In This Issue: Connecting and Challenging (page 1) Priorities in World Evangelization (page 1) Lausanne Covenant (page 2) YLG Profile: Grace Samson (page 2) ‘87 Profile: Greg Fritz (page 3) MONDAY — 25 September 2006 ISSUE 2 Connecting and Challenging Priorities in World by Judd Birdsall Evangelization As he anticipated attending the Younger by Paul Eshleman Leaders Gathering, Francis Doddamani of The Lausanne Strategy Working Group Bangalore, India spent a good deal of time has identified fourteen strategic priorities reading about Lausanne on the Internet. But that should be at the top of the church’s the words on his computer screen could not agenda if we are to see disciples made in all communicate the full reality of the movement nations. Two of the priorities will be he encountered at the Gathering’s first ple- printed in each edition of the YLG Daily nary session. “Today I saw the flesh of News Brief. Priorities 3 and 4 are listed Lausanne,” said Doddamani, “the word be- below. For a fuller introduction to the list came flesh for me.” of priorities, please see the 24 September The opening session was designed to con- Daily News Brief. nect participants with the history and spirit of 3. To mobilize significant, strategic, Lausanne. In his welcoming remarks focused prayer for the unfinished task Lausanne Executive Chairman Doug Birdsall of the Great Commission, and ask the Lord to send more workers into his placed Lausanne within the context of re- harvest field. When we search for the demptive history. God has long been in the strategies of Jesus in how to go about pro- business of raising up leaders—Abraham, claiming His message to the whole world, Jesus’ twelve disciples and now a new genera- “When they talked about ’74 I imagined we get these words from Matthew 9:38 tion of leaders to proclaim his message. Billy Graham and John Stott sitting in the “Pray the Lord of the Harvest…” Birdsall also sought to explain the phrase room with us,” said Bobby Ryu, a missionary 4. To work together more intention- “the spirit of Lausanne,” a term first used by with Asian Access in Japan. Ryu studied the ally and inclusively through alliances, Rev. Billy Graham at the World Congress on Lausanne Movement in seminary, but says networks and partnerships—sharing Evangelization in 1974 to describe the ethos with the first plenary session “my theoretical contacts, information and resources. of the movement. Birdsall read a letter from understanding has been filled in with people, We do this to demonstrate the unity with Rev. Graham addressed to the younger lead- with worship.” one another spoken of in John 17:23 that ers here in Malaysia and said that Graham Patrick Ch’ng, president of the National give evidence of the deity of Christ and understood Lausanne’s spirit to be one of Evangelical Fellowship Committee of Malay- show His love for the world. love, humility, service, commitment and part- sia, highlighted the crucial role youth have nership. played in spawning the major evangelical Paul Eshleman is the chair of the Lausanne Strategy Working Group cont. on pg. 3 1 ISSUE 2 25 September 06 The Lausanne Covenant YLG Profile: Grace Samson by Judd Birdsall From the mo- The Lausanne Covenant, issued at the incorporating a wide variety of sugges- ment news about 1974 International Congress on World tions to ensure that participants felt a the Younger Evangelization, is a unifying statement sense of ownership in the process and Leaders Gathering for global evangelicals and, according to would embrace the finished product. reached me, I one Asian theologian, perhaps “the After winning approval from the full have not ceased to most significant ecumenical confession Planning Committee, the final version be astonished! on evangelism the church has ever pro- was presented to the entire Congress. In What an awesome opportunity to unite duced.” a moving ceremony on the last day of for one purpose—the Father’s busi- From its inception, the Covenant was the gathering, the Covenant was signed ness. designed to be a consensus document by co-chairmen Billy Graham and Jack I’m based at the southern tip of Af- that would crystallize the Lausanne Dain—a Baptist evangelist and an An- rica, Cape Town. I love what I do. I Congress’ papers and reflect the convic- glican bishop. serve Media Village, a ministry of tions of its participants. Thus, the docu- Following the lead of Graham and ment we read today was the product of Dain, some 2,300 participants from Youth With A Mission (YWAM), as a meticulous the School of Video Production Leader process involving and the Public Relations Officer. I also multiple revi- anchor live broadcast events periodi- sions. cally. Recently I was