thc tlmous.lJumble Adminlstrator's (iariien (Ziruozherlg Yuan) iri Suzhou. Z lt rt t t { \ I t t tit ltt t i.q \8 Tibet Veste,rdmy ond Todoy A leoder of the 1959 coun- PUELISHED MONTHTY IN ENGTISH, FRENCH, - gv ter revolution- sPANISH, ARABTC AND BIMONTHLv tN Otni,lax ory rebellion IHE CHINA WELFARE INSTITUTE (sooNG cHtNG tells how he L!NG, CHAIRMANI come to see the'need lor o democrotic re- vol. xxvH No.9 SEPTEMBER 1979 lorm. Poge il CONTENTS Arnericon Physicist Our Postbag 2 Lectures in Chino Cartoons J Columbio University's Tibet- I Came over to the People Lhalu Tsewong-Dorie 4 Dr. Tsung Doo Lee, Lhasa's Zuglakang Temple Xiao Zhi B noted scholor ond re- porticle Dochhen Drolma's Wedding Zhang Huaiiing and Zhou seorcher in physics, fcir Baohua 12 lectured two months before o Prof. Tsung Dao Lee Lectures in Beijing He Zuoxiu + 14 highly selective oudi- Election for Team Leader Liu Baocheng tb ence ol Chinese scien- A Well-Managed Forest Area Peng Xianchu 17 tists. Poge 14 The Da Hinggan Ling Forest (Photos) 19 My Contacts wilh Chaplin Situ Huimin zt London Festival Ballet's Bei.iing Visit Tan Aiqing 24 i .* Empoet of ehaplin Children: lt Happened on a Train Gao Ai 27 Situ Huimin, Vice-Minister The Animal World of Painter Han Meilin Bao Wenqing of Culture ond long-time and Wang Jiashu 28 lilm worker, tells whot the Films in China (Part ll) Uwe Kriiuter and Patricia Wilson 34 greot Choplin hos meont Tang Three-Color Glazes Mei Chien-ying 40 to Chino since the 1920s. Poge 21 Memorles of Zhu De and Chen Yi (Part ll) Su Yu 46 The Beijing Prison You Yuwen and Huang Jun 49 The Gardens of Suzhou Zhong Guoiun 52 Sports. Badminton Championships Fu Xipeng 56 More Attention Paid to Food, Clothing, Shelter Lu Zhenhua 58 Do You Know? China's Well-Known Rivers and Mountains 60 Chinese eookery: Sizzling Rice with Shrimp and Tomato Tong Three- Sauce (Guoba Fanqie Xiaren) 0t eoisr Gleres Across the Land: Torch Festival of the Yi People 62 The 7th-century Chinese History - Xll ceromit "big leoP" . The Glory That Was,Tang: 1 -: National Economy thot creoted o Jiao Jian 66 world-fomous style. Archeological News: More Early Hemp Paper; Xinjiang Poge 40 Clan Commune Site; Zhou Dynasty Palace Sites 69 ln Our Societyr A Wife and Her Mother-in-Law Yu Guohou 70 Language Corner: Lesson 9: ln Guilin 71 The Eeijimg Fnison COVEF PICTURES: Front; Young Tibet Liu Chen While the prisons olso fell under the disruptive in- Back: Autumn in Jilin province Wu Jinsheng lluence of the gong of four, todoy o .reolistic progrom lor the rehobilitotion of criminols is being restored. Editoriol Office: Woi Wen Building, Beijing Poge il9 (37). Chino. Coble: "CHIRECON" Beijing. Generc! Distributor: GUOZI SHUDIAN, P.O. Box 399, Beijing, Chino. one thing I like about your people is More fnteresting Titles their devotion to the job in hand it lasts a lifetime. - It would be better to use clear, attrac- G.T. tive journalistic titles. For example, Huddersfield, England the title of one of your articles is "For More and Better Steel." Objectively Present Condition speaking, this may be psrfectly correct, but it is too dull for western readers. Big. Bird on Beijing Streets Your magazine is very educational Peihaps the title "An Ingot a Minute" and articles set forth and within tend would sound better for articles like this. to point out some of the social and eco- Also, it seems to me you give less space nomic aspects of life, One of your to articles on sports than to arts, cul- articles in the April issue, "A SIow ture and stamps. There is a need for Pupil Catches Up" is portraying the life more reporting on recreation and of some young people in this world and pastimes, such as what to do in one's could be of much help to those who spare time and after-hours activities. are priviledged to be readers of China P.H. Reconstructs. Kbln, Federal Republic of GernlanA J,T,D. Yopta, Liberia Wants to Understand Fables , ei., i sr"-r,t I appreciate very much the new format of China Reconstrucfs and the I was glad to read the column "Our increase in number of photos and color Postbag" in your January issue publish- pages. Your magazine contains interest- ing the opinions of readers. I notice ing topics such as love stories, Chinese that more and more requests are being As a Iife long admirer of China, history and geography and family life. raised by your readers. words cannot express the excitement I I have read your fables with interest. your Your articles reflect China's present