This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. HBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS A MANUAL OF.MARKS ON _POTTERY AND PORCELAIN A DICTIONARY OF EASY REFERENCE BY W. H. HOOPER AND W. C. PHILLIPS inutlnn MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED NE“! YORK; THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1898 All rights rcxcmcdmm“ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA‘ DAVTS RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BUNGAY. First Ea'z'h'on 1876; Second Edition 1877 1 Reprinted 1879, 1886; with corrections and additions, 1894, 1896, 1893. PREFACE. THIS edition has been carefully revised and enlarged by the addition of many new marks. When first issued none of the marks of Japan had been published. At that time information was diflicult to obtain, and much of it has since been found to be un reliable; by the kind permission of Sir A. W. Franks a large number of marks are now inserted, which will be found to include all the factories of importance. Being only intended for a pocket-volume, unimportant factories and unknown marks are left out. For more detailed information, the works of Brongniart, Chafiers, Demmin, Jacquemart (admirably translated by Mrs. Bury Palliser), Marryat, Robinson and others may be consulted. The work is divided into four parts; in the first, the Marks are classed under descriptive heads, as Anchor, Animal, etc. ; in the second—Majolica—the factories of Italy are arranged alphabetically; in the third, other factories of Europe on the same plan ; and in the fourth, the Oriental Marks are arranged by the number of characters inscribed. iv PREFACE. The Marks on Pottery and Porcelain are of three kinds—factory, workman, and pattern mark. The first is usually placed in a prominent position, sometimes accompanied by the mark of the maker or decorator. Sévres Porcelain, for instance, often having four or five workmen’s marks, besides that of the factory. The pattern mark is-usually a number ,' this is seldom given, being useless without a description of the pattern itself. The Marks, when pencilled or incised, vary very con siderably ; a difierent hand, a full brush, or a flaw in the material, all tend to make them unrecognizable , even when printed they are often blurred by the action ' of the fire or running of the enamel, and when im pressed, a shrinking of the wet clay will change or obliterate them. IN) *3 X. MARKS. N p O M PAGE PAGE Anchor . enema-H Fleur-de-lys .. 22 Oval Q Q Animal . Flower 23 ~J~q Arrow , . Palette Pickaxe -~ Axe . Grass .. 25 KOb—l Pipe ‘1 Hayfork 2.5 -1 Beacon Rose . Bell Head .. 26 Bird Heart .. .. 26 Sceptre aaefiha-urcw Bow . Horn .. ,. 26 Shell . Butterfly Shield. ~1‘1-1-1—1q-1-1 Label .. 27 Ship . Caduceus 0000-1620: r-lmm Leaf .. 27 Square Marks Circle . Letters 28 Star . Claw .. \-| Lines .. 45 Sun . Crescent Sword. Cross . Mitre .. 45 Monograms .. .. 46 ‘1 Crown Table . Q Musical Instruments 59 Tower.. 79 Dome . Triangle Dot Names 59 Trident Numeral 67 Ermine Vases .. Orb .. 68 Fish Oriental 69 Windmill MAJ OLICA. Bimini Bassano 84 Gubbio .. 89 Rome . Caffagiolo . 84 Lodi 91 Caste] Durante 85 Savona Castelli 85 Milan .. 