FEEFHS Quarterly A Journal of Central & East European Genealogical Studies _, . Michael · c"" .._.,Lemberg Verkäuter ....,,,..., , • .1 ... /, / ,/' • "' •...... Jltlllat n1 Oo. L> f trßbt f{octle Volume VI, Numbers 1-4 US$30.00 1998 FEEFHS Quarterly Volume 6 FEEFHS Quarter(v Volume VI, Numbers 1-4 FEEFHS Quarterly Who, What and Why is FEEFHS? Editor: Thomas K. Edlund. [email protected] Thc Fcdcration of East Europcan Family History Socictics Managing Editor: Joseph B. Evcrctt. [email protected] (FEEFHS) was foundcd in Junc 1992 by a small dcdicatcd group of Editorial Assistant: Daniel Schlytcr. [email protected] Amcrican and Canadian genealogists with diverse cthnic, rcligious, and national backgrounds. By the end ofthat ycar, clcvcn socictics FEEFHS Executive Council: had acccpted its concept as founding mcmbcrs. Each ycar sincc then 1998-1999 FEEFHS officers: FEEFHS has doubled in size. FEEFHS nows represents nearly two President: John D. Movius, c/o FEEFHS (address listed below). hundred organizations as members from twenty-four states, five Ca- [email protected] nadian provinces, and fourteen countries. lt continues to grow. Ist Vice-president: Dunean Gardincr, C.G., 12961 Lake Ave., About halfofthese are gcncalogy socictics, others arc multi-purposc Lakewood, OH 44107-1533. [email protected] socicties, sumame associations, book or pcriodical publishcrs, archivcs, 2nd Vice-president: Laura Hanowski, e/o Saskatchewan Genealogical librarics, family history ccntcrs, on-line scrviccs, institutions, e-mail Society, P.O. Box 1894, Regina, SK, Canada S4P 3EI gcncalogy list-scrvcrs, hcraldry socictics, and othcr cthnic, rcligious, [email protected] and national groups. FEEFHS includcs organizations rcprcscnting all 3rd Vice-president: Blanchc Krbechck, 204 l Orkla Drive, Minneapo- East or Ccntral Europcan groups that havc cxisting gcncalogy socict- lis, MN [email protected] ics in North Amcrica and a growing group ofworldwidc organiza- Secretary: Mila Ranovic, 5267 Spring Gate Drive, Salt Lake City, UT tions and individual mcmbcrs, from noviccs to profcssionals. [email protected] Treasurer: Marlene Nolte, 24000 Archwood Street, West Hills, CA Goals and Purposes: 91307-3007. [email protected] Thc fall of thc Iron Curtain opcned up exciting new possibilitics Other members of the FEEFHS Executive Council: for gcncalogical rcscarnh, but also gcnerated significant new prob- Founding Past President: Charles M. Hall, 4874 S. 1710 East, Salt lcms in knowing where to find the nccdcd rccords. Onc goal ofFEEFHS Lake City, UT 84117-5928. [email protected] is to disscminatc information about ncw dcvelopmcnts and rcscarch The editor of FEEFHS Quarterly also serves as a member ofthe opportunitics in Eastcm and Central Europe as soon as possible. This Exectutive Council. multi-ethnic fcderation is very cffcctive in helping family historians with various ethnic and religious backgrounds who often scek similar To subscribe: Subscription is $30 per year (four issues) for personal typcs ofinformation from the samc hard-to-find locations. In thc pro- subscriptions and $40 for libraries and archives. A subscription request cess members ofFEEFHS have lcamed much morc about availablc form is found at the back of this publication. Plcase note that FEEFHS rcsourccs in North Amcrica and Europc. FEEFHS publicizes thc pub- members reccive a free subscription as a bcnifit ofmcmbership. lications, scrvices, and activitics of its mcmbcr socictics. FEEFHS dcvelops on-line and printed databases ofpertinent resources, main- To become a member: Simply fill out the application at the back ofthis tains liaison with other organizations worldwide that share interests, publication and mail it along with your membership dues. Ducs arc $25 servcs as a clearinghouse for information on the existence and ser- per year for individuals and small organizations (under 250 members), vices ofmembcr societies, and promotes public awarencss ofmember $35 per year for mediums-sized organizations (250-500 mcmbers), and socicties. FEEFHS also hclps to ereate new cthnic or national geneal- $50 per year for largc organizations (over 500 members). Special provi- ogy soeicties where none exist but a need exists. FEEFHS volunteers sions exist for socicties and non-eommercial organizations in Eastem Eu- are in active indexing sclccted FHL microfilm eollcctions and East rope who cannot afford to join. FEEFHS greatly appreciatcs sponsors and European rccord searches. UNITY-HARMONY-DIVERSITY is our patrons who contribute more than the minimum amount to hclp offset the motto. We welcome all societies and individuals, regardlcss ofprcscnt cxpenses ofits many scrviccs, including its Wcb-sitc. Tue foundcrs, clcctcd orpast strifc in thc homclands ofEastem Europc. and appointcd officcrs, cditors, and convention speakers all serve without eompensation and thus contributc significantly toward FEEFHS goals. Services: FEEFHS, headquartered in Salt Lake City, is non-sectarian and has no FEEFHS communicates with its individual and organizational mcm- connection with thc Family History Library or Tue Church of Jesus Christ bcrs in many ways: ofLattcr-day Saints, though wc grcatly apprcciate the LDS contribution to family history in collecting, filming, and sharing gcncalogy records. 