1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1625 tta coinage the motto, "In God we trust." cisions, through cooperation between the oper~tion .and understanding which has set As Dr. Rqbert Hutchins, the ~oted educator agencies of government, steady progress is an example to the whole country. In the and president o! the Fund !or. the Republic, being made in this direction. But each same way, I believe, we are moving away has recently observed in an address before ·American also has the· responsib111ty to rid from the habit of judging people on the the University o! Chicago Law School, the his heart and mind from social, ethnic, and basis of what country their ancestors came theory of an absolute wall of separation is class prejudice. In this effort, the CYO spirit from. Ethnic prejudice is just another form an unworkable idea that is "hampering us in can and should continue to play an impor­ of racial discrimination, which has not only our search for what we need • • • a na­ tant part, for it is the spirit of true Christian been condemned by the Popes but also by tional idea of education and a national pro­ charity and loyal citizenship. It is the spirit the leaders of all our major faiths at a recent gram to carry it out." which can help most to make this truly "one conference in Chicago. Those of us in public The history of America is a story of the nation, under God." life who believe, as I do, that no candidate search for the attainment of equality of Many of the old prejudices which once should be either elected or defeated on the opportunity, not only in education but in divided America are disappearing. Who basis of his ancestry look to young people every aspect of our social, political, and eco­ would have thought a generation ago that like yourselves to help us in our fight to end nomic life. This is in complete accord with we would have a Catholic as our President ethnic prejudice. As Americans, and as the ideals o! the great social encyclicals of or that Protestants would send official ob­ Catholics, I know that we share the belief the Popes, which teach that every person has serves to a Vatican council? Here in that God made all men equal, with a right to a right to the opportunity to live a reason­ Rhode Island the discussion of textbook aid equal opportunity, not only for personal able, moral life, and the right to social jus­ to nonpublic schools has been conducted development but also for public re­ tice. Through legislation, through court de- in an atmosphere of reason, good will, co- sponsibilities. Mr. HALLECK. I guess we will not together with the accompanying papers, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have any general debate today. I shall referred to the Committee on Foreign not object to this request, but I want it Affairs and ordered to be printed: MoNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1963 understood, Mr. Speaker, that when we The House met at 12 o'clock noon. get going here, that I am not going to To the Congress of the United States: The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, agree to the meetings of committees I have the honor to transmit the D.D., offered the following prayer: when matters are actively under con­ Second Annual Report of the U.S. Arms sideration on the fioor. I withdraw my Control and Disarmament Agency. Romans 8: 38: I am persuaded that reservation of objection, Mr. Speaker. In this report, submitted pursuant to nothing shall be able to separate us from The SPEAKER. Is there objection law, the Agency describes its activities for the love of God, which is in Christ to the request of the gentleman from the calendar year 1962. Jesus, our Lord. Louisiana? JOHN F. KENNEDY. 0 Thou infinite and eternal God, from There was no objection. THE WHITE HOUSE, February 4,1963. whom neither space nor time, darkness nor distance, can ever separate us, we rejoice that Thou art here in this Cham­ RESIGNATION FROM COMMITTEE COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS ber, for Thou art everywhere. The SPEAKEn laid before the House SATELLITE SYSTEM-MESSAGE Grant that we may be sensitive and the following resignation from a com­ FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE responsive to the presence of Thy gra­ mittee: UNITED STATES (H. DOC. NO. 56) cious spirit, drawing us together in one FEBRUARY 1, 1963. solemn ar..d sacred aspiration to know The Honorable the SPEAKER, The SPEAKER laid before the House Thy truth and do Thy will. U.S. House of Representatives, the following message from the President We pray that in the midst of the Washington, D.C. of the United States, which was read, and world's crises and confusions, its fears DEAR MR. SPEAKER: It has been a pleasure together with the accompanying papers, and frustrations, its sorrows and suffer­ to serve as a member of the Committee on referred to the Committee on Interstate ings, we may hear and heed Thy voice House Administration. I am particularly and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be grateful to the chairman of the committee, printed: of gentle stillness inspiring us to be the gentleman from Texas [Mr. BURLESON], faithful and fearless, strong and stead­ for the fine and impartial way in which he To the Congress of the United States: fast, patient and persevering for we are has presided. in the keeping of One who is far greater Because of the assignment which I have Pursuant to the provisions of section and wiser than man. just received to serve on another commit­ 404(a) of the Communications Satellite In Christ's name we offer our prayers tee, I am regretfully obliged to tender here­ Act of 1962, I transmit herewith the re­ and petitions. Amen. with my resignation as a mem'ber of the quired report covering activities in con­ Committeee on House Administration. nection with the national program for Respectfully yours, the establishment of a commercial com­ THE JOURNAL JOHN B. ANDERSON, munications satellite system. Member of Congress. The Journal of the proceedings of JOHN F. KENNEDY. Thursday, January 31, 1963, was read THE WHITE HousE, January 31, 1963. and approved. ELECTION TO COMMITTEE Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, I offer REPRESENTATIVE BARRATT MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT a privileged resolution (H. Res. 233) and O'HARA OF ILLINOIS ask for its immediate consideration. Sundry messages in writing from the Mr. LffiONATI. Mr. Speaker, I ask President of the United States was com­ The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ unanimous consent to address the House municated to the House by Mr. Ratch­ lows: and to revise and extend my remarks. ford, one of his secretaries. Resolved, That SAMUEL L. DEVINE, of Ohio, be, and he is hereby, elected a member of The SPEAKER. Is there objection the Standing Committee of the House of to the request of the gentleman from Illinois? COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND Representatives on House Administration. There was no objection. LABOR The resolution was agreed to. Mr. LIBONATI. Mr. Speaker, in the Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask A motion to reconsider was laid on heart of America, through its historical unanimous consent that the Committee the table. developments by men there are those on Education and Labor be permitted to renowned who have served its purposes sit during the session of the House today. U.S. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMA­ and its institutions, have enjoyed the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to MENT AGENCY-MESSAGE FROM civic responsibility of its obligations to the request of the gentleman from the citizenry, have served in the military ·Louisiana? THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED forces in war, have contributed to the Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, reserv­ STATES (H. DOC. NO. 57) uplift of human beings, because of the ing the right to object, is that during The SPEAKER laid before the House fact that those human beings represent general debate? the following message from the President the common denominator of the sinews Mr. BOGGS. Today. of the United States, which was read and, and strength of America--we are this 1626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 4 day pausing to honor just such a great At the close of World War I BARRATT those dedicated to research to continue citizen of the State of Dlinois, Congress­ O'HARA responded to the dictates of their work. Not only did he continue his man BARRATT O'HARA, who 50 years ago heart, mind, and family inheritance. efforts, enactment of Public Law 777 of was sworn in as the youngest Lieutenant His father had been a lawyer and while the 85th Congress, establishing a con­ Governor of the State of Illinois. BARRATT was still a lad, Thomas O'Hara struction program of non-Federal facil­ In his early youth he served in the became a circuit judge. The boy fre­ ities for research, marks a milestone on Spanish-American War, and he keeps quently accompanied his father to court. this road. alive in the hearts of our citizens the It had always been his ambition to prac­ To overlook his contribution to the Maine. tice law. Consequently when the war field of civil rights would be to leave The Cuban situation has called atten­ was over, he began the practice of law. out an important part of this sketch. He tion to the sacrifices made to get the He continued in the law until the years has lived civil rights all of his life. He freedoms that were gained for the Cuban of the great depression. Then as an has sponsored antipoll tax, antilynch­ people who had been living under the extracurricular activity he took up the ing legislation.
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