92 Slena . Montelupo 92 Diruta 85 'I‘reviso Naples 92 Turin . Faenza 86 Florence Padua. 93 Urbino Forli . 88 Pesaro 94 . 100 Venice Genoa.. .. 89 Ravenna 94 vi ,. INDEX. FACTORIE S. men PAGE PAGE Altenrolhau .. 101 Etruria .. 181 Marieberg . .. 147 Amstel .. .. 101 Marseilles . u 148 Amsterdam.. .. 101 Ferrybridge .. 137 M eissen . .,. 149 Andennes .. .. 102 Florence .. .. 138 Menecy Villeroy .. 149 Anspach .. .. 102 Frankenthal . 138 Middlesbrough .. 149 Aprey . 103 Fulda. .. 138 Montet . .. 149 Arnstadt .. .. 103 Furstenberg . 139 M ontpellier n. 149 Arms .. .. .. 103 Montreuil . Gem .. .. .. 139 Moscow a. 150 Baden-Baden .. 103 Gotha .. 139 Moustiers . Bayreuth . 104 Grosbreitenbach .. 139 Berlin .. 104 Nantgarw ..I. 110 Bordeaux .. 106 Ha ue, The. .. 14-0 Naples Ha densteben .. 140 Bourg-la-Reine .. 106 Nevers . I. .. 152 Bow . .. .. 106 Hanley .. .. 140 Newcastle . Bradwell .. .. 108 Herculaneum .. 145 Niederviller .. 152 Bristol .. .. 108 Herend .. 141 N imes . .. 152 Brussels .. 109 Hesse Cassel .. 141 N ove . .. 152 Burslem . .. 109 Hesse Darmstadt . 141 Nuremburg. .. 153 Buen Retire .. 110 Hildersheim . 141 N ymlihenberg . 153 Hdchst . 142 Nyon . Caen .. .. 110 Caldas .. .. 110 Kid .. .. 142 Oporto . .. 154' Capo di Monti .. 110 Kiel .. .. 142 Orleans . 154. Caseméne .. .. 111 Korzec .. 142 Castleford .. .. 111 Kreuzen .. .. 142 Paris .. Caughley .. .. 111 Perkenhammer .. 156 Chantilly .. .. 112 Lane End or Long Pinxton . .. 156 ton .. .. 143 Chelsea .. 113 Plymouth . O .. O 157 Clignancourt .. 114 Leeds 143 Popplesdorf Coalport or Coal Lille .. 143 brookdale .. 114 Limbach 144 Quimper . 157 Cobridge .. 115 Limoges.. 144 Cologne . .. 115 Lisbon 145 Rauenstein 157 Copenhagen .. 116 Liverpool .. 145 Regen sberg or Ra: Criel .. 117 Lougport .. 146 tisbon . .. 157 Loosdrecht . 146 Rockingham .. 178 Damm .. 117 Lowestof t . 146 Rouen . .. 158 Delft .. .. 117 Ludwigsburg 146 ‘ Rudolstadt . 158 Derby . 132 Luxembourg 147 .. 159 Doccia . .. 133 Saintes . Dresden .. .. 134 Madrid .. 110 St. Amend .. 159 Malta .. .. 147 St. Cloud .. Elbogen .. .. 137 Marans , .. .. 147 8t. Petersburg . 160 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE St. Samson .. .. 161 Swansea .. .. 178 Venice .. 180 Sceaux Penthiévre 161 Swinton .. .. 178 Vienna .. 180 Schaffhausen .. 162 Toulouse .. .. 179 VifigfigggsV' .. 181 Schlakenwald .. 162 .. 181 Sévres.. .. 162 'l‘oumay . 139 Volkstadt .. 181 ,, Table or'nates l63 TOUI‘S . 119 Voisonlieu .. 181 Tunstall .. .. 179 , ,, Painters’ Marks 166 Turin .. .. .. 180 “'edgwoo‘i .. 181 Shelton .. .. 176 Worcester .. 182 Sinceny .. .. 176 Uzes .. .. .. 180 Wurzburg . 184 Stoke-upon-Trent .. 177 Strasbourg .. .. 177 Val sous Mendon . 180 Yarmouth .. 184 Sunderland .. .. 1713 Varages .. 180 [Zurich . 184 ORIENTAL MARKS. CHINA. Cycle .. .. .. 189 Grass .. .. 195‘ Rabbit . 209 Bat .. .. .. 193 Inscriptions.. .. 195 Sacred Axe .. 209 Dates .. .. .. 190 1 Shell .. 209 ,, Seal .. .. 191 “Hall” Marks .. 201 Square . 209 Dragon .. .. 193 Syinbolical 0r naments212 Leaf .. .. .. 207 Fish .. .. .. 193 Table . 214 Flower .. .. 193 Fly .. .. .. 191 Numerals .. .. 208 Pa-qua. 215 JAPAN. Dates .. .. .. “316 ‘Imadon .. .. 2‘23“ Seto suké . 234 I Imuq'i .. .. .. 223 Soma .. I. 234 Factories and Wares 218 Kaga .. .. .. 