Papers in Honour of Thomas Kalbro on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday Edited by Anna Granath Hansson Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning - TA Edison - Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning − TA Edison − Papers in Honour of Thomas Kalbro on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday 2021 ISBN 978-91-519-8294-6 © Anna Granath Hansson, 2021 Cover: Oliver Habbe Printed by US-AB, Stockholm 2021 Contents Preface ......................................................................................................................... 6 Eidar Lindgren ............................................................................................................ 7 Strandnära byggande i stad ........................................................................................ 8 Beslutsprocesser i samhällsbyggandet ...................................................................... 21 Hans Mattsson .......................................................................................................... 23 Fastighetsteknik – forskningsinriktning över tiden ................................................. 25 Hans Lind .................................................................................................................. 34 Om ingenjörer inom ekonomi och juridik – och att tänka som en lantmätare ....... 35 Leif Norell .................................................................................................................. 43 Skälig vinstfördelning – ekonomisk mekanism eller mekanisk ekonomism? ......... 44 Erwin Hepperle ......................................................................................................... 59 Societal and Political Causes for Long Lasting Planning – an Olympic Search for Traces ........................................................................................................................ 60 Reto D. Jenny ............................................................................................................ 74 Describing Local Conditions in the Alpine Region Based on Place and Field Names in their Original Rhaeto-Romansh (or Ladin) Language of the Lower Engadin ......75 August E. Røsnes ....................................................................................................... 94 Om detaljplanlegging og eiendomsdannelse i norsk tapning – Detaljplanlegging for prosjektgjennomføring ............................................................................................. 95 Anders Dahlsjö ........................................................................................................ 109 Värderings- och ersättningsprinciper för allmän kvartersmark ............................. 110 Józef Hernik, Tomasz Salata and Karol Król........................................................... 125 Spatial Information and Digital Cultural Heritage Laboratories – Lessons from Krakow ..................................................................................................................... 127 Peter Ekbäck ............................................................................................................ 136 Takings and the Protection of Property in Swedish Real Property Law – Åbrolla revisited through the lenses of the Public Interest Requirement and the European Principle of Proportionality ..................................................................................... 137 Annina H. Persson ................................................................................................... 159 Med anledning av två lagförslag inom den speciella fastighetsrätten ................... 160 Andreas Hendricks ................................................................................................... 169 COST Action Public Value Capture of Increasing Property Values ........................ 170 Reinfried Mansberger and Walter Seher ................................................................. 178 Land Take in Austria – a Spatial Planning and Land Monitoring Perspective ...... 179 Alexandra Weitkamp, Anja Jahn, Andreas Ortner and Daniel Kretzschmar ......... 193 3 Stakeholders’ Participation in Land Management and the Capacity of their Social Networks .................................................................................................................. 195 Jaap Zevenbergen .................................................................................................... 210 My home is next to your castle – Why land law and real estate planning cannot be separated .................................................................................................................. 211 Fredrik Holth ........................................................................................................... 218 Domstolenes kontroll med innholdet i utbyggingsavtaler – Hvor langt kan og bør domstolene gå i prøvingen av innholdet i utbyggingsavtaler etter plan- og bygningsloven? ........................................................................................................ 219 Richard Hager ......................................................................................................... 232 Ersättning för en bostadshyresrätt vid markåtkomst: Saknar en sådan nyttjanderätt ett ersättningsgillt värde, i ljuset av bl.a. jordabalkens regler om hyra? ............... 233 Anna Granath Hansson .......................................................................................... 246 Planning for single-family housing: Swedish trends .............................................. 247 Bibliography ............................................................................................................. 261 4 Thomas Kalbro 5 Preface Thomas Kalbro is a professor of Real Estate Planning and Land Law and was active at KTH Royal Institute of Technology from the 1970s until his retirement in 2017. His main research interest is property development with a law and economics perspective. Thomas has since his first publication in 1979 published more than 160 papers and reports, which are listed in the bibliography at the end of this book. As a result of his proposals to improve legislation, he was asked to participate as an expert in state inquires on several occasions. He was the main inquirer in the Planning Process Inquiry (Planprocessutredningen). In later years, Thomas has also taught at NMBU in Oslo and participated in a research project related to reforms of Norwegian planning law. Thomas has a great interest in land development systems in other countries, which led to intense exchange with researchers from other European countries. In the years 2015-2020, Thomas was the president of the European Academy of Land Use and Development. The idea for this book sprung from a wish to celebrate Thomas on his 70th birthday, but also to honor his contribution to research and fruitful exchange of ideas over the years. This book contains eighteen texts by twenty-four authors from Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland presented in Thomas’ working languages Swedish, Norwegian and English. In all, the texts represent a wide variety of themes related to land management and planning. Each chapter starts with a presentation of the author and a reflection on the author’s relation to Thomas. More than one text cover the whole span from his time as a doctoral student until today. The texts are presented in the order they appeared in my inbox. I hope you will enjoy discovering them just as much as I did. I would also like to thank all the contributors for their enthusiasm and all the nice (mail)conversations we had as the manuscript developed. Thomas seems to have a feeling for finding nice people! The book title is a quotation by Thomas Alva Edison, which I think well describes the privilege of working in this interesting field. Now, all that remains to say is- Happy Birthday Thomas! Anna Stockholm, March 2021 6 Eidar Lindgren Teknisk licentiat, 1983, KTH, Fastighetsteknik1. Licentiatavhandlingen kring reglerna om strandskydd har senare följts upp av artiklar, där författaren diskuterar bestämmelsernas innebörd och tillämpning.2 Har varit anställd på KTH i två perioder3 och då arbetat med undervisning och forskning kring plan- bygg- och miljörätt. Under en längre tid (1990 – 2007) tjänstgjort i kommunal förvaltning med ansvar för myndighetsutövning vid samhällsbyggande. Även haft uppdrag åt Regeringskansliet; sekreterare i Byggkravsutredningen, expert i Riksintresseutredningen samt sekreterare i Planprocessutredningen. Har under de senare åren på KTH – tillsammans med i första hand Thomas Kalbro – publicerat flera rapporter kring plan- och bygglagen och dess tillämpning. 4 Idag deltidstjänst på JM, med fokus på regelsystemet för upprättande och genomförande av detaljplaner. I övrigt pensionär med en del undervisningsuppdrag, men framförallt med stor del av tiden i orienteringsskogen. Det var en gång för mycket länge sedan – dvs tidigt 80-tal – som två idrottsnördar på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan började träna ihop. Genom Lilljansskogen och runt Brunnsviken var en vanlig runda (”Brunnsan runt”). Men, eftersom de var anställda på Institutionen för fastighetsteknik tog även doktorandstudier och assistentförpliktelser upp en del tid – under professor Gerhard Larsons fria tyglar. Så kan man enkelt summera min KTH-relation med Thomas under 80-talet. Men redan då bestod relationen till Thomas av mycket mer – t.ex. snöpulsning i de djupa Hälsingeskogarna. Efter
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