1) FEEFHS Quarter/ -, formerly FEEFHS Newsletter with cutting- cdge articles. lt has been published quarterly sincc December 1992. Sending mail: Please send membership rcqucsts, applications, ducs, ad- 2) FEEFHS tablcs at major national, state, and regional confcrences dress changcs, subscription rcquests, back-issuc ordcrs, etc. to: Treasurer, This startcd in the spring of 1993. c/o FEEFHS (address listed below). 3) FEEFHS International Convention in North America, hcld eaeh spring or summer since May 1994. Articles: FEEFHS activcly solicits original articlcs on topics significant 4) FEEFHS Resource Guide to East European Genealogy, pub- to family history research in Central and Eastem Europc. Mcmbcr soci- lished 1994-1995 (rcplaced by FEEFHS websitc). ctics are also invited to submit prcviously published articles for possible 5) FEEFHS "HomcPage" on the Intemet's World Wide Web since republication in FEEFHS Quarterly. Send articlc submissions to Editor, mid-May 1995. This !arge "destination" website includes a wcekly c/o FEEEFHS (address listed below). Submissions receivcd by mail must FrontPage Newsletter, a HomePage/Resource Guide Iisting for be on 3.5" disk andin WordPerfect 5.1 or highcr formal. Disks cannot bc all FEEFHS member organizations, sumame databases, dctailcd retumcd. E-mail submissions are also acccptcd at [email protected]. A maps ofCcntral and Eastcm Europe, cross-indexes to access re- style guide is availablc by requcst from the editors. latcd sources, and much morc. The address is: http://feefhs.org. 6) Regional North Amcrican confcrenees -- the first was at Calgary, 1999 Convention: 24-26 September at thc Airtcl Plaza Hotel & Conven- Alberta, Canada in July 1995. tion Center, Van Nuys (Los Angeles Co.) CA. Last eall for papers on 7) Support ofthe soc.genealogy.slavic news-group, its FAQ (fre- Central and East European gcnealogy subjects. Send all convcntion corre- quently-askcd questions), and thc Banat FAQ. spondence to FEEFHS address, listcd bclow. 8) Refcrral of questions to the appropriate member organization, profcssional gcnealogist, or translator. Copyright© 1998 by FEEFHS. All rights rcserved. FEEFHS Quarter/y, ISSN 1077-124 7, formerly FEEFHS Newsletter, is publishcd by FEEFHS, P.O. Box 510898, Salt Lake City, UT 84151-0898. 2 FEEFHS Quarterly Volume VI, Numbers 1--4 Table of Contents President's Message From President John D. Movius ........................................................................................... 4 From the Editors The Federation at Work ........................................................................................................ 5 by Joseph B. Everett, Managing Editor Foundation to Preserve the Integrity of the Census ........................................................... 6 Letterfrom Dr. Stephen Porter Research Articles Immigration Records of the EWZ ........................................................................................ 7 by Steven W. Blodgett, A. G. Examples of Successful Stammblätter Research........................................................................................... 10 by Steven Stroud Einwandererzentralstelle Films Catalog ............................................................................ 12 Using Greek Catholic Registers from Western Ukraine ................................................... 29 by lrene Nowyckyj Johnson. B.A .. M.L.S. Finding Former German Localities Now in Poland ..................................................................................... 32 by Raymond S. Wright lll. Ph.D .. A. G. North American Resources to Trace Bukovina Ancestors ............................................... 36 by laura M. Hanowski Translating Galician Documents in German, Latin, Polish, & Ukrainian ..................... 40 by William F Hc?ffinan Follow Up to "Soul" Searching ........................................................................................... 47 by Joseph B. Everett, Managing Editor Latvian Revision ·Lists Index and Listing .......................................................................... 50 by Kahlile Mehr. A. G. Yugoslavian Genealogical Sources .................................................................................................................
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