Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 1 - "Harmony" to "Heanor" By Various English A Doctrine Publishing Corporation Digital Book This book is indexed by ISYS Web Indexing system to allow the reader find any word or number within the document. Transcriber's notes: (1) Numbers following letters (without space) like C2 were originally (2) Characters following a carat (^) were printed in superscript. (3) Side-notes were relocated to function as titles of their respective (4) Macrons and breves above letters and dots below letters were not (5) [root] stands for the root symbol; [alpha], [beta], etc. for greek (6) The following typographical errors have been corrected: ARTICLE HARMONY: "So strong is the identity of the tonic in major and minor mode that Haydn and Mozart had no scruple in annexing, with certain reservations, the key-relationships of either as an addition to those of the other." 'identity' amended from 'indentity'. ARTICLE HARMOTOME: "... Andreasberg in the Harz. Morvenite (from Morven in Argyllshire) is the name given to small transparent crystals formerly referred to as phillipsite." 'as' added. ARTICLE HART, ERNEST ABRAHAM: "The record of his public work covers nearly the whole field of sanitary legislation during the last thirty years of his life." 'thirty' amended from 'thrity'. ARTICLE HART, SIR ROBERT: "In the following year he received an appointment as student-interpreter in the China consular service, ..." 'appointment' amended from 'appointemnt'. ARTICLE HARVEY, WILLIAM: "'I found him,' he says, 'with a cheerful and sprightly countenance investigating, like Democritus, the nature of things. Asking if all were well with him ..." 'cheerful' amended from 'cheeerful'. ARTICLE HATHRAS: "Hathras is connected by a light railway with Muttra, and by a branch with Hathras junction, on the East Indian main line." 'Indian' amended from 'Indain'. ARTICLE HATTON, JOHN LIPTROT: "He seems to have kept this appointment for about five years. In 1856 a cantata, ..." 'appointment' amended from 'apppointment'. ARTICLE HATTON, JOHN LIPTROT: "In 1875 he went to Stuttgart, and wrote an oratorio, Hezekiah, given at the Crystal Palace in 1877; like all his larger works it met with very moderate success." 'Crystal' amended from 'Cyrstal'. Doctrine Publishing Corporation Digital Book Page 1 ARTICLE HAURÉAU, (JEAN) BARTHÉLEMY: "... whose works, being often anonymous, raise many problems of attribution, and, though deficient in originality of thought and style, ..." 'originality' amended from 'orginality'. ARTICLE HAUSER, KASPAR: "... and Earl Stanhope also took part in the discussion by publishing Materialien zur Geschichte K. Hausers (Heidelberg, 1836)." 'Materialien' amended from 'Materialen'. ARTICLE HAVANA: "English squadrons threatened the city several times in the first half of the 18th century, but it was not until 1762 that an investment, ..." 'that' amended from 'than'. ARTICLE HAVELOCK, SIR HENRY: "In 1854 he became quartermaster-general, then full colonel, and lastly adjutant-general of the troops in India." 'adjutant' amended from 'ajdutant'. ARTICLE HAWAII: "He made John Young (c. 1775-1835) and Isaac Davis, Americans from one of the ships of Captain Metcalf which visited the island in 1789, ..." 