had at finally visiting arrrazir,g conditions, which many your readers Evidently fables convey certain mean- country. As member cast of a of the of do not know. ing in your political life. But we read- the Bob Hope television special which ers in Europe may not understand them was taped in Beijing I had a chance to s.A.z. people Diaala, Iraq correctly, so we would like to know meet many there in my role of you Big Bird of Sesame Street. how Chinese interpret them. Would you please add an explanation at the Big Bird is a huge puppet almost Respects to Cancer Doctors 2tl meters tall which completely en- end of each fable. velops me when I perform. The warm Many thanks for the article "Progress H.R. smiles and joyous cries of the children in Treating Cancer of the Liver" Klagenfurt, Austria calling, "Hello, Big Bird!" in Chinese published in your April issue. tells have one the most rewarding It been _ of general hightights of m! career. about the check-up and treat- Asks About Unemployment I am amazed at the resourcefulness ment of cancer, as well as the good and hard work I see everywhere. I see results achieved in operations on Will the four modernizations to build the friendship of our two countries as cancer in their early st4ges. China into a fully modernized country one of the best events of this century. More than a year ago you published by the year 2000 mean that with your The new exposure of China to the an article about cancer research in very high population millions will be world must not allow the loss of the China, and I wrote to your magazine re- unemployed because of technological warmth, openness and wonderful hones- questing you publish more detailed advance? Please explain this as lots ty that now exists there. reports. of my friends would like the answer to My congratulations to the leaders and Please convey my thanks to your re- question. people this the tine of this land for their porter Ximen Lusha and also Dr. Yu G.B.S. forward thinking and accomplishments. Yeqin dnd woman cancer specialist Lin Willenholl, England As the cast of the Bob Hope Show Zhiying for telling your r.eporter all Gala at the Capital Theater in Beijing about the new treatment for cancer and sang your lovely song, '3This Is My how to detect the hidden disease, Where to Buy Stamps Native Land," I too, felt a sharing of P.L. You give detailed descriptions of Chi- the pride you must all feel. Thank Paris, France you very much for all this! nese stamps in your magazine but no c.s. word about where to buy them. Why? Woodstock, Conn., g.S,A. Love an Objective Reality G.H. Giitersloh, Federal Republic ol Gerrnana I have subscribed to China Recon- Zhou Enlai, a Great Man slructs tot five years. You have made I enjoy all your articles, especially some improvement in your recent those on scientific research. I am also In the April issue the article which issues, which contain less stereotyped interested in knowing where I can impressed me most was the one about, writing. I enjoyed reading your artidles obtain the stamps of the medicinal the life of Zhou Enlai. What a great on the attitude towards love in China. plants mentioned in your April issue. man he was for China and its people - People here in France often shy that Still more important is how to use Chi- tremendous. Shantou or Swatow, you Chinese people are Puritans and too nese herbal medicines. good another very story. Mr. Wu Tong shy. These love stories show that the L.F.S. describes his rememberances and facts Chinese people's attitude toward love Mdrico, Merico and keeps one very interested all is indeed different from that in capi- through - weII written and weII done. talist'countries, there is nothing wrong To bug Chinese stan'Lps, please urite I also like the article "Progress in with it. But love is an objective reality to the China Stamp Compang, 28 Dong- Ireating Cancer of the Liver." I ad- that cannot be denied. onmen Street, Beijing (Peking), China. mire people who put aII their work and M.D. Cable: "CHINASTAMP" Beijing. skill to the benefit of,the people. The Nancy, ?rance Eilitor. - 2 CHINA BECONSTRUCTS CAR N$ a B Ye Jian Let's have a race to see who's fasler! Can't you do it without me? Vltake up! Time to take your sleeping DiUs. Shen Pei You can't do it wlthout me} SEPTEMBER I9?9 I Came over to the People e9-b.,"*}r-} (LHALU TSEWGNG-DORJE) tioningly upheld the .ser{ system and in the Iocal governlnenl.
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