MAKING MARRIAGES LAST • WORDS TO LIVE BY ADVENTIST S AND INSPIRATION FOR SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS FEBRUARY 9.199_ For the first time I began to understand . there was ANOTHER WORLD." LEIIERS Diversity men with the courage to speak on ness, equity, and justice. It seems to me Recently I was walking down a street behalf of women's issues, since the that the numbers should be in reverse in in downtown Los Angeles. Two voice of women is effectively silenced order to achieve the three goals listed African-American friends of mine came by these few numbers. above. Also, I find that of the layper- up behind me and mentioned to each Thank you for the opportunity to see sons italicized, there are far more other that "love comes in all colors." just how these matters have been women than men. This is not true Because I'm handicapped and short of addressed by our church leaders and for action by representation. It is far and stature, I turned around and mentioned providing us with the information to away unbalanced. C. Baker that "love comes in all shapes and sizes, contact our local leaders and represen- San Bernardino, California too." They agreed with me. tatives before the General Conference Even though we live in a culturally session. Peggy Harris, Board Chair diverse society, we also live in a handi- Women and Men Against Sexual To Read or Not to Read capped, diverse society. Both are Harassment and Other Abuses Scott Moncrieff's review of The important. James Cady Burtonsville, Maryland Orion Conspiracy ("Holiday Reading," Rosemead, California NAD December issue) proved interest- ing and enlightening. Since this was my Speaking Up Do you really want us to respond to the first attempt at writing a book of this There is a simple and effective way North American General Conference type, I'm pleased that he had as much to reduce the number of delegates to delegate list in your latest issue? Are good to say about it as he did. future General Conference sessions. you sure? Along with him, I wished for more (See "Speak Up Now, or Hold Your In the world, in the home, in the church time (and space) to work out the char- Peace," NAD December issue.) Let the today, voice means value. Of the nearly acters' needs. Dr. Moncrieff is correct General Conference session vote to 300 delegates listed, I know or have in noting that much of the plot comes have a worldwide realistic, redemptive visual recognition of more than 100. Out from The Great Controversy. In fact, cleanup of our church books. At least, of those 100, only one (maybe two) is the purpose of the book is to present the and probably many more than, half of younger than 35 years old. One, uno! message of that great book in a format the 8 million members now listed on From the other 200 or so, my pastoral that will attract and hold the attention of our church books are no longer practic- experience (from the Lake, Columbia, readers who might not read a more ing Seventh-day Adventists. This would and Pacific unions) leads me to believe scholarly work. reduce the delegates from 2,669 to that the situation is much the same. Voice Your reviewer seemed to wish that 1,335. A marvelous by-product of this translates to involvement and investment! Orion had been written more in the all-out effort would make church mem- Numerous workshops, specially style of great literature. It wasn't bership meaningful and important. designed conferences, even a well-done intended as such, but as a fast-paced Bob Spangler study called Valuegenesis, tell the lead- story that could awaken readers' inter- It Is Written Field Representative ers and laypeople that something must est in studying the Bible. If it achieves Thousand Oaks, California be done for our Adventist youth and that goal, I will be satisfied. fast. But I believe it all goes for naught Your readers may be interested to when we follow up with an "important know that the Booklist, the journal of What wonderful information you gave family vacation" that coincidentally the American Library Association, has us by listing the delegates from North excludes the children. Jnvolvement reviewed The Orion Conspiracy (Nov. America to the General Conference ses- implies importance. Families are com- 15, 1994) and recommended it for sion. prised of men, women, and children, inclusion in public libraries. I hope that I am bewildered, however, by the aren't they? Tim Evans, Chaplain some Adventists will donate copies to minute number of women representa- Loma Linda University Medical Center their local libraries, thus helping the tives included in the list. This certainly Children's Hospital book to fulfill its mission. does not reflect the percentage of Loma Linda, California Kenneth R. Wade women in the church, which is more Nampa, Idaho like 55 to 60 percent. It points out that our church needs to address representa- I did my own tallying and found that Letters should not exceed 250 words and tion of gender along with progress in out of 285 delegates only 70 are true should carry the writer's name, address, and ethnicity representation. When one laypersons (not employed by the orga- telephone number. All will be edited to meet looks at these statistics, it is easy to see nized work). This leaves 215 persons space and literary requirements, but the author's meaning will not be changed. Views why some things get voted the way they who receive their paychecks from the expressed in the letters do not necessarily rep- do. I hope this time there will be more organized work. What a travesty of fair- resent those of the editors or denomination. 2 (138) ADVENTIST REVIEW, FEBRUARY 9,1995 ADVENT'S1 FEBRUARY 9, 1995 DEPARTMENTS ARTICLES 2 Letters DEVOTIONAL 6 Newsbreak 8 Another World For those of us who have gotten used to the church the way it 11 Sandra Doran is, maybe it's time to look at things from another perspective 17 Children's Corner and live a new reality. by Bonita J. Shields 23 Reflections HERITAGE 12 A Woman's Place 12 One woman's We always hear about the men who pioneered the Adventist ministry message in foreign countries. But there were women and chil- EDITORIALS dren who faced the same hardships. by Robert G. Wearner 4 Words I Live By LIFESTYLE 5 Great Idea! 14 What Makes Marriages Last? Read these suggestions from an "expert"—someone who has been successfully married for almost 50 years. by Charles M. Rogers STORY NEXT WEEK 16 Hands Across the Chasm 16 Letting go "The Christian's View Is there anything harder than laying aside one's prejudices? of Assisted Human by Bernard R. DeRemer Reproduction" Medical technology is WORLD REPORT making impossibilities possible. It's also 18 Brief Encounters of the Supernatural Kind blurring the bound- Worked long and hard without results? Read this. aries of what's ethical by Betty Kossick and what isn't. Cover illustration by Art Lenderman General paper of the Marketing Representative address, telephone number, and Social Security of address: Call toll-tree 1-800-456- Texts credited to NEB are from The New Seventh-day Adventist Church Ginger Churcn number, where available. Notification of rejec- 3991 or 301-791-7000, ext. 2436. English Bible. © The Delegates of the Oxford Consulting Editors: Robert S. Folkenterg, tion may be expected only if accompanied by a University Press and the Syndics of the Editor :, hlinsson Matthew Bediako, D. F. Gilbert, Robert J. stamped, self-addressed envelope. Address all The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119) Cambridge University Press 1961, 1970. Associate Editor Roy Adams Kloosterhuis, A. C. McClure, Kenneth J. Mittleider, editorial correspondence to 12501 Old is published 40 times a year. each Reprinted by permission. Texts created to NN Associate Editor Myron K. Widmer Leo Ranzolin. Calvin B. Rock. G. Ralph Thar Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20304-6600. Thursday except the first Thursday of are from the Holy Bible, New International News Editor - s Medley Special Contributors: Bryan Ball, M. E. Editorial office fax number: (301)680-6638. each month. Copyright © 1995 Review Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978. 1984, Assistant Editor ";iepheri Chavez Cherian, P. D. 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