'Davis' amended from 'Dayis'. ARTICLE HAWKE, EDWARD HAWKE: "There is a story that he was dismissed from the service for having left the line to engage the 'Poder,' and was restored by the king's order." added 'from'. ARTICLE HAWKSHAW, SIR JOHN: "... but many years previously he had investigated for himself the question of a tunnel under the Strait of Dover from an engineering point of view, and had come to a belief in its feasibility, ..." 'himself' amended from 'himsself'. THE ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA ELEVENTH EDITION FIRST edition, published in three volumes, 1768-1771. SECOND " " ten " 1777-1784. THIRD " " eighteen " 1788-1797. FOURTH " " twenty " 1801-1810. FIFTH " " twenty " 1815-1817. SIXTH " " twenty " 1823-1824. SEVENTH " " twenty-one " 1830-1842. EIGHTH " " twenty-two " 1853-1860. NINTH " " twenty-five " 1875-1889. TENTH " ninth edition and eleven ELEVENTH " published in twenty-nine volumes, 1910-1911. COPYRIGHT in all countries subscribing to the Bern Convention by THE CHANCELLOR, MASTERS AND SCHOLARS of the UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE All rights reserved Doctrine Publishing Corporation Digital Book Page 2 THE ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA A DICTIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, LITERATURE AND GENERAL INFORMATION ELEVENTH EDITION VOLUME XIII HARMONY to HURSTMONCEAUX New York Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 342 Madison Avenue Copyright, in the United States of America, 1910, by The Encyclopædia Britannica Company. VOLUME XIII, SLICE I Harmony to Heanor ARTICLES IN THIS SLICE: HARMONY HATHERLEY, WILLIAM PAGE WOOD HARMOTOME HATHERTON, EDWARD JOHN LITTLETON HARMS, CLAUS HATHRAS HARNACK, ADOLF HATTIESBURG HARNESS HATTINGEN HARO, CLAMEUR DE HATTO I. HAROLD I. HATTON, SIR CHRISTOPHER HAROLD II. HATTON, JOHN LIPTROT HARP HAUCH, JOHANNES CARSTEN HARPENDEN HAUER, FRANZ HARPER'S FERRY HAUFF, WILHELM HARPIES HAUG, MARTIN HARPIGNIES, HENRI HAUGE, HANS NIELSEN HARP-LUTE HAUGESUND HARPOCRATES HAUGHTON, SAMUEL HARPOCRATION, VALERIUS HAUGHTON, WILLIAM HARPOON HAUGWITZ, CHRISTIAN HEINRICH KURT HARPSICHORD HAUNTINGS HARPY HAUPT, MORITZ HARRAN HAUPTMANN, GERHART HARRAR HAUPTMANN, MORITZ HARRATIN HAURÉAU, (JEAN) BARTHÉLEMY HARRIER HAUSA HARRIGAN, EDWARD HAUSER, KASPAR HARRIMAN, EDWARD HENRY HAUSMANN, JOHANN FRIEDRICH LUDWIG HARRIMAN HAUSRATH, ADOLPH HARRINGTON, EARLS OF HÄUSSER, LUDWIG HARRINGTON, JAMES HAUSSMANN, GEORGES EUGÈNE HARRIOT, THOMAS HAUSSONVILLE, JOSEPH DE CLÉRON HARRIS, GEORGE HAUTE-GARONNE HARRIS, JAMES HAUTE-LOIRE HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER HAUTE-MARNE HARRIS, JOHN HAUTERIVE, ALEXANDRE DE LANAUTTE HARRIS, THOMAS LAKE HAUTES ALPES HARRIS, SIR WILLIAM SNOW HAUTE-SAÔNE HARRIS, WILLIAM TORREY HAUTE-SAVOIE HARRISBURG HAUTES-PYRÉNÉES HARRISMITH HAUTE-VIENNE HARRISON, BENJAMIN HAUT-RHIN HARRISON, FREDERIC HAÜY, RENÉ JUST HARRISON, JOHN HAVANA HARRISON, THOMAS HAVANT HARRISON, THOMAS ALEXANDER HAVEL HARRISON, WILLIAM HAVELBERG HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY HAVELOCK, SIR HENRY HARRISON (New Jersey, U.S.A.) HAVELOK THE DANE HARRODSBURG HAVERFORDWEST HARROGATE HAVERGAL, FRANCES RIDLEY HARROW HAVERHILL (England) HARROWBY, DUDLEY RYDER HAVERHILL (Massachusetts, U.S.A.) HARROWING OF HELL HAVERSACK HARROW-ON-THE-HILL HAVERSTRAW HARRY THE