№134/06 (5005) Russkaya Mysl Founded in 1880 June 2021 Russian/English www.RussianMind.com №134/06 (5005). Июнь 2021, June 2021, Russian/English 2021, June №134/06 (5005). Июнь GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR: 80 YEARS SINCE THE BEGINNING Not for sale Russian Mind No134/06(5005), EDITOR’S LE ER JUNE 2021 HEAD OF THE EDITORIAL BOARD Victor Loupan FACE OF WAR EDITORIAL BOARD Anatoly Adamishin Metropolitan Anthony Rene Guerra Dmitry Shakhovskoy Peter Sheremetev Alexander Troubetskoy Sergey Yastrzhembsky DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Alexander Mashkin [email protected] EXECUTIVE EDITOR Karina Enfenjyan [email protected] POLITICAL EDITOR: Vyacheslav Katamidze CREATIVE PRODUCER: Vasily Grigoriev [email protected] nature, with arms, legs, a semblance of DESIGN Yuri Nor a brain, with eyes and a mouth. Yet this [email protected] terrible creature is only partially hu- ADVERTISEMENT: man. It has facial features similar to hu- [email protected] man ones, however a subhuman is po- DISTRIBUTION: sitioned spiritually and psychologically [email protected] lower than any animal. ere is a chaos SUBSCRIBTION: of wild, unbridled passions inside this [email protected] or the second month in a row, the creature: an unnamed need to destroy, Fmain theme of our issue is war! Or the most primitive desires and undis- ADDRESS: 47 avenue Hoche, 75008, Paris, France. rather, the memory of the war. Every guised meanness”. E-mail: [email protected] year on May 9 we celebrate Victory 62 countries with a total population COVER: Day, the greatest of our great victories. of 1.7 billion people participated in RIA Novosti Usually we miss to recall the beginning World War II. e total losses in World of the Great Patriotic War. But this year, War II ranged from 50 to 80 million the date of June 22 is marking the 80th people, of which 26.6 million were So- year since the beginning of the worst viet citizens. 6.8 million of our military tragedy in our history. order were killed in ba les, and 1.8 mil- e Great Patriotic War which began lion were tortured in captivity. e rest on June 22, 1941, was a war of extermi- of the victims – in fact, two thirds of nation and enslavement. e physical the deaths – were civilians: 7.4 million destruction of the Jewish population of people were exterminated deliberately, Europe by the Nazis is widely known. 2.2 million people died in slave labor in Editors are not responsible for the accuracy of the information published in news reports, But a terrible fate was prepared for the Germany and 4.1 million people died promotional materials and advertisements. Slavic population, especially Russians. from hunger and disease. is is what Editors do not have the ability to enter into e Nazis called the Slavs “Unter- the war that began 80 years ago brought correspondence and do not return manuscripts and illustrations. Editors do not provide mensch” which is translated as “sub- to the Soviet people. background information. Reproduction of any human”. According to Himmler, “Sub- Everlasting memory! materials from the magazine “Russian Mind” is impossible without the permission human is a biological being created by Victor Loupan of the editorial board. Cases of the absence of sale of the magazine e Publishing House “Russian Mind” expresses thanks “Russian Mind”, violations of the terms of delivery and other shortcomings in our work to the Foundation for Supporting and Protecting the Rights of may be reported on Compatriots Living Abroad for the support and nancial aid +44 (0) 203 205 0041 provided to the “Russian Mind” magazine for the purpose of or send on e-mail: the Special Issue, to mark the 80 years since the beginning of the [email protected] Great Patriotic War. CIRCULATION: 30 000 COPIES RUSSIAN MIND – JUNE 2021 3 HIGHLIGHTS France and England, although they USSR, the German army perceived nia, a er the victory in the Rus- declared war on Germany, did noth- World War II as a kind of “walk” so-Turkish War of 1806–1812. In ing. erefore, having not received Right here we should recall anoth- 1918, taking advantage of the col- any support from the West, the Pol- er important event of the year 1940 – lapse of the Russian Empire and GREAT WAR ish armed forces practically ceased the annexation of the Baltic states, the outbreak of the Civil War in Before the attack against the USSR, to exist by mid-September. On the Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina its former territory, Romania in- the German army perceived World War II as a kind of “walk” evening of September 17, the Pol- to the USSR. troduced its troops to the territory ish government and high command Back in the fall of 1939, Estonia, of Bessarabia and then included it VICTOR LOUPAN, simply ed to Romania. On the same Latvia and Lithuania signed the