20239 1921 ADM.Pdf

20239 1921 ADM.Pdf

CENSUS OF INDIA, 1921. NORTII-WEST FRONTIER PI~OVINCE. ADMINISTRATION REPORT BY R. B. BHAl LEHNA SINOH, B.A., M.B.E., Superintendent of Census Operations, North", West Frontier Province'. Price-Rs. 3-8-0 PESHAWAR: 1922. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF GOVEltNMENT PUBLICATIONS. IN EUROPE. MESSRS. CONSTA.BLE & Co., 10, Orange Street, MESSRS. llU'ITERWORTH & Co., LTI>., Calcutta. Leicester Square, London, W. C. THE WELDON LIBRARY of 18-5, Chowrin­ MESSRS. GRIND LAY &; Co." 51<.) Parliament ghee Road, Calcutta. Street, London, S. W. ... MESSRS. M. C. SmCAR & SONS of 75, Harri.. MESSRS. HE)iRY S. KING & Co., 65, Cornhill, SOn Road, Calcutt~. London> E. C. • THE STANDARD LITERATURE COMPANY, LTD., MESSRS. KEGAN PAUL, TRENcrr, TItUBNER & Co., Calcutta. LTD., 68-74, Carter Lane, London, E. 0., and TBE ASSOCIATION PRESS, CalouUa. 2'5, N~ o:tfboo Street, ,Lol1'<lml, W.. G. l'iLEssI(S. tLl:G GlI.NB~THAM: }; Col-) .Mfl.<'Lra&. MR. BERNARD QUARITCH,ll, 'Gratton 'Stred, MESSRS. V. 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WHEELER & CO., Allahabad, '0alulitta ana Bombay. MESSRS. NEWMAN & Co.," ~Calcutta. THn NEW PROPRIETOR KITAB KHA.NA, Poona. MESSRS. R. CAMBRA'i & Go., -Calcutta. THE.1\4;W.A.L 'KrSHORE PRESS, Lucknow. MESSRS. S. K. LAHIRI &lCo.,·Calcdtta. SHETl\. RA'1.I,-Managing Proprietor, Indian Army Book Depot, J uhi, Cawnpore. CALCUTTA SCHOOL BOOK AND USEFUL LItERA- TURE SOClET"¥ of 1, Wellington SQuAre, T.IlE- MANAGER, Hitavada, Nagpur. Calcutt~. 'THE"STANDARD BOOKSTALL, Karachi. l\f:mSSRiil. B. BANERJEE & Co., Calcutta. THE MANAGER, IMl'ERIAL Bool: DEPOT, Delhi. IN CEYLON. 1IbSSRS. i\., .y. '&'J. FERGUSON. TABLE O]j' CO~TE~TS. :: CRAPTER I.-THE ENUMERATION. PARA. PAG],). ]. Opening rum arks 1 2. The record of HJll anJ the present recorJ ..• III 1 3. PermaMnt advance 1 4. :J<";stahli~hmt'nt 1 I), Printing 2 6, Binding 2 7. Date of C"nsus 2 8. Drafting anil Translation 2 9. 'l'he Ennm'!l'ation Book forms ... .~ } 0. DattW;llcct and Progress Report 3 ] 1. C()ntrolu£ the EUllmeration \Y0rk ;n the Districts and Agrncies 4 12. CellRllt3 a.gency 5 13. l'reparatio:l of villag{' al]11 town registers 5 14.. Formation of CenSlll> Di visions 5 1;), House Xumbering 6 Hi. 'l'Lc mpthod or f.xing numbC'l'tl ... 6 17. Delimitation Ot b!:lc:'s and su~missjon of ltevisecl Ab,;tl'JocLCharge Registers 7 IS. 'l'hc Prelimil1:uy EnumcraLion ... 1 19. Insptction of cn nmerati()n record H 20. IIousehol<l Sche(lu:'!8 8 21. Pinal Eumr.eration 8 2:2. Boat aut! travellers' tickets H Rubber stamps for r\lilwl1Y travellers 9 23. Spec:al url'fm~ements lor Ca.lltI)U'llen~s, railways, ete. 9 (.s) U:1:h\ay {I (I) CUl.tonrnents !J 2.t. 1\on-Synel:rOi}ClUS areas !) 23. Provisional totals ... I) 2u. T!ll':l' accuracy 10 27. Iml ustr:al Ccr,su;; " 10 28. Sapply of f,)rrr:" ,,' IV 2(). Wastage of for!r.s .. , 11 31J. Crnsus Act aud prn~e('utioJ1s 11 31. A ttit-ude of the pnil', ic to\\'a.rtl~ Census operations II 3~~, Du,trict Census uxpenuituro II 3:3. Sana Is 12 3,~, Dl'l'tr,wt;on of Census 8chen.ules ]2 ~ja~('m:mt I.-Census Divisions amI .\goclleleq 13 f'taterucnt 11.-'\ umbel' of forms supplicil and used a Statement III.-Distril,t Ce'lsus chal'g'<)s ... 'Of 15 eRA PTER II.-SL IP COPYING. 35. ()rgani~ation , .. 16 :';0. Establi~hment 16 37, Da:e nf Cl)mmt'DC'l'ml'nt of work all(l iUl'nit ure v'ovide<l ... 16 3:5. Despat\)h of En.1m.:>rut:nn boo',s and th~il' roce;p~ in .\.bstl'actiou Office 17 :3:), Instructions gi ven tl) Slip Copyists 17 40, 111strllctioas gi I'en '0 S 111'8: visori'! 