (M), 17-7; (W), Potter (W), Dunker (W), Davis HJ-Knulson (0), 5-2; PV-Knulson (0), (H), 49.3 D - Kelly (W), Sanders (W), 10-6; Relay-Mills, 50.3. Hickey (H), Rossi (H), 148-10'/2. CLASSB ~~o::s~ ~~~;tIW~alio.~~Vt6ii~OWI;t~! (W), 1:30.8; 75 - Brown (L) 8.4. 330-1 Slence15.1. 150(H),- 3:32.5.Pallt (W),HJ - noBillalime.(W)1320•5-2. BJSfearns- Komri(W), 39.0.(L), 19-1'/2.120LH- PVDemlen- Keenan(W)'j (L), 9-6. SP - Hughes (H). 42-53/.<.D• Fitzgerald (W); 103..IP/.<.Relay - Wdod- side, 47, 46, 47.8_ ' CLASSC ' 660 -' Hea (W), '1:33.6. 75 - Phillips IL)Woodslde·40,8.5. 330 :....LincolnCarr 32'1"(L), Hillsdale39.1. 120LH•23'/2J Rundel (W), 15.1. 150 - Phillips (L), 16.5. HJ - Saliders- (H) and Macy (W) tied al 5-2. SP - Sick (W) 42-43/.<. --~"t'Relay -.._--Woodside, 48.7. Mus\angs Win TracIi"Meet Capuchino High school's track,... team swept to a 61-52 victory over Polytechnic High of San Francisco in a practice track meet for both schools yesterday.~ Dan Kreidt, Capuchino sprint-~ er, took two firsts in the varsity' division with a 9.5 clocking in a lOG-yard dash later found to be five yards short, and in the 440 with a time of 51.1. It Capuchin a split in the light• weight divisions. VARSITY Capuchino 61, Poly 52 120HH~Williams (P), Sween (CL Mc• Kaig (Cl 16.1; 880-McCann (C), Kuevas (PL Davini' (Cl 2:07.3; 100-Kreidf (Cl, Gladdius (CL Smith (Pl 9.5 (Distance measured only 95 yards); 44!1-Kreidt (C), Rhodes (P), Mattson (Cl 51.1; 180LH -Wiiiiams' (PL Sween (C), McKaig (C) 21.0; HJ-Norris (PL Nilliams (PI. Mc- _ Cann (C) 6-0; PV-'--Renfro (C), Tie be-· tween Dills (C) and Hutchinson (P) 12·0; 220-Mattsoo (C), Gladius (C). Henryr (PL 23.6; SP-Nawahtre (P) and Me· Cusker (C) tie, MalKowski (C) 41-9; Mile-Koski (C) and Harbor (C) tie, Lont (P) 4:49.8; BJ-Smith (P); Mc• Cann (C). Colbourn (C) 18·6; D-Berigts• san (PL SUllivan (P), and Nawahine (Pl 130·5'/2; 880 relay-Poly, L 1:36.0. B'S Capuchino ,69, Poly 35 70HH-Aragon (P) 10.4; 660-Newton (C) 1:29.4; 75-Matroni (C) 7.9; 330• Capscott (P) 38.4; 120LH-Pinn (C) 14.5;, 150-Matroni (C) 15.5; PV-Morrison (P) 11-0; 1320-Hazard (e) 3:33.4; SP-Ma• troni (C) 46-9'/2; BJ-Fitzgerald (C) 19-6; HJ-Griffith (C) 5-4; 440 relay-Capu• chino, 47.2. C'S Poly 63, Capuchino 23 660-Bacolini (C) 1:34.2; 70-Ware (P) 8.2; PV-Dragovich (C) 8-6; '330-Bowman (P) 40.4; 120LH-Wheaton (P)16.0; 150~ Ware (P) 16.1; SP-Tomassini (P) 36-5; BJ-DeWitt (P)16-8; HJ-Paulsan (P) 5·0; 440 reiay-Poly, 49.9. I{nig.bt Spikes I; Blast Lowell r team scored an impressive 71-42 varsity victory over Lowell yes-' terdayHillsdalein a Highpracticeschool'smeet intrackSan Ii Francisco. I ancesThe Knightsfrom Carlgot goodKrohn,pe\formclwho. camein the throughbroad' jumpwith