into the kingdom – motivating this Head of the Editorial Board day, a note issued by the Soviet gov- agreements with the USSR, accord- by the fact that Bessarabia was part ernment and served to the Polish ing to which Soviet military bases of the medieval Moldavian princi- ambassador to the USSR, stated that were located in their territories. pality, and the population spoke n the May issue of the magazine became the main impetus for the the parties undertook to refrain from “since the Polish state and its gov- But on June 17, 1940, the Soviet the Romanian dialect, that is, the I“Russian Mind” dedicated to the outbreak of World War II. is is, of aggressive actions and a acks against ernment ceased to exist, the Soviet Union issued an ultimatum to the “Moldavian language”. Northern celebration of Victory Day, your course, extremely tendentious! Be- each other. In the event of an a ack Union is obliged to take the lives and Baltic states, accusing them of vio- Bukovina, also annexed by Roma- humble servant wrote that a great cause everything looked completely against one of the parties by a third property of the population of West- lation of an earlier agreement and nia in 1918, was not part of the victory was preceded by a great war. di erent from the point of view of power, they pledged to not provide ern Ukraine and Western Belarus demanding the resignation of their Russian, but the Austro-Hungarian Because the other side of greatness the Soviet government. support to the aggressor state and under its protection”. ese former- governments, dissolution of parlia- Empire, while it was mainly inhab- is negative. Victory is a holiday! Vic- e treaty between Germany and avoid participating in allied groups ly Polish territories are still part of ments, appointment of early elec- ited by Ukrainians. tory is joy! But war is horror! War is the USSR was signed on August 23, directed against one of the parties, Ukraine and Belarus. tions and consent to the introduction Although Romania was an ally of woe! Moreover, a single recollection 1939. But before that, in the same resolving disputes and con icts be- of an additional contingent of Soviet Germany, it agreed to meet these of war pushes a person to a meta- 1939, Soviet-Anglo-French negoti- tween themselves peacefully. troops. e Baltic governments ac- requirements. On June 28, 1940, it physical comparison with the infer- ations were held in Moscow, which e agreement signed on August Fall of Western Europe cepted these demands. Immediately withdrew its troops and administra- nal principle. When something went convinced the Soviet leaders of the 23, 1939 in Moscow by the chair- therea er, coups d’état took place tion from Bessarabia and Northern wrong, my grandmother o en said: unwillingness of Western countries man of the Council of People’s Com- On April 9, 1940, a er almost a in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Bukovina, a er which Soviet troops “If only there was no missars of the USSR, year of inactivity on the western bringing communist-friendly gov- entered their territories without a war!” And these words, Foreign Minister Vy- front, Germany invaded Denmark ernments to power. single shot. On August 2, the Mol- spoken almost swi ly, acheslav Molotov and and Norway and occupied them in A er the introduction of addi- davian SSR was formed on part of immediately down- German Foreign Min- two days. On May 10, Germany in- tional units of the Red Army, un- the Bessarabian territory and part played the importance ister Joachim von Rib- vaded Belgium, the Netherlands and contested elections to the supreme of the territory of the former Mol- of the seemingly seri- bentrop for a period of Luxembourg. e Dutch govern- authorities were held in Estonia, davian Autonomous Soviet Socialist ous issue. 10 years, also contained ment surrendered on May 15, and Latvia and Lithuania: only commu- Republic (present-day Transnistria). a “secret protocol” di- the Belgian on the 28th of May. e nist-minded parties were allowed e south of Bessarabia and North- viding the spheres of invasion of France began on June 5, to participate in the elections. On ern Bukovina were included in the The beginning in uence “in the case and on the 14th of June the German July 21, 1940, the newly elected Ukrainian SSR. of the fascist of a territorial-political army entered Paris without a ght. parliaments proclaimed establish- So, literally before the beginning aggression reorganisation of the And on June 22, in the same carriage ment of the Soviet socialist repub- of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet regions that are part of where Germany’s surrender was lics and sent petitions to join the Union signi cantly increased its ter- e war that we call the Polish State”.
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