223 '1 okio. .. 235 Akahada .. .. 218 Kiolo .. .. .. 226 Tuyoura .. 235 Asahi .. .. .. 219 Kiomidzu .. .. 228 Tozan. 235 Awaji .. .. .. 219 Kishiu . .. 229 Yei'raku .. 229 Awata.. .. .. 2‘26 Kutani .. 2'23 Flower - 236 Arita .. .. .. 221 Minato . 230 Inscriptions. -- 236 Bank0.. .. .. 219 Mine .. .. .. 230 Bizen . .. 220 Raku .. .. 230 Leaf -- 236 Hirato . .. L21 Sada .. .. .. 231 Square - 239 Hezen.. .. .. 221 Satsuma .. .. 232 Hiahu.. .. 222 SrtO .. 232 Vase- . 240 CONTRACTIONS. The quality of the Ware is described in the first column, and the mode of marking in the second, as follows :— maj. ... Majolica. [ inc. ... ... Incised. h. p. Hard Paste. ‘l imp. Impressed. s. p. Soft Paste. , p, Pancz'llcd. pot. ... Pottery. pr. ... ... Printed. sten. .._ Stoneilled. The third column contains the dates, Pottery and Porcelain iMarks. I ANCHOR. CHELSEA s p imp 174 H .. p or gold red , , N J h H H I I; 91 ° H I l D POPPLESDORF pot imp 176 (6‘0 ’i‘E’H Sonnux PENTHIEVRE s p p blue 176. Pottery and Porcelain eEeHblA SCEAUX PENTIIIEVRE pot p blue VENICE hp p red 1765 ,, This mark varies majt p color 17 very much iii—r COLOGNE .. pot p blue 17— —l—'€** Bow 5P p red 173— <42 The form and position of the sword nary. COALBROOK DALE hp p blue DERBY CHELSEA w p gel/1 1770 @% or red Mark“. 3 C M d} VENICE s p p gold 1']— Giovanni Marconi 01' color ‘4 tr Woacnsrnn p color 175 M Richard Holdship, decorator He also worked for Derby o9qzspo'l’) I Lousroar ..-. pot imp 1793 ., ,, pr blue 1505 Thus road from _ n imperfect impression pot Imp 18— of name CALDAS pot imp 18— CALDAS Imita ' t“ ion of P a l' issy l Vare ORTUGAI. go (’0 .o : °* 4 3 m MIDDLEsBonoueH pot pr bluo -' I i -< 20, Pattern mark imp H 2U 4 Pottery and Porcelain ANIMAL. Swnc'ron h p p red 1824 The Rackingham Crest. A MEIsssN pot imp l7— l NearDresde'n. h ‘ Hessn CASSEL h p p blue 1763 i AMSTERDAM b p p blue 1772 u - n n n , (Ki. > FRANKENTHAL h p p blue 1754 ‘ ? CHINA 1: p p blue On old Nomkin Ware. Kill? ll‘f .. .. .. Marks. 5 ARROW. E Bow s p p blue 173— H (P) PLYMOUTH 11 p ,, H / CAUGHLEY . h p p blue 17— R. Lnnns pot imp 177 Also with name Hartley, Green & Co. PARIS h p p blue 1773 De la Courtille (sometimes called > Torches) % v on .n 2: >1 n AXE. , ‘ ’ BADEN BADEN h p p gold Widow Sperl. or color 1\ "1758 Pottery and Porcelain BADEN BADEN h p p gold 1753 Widow Sperl. or color Dr,er pot p blue 1764 Do 31/1 (The Awe) Justus Broawer ‘9 fl 9’ I! I, v 1! BEACON. GENOA muj. p lo— BELL. DEL“ pot p blue 1764 De drei Klohlren. (The 3 bells) 7V. Van der Does This mark caries so much that it is called Leaf and Arrow head. 1| ' n n n Marks. 7 \ BIRD. _ I Q \ 14 J? AMSTERDAM pot p color 1780 f: Han-tog and Brandeis. é fig“ ANSPACH h p p blue 1718 Sometimes used without the letter ,| ' II N H Ssvuns h p 19 red 1810 1st Empire. {iten & imp Napoleon III. Emperor h p pr color 1652 LIVERPOOL pot p color 1833 A Liver, the Arms of the Town. Case, Mort §f Co. Pottery and Porcelain HAGUE (The) hp p blue 177 The A rms of. 5P p blue 173 BUTTERFLY. CHINESE On old Nankin 11v p blue CADUGEUS. Dunsnrn This mark varies very much. 11p p blue 1712 Woncnsrnn 5P p blue 1753 In imitation of Dresden CIRCULAR MARKS.
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