MINSTREL HAVET, EUGÈNE AUGUSTE ERNEST HARSDÖRFFER, GEORG PHILIPP HAVET, JULIEN HARSHA HAVRE, LE HARSNETT, SAMUEL HAWAII Doctrine Publishing Corporation Digital Book Page 3 HART, ALBERT BUSHNELL HAWARDEN HART, CHARLES HAWAWIR HART, ERNEST ABRAHAM HAWEIS, HUGH REGINALD HART, SIR ROBERT HAWES, STEPHEN HART, WILLIAM HAWES, WILLIAM HARTE, FRANCIS BRET HAWFINCH HARTEBEEST HAWICK HARTFORD HAWK HARTFORD CITY HAWKE, EDWARD HAWKE HARTIG, GEORG LUDWIG HAWKER, ROBERT STEPHEN HARTLEPOOL HAWKERS and PEDLARS HARTLEY, SIR CHARLES AUGUSTUS HAWKESWORTH, JOHN HARTLEY, DAVID HAWKHURST HARTLEY, JONATHAN SCOTT HAWKINS, CAESAR HENRY HARTLIB, SAMUEL HAWKINS, SIR JOHN (British admiral) HARTMANN, KARL ROBERT EDUARD VON HAWKINS, SIR JOHN (British writer) HARTMANN, MORITZ HAWKINS, SIR RICHARD HARTMANN VON AUE HAWKS, FRANCIS LISTER HARTSHORN, SPIRITS OF HAWKSHAW, SIR JOHN HARTZENBUSCH, JUAN EUGENIO HAWKSLEY, THOMAS HARUN AL-RASHID HAWKSMOOR, NICHOLAS HARUSPICES HAWKWOOD, SIR JOHN HARVARD UNIVERSITY HAWLEY, HENRY HARVEST HAWLEY, JOSEPH ROSWELL HARVEST-BUG HAWORTH HARVESTER HAWSER HARVEY, GABRIEL HAWTHORN (Australian city) HARVEY, SIR GEORGE HAWTHORN (genus of shrubs) HARVEY, WILLIAM HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL HARVEY (Illinois, U.S.A.) HAWTREY, CHARLES HENRY HARWICH HAWTREY, EDWARD CRAVEN HARZBURG HAXO, FRANÇOIS NICOLAS BENOÎT HARZ MOUNTAINS HAXTHAUSEN, AUGUST FRANZ LUDWIG MARIA HASA, EL HAY, GEORGE HASAN and HOSAIN HAY, GILBERT HASAN UL-BASRI HAY, JOHN HASBEYA HAY (Australia) HASDAI IBN SHAPRUT HAY (Wales) HASDEU, BOGDAN PETRICEICU HAY (dried grass) HASDRUBAL HAYASHI, TADASU HASE, CARL BENEDICT HAYDEN, FERDINAND VANDEVEER HASE, KARL AUGUST VON HAYDN, FRANZ JOSEPH HASHISH HAYDON, BENJAMIN ROBERT HASLEMERE HAYES, RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HASLINGDEN HAY FEVER HASPE HAYLEY, WILLIAM HASSAM, CHILDE HAYM, RUDOLF HASSAN HAYNAU, JULIUS JACOB HASSANIA HAYNE, ROBERT YOUNG HASSAN IBN THABIT HAYTER, SIR GEORGE HASSE, JOHANN ADOLPH HAYTON HASSELQUIST, FREDERIK HAYWARD, ABRAHAM HASSELT, ANDRÉ CONSTANT VAN HAYWARD, SIR JOHN HASSELT HAYWOOD, ELIZA HASSENPFLUG, HANS FRIEDRICH HAZARA (race of Afghanistan) HASTINAPUR HAZARA (district of British India) HASTINGS (English family) HAZARD HASTINGS, RAWDON-HASTINGS HAZARIBAGH HASTINGS, FRANK ABNEY HAZEBROUCK HASTINGS, WARREN HAZEL HASTINGS (Sussex, England) HAZLETON HASTINGS (Nebraska, U.S.A.) HAZLITT, WILLIAM HAT HEAD, SIR EDMUND WALKER HATCH, EDWIN HEAD, SIR FRANCIS BOND HATCH HEAD HATCHET HEAD-HUNTING HATCHETTITE HEALTH HATCHMENT HEALY, GEORGE PETER ALEXANDER HATFIELD HEANOR INITIALS USED IN VOLUME XI. TO IDENTIFY INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS,[1] WITH THE HEADINGS OF THE ARTICLES IN THIS VOLUME SO SIGNED. A. E. G.* Principal of New College, Hampstead. Member of the Board of Theology and the Board of Philosophy, London University. Author of Studies in the Inner Life of Jesus, &c. Doctrine Publishing Corporation Digital Book Page 4 Heresy (in part). A. D. See the biographical article, DOBSON, H. A. Hogarth. A. E. T. W. Editor of the Badminton Library and Badminton Magazine. Formerly Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Author of The Racing World and its Inhabitants: &c. Horse-Racing (in part); Hunting. A. C. S. See
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