appointed to be The Process one of the National Leaders of YWAM Months before South Africa. the 1974 Con- I am blessed to be part of the YLG- gress, Leighton 06 Program Planning team. I helped Ford, program produce the Conference manual, a committee chair- video for the opening evening, and I man, excerpted am a co-emcee for the gathering. key passages and I have high expectations for YLG- ideas from the Bishop Jack Dain and Rev. Billy Graham sign the Lausanne Covenant 06! I desire to see a powerful network major congress of passionate people released that will papers and sent them to Scottish writer over 150 nations and 130 denomina- relentlessly spread the love of Christ to and editor J.D. Douglas who wove tions affirmed the document. Stott’s the far-flung parts of the world. I hope them together in an initial draft. drafting committee had accomplished to be stirred with zeal that I will double The Douglas draft was then circulated something truly monumental—crafting the level of my commitment to God. to Christian leaders around the world a statement that succinctly and accu- I believe that this is our time. Many and submitted to a drafting committee rately articulated the convictions and great leaders have paved the way for us which included Hudson Armerding, concerns of evangelicals everywhere. to serve and this is our time to take our Samuel Escobar, Leighton Ford and Former Lausanne Committee chairman place. We should stand on the shoul- John Stott (as chairman). Tom Houston considers the Covenant’s ders of those that have been before us This committee circulated its further widespread acceptance to be “a signifi- and make a mark for God. revision among all Lausanne partici- cant work of the Holy Spirit in our If a sport such as soccer can unite pants at the conclusion of the first week time” and “one of the miracles of con- the world, the love of Christ can do so of the Congress. Hundreds of com- temporary church history.” much more! Let’s bring the nations to ments poured in. The drafting commit- The Covenant was immediately trans- God! tee worked tirelessly—literally working lated into scores of languages, allowing without sleep several nights in a row— cont. on pg. 4 2 ISSUE 2 25 September 06 ‘87 Profile: Greg Fritz In 1987 Lausanne convened a Conference of Young Leaders in Singapore. The Daily News Brief will feature four profiles of ministry leaders who attended that conference. Personal Back- help churches and individual Christians take I have attended a few conferences. ground: I was born in the gospel to the ends of the earth. What are the keys to being a rural Pennsylvania, Why did you attend the 1987 conference? “successful” Christian leader? USA. I enjoyed To listen to and learn from younger Most importantly, protect your personal spending time in the Christian leaders from around the world. walk with Jesus. At the Singapore event we forests and creeks that How did the 1987 conference impact were shocked when it was announced that surrounded my home. I started working for you? one of our mentors and heroes in the faith local farmers when I was a teenager. I dedi- It opened my eyes to the complexity of confessed a moral failure and stepped down cated my life to Jesus at a “crusade” event issues that we, the body of Christ, face. from his leadership role. Christian leaders that was held in a nearby town when I was Also, it encouraged me that God is at work must be people of faith and integrity. These in junior high school and soon thereafter all over the world and it is possible to join characteristics are available to those who began going on short-term missions trips. together with people from very different maintain current communication with God. After I saw the disparity between my life backgrounds in a common purpose. Second, continue to learn. None of us and the lives of many of the world's spiritu- What are you doing currently? knows enough to succeed in the future. We ally and materially poor, I felt the Lord A few weeks ago, Caleb Project merged need to continue to personally grow in our would have me strategically invest my life on with a sister organization ACMC. Currently understanding of God and his world. their behalf. I serve as the chief executive officer of the What role do you believe Lausanne can What were you doing at the time of the new organization that we have not yet play? 1987 conference? named. Our headquarters are in Littleton, Gather Christian leaders from around the At that time I was the president of Caleb Colorado, USA. world and provide forums for communica- Project, a mobilization ministry that seeks to Have you stayed involved in Lausanne tion.
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