New Data on Minerals. М., 2005. Vol. 40 125 UDC 549:069. MINERALS NAMED IN HONOUR OF THE COLLABORATORS OF THE A.E. FERSMAN MINERALOGICAL MUSEUM Svetlana N. Nenasheva Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS, Moscow, [email protected] Almost three hundred years history of existence and development of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum is close- ly connected with names of widelyknown scientists who made an important contribution to development of min- eralogy. Names of 28 outstanding mineralogists, collaborators of the Museum, became a part of the history of min- eralogy forever. 23 mineral species, 9 mineral varieties, and stonyiron meteorites, pallasites, were named in their honour. In the article the scientific interests and attainments of collaborators of the Museum, whose names were conferred to minerals, are briefly described; also brief characteristic of these mineral species and varieties is given. 28 photos, 100 references. A history of foundation and development of sils (in all nearly 3000 samples), were written the Fersman Mineralogical Museum is closely by M.V. Lomonosov. M.V. Lomonosov's input connected with outstanding Russian statesmen in development of Earth sciences in Russia is and scientists. Creation of museum collection great. He created conceptions about connec- began in 1716, when a large at that time collec- tion of minerals with volcanism, earthquakes, tion, consisting of 1195 specimens, was bought and mountain formation, which were stated in in Danzig from the doctor of medicine Gotwald the work «A word about metals origin by Earth by order of Emperor Peter I. This small on con- shaking» (Lomonosov, 1757). In the work «On temporary representations collection has Earth layers» M.V. Lomonosov has paid atten- become a basis of one of the biggest world col- tion to duration of geological processes and lections of minerals. The collection was deposit- alteration of Earth face under their influence ed at the first Russian museum, the Cabinet of (Lomonosov, 1763, 1949). Mikhail Vasilievich Curiosities. The Mineral Cabinet attached to was the first who began to speak about ore the Cabinet of Curiosities was opened; later it veins with different age; he believed that for- was reformed in the Mineralogical Museum. At mation of minerals, including metals, was a present collection of the Fersman nonstop process. In the thesis «On origin and Mineralogical Museum RAS contains more nature of nitre», M.V. Lomonosov, basing on than 139 thousand specimens. For nearly three results of measurements of nitre crystals, cor- hundred years history many widelyknown sci- related for the first time the main law of crys- entists worked in the Museum; mineral collec- tallography, the law of constancy of interfacial tion were increased, classified, and studied by angles, with inner structure of crystals; he their efforts. Numerous expeditions in different supposed that crystals consisted of separate regions of Russia, and then the Soviet Union, globular corpuscles, which were packed in were organized. Thematic expositions were cre- closest way, that determinated crystal form; ated according to the most progressive contem- thus he was the author of the doctrine about porary knowledge on mineralogy. Vast work on atomic structure of crystals (Lomonosov, 1949). u2 popularisation of attainments of mineralogy Lomonosovite, Na4Ti2(TiO2[Si2O7]2 ·2Na3 was carried out. Names of 28 outstanding min- [PO4]*, and betalomonosovite, Na4Ti2 |Ti(O, u2 eralogists, collaborators of the Museum, OH,F)2 [Si2(O,OH,F)7] 2 ·2Na3H3 [PO4]2,was became history of mineralogy. 24 mineral found by V.I. Gerasimovskii in pegmatites species and 9 mineral varieties were named in among sodalite syenites in the Lovozero their honour. alkaline massif. Lomonosovite occurs in the Lomonosovite and betalomonosovite form of lamellartabular segregations up to were named in honour of Mikhail Vasilievich 7x5x0.6 cm in size. The mineral is dark Lomonosov (17111765), outstanding Russian brown to black, some segregations are naturalist of 18th century, academician, one of pinkviolet; lustre is vitreous to brilliant on the first collaborators of the Mineralogical cleavage plans and from vitreous to greasy Cabinet. Nearly 5 years Mikhail Vasilievich on fracture. Hardness is 34; cleavage is per- investigated the collection and composed a fect on {100}. Lomonosovite is associated catalogue which was published in 1745; in this with gak manite, lamprophyllite, eudialyte, work the chapters, containing descriptions of ar fved sonite, microcline, ramzaite (Gera - crystals, precious and decorative stones, fos- simovskii, 1950). 