18 4,1. Calculatwll of l'\;Jwu,rus anu t:M'S ]8 ( 2 ) PAR-A.. "!? AGE. 42. Provision of slips 18 ~3-44. Supervi6ion of Slip-copying a.nd the accul'racy of the results 18 45. The employment of Patwaris as Copyists . 19 406. Village Tables 20 47. Making up the boxes for sorting and counting the slips 20 48. So~ting ... 20 49. Standard task 20 50. Organisation of office 21 51. Work of compilation ... 21 Statement I.':'Copying the slips 22 Statement n.-Sorting 22 CHAPTER lII.-THE COST OF THE CENSUS. 52. Comparison of present expenditure with that of 1911 23 53. Actual cost of each stage of operations 23 54. Difference qetween the Departmental and Treasury Accounts 23 APPENDICES. APPENDIX A.-Census Record and Files preserved .. : i-iii APPENDIX B.-Statement of Office Establishme~t employed in connection with the Census, 1921 ." ... iv-v APPENDIX C.-Caste Index- ... 'f'i-xi '.APPENDIX D.-Castes and Tribes returned '_" xii-xvii CENSUS OF THE N.-W. E. PROVINOE, 1921. ADMINISTRATIVE VOLUME. CHAPTER l.-ENUMER.A:TI{)N. GENERAL. 1. Census work in the Pl'QviJ.1ce was actually ,started on 15th April Opening 1920, by :Major R. J. l\iacnabb, ~vho held charge as l'rovinoial Superintendent remarks. of Oensus Operations f9r about eight months when I relieved. .him all 17.th December 1920. The main course run by the Census of 1921 has already been desoribed briefly in the Introduction to the Census Report. This book contains 'more detailed notes on the arrangements made at.diJferent·stages of the Census Operations as they were actually carried out in the districts and agencies as well as at the head-quarters. Tho record 2. The files and papers preserved at the] 911 Census were not found of 1911 and 1. Provincial Cmle of Census Procedure for North-West ,in a. very satisffacthtol':r oondition. A tho present Frontier Proviuce, Chapters I to III. goo a many 0 em were worm- record. 2. pl'ovincial Codo of Census Pronedure for Xorth,West eaten and entirely useless for pur­ Frontier Province, Chapters IV, Vand .':'1. 3. Rnles regarding tte taking of C€nsm (in vernacular). - poses of reference. In the districts, 4. Letter No. 1411-420, dated ht March 1921, regarding the Oensus ·registers, maps, etc., of instructions f01' the despatch of books. 0_ Alpbabcticallist of i1istricts, cities and St"tes in India 1911 had not been preserved, and situfltedwith tho (Engli.h)._Province and Agency in which they al'e where they were fOl'thcominoCf', 6. Alphabetirnllist of districts, cities and Stntc8 in lucia they were fonnd to be incomplete. situBtedwith the (Urdu). Province and Agen(·y ·in which they are Under the Oensus Oommissioner's 7. Caste lndcx. instructions 12 complete sets of the 8. InstrJ.ctiollS to ~t1pprvis()r.. t d' tl . h 9. Lett.er No. 764-G8. dated 15th Drccllber 1920, regarding papers no e In 1e Inargln, ave Industrial enquiry. been put together. '].1"'0 of them 10. Forms of Schcdules A and n regarding Industrial were submitted to the Census Oom- • enquiry_ 11. Letter No. 992·1004. d~ted 24tli January 1921, instroc· missioner and the rest preserved in tions regarding ~pecinl euquil'Y· tl C"l St· t f t 12. Register A (Abadi-clmkha bahhaz m\lzhab). Ie IVI ecre arIa e or use a 13. Village Hegistcr. the next Census, toget.her WIth 14. Charge Register. t t fil ·1 t' 15. Ci-clo SUUlUl?l'Y. Impor an es, compI a Ion 1'e- 16, Circle Register. gisteJ's and ten copies of theRepott. ,17. Letter of Appointment. A t h 1 b d 18. Instroction to Supervisors. l'rangemen s ave a so een rna e 19. Enumeration Hook. to preserve the papers detailed in 20.

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