anda 20·lBitfrom leaPIBill f Sprague, - who lead a -Hillsdale slam in the, 100. Ralph Likens ran a relatively slow mile in 4:34.4, more due to' poor competition than to his con• ditioning. Hillsdale split in the lightweight ! divisions. VARSITY Hillsdale 71, Lowell 42 120HH-Andersen (L), Kirtman (Ll, Mathews (H) 17.0; 880-Harnish (H), Garrigan (H),Nonsey eLl, 2:06.3; 100 -Sprague (H), Kenefsky (H), Krone (H) 10.2; MO-Reczek (H), Sutton (L), Top• ham (L) 52.6; 180LH-Kirtman (H), Rec• zek (H), Mathes (H), 20.5; 220-Sprague (H), Topham (L), Kenefsky (H) 23.1; Mile-Liken (H), Katurish (L), Frieden· thai (H) 4:34.4; 880 relay-Hillsdale, 1:37.1; ~Viquie (L), Hickey (H), Davis (H) 146-5; PV-Gartshore (l), Hinchley (H), Su1ciiffe (L) 11-0; BJ-Krohn (H); Hom (L), Anderson (L) 20-11'.0.;. HJ~ Wisenant (H), and Carter (L) tie; Math• ews (H) 5-6; SP-Davis (H), O'Hare (H), Viguie (L) 47·1. ' , - CLASS B , Hillsdale 62, Lowe" 42 70HH-Weston (H) 10.9; 660-Perkins (H) 1:34.0; 75-Svelda (H) 8.4; 330• Notian (H) 40.8; Weston (H) 15.2; 150• Sveida (H) ,16,1; Boyle' (L) 3:27.2;_ MO relay-Hillsdale, 49.4. " CLASS C Lowell 48, Hillsdale 28 66O-Chiarello (H) 1:35.5; 75-Christen• ~en (L) 8.1; 33D-English (L) 39.1; 120 LH 15.~;-Louie .MQ,relay-Lowell,(L) 'i 15.2; -.15D-Chrlstensen47.7; HJ-San·(L) i ders (H) 5.(); BJ-Louie (L) 18-6; SP• Menzies (L) 43-7'1z •. ,. j rf(.ilI~~3 \.a-'p ~. , Nod to Eagles : i~ikes T --]' I46Garyfeet, 11Neeseinchesih're-wJo. take.the theshotputonly \. first place' for Mills High school rin a practice track and field meet wit h Washington High school of San Francisco. -Wash• ington won the varsity division, 87-26. Mills posted five wins in los· ing 69-35, in the Class B division and six firsts win dropping the class C meet, 51·35. Class Band C .winners from;. Mills were':', . i Class B-LH"'-Ba'rry' Bratt, 15.4: 1320-1 Dave Robert~On',. 3:36,8; HJ-Byron Gut-, wein, 5-7:' "iB.h:--Gut\yeih - Mathis (W), i1~¥JV.t~£~?) f:~~lir'3;~Tg~ss P;;: eli, 40.1; lSO-Hudson, '16.5; BJ-Hudson, 19-0; HJ-Mike Sorenson, 5-2; PV-Soren· son, 8-6. Hillsdale/s i 6 IS.1; son Krohn Sets' lay Ian (B~ BJ Mark 1 La' 2'0 I Senior Carl Krohn set alc'h' I school broadjump record Fri- ~~~ day with a 20-111;4 leap as ~f. Hillsdale High's track team:~~ spanked Lowell's varsity in \4:4 San Francisco, 71-42. ,~ni I 'juniorPlato Yanicks'Kelly Weston,Bs, pacedalsoby G~quo I wontriumphed,C division,62-42,48-28.but Lowen ~~s I Krohn, who also finished l~ third in the 100 behind sec- ~r; ond placer Fred Kenefsky, '1~ shattered Dave Coats' '62 BJ HI! mark of 20-3';4. a~ Hillsdale's Bob Sprague won CO\ the 100 in 10.2 and the 220 in 23.1.

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