126 New Data on Minerals. М., 2005. Vol. 40 Mikhail V. Vasilii M. Lomonosov Severgin Betalomonosovite forms lamellartabular (Severgin, 1816). segregations up to 5x4x0.3 cm in size. It is light, Severginite, synonym is manganaxinite, u2 yellowishbrown, sometimes with pink tint. {Ca2(Mn,Fe)Al2(OH)[Si2O7]2BO} , is an Betalomonosovite is associated with microcline, endmember of isomouphous series axinite – aegirine, gakmanite, ussingite, nepheline, severginite. The mineral contains up to 14.79 wt ramzaite, lamprophyllite, eudialyte, murmanite % MnO or 95100 mol. % of severginite. It was (Gerasimovskii, 1962). found by G.P. Barsanov in the specimens from Severginite was named in memory of Vasilii the Tungatarovskoe deposit of metamorphosed Mikhailovich Severgin (17651826), academi- sedimentary silicate manganese ores at the cian, scientific leader of the Mineral Cabinet South Urals. The mineral forms wedgeshaped since 1804, director of the Mineral Cabinet since crystals (to several millimetres in size), massive 1807 till 1826. Russian scientistmineralogist, grainy shelly segregations with brightyellow known by the fist fundamental works on miner- colour on fresh fracture. Hardness is 6.57, cleav- alogy in Russian, consecutive natural- age is perfect on {100} and imperfect on {001}, istmaterialist, continuator of traditions of {110}, and {011}. Severginite is associated with Lomonosov's school in natural history, Vasilii quartz and manganese oxides (Barsanov, 1951). Mikhailovich, basing on careful study of already Koksharovite was named in honour of accumulated to that time materials of the Nikolai Ivanovich Koksharov (18181892), aca- Mineral Cabinet, has created a mineral classifi- demician, director of the Mineralogical Museum cation by chemical and physical features; he has since 1866 till 1873, and prominent Russian min- arranged exposition of the Mineral Cabinet, eralogist of 19th century. N.I. Koksharov saw his according to it classification. In the end of 18th – own main objective in implementation the colos- beginning of 19th century, the Mineral Cabinet sal work on measurement of crystals: «It seems to has been changed by diligence of V.M. Severgin me that by means of large number of observa- in the main base of mineralogical investigations tions and precise measurements it is possible to of the Russian Academy of Sciences. V.M. ascertain many things, which is not yet found Severgin has elaborated M.V. Lomonosov's ideas out, and also obtain a key to understanding of about joint occurrence of minerals, which was some laws that determine correlations of crystal named contiguity of minerals by Vasilii form, chemical composition, and specific Mikhailovich. Later this ideas has been devel- weight». N.I. Koksharov created the fundamen- oped in doctrine about parageneses and parage- tal work «Materials for mineralogy of Russia» in netic mineral assemblages. V.M. Severgin is the six volumes (Koksharov, 18521855, 1856, 1858, author of such works as «The first fundamentals 1862, 1872). In 1863 his lectures on mineralogy of mineralogy or natural history of fossil bodies» was published (Koksharov, 1863). (Severgin, 1798), «Experience of mineralogical Koksharovite, synonym is edenite, 2+ Earth description of the Russian State» NaCa2(Mg,Fe )4(OH)2[Al0.5Si3.5O11]u2, is a miner- (Severgin, 1809) and «New system of minerals al of the amphibole group, colourless to light based on external distinguishing features» bluishgreen, with vitreous lustre. Hardness is 56. Minerals named in honour of the collaborators of the A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum 127 Nikolai I. Vladimir I. Koksharov Vernadsky It forms grainy and columnar aggregates. Vernadsky has published nearly 400 scientific Koksharovite occurs in contactmetasomatic for- works, 30% of them are on mineralogy. Main mations, crystalline dolomites, grainy lime- works on mineralogy are following: «Experience stones, and altered magnesiumbearing basic of descriptive mineralogy» (Vernadsky, igneous rocks. 19081922); «Earth silicates, alumosilicates and New mineral species, vernadite, and vernad- their analogues» (Vernadsky, 1937); «History of skite, antlerite pseudomorph after dolerophan- minerals of the Earth crust» (Vernadsky, ite, were named after the name of Vladimir 19231936). Ivanovich Vernadsky (18631945), academician, Vernadite, MnO2·nH2O f Mn(OH)4, has director of the Mineralogical Museum since been found by A.G. Betekhtin in metamor- 1912 till 1919. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky is a phosed sedimentary manganese ores at the founder of genetic mineralogy, biogeochem- South Urals as a product of oxidation of calci- istry, and idea about noosphere. He considered umbearing rhodonites. This powdery ocher- mineralogy as chemistry of the earth crust; that ous mass is dark brown or pitchblack in mas- allowed him including natural waters and gases sive varieties. The mineral is opaque or translu- in a number